Looking for Map type


Sep 25, 2010
Hi guys,

I am looking for a map type, that has the following criteria:

- continents or really big islands (don't want an isolated start but don't like Pangea, like navy battles though)
- city states available on the continent (for worker steal... I hate it when they are on their own islands like with Continent Plus)
- enough space to settle ~3 cities (on continents there is sometimes not even space to settle one additional city in a good spot, especially on higher difficulties where the AI always gets the first settler)

Can you recommend a map type?

If you don't like Continents, maybe you might like the Communitas Map. It's similar, but improved.

Here's the link for it on Steam Workshop
I play continents all the time on small map with plenty of space, what size map are you using?
I usually play on the normal setting, Immortal difficulty. So usually the Al gets their settler first and all the space is gone. Most of the times there are 2 capitals in ~25 tile range and after they set their 2nd settler it's Really crowded. I love the space on Continent Plus, it's perfect. But there are no CS around... I would be finde with 2-3 on the whole continent, but most of the time it's 0.. and I love stealing workers and doing some unit training with them.

I'll check the communitas maps. will achievements be disabled if I use them?
you could also increase the mapsize but keep the number of AIs if you want more space.
Small Continents map might be what you are looking for. You can try low sea level if you think those continents are too small. Sometimes you are alone on continent sometimes there is 1-2 AI's.

Usually there is one CS
Try Large Islands.

That's the one I usually play and the vast majority of the time I wind up alone on my own island with 1 CS. In the OP, he mentioned he didn't want an isolated start. It all depends what he considers an "isolated" start: no AIs or no AIs & CSs. If all he wants is at least one CS, then Large Islands might satisfy his needs.
Hmm.. How about the secondary settings. Would a low sea level also put the CS on the main continent on a continent plus map?
Just run the standard continents map. It's right above continents plus in the advanced setup drop down. This will put most CS on the mainlands. Up the CS to 20-25 if you want to be sure.
If you like navy wars why not use archipiélago? Archipiélago has plenty of water and is composed of islands that are habitable easier early since you dont need astronomy to settle other islands that arent yours.
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