Platy's Peculiar Pleasant Posh Python

Hi, Platy,
love your scoreboard!:DI just want to know is it possible to make the scoreboard scrollable. You know, when you have a dll that can host 34 civs on the map, the scoreboard looks a little messy.:scan:
Yes, I know. I mean ,say, the game screen can display 22 civs at most, then if the number is below 22, the scoreboard shows them all; if more than 22, it becomes scrollable, and you have to move the scroll to check them all.
Isn't that what the + - buttons are doing???
Er, yes. I'm sure you know in Civilopedia, if a text becomes too long, there will be a scroll on the right side of the panel for you to scan, so can the same scroll be added to the scoreboard?
Hi, Platy. I need your help.

Can you tell me where I can increase the initial value ( 250 ) in your Happy Golden Age mod?

I add your platypedia . The game freezes when I want to view : roads and improvements site :(
you have any advice for me , please?
For golden age, check both event manager and main intrrface.
There is a hga value of 200

As for pedia, no idea without some error messages.
Again, try it as a standalone before adding to your heavily modified mod and see if it works

If it works in standalone, try setting self.isortimprovements and self.isortroutes in customization section of cvpediamain to 0 to use alphabetic order.
Both routes and improvements use while loops which means somehow you encounter infinite looping
Rewrite sorting codes for Routes to use for loop instead to avoid infinite looping when iValue is given a weird value such as negative number.

As for improvements, I can only suggest use the alphabetic order as default sorting.
The only way it can run into infinite loop is when you have improvement A that upgrades to B, where B will upgrade to A again.
So it cannot tell which is the chicken which is the egg.

If not, you can upload your ImprovementInfos.xml to take a look.
Button Display


1) Tech Bar

City Info Interface
1) Great People Bar
2) Building List
3) Order List
4) Trade Route List
5) Nationality Bar

Unit Info Interface
1) Stack List
2) Build Orders

first, can i congratulate you on the best named thread ever. if there were more people like you, there would be less war, and global peace, and rural folk being abducted by aliens, debasement of coinage, and things.

secondly, a while ago you did some "civil war" python for me . . . it was great and a lot of fun to play with, but it throws up an error. when a new civ is created, it automatically declares war on the "parent" - but if this parent is a vassal of another civ, it can't, it creates an exception that isn't CTD generating or anything, it just offends my anally retentive sense of what's right (me, Britain, and cake) and what's wrong (everything else. actually Britain too, and some cake).

the code bit is like this:

###declare war
if DeclareWar:
return true

i couldn't find any python examples that go "if the target civ is a vassal don't declare war" or "if the target civ is vassal declare war on the parent" or "if you can't declare war on the target civ don't" or "if you can't declare war on the target civ don't run the entire routine" - i'm a sort of magpie programmer and i proceed by trial and error, but i couldn't do it. could you help. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease.

anything would be appreciated, especially your creative input.
I believe, the civil war python is done by The_J? :D
Buttons Everywhere...

City Interface
1) Added Tech Bar Button
2) Added Nationality Button
3) Added Great People Bar Button + a % for highest GP

Unit Interface
1) Added Build Mission Button

Added into UltraPack
Unique Color Text

Civ Specific Color Text for City and Unit Interface

1) I did not bother to change all those texts in Advisor Screens, lazy to do so, but you can go ahead.
2) I did not change those texts on colored bars like Research Bars because there may be civs using colors similar to those, like French on Culture Bar, or Zulu on Great People Bar, so I left them alone.

Added to UltraPack
I like the colour change on the scoreboard not so keen on it elsewhere ;). I can never remember who is who, especially in mods where the flag does not match the map colour.
It can always be made optional just like Hidden Promotions.
But if I do, I will just make it optional for UltraPack, because I don't wish to add extra files for the graphic options to standalone :D

Anyway, it is your own city screen, how can you not know your own color :D
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