Are you happy with Tourism?

I like the OP's suggestions on making tourism relevant for non culture games, but I think it's late game effects should be different. The ideologies are much more similar than the old final 3 trees. Forcing someone to switch should be more damaging, but whenever I've managed to do it, they've lost like 2 policies and still been on target for the same victory condition even after switching.

On the culture VC topic, has anyone retried Polynesia since BNW? They kick tail now! It's as much about the SP trees you can burn up due to the new mechanics as the tourism at the end; the weaker culture buildings and cheaper policy costs, combined with less culture penalty for wide really add up.
I kicked up a game on immortal (so I could mess around a bit; ended up doing a GL start, then got a late pyramids as everyone went trad/hon! I cooked the map for archipelago but put the water level on low so it wasn't insane), took the tradition opener for the faster border spread and greater SP flexibility later on (borders are important with the moai) then went through liberty quick, flew through aesthetics and then got through most of rationalism to get to hotels then flight/radar (never actually got to flight!), leaving the bottom 2 on the left before taking a couple from freedom and opening exploration for the louvre (I never built!). Combined with a little targeted warring for wonders and great works, and a little luck with AI religion seeing me pass world religion at the WC (+50% early tourism in the holy city, and with already doubled theming bonuses!) I had 4 of the 7 opponents influential before hotels, and, it being Polynesia, finished the game a few turns after hotels. I'm not sure anyone else even had a Ideology at that point.
I'm not sure any other civ could keep up with this mid game culture. I don't even think it was too map dependant; the water was low and I could easily do the same on the edge of a couple of continents with some 'plus'es, even if the UA would be a little weaker for huts.
Another thought: This new wide culture game is seriously good for archaeology; The focus you put on workers as Polynesia just happens to combine with archaeologists so they dig in 3 turns with pyramids and liberty! Got me a couple of 'cheeky' artifacts I would have otherwise missed.
How have others found the new Polynesia?
I enjoyed the cultural victory I played with the new France. The ideology flipping synergizes well because of the diplomatic bonuses; you'll likely be playing a peaceful game, so forcing their ideology in line with your own, helps win friends who'll even potentially come to your aid.

I do think the unhappiness penalty should be somewhat greater for ideological pressure, especially on higher difficulties where the AI will have such massive happiness bonuses that it doesn't seem to matter how much you're pressuring them. I've only seen city-flipping occur on Prince. I like the idea of bringing back culture tile-flipping, and would add more incentive to increase your tourism output in the early game.

Lastly I feel like there should be some reward for having you cultural influence as "Dominant". Maybe there should be some GPT leeching based upon influence level representing their consumption of your goods?
So far I'm enjoying tourism. The addition of tourism does add an dynamic you need to be concerned about for the latter part of the game.

There may have been some tourism in ancient times, but things like religious pilgrimages are different entirely.

I think the Firaxins look at tourism in the modern sense of moving millions of people a day (just on airplanes) and its impact. I hardly see the movement of maybe hundreds and maybe thousands ever so often being a globe changer; something like that would be much more localized.

I can't really see why tourism would be a factor in ancient times.
Maybe if they linked culture and tourism more it could make it less binary, like making a completed sp tree give you +4 tourism. Tourism factors into trade routes. War against a civ with higher tourism than you will give your units a slight combat penalty. Lots of ways to do it.
I like all of the new stuff in BNW, including tourism but i agree with people saying it should have more uses pre ideology.

I see a lot of guys saying it's only good for CV which is not true, It also acts as a defense against other high tourism civs. Two civs with different ideologies both being exotic to each other will have no effect on happiness. Having no tourism means you have low culture too which will lead to a disaster very quickly.
There should be a thing where any country that has a certain level of influence (maybe popular or higher) initiates a conflict against you, they experience high levels of unhappiness. It should make tourism a bit more important.

I like this as It seemed in one game everyone got annoyed with my influence and started wars with me about 10-20 turns before I completed my tourism win .
It seemed out of reason that the people of the country that love us would be happy to pile into our country to invade .

Also agree there should be some money involved in tourism .
Tourism should give money, maybe by building something like Souvenir Shop. This way if you want to tap into Gold, you must invest it first. And the amount of Gold earned should be dependent on peace.

Example: (Overall Tourism / Number of Civilizations) * 0.5 * (Number of Civs at peace) + (Overall Tourism / Number of Civilizations) * (Number of Civs with Open Borders)

Civs at war would decrease the number of Gold. Also, we can take City States into equation.
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