Grab the Game, Ghandi! -open succession game-

Apr 3, 2001
Odense, Denmark
I thought it could be interesting to get a really fast succession game going. This game is open to anyone, who wants to play. There is no order of play. Whoever grabs the game first, plays.


* Anyone can join in this game
* One session is 20 turns
* Anyone who plays post before you play, so the rest can see the game is taken.
* Play and post your reign within 4 hours, or the game is open again to a new ruler.
* The same player can't play right after himself.


Civ : India
Level : Warlord
Marla's Huge Earth Map with Scipios modifications
Standard v.1.16 Rules +

I'll go first.
4000 BC. Dawn of a new Age. Emperor Ghandi I finds himself leader of the Indian people.

3950-3150 BC. Our capital Delhi is founded, and immediately overrun by barbarians from the south, plundering the treasury for 10 gold. Barbarian hordes are approaching from the west and the north. Our workers is sent exploring for huts in lack of volunteers. We gained 25 gold from a native village in the west, but our men were savagely killed by heathen men while approaching the western border.

We decide to research Pottery, a new way of storing corn and food, which will make our population able to grow faster, and produce more immigrants to colonize these rich lands.

3150 BC. We met with Shaka, ruler of the Zulus, and traded alphabet for bronze working, which will be much needed for defence. Delhi produces warriors to rid our lands of barbarian hordes.

3050 BC. Our brave warriors, sent out to fight the barbarians, discover large encampments to the Southeast and Northeast, and is victorious in hampering their progress. But the battle is not over, just yet.
In the beginning...


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I would suggest you bold the post before play rule.
3000 BC. Lee the expansionist takes over. Delhi changed to settler. Our empire must grow proclaims Lee The loss of our worker is cursed big time, and the people were right to depose our previous leader. We are already playing catchup. I give the Zulus $67 for pottery. I begin researching Masonary. Kill Barbarians.

2950 BC. Kill a barbarian camp.

2850 BC. We have an elite warrior from killing more barbarians.

2750 BC. Our people are ready to go forth and found new cities. A replacement worker is ordered.

2590 BC. A worker begins building a road to the cattle.

2550 BC. Leeville is formed in honor of our glorious leader, for he has expanded our empire :) +25 for killing another barbarian camp.

2270 BC. The empire is feeling good. Delhi wealth is increasing. Begin mining that spot. That blue border is the Germans! They are tech poor, some good news for us.

Summary - I tried to buy Mysticism from Zululand, but they would not sell it. :(

Goals - We are on a HUGH map. The Pyramids will be critical to our growth. Build them in Delhi as soon as the option is available. The civ to get them will be expanding at a much faster rate.

The are a boatload of barbarians around. Keep our workers escorted when near borders. We need to improve our lands!

Explore - This is a world map, but I still can't figure out what part of the world we our on. This is our big edge over the other civs.
The settler is on the way for the new spot is forming in Leesville. This city will be a great spot for building new settlers / workers

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I will grab it, and play tommorow, okay?
Whoops, sorry, I understood that I need to concentrate on my SG!
Das - I take this as a NO?

Grab and go - suggested guideline
Don't grab the game unless you can move immediately. Morten Blaabjerg - you may want to add this to your 1st post. Idea - You most post results with 4 hours of grabbing the game.:goodjob:
Originally posted by lkendter
Explore - This is a world map, but I still can't figure out what part of the world we our on. This is our big edge over the other civs.

I know where you guys are, it is in the Eastern Europe lands, and you are on russia. I know this because I see the Caspian sea, and the baltic sea. Plus, there is plenty of forest north. I might join this game, if it is alright.
Ohwell, thanks for the clue.

This is an open ended game. If you want to play, just post that you are playing. Please don't post unless you can play within a couple of hours.
I did have an idea that we were somewhere in Russia.

The barbarians were extremely aggressive in the first few rounds. But I think other civs have taken some bite too. (I hope so) -I think it is because Scipio placed a large number of barb camps in Asia to hinder unreasonable asiatic expansion for the asiatic civs. But it gives the early game a very intense feel.

The game is still open. I don't want to play so quickly after my opening, so anyone care to join, grab it and play! :) The object is to get the game moving along, not waiting for the next player to get ready. Simply dl & play right away!

Happy Christmas! :santa:
Well, Donsig, move quickly, and I will jump back in tonight. Got to do something until the holiday's pass.
1990 BC: Indian warriors trash barbarian camps in the north and south, sending plunder back to the treasury.

1910 BC: Eastern barbarians give up the gold.

1790 BC: Indian warriors by round things called 'wheels' from the French.

1725 BC: Gold from barbarians in the far east pours into our treasury. Sigville founded.

1700 BC: The cult of the Avars becomes popular in Delhi.

1675-1650 BC: Treasury is replenished from barbarian tribes in the far east and a place called "Sweden".

1625 BC: Zulus teach us to ride horses in exchange for gold.

1525 BC: The craft of working with and building with stone is mastered as artisans look for a metal stronger than bronze.

1500 BC: Donville founded.

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We need a city in Crimea to seal off the 'European' pwers from Asia. It would be nice to settle Scandinavia, too.

NOTE: The Germans are sneaking into a Asia south of Delhi. We may need to fight Germany soon - unless we end up culturally assimilating whatever city they build 'behind our lines'.

lkendter it's all yours. If you get bored again after this how about playing one more round in the English succession game? We are down to two players since you and pggar dropped out...

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Lee is coming back :eek:

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Lee comes back again.

1475 BC. To late to trap the European powers. German has passed through already. Donville was built to far into Europe.

Delhi switching to Pyramids.

1450 BC to 1325 BC. ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz

1300 BC - Kill some barbs for $25.

1275 BC - Sorry guys. The Germans declare war on us. I didn't think a $24 tribute request was real. I didn't think they would attack this soon:(

1225 BC - Leeville switchs to barracks, and it is whipped out.

1175 BC - Pillage German improvements by Hamburg. The Japanesse are found - They know where a boat load of civs are! We give them Horseback riding for $45 and American contact. Americans give contact with the Chinesse for $8.

1150 BC - We buy a Russian worker for $25. We can use the worker. The French give us contact with the Iroquois for a mere $11, Romans for $7 and Greeks for $6. We get from the Iroquois Writing and $16 for Horseback riding and Mysticism. We sell the Greeks Masonary for $35. We form an embassy with Zululand, they are 61 turns from the Pyramids. Start researching literature. GL would be HUGH with this many civs.

1125 BC - Donville whips out barracks. Pillage horses by Berlin.

1100 BC - 2 Germans warriors chasing my by Donville. If I can keep them away from our cities ... Sigville whips out barracks. Leeville whips out Spearman. The Russian worker begins the long road into Scandanavia and our IRON sources. Kendtertown formed in Scandanavia by Three cattle.

1000 BC - Sell the broke Greeks contact with the Chinesse for $5.

Summary - So far not much of a war with Germany. I have pillaged a lot of spaces. Pillage the cattle square next, and send the other Warrior toward it. If you go any other direction, the 2 warriors chasing us will kill that warrior. Kendtertown can become a hugh base for workers / settlers.

Goals - Keeping selling techs to the Greeks, when then can give a good price. The are WAY behind us. Build an Iron city with the Settler in Scandanvia.

Keep improving by Delhi. The Pyramids will be hugh this game.

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I built Donville to get both horses (when it's borders expand). I wouldn't have been able to keep the Germans from moving east anyway...

Someone downloaded the file - is anyone playing??????
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