Random Rants VI: See, this is why we can't have nice things!

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I am sure it is cheaper just to buy a new pair - but these are fairly new.

As for my roommate, I am going to have to be the one who leaves. He doesn't understand that he can't be the only one who dictates what happens in the apartment, but since his communication skills in general are such that I cannot make him understand that he doesn't get to unilaterally decide how much rent each of us pays, I really have no choice.
Actually, he was there in the second movie too (if only the last 5 seconds of it), so he was really brought back in the second movie.
One of my teachers suggested that I might be depressed, but I can't work up the nerve to go to the doctor or for that matter, tell anyone.
Mostly the problems with moving anywhere, missing friends, having to learn new stuff, (Now I have to learn Canadian History if we do), and since I'm in school, problems with school learning, not to mention other things like my Karate classes.

Don't worry, none of the kids here know Canadian history either.

And karate is just as prevalent in Canada as in the US, I did it for years.

Then... don't? What's wrong with Canada? Canada has some nice things.

I'm a big fan of maple syrup and snowy mountains.
I was walking down the street at 6:30 in the morning (yes, my new internship has stomped by abnormal sleep cycle all to pulp), feeling really groggy. I was walking looking at my shoes, and some random lady was trying to get me to sign some petition about some art exhibits or something. It was really annoying. And then I got on an early train to go back home. It's a semi-express, meaning I have to get off at the last local stop and wait for the next local train. The stupid local train wasn't coming for another 20 minutes. I won't be taking that train again...
I'm thinking about stopping taking & asking for phone numbers. It always leads to relationships and that leads to disappointment from one side or the other. Best thing IMO is being friends with privileges. I mean I have always been a great friend but horrible, terrible and lousy boyfriend.

The sole exception to this is one damned redhead that wont go out of my mind. It was fine during the school year, I was too busy to go after and chase her, had tons of work and well....others girls were always nearby to satisfy any urges I had. Now with summer vacation I have too much time on my hands. I can't stop running simulations in my head about her. It's just driving me insane.

I think I love her. (it's lasting too long for a teenage crush) But I dont want to love her. I was pretty content with being a cold suave bastard. (somewhat like J. Bond) Though I will resolve that pretty soon. Gonna ask her to set me free. No, not in the sense that I am lung-shot and require another bullet to finish me off, but I'm going to run up to her, profess my infatuation in a rather poetic and heartwarming way. Oh yes.

Then I am going to ask her to blow me off, painfully. Not like a knife in the back or breaking your heart in a thousand pieces and throwing each piece into a fire. No. More like a vertical katana slash down your spine, splitting it open in two so you die in a most nerve-wracking excruciatingly painful way. With that done, I can go back to being my usual unemphatic charming semi-psychopath self.

It's a win-win situation! She blows me off, I go back to the way I was, my powers of cold resistance +90 and 'Not Givin' a ..... about anyone else' returned! Should she actually wants something to do with me.....well it'll be something new and wild. *sigh* I've gone soft (not in that way, you perverts). I'm not used to this....'having feelings' thing.

Anyway that's the best plan I can mastermind in this disturbed state. Does it seem reasonable or better said is it mad enough to actually make sense? Sanity is such a small price to pay for power.

/end disgusting love rant
Cleric, what happens if somehow she loves you and refuses to blow you off? I don't know much about relationships, but what happens then?
Your crazy Claric.
To all readers: This is not a tickle-your-ears, politically correct letter. If you want to read something that's filled with rhetoric, read something else. If you want the truth, then read this post. Before examining the present situation, however, it is important that I get Mr. Complainer Guy off our backs. If you looked up "uncontrollable" in the dictionary, you'd probably see his picture. He is the hypostatization of priggism. That shouldn't surprise you when you consider that I will never give up. I will never stop trying. And I will use every avenue possible to treat the blows of circumstance.

Complainer Guy's jibes are the perfect delivery system for judgmental, sententious behavior. (The merits of Complainer Guy's artifices won't be discussed here because they lack merit.) If you want to clear up these muddied waters with some reality, then tell everyone you know the truth, that any effort to negotiate with Complainer Guy or appease him is akin to spitting into a hurricane to quiet its fury. That said, let me continue.

If I am correct that we have to start talking with one another honestly, in honest language, then if he had done his homework, he'd know that he is terrified that there might be an absolute reality outside himself, a reality that is what it is, regardless of his wishes, theories, hopes, daydreams, or decrees. To oppose sadism, we must oppose metagrobolism. To oppose animalism, we must oppose charlatanism. And to oppose Complainer Guy, we must oppose frowzy, illiberal prevaricators. Squalid adulterers like him always lie. Even an occasional truth is intended only to cover up a bigger falsification and is therefore, itself, a deliberate untruth. A final note: I have absolutely nothing in common with Mr. Complainer Guy.

Thanks to:
Thank you for that link.
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