No Password

Ben E Gas

Mar 8, 2003
Boston, MA USA
Is there a way to set a new password during a PBEM game?

I have started a PBEM game with several players and one dropped out. I found a replacement. I thought I could just use my administrators password and then select 'no password' and then the new player would be allowed to create a new password on his next turn, similar to how you select a password on the first turn. But that seems to not be the case. Is this player going to forever be without a password during this game?

thanks for the help,
Ben E. Gas
Originally posted by Ben E Gas
Is there a way to set a new password during a PBEM game?
The admin must reset the password. If he sets it to a blank password, the player will not be prompted for a new password; he or she will play the entire game with no password. Also note that because games can no longer be saved in the middle of the turn (as of PTW v1.27f), the admin has to play a complete turn as that player in order to save the game with the new password.

The only viable solution is to request that the player dropping from the game send his password to the player replacing him.

It's obvious to me that PBEM is simply an afterthought in the minds of the Firaxis developers, and that they are oblivious to the consequences of their slipshod "fixes." That's too bad, because PBEM is a near-perfect format for Civ 3.

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