The German Theocracy

I've been lazy here lately, but I have picked up the story again, and am almost done with the next chapter. Expect it early next week.
Ok, after months of laziness and several BTS games, i present the next chapter of The German Theocracy.... And it's even earlier than promised! :D Enjoy.


The German army continued its march, this time it was swinging north to attack the heart of the Greek nation, Athens. It had been a few months since Sparta fell, quickly followed by Corinth to the south. The plan had been to try and catch the Greek navy off guard in Cointh and put them out of the war and off the minds of German saliors. But somehow, they had been revealed and the Greek ships had escaped to the East, picking up residence in Minoan. The army followed and with the German Navy blockading retreat, the Greek force couldn't escape when the city fell. The city fell just like all the others, with little blood shed and overwhelming success. The High command, bolstered by success finally ordered the attack on Athens.

Karl marched north with his fellow soldiers, waiting to see the Greek Capitol on the horizon. Several guys talked about what they would do after the waras if it were almost over. Things had been easy so far. Much easier than anticipated. But noone seemed to remember the large force that abondoned Sparta, back when the war was new. Maybe noone waned to remeber it. But that didn't change the fact that it had happened. Karl had a hell of a time trying to tell anyone that though.

Mark, a replacement that joined Karl's company after Corinth fell, was trying to tell him otherwise. "I'm telling you, they are out for good. We knocked out their navy at Minoan, we haven't seen any serious fighting for weeks. It's over. We'll march into Athens without a fight, and ol' Alex will hand us the keys and worship the right God. Mark my words."

Karl smirked and shook his head. "I don't think so. You didn't see the force that left Sparta. I did. That army didn't just dissapear, or say 'Hey look Germans, oh well.' They are out there somewhere. And I'm not looking forward to stumbling onto them. As for Alex... I don't think he'll live long enough to convert. At lesat not If I find him."

The arguement continued all evening and even up to the point of setting up camp. The small camp was quickly formed in a small valley surrounded by several hills. The soldiers dug foxholes and covered themselves with the thin, tattered blankets they all carried. Sentries had been posted on the hills watching for a Greek attack. Karl was on watch with thick, bull of a man named Otto Reinhardt at about 3 in the morning when a small scouting party was spotted.


Soon after, Karl was fighting for his life. All the Christians were. What initially appeared to be a scouting party, ended up being a full blown counter-attack. The Greeks had moved by almost no light and circled around the Germans and, as one, attacked from three main directions. The North, Northeast, and the West. Officers and noncoms tried to rally the troops as quickly as possible, but many Germans were caught in their sleeping cots by the first volleys of arrows.

Karl thought about how hard he tried to convince everyone that this could and would happen, no one had wanted to believe him though. "God I hate being right all the time." Looking around he could see the battle going on all around, men tearing into fleash with maces and swords. In the center of the army, he could see ranks of musket men and grenadiers forming up, preparing to use their explosive powder to force back the enemy. Karl forced himself not to think about how many Germans they would kill accidentally.

He was fighting on the ridge that his comrades had been camping at against a company or two of Greek swordsmen. He charged forward, nearly slipping on the blood soaked ground. His anger was quickly swelling and he became lost in blood lust. He swung his mace over his head and slammed it down into the soft bronze helmet of an enemy. The Greek crumpled, and the mace returned red, so Karl turned his attention to the next. A Greek thrust his sword at Karl's chest, but the blade was deflected by Karl's bracer on his left forearm. Karl moved the blade to the left and brought his mace across the side of the Greek's face, tearing away flesh and muscle, splattering blood on nearby soldiers.

The battle lasted for hours until finally the sun poked up beyond the moutain ranges in the East. Karl came away with out much damage. One particular Greek had run the Squad sergeant through and , in all, about a third of the company was lost. The Germans had won, but had payed a terrible price. Karl had seen it coming, he knew that the Greeks were pulling men back to try and catch the Germans off guard. They had hit with all their might, but the punch was just a little weaker than they had hoped. Still, it would be weeks before the Army got reinforced.

We better hit back soon, and hard, Karl thought.
Excellent story. I've always liked the smaller stories containing tales of certain periods in a game. I like the way you structured the storyline to fit into the game's action. Well written and no shortage of action. Thanks.
ohh i have to take some time and read this sometime this week. I'm German-american (meaning that i'm almost completely german but like 5th generation), but i still take a lot of pride in being german. and with all the great reviews, how could i not take some time from studying for midterms to read this ;)
You're german huh......... well mine is a mixture of Chinese, Spanish, American and Filipino. My godmother married Spanish and their daughter married chinese. That's in my father's side. My grandmother married an american, that's in my mother's side.
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