First BNW victory?

My first win was as the Celts on a Large Islands map, Epic, King. I won a culture victory. This was my first experience with naval food trade, and my start was pretty isolated. I only had Shaka as a trading partner, and he wanted to kill me for the first half of the game, so I kept everything internal until quite late. It was funny to watch Shaka try to go Autocracy for all of one turn before joining me in Freedom Town.
Portugal, Diplomatic on Immortal. I swiftly followed this with a French, OCC, Cultural also on Immortal and despite scoring lower in that second game I was significantly more impressed with myself.

Both games were fairly peaceful and (aside from the Internet - which didn't do anything as Lizzy built the Firewall before I had even researched the Internet) never did anything with the Information age. They were also, despite some clear errors (particularly in the first game) with respect to the new mechanics, won handily. Deity for a Science Victory is the goal now, I think.
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