US Midterms - Predictions and Aftereffects

The one positive side of the Republicans getting the House is that now they will actually have to do something. No longer can they just sit back and be the opposition to everything Obama and the Dems are trying to do.

Don't bet on it. Their game plan is to stop everything until the 2012 presidential election. McConnell is on record saying as much. It's incredibly irresponsible. Expect their first "deficit reduction" effort to involve a huge tax cut for the top 10% of income earners and increased defense spending.

Cause of how well that got rid of deficits in the 1980s

Well, "lose" might an overstatement. They're losing their jobs, not their lives.

Feingold's one of the good ones. Grayson's not my cup of tea (ha!) but mostly because he talks as recklessly an irresponsibly as 90% of the Republicans in Congress.

I'm not adverse to some conservative positions on things, but they act like children. Democrats at least act like they want to solve the problems we have.
I’ve seen a lot of stuff recently about how people expect Boehner to become more centrist after the election.

Even if he doesn’t and they continue down the opposition track, Obama now has ammunition against it. When they were the minority, you could make an argument for opposing the majority (that’s their job, right?!). But if they are the majority, then they will need to step up and act like one. They no longer have the excuse that their job is just to be obstructionist.

And it would be quite interesting if he went the Gingrich route and forced a shut-down of the government. In my opinion they would be stupid to do that, especially given the “success” that Gingrich had with that approach.

People love to say how they hate government and it just gets in the way and is bad, bad, bad. But then the government stops and people realize that they like life better with it after all.

I don't see it. Dems will have the Senate and presidency, so they'll still pretend to be the minority exercising all opposition possible. All the GOPer soundbites are saying that their mistake over the last 2 years is being too bipartisan.
It’ll be interesting to see. At least it will give the President someone to point to when things are not going his way.
Just cast my vote. Straight Democratic ticket as promised. Hell yeh son. Legalize weed.
Getting some early returns. Good God the Democrats are screwed. BLOODBATH.
Just voted. I voted straight Democratic except for Harry Wilson for Comptroller.
I suffered a voter enthusiam gap this year. I didn't vote nearly as many times or in as many states or precincts this year as I did in 2006 and 2008. Many of my dead relatives didn't even vote at all.
I think the GOP will easily win the House but the Dems will retain a narrow Senate majority.

Their game plan is to stop everything until the 2012 presidential election. McConnell is on record saying as much. It's incredibly irresponsible. Expect their first "deficit reduction" effort to involve a huge tax cut for the top 10% of income earners ...

This. It's been a long time since the GOP had any interest in actually governing.

I think the next 2 years are going to basically be a disaster. If the economy improves significantly between now and 2012, it will be despite whatever happens in Washington and not because of it.
I'm beginning to wonder whether this semi-sweep might be a good thing. Reid might get booted and Pelosi will lose the speakership and possibly quit altogether. Two weak links are gone from the stage in that case, and I can attest that mailings and advertisements hammer much more on Pelosi and Reid then Obama.

If the Dems do the smart thing and choose a moderate as the Majority leader in the Senate, and a moderate in the congress as the minority leader, then I think the dems can put together a leaner more defensible legislative platform that will not be doing anything of substance until 2012 at the earliest anyway! Why have lighting rods like Pelosi and Reid when they will not be able to do anything anyway?
The Dems will not be picking a "moderate" for their party leaders. Harry Reid was as close as you're going to get for a moderate. It's going to be Schumer.
If I talked to them more regularly, I'd probably call my family in California to vote yes on legalising weed; my cousin said she wanted to go to the polls just for that, not really caring about the actual voting.

Of course, the dilemma - most of my family out there are conservatives, who generally are opposed to weed. So maybe I'm doing more good than harm by not calling up.
The Dems will not be picking a "moderate" for their party leaders. Harry Reid was as close as you're going to get for a moderate. It's going to be Schumer.

Indeed. The Dems most likely to fall today are the ones representing right-leaning districts/states, many of whom are the so-called "Blue Dogs". As a whole, the composition of the Democratic caucus in each house is probably going to be more liberal than before.
The Dems will not be picking a "moderate" for their party leaders. Harry Reid was as close as you're going to get for a moderate. It's going to be Schumer.

I hope not, the best option for the Dems is to lay as low as possible until the economy recovers imho.

You would agree with Pelosi and Reid are liabilities, yes?
In case Downtown was curious:

I voted for four GOPers including Runyan (NJ-3 Congressional) and one Democrat (for Sheriff).

The only Libertarian on the ballot did not get my vote, although I was thinking about it. Passing up on the Runyan vs Adler fight was something I was not willing to do. I'm not a big fan of Runyan, but Adler has been using some real cheap tactics and his 'moderate hero' image is not all that moderate.
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