Saving in pitboss


May 16, 2004
Hello, I have a question about the frequency of saving in Pitboss.

The server saves after every player has made a move right?
Does the client (players) save as well on their computer? It says autosaving on my screen when I'm playing. If it does, it seems a bit unnecessary?

When all players play at the same time it seems to be enough that the server only saves after each turn, not every players move, is it possible to configure this?
If I am thinking correctly, the save after every player turn is a synchronization method, so if the players/server get out of sync, the server can get the clients back up to date.

On my server, I have an auto save after 2 turns. This also makes any player requesting a restart to have to think about that request. (I also set manual save points after a good night of gaming.)
Pitboss does NOT make a save file after a player finishes his turn. Pitboss makes the file when a player ENTERS the game. The moves made by the player are not in the save file.
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