To those with d3dx9_32.dll problems

Any folder you want... For example, you could make a new folder and extract the files there. Then you open that folder and run DXSETUP.exe in there.
I have fixed the direct x dll problem, but now at a random point the game crashes my pc. I run win xp pro sp2 and im getting a "blue screen of death" which is exceptionally rare in win xp.

I cant un-install the program because it keeps telling me there is an error in the un-installer.

This was an official update so they had better be OFFICIALLY supporting the problems THEIR damn patch caused. Any OFFICIAL sources I can go to for a fix? Or will i need to go into the registry and delete the entries manually and then remove the program and re-install?


I had no problems with this game after following the instructions about the dll, but it seems to have messed with my graphics in another game. When I play Neverwinter Nights 2, I get very strange graphics bugs, like big blocks of black when I throw a fireball or there is gore. Could someone tell me if there is a way to fix this? I would hate to reinstall that game, the patching would take forever... :/
I downloaded the patch, got the error, then followed the link in the first post, and all is well. Thanks y'all!!
This was only a partial fix for me: it solved the first problem of the missing dll file, but then the game startup hangs on the init "Error loading shading libraries"

(I'm running windows XP professional x64 Edition, licensed. Previous attempts to upgrade Direct X both via web validated download and manual download failed due to error: "Sofware failed Windows logo testing." The upgrade claimed to be x64 compatible.)

I'd appreciate any suggestions...

I'm having the same problem. The missing dll has been resolved, but now I get the "Error loading shading libraries". While there are several posts after this one, no one seems to have addressed this issue. Did you get the problem solved?
I had the exact same problem but I was stupid and tried to solve it myself. Add/Remove programs wasn't working (I was going to reinstall), so I tried manually deleting the game folders. I'm still unable to uninstall because it thinks the game is still installed on the computer. So I could download the file that everyone has been posting links too, but it won't help! Can anyone please help me get started on fixing this problem?? I got the game a few days ago and am hooked, i want to play again! :-(
hyper3hypo, I had the same issue and did the same cures. I just started over with reverting to a previous system restore point or running a full destructive recovery :(

I never tried directx_jun2007_redist.exe as Gyathaar says in post #3 but I did try the directx_aug2007_redist.exe version which may be wrong, I dont know. The August 2007 version had the d3dx9_32.dll file but you had to tell it where to put it, they dont tell you, and I wasnt sure so I put all the files from that package in the Windows\system32 folder because most of the DirectX files were there, and hoped it wouldn't give me a blue screen of death anytime soon, I wasn't happy trying such things being a total amature, but it didn't help or hurt as far as I could tell, I still fell into what hyper3hypo just described. I never tried putting anything into any Civ file, which Civ file would that be, there are bunches? Also Error 1706 pops up during install of the civ 4 patch as install aborts.

I tried installing the civ 4 patch via download Firaxis patches web page and after a clean up of my hard drive via install of Beyond The Sword, both failed the same way which is mind boggling.

My game PC is not internet connected and I'd like to avoid system recoveries and system restores any more.

Thunderfall said this about directx_jun2007_redist.exe :
Any folder you want... For example, you could make a new folder and extract the files there. Then you open that folder and run DXSETUP.exe in there.
I didnt know about DXSETUP.EXE and someone else said that the EXE file appears in the folder you send the files to. I never tried this.

(Wonder if the August DirectX9c would be best?)

Gonna try it now>>>>>>>
im new to this forum but im soooo glad i did coz if i hadnt i would have been able to play onlne on my CIV IV the link to the download worked fine thanks again TomTom
Welcome Tom :)

Any advice from anyone on this would be nice:
To help install the Civ 4 v1.74 patch I ran the June DirectX package as one poster suggested above (although an August version is out), I cant do the DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer because I don't have the internet on my game PC but that way was used by others with success which makes me think it is still a DirectX issue (could be wrong). This time I did the DirectX properly by going into the folder afterwards and executing the DXSETUP.exe file
Then I restarted the PC, made a restore point and installed Civ 4 and then restarted again, set another restore point, restart, and ran the v1.74 Civ 4 the patch. This time it went better but not perfect.
The patch progess bar went 99% of the way across and then Error 1706 popped up again and said it could not do the job, it had an OK button so I clicked it, then it continued for a second and the familiar colored Civ 4 install screen came up and said update was complete and gave me a "finished" button. The program runs, and it thinks it is upadted.

Wondering if I should uninstall or maybe revert to that restore point I made, then run the August version of DirectX and do the whole thing over.
Or maybe just say forget it, it's good enough. Not sure if in the future during game play I may have issues and by then I'll forget I had this Error 1706 pop up to begin with.

Any other ideas would be appreciated.

Im on HP Pavilion, Athlon 64 X2 (W) 3800+ 2.0 GHz, Microsoft Windows XP with SP2 , GeForce 6150 LE , Realtek ALC 888 chipset,
system less than a year old with latest drivers and June DirectX installed.
I have been playing CIV IV for quite a while, and have been successfully playing the Warlords Add-on.

I went into 'Advanced' for the first time in a long time today, and searched for the updates. It found one (obviously), and I downloaded it.

When I now try to click on the shortcut to play the game, I get the cursor change to show that something is starting to run, then it stops, then nothing. It's as if I never clicked on the shortcut.

I uninstalled Warlords, reinstalled, it works fine, but again, when I download the patch, I get the same issue.

I am getting the new add-on (Beyond the Sword) within the next couple of weeks, is this something I should just not worry about because the BTS will update what needs to be updated anyway?

Should I worry about having the same problem when I get BTS?

Here are my system specs:

Dell Dimension XPS Gen II 3.2 GHz
2 GB Ram
Windows XP home
Sapphire ProX1950 video card
Very Recent DirectX (I know I updated it somewhat recently, though am not sure where to find which version I have).

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