Upload failed / this is not a valid image file


Doomsday Machine
Jun 6, 2004
Zagreb, Croatia
As of today I'm getting these weird messages:
Upload failed (for ZIP and TXT) or
not a valid image file (for JPG, PNG, GIF)

if I try to add an attachment to my either new or previous posts. Help?
We're looking into this problem.
I can't upload civ 4 saves either, tried quite a few times with a few different saves.
I am trying to upload a new avatar, but after I click "save changes", the site gives me an error that says "Invalid File". I checked the image, and it is within the requirements. I then tried to upload my old avatar, but it gives the same error message for that as well. Is there something that I am doing wrong that is causing this?
In the short run, for those of you trying to load saves you might want to use this site.


For screenshots there's always imageshack and photobucket.
i just tried upload 2 small files containing xml- and lua-files
a) Improved_Build_Queues_(v6b).7z
b) InGame.7z

as attachments to these 2 Posts:
MOD-Incompatibility: Active City Defense (v 2)
MOD-Incompatibility: Improved Build Queue Mod

I get these error-messages
when i try to upload them from a directory: "Upload of file failed."
when i try to upload them from an URL: "Upload failed due to failure writing temporary file."

Is there a Post-Number-Limit for attachments, is that an error, does anyone else has this problem?
Right now, there is an issue with uploading into the database. As noted from the announcement on the top of the forum. The solution I can offer is to use an external file hosting site.

Imageshack, photobucket, and imgur are suggested for images
Filefront (now known as gamefront) and dropbox are suggested for files like zip, 7z
Moderator Action: Threads merged.

Right now, there is an issue with uploading into the database.

Funny, but you're wrong. The file database is not affected by the issue (out of whatever reason), "only" the normal attachements.
Then what about uploading avatars via an external site, since I recall Superbeaver tried it and gotten the error something on the lines of can't write temporary file.
Funny, but you're wrong. The file database is not affected by the issue (out of whatever reason), "only" the normal attachements.
Not just forum attachments: uploads for the hosted wiki sites are affected as well. It seems to have happened after the recent downtime. If it's a problem with Atomic Gamer's server settings, then you're barking up the wrong tree.
I did a quick google search and came across this:

The only thing I see that could cause this is that your 'upload_tmp_dir' setting is empty. You (as root) or your host will need to edit php.ini and set 'upload_tmp_dir' to point to the full path to a directory on the server that is chmod'd to 777.

You will also need to restart Apache after making this change.


Not sure if this would help
April avatar switch is going to be fun this year.
Yeah.... ....about that. I suspect its going to take a long time to fix it (I've seen similar issues on other forums where it got resolved in a matter of days) I'd think many people would start raging against the forums because a write permission and/or missing directory is the culprit (or whatever borked the uploads during the downtime).
I think we should all post random guesses about what's going on. :D Here's mine:

I've seen similar issues before where the problem was that the inodes on the affected filesystem had been exhausted. Of course, this assumes you have a UNIX-based server on the backend, and that you have a dedicated filesystem that only stores uploaded files and doesn't affect other parts of the forums. In short, this probably wasn't any help at all. :(

In all seriousness, I know you folks are working hard to solve the problem. Thanks for all you do to keep the forums up and running. :goodjob:
Grrr! I was just going to change my avatar :mad:
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