Email multiplayer game bugs


Jan 6, 2016
Hi all. Been searching high and low for a solution to this problem but considering the age of the game, I thought it might be best to ask here and see if anyone else has had similar problems.

Me and a couple of mates are playing an email/hotseat game of SMAX using facebook to transfer the files (as one of us is overseas) and have found a recurring bug in which one of us will, upon starting our turn, have access to the scenario editor (and a fully revealed map) which makes for a poor competitive game.
We've had this happen twice on both sessions we've attempted, in turn 1 and later in turn 2, so not too bad in that we don't loose much. We're currently testing to see if we can replicate the bug, but while we do that I was wondering if anyone has come across this problem and how did they solve it? I was thinking we might have to resort to disabling the scenario editor all together.

For clarification, we're using the GOG version of SMAX.

Edit: Replication didn't come up with anything a good 3-4 turns in, so we've given up on it finding the bug again. We did manage to figure out that replaying the previous players turn will fix the problem, at least for the time being, so we'll go ahead with that. However I'm still keen to hear any other experiences/solutions to this problem.
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