Player How To Documentation

You will be pleased o know that when I loaded someone else's save it replaced all the civs and leaders OK. It also explained why I could no longer build a wonder I used to - it is in one of the removed civs.

YEAH!!!!! OK its back to normal again, whom ever changed it recently fixed the problem, THANK YOU so much!!!!:goodjob::goodjob:
The references to civs that don't exist that remained in the core have obviously been removed at this point - I can also confirm the compatibility feature worked in my game as well.

No code adjustments have taken place there.
How do I change the title music? I've tried replacing Brentalfloss with other tracks and renaming them "Title" but it never works.
I have tried to also but can't even get the code that chooses a random one from those in the title folder to work.

I have a different one in there and it works fine for me, but your right on the randomous, it doesn't work, just like we used to be able to put random mainscreens in and they'd do a different each time, now you cant do that also?????????
I tried using the Custom Religions MLF file to disable Scientology, Mormonism (which is consistently spelt 'Mormon' in the mod), Yoruba and Voodoo, but on loading the game, it threw up a whole bunch of XML exceptions. They don't appear to be able to be easily deactivated.
I tried using the Custom Religions MLF file to disable Scientology, Mormonism (which is consistently spelt 'Mormon' in the mod), Yoruba and Voodoo, but on loading the game, it threw up a whole bunch of XML exceptions. They don't appear to be able to be easily deactivated.

The team's been struggling mightily with modularization. Some coding issues (in a region above my skill level) have made working on full modularization not as functional as it once was apparently and DH, who is very good at understanding how to modularize, has gotten very frustrated with these code problems so the project to get modules more 'modular' is currently on hold.
Invisibility types are now expressed in text displays with their icon rather than their name. While this has dramatically helped in streamlining the display texts so they can be more easily absorbed and be less likely to overwhelm the help hovers, this can currently make things a little confusing for players who no longer have names to link these icons to. So, here's their icons with a brief description. Some of these descriptions include an assumption that Hide and Seek is in use so may make statements that would not apply in games that do not.

  • Submarine: Submarine invisibility represents a unit that exists just beneath the surface of the water but is fully capable of engagement at the surface level. Of course, subs have this, but so do many water animals. They can be seen from the surface when very close by the majority of ships unless they have improved their ability to USE this just sub-surface cruising stealth, in which case, it takes ships that have also improved their visibility of this type to see them at all. Generally speaking, ships with a crew that includes experts in the crow's nest (a promotionline) can get better and longer range visibility on this invisibility type.

  • Naval Stealth: A later game ultra-modern development. Such ships are designed to throw off all sensors that would normally give alert of approaching nearby ships. They quietly skirt across the surface of the water and refrain or completely eliminate the use of water disturbing propulsion methods. While they would certainly be visible to the eye (though are usually remotely camouflaged for ocean conditions) the game assumes that once we reach this late in the game, visibility is based more on long range sensors - to do this the implication of the distance of a tile when it comes to the strategic layer of the game adjusts as techs advance. Perhaps at some point, some further visibility rules will adapt further to better model technological visibilities and invisibilities such that this sort of invisibility purely avoids extremely long range sensor capacities rather than creating a conflict in rationale where visibility to the eye is concerned. But for now, the irrationality exists so as to give these modern stealth technologies an effect in the game and are explainable only in terms of the combat map sharing at times a true distance concept in parallel to a strategic distance concept.

  • Camouflage: The ability to hide in one's surroundings. The term is a little misleading in some ways in that sometimes it is not camouflage exactly that creates this effect for the unit but instead misdirection skills and a keen awareness of the lines of sight of others that may be looking to spot the unit and an ability to stay where those lines of sight do not exist. This type of invisibility encompasses both. If the term 'Stealth' was not used already for Naval Stealth, it might have been a better moniker for this invisibility type. Strike Teams and Felines are the masters of this sort of invisibility. Early criminals aren't slouches at all either. Terrains and Features often play a role in granting units there some invisibility of this type due to the concealment they offer. Canine units are by far the best at spotting Camouflage units and can develop their abilities here to an unparalleled degree. Strike Teams and Criminals can be quite good at seeing this type of invisibility as well, primarily due to the same skillset that allows them to make full use of it themselves. Ruffians, on Hide and Seek only, tend to have a lesser ability to hide and detect this form of invisibility as well.

  • Invisible: This somewhat redundantly named invisibility type represents the material sourced invisibility that we're currently developing in the real world. There are nano-cloth materials we're working on that defract the light through the fibers so that they show what is behind you when you are covered by these materials. There are panel displays on the sides of larger vehicles that use cameras on the opposite sides to transfer the image of the view of the other side of the object to the panel facing you so as to make the vehicle blend into the background perfectly. As the transhuman era advances, this will become a more common visual form of invisibility (more development work is needed to flesh this out further.)

  • Cloaked: A field generated invisibility that captures and redirects each individual ray of light around the object it cloaks. This is a much more 'pure' form of invisibility than the Invisible type. At its lowest levels it may make a cloaked being look a bit like the Predator from the movies and comics. At it's highest level, no visual cues remain in the slightest. The field should be able to be expanded, as it is electromagnetic, to encompass others within the globe of the effect. Sight becomes useless to detecting this type but good strong ears should be capable of detecting the presence and not long after its development, sensors are also developed that can pinpoint the location of the field itself and heat sensors can defy the effect since they aren't looking at light. This also is a work in progress for further development for mid-transhuman and beyond.

  • Void: Eventually this will be further incorporated into the game for late eras as well. A Void cloaked unit lets light pass through it directly. It is inert to many aspects of physics so is not detectable by heat sensors or sound. But it IS kinetically physical so more advanced sensors eventually figure out how to detect such units.

  • Nano: In the latest eras of transhuman to early galactic, nanotech and AI have developed to the point where many AI entities are intellectually made up of many microscopic ones. They can 'scatter' themselves to an impressive distance while maintaining interconnective cohesion as a a being. They will be able to do this then pull themselves together where they suddenly wish to 'manifest' and can often do this to make their presence extremely difficult to detect. It is not until massively complex atomic level monitors are developed that can pick out the signatures of atoms acting in such long distance communication with one another that such hidden beings can be detected. This is also a future work in progress.

  • Phased: Phasing is the ability to modulate the frequency of an object, being or person such that they can 'fade away' from this frequency of physical reality. A 'phased out' being can move through solid objects and light passes through them. They make no sound as they do not disturb the air itself. It makes them pretty much incapable of doing any direct harm to others in this state. Much like 'ghosts' they can hardly interact when 'phased out'. But they can quickly adjust their 'state' and manifest to attack at a moment's notice, sometimes manifesting only their arms and weapons if advanced enough. Detecting this requires even greater technology still that can probe all layers of the frequency spectrums. They might be difficult to harm while phased out unless the attacker can also phase and match his vibration to that of his target. Again, more development needs to take place to get these effects fully in play.

  • Immaterial: Such a hidden being has no physical form whatsoever. It has perception of the area it is in but it does not have anything but a faint signature of its existence. It may physically exist in another place perhaps. And for some it may allow them to manifest anywhere at any time. Many immaterial beings also have the capacity to observe anywhere at any time. They exist on the underside of reality where mathematically all is inverted. This is the most powerful form of invisibility and like many other invisibility types will be inherent with other effects. The very last technologies on the tech tree would access this. And it's still got a lot of work to be done to be implemented into the game officially.

  • Disguised: Criminals always have SOME disguise ability. It includes the capacity to make one's self LOOK like a different person or many different people. But more importantly perhaps, is the meaning it carries that implies the unit has great skill at blending in and acting like a trustworthy member of the community, even though they are likely anything but! Law Enforcement units have and can further develop the abilities to disseminate these criminal skills to properly identify those that are 'up to no good'. But very few other ways can counter and detect this type of invisibility.

  • Political: During the late Industrial to Modern Eras, this form of invisibility is a new emerging strategy for Criminals. They obtain Political invisibility by bribing government officials at both local and national levels, sometimes paying off the law itself such that their criminal actions are ignored or overlooked. For the idealistic Law Enforcement officer, this is an extremely frustrating type of invisibility where they may know full well that a criminal is exactly what an individual is but they also know that they cannot just do something about it, even though they may have proof of crimes committed. Criminal upgrades during this time continue to grow their abilities in this type of invisibility while the Law does all it can to keep up. As computers start coming into effect, the corruption of the enforcement bodies is curtailed and this method of 'hiding' becomes less effective.

  • Submerged: Soon the game will enable units to exist on differing depth layers in water tiles. This deep diving obviously would make a unit completely invisible to sight but would also reduce the range at which advanced sensor systems would detect them as well. Each level of Submerged invisibility would represent another layer of depth. This is a work in progress.

  • Size: When you're looking for hostiles, a single individual, and/or smaller entities making up the unit, may be easily able to escape notice, even if not trying. Size invisibility accommodates this effect, but only on Size Matters. Higher Quality units are more alert and taking notice of smaller details thus Quality is the counter for Size Invisibility stemming from smaller group volume and entity size units. Some promotions can enhance both Invisibility and Visibility of this type of invisibility.

  • Naval Disguise: A ship or small fleet is in the distance but it looks like a simple merchant or exploring vessel, perhaps a patrol fleet of your own nation's navy. Nothing to be worried about... until it draws near and unfurls a pirate flag! Naval Disguise allows pirates to pretend to be innocent ships. Keen eyed Crow's Nest crewman are taught to look for more subtle signs that the crew of such ships may be less than innocent and can often give improved forewarning.
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Just a quick thought: I can imagine that Disguise becomes less effectiv when the Facial Recognition Software is built. Might work with other buildings, too, like Town Patrols etc.
Just a quick thought: I can imagine that Disguise becomes less effectiv when the Facial Recognition Software is built. Might work with other buildings, too, like Town Patrols etc.

While at the moment no specific techs or buildings have been identified as adding or subtracting from given invisibility effectiveness, Disguise does start going down for criminals and LE units eventually fairly well trumps this ability after a point. Thus the reliance on political invisibility grows more effective for criminals at that time. Not to say that disguise cannot be promoted to a level of skill that a criminal cannot utilize it to get an edge still.

As with the majority of the later game invisibilities, there's a bit more work yet to flesh out late modern to future in general. And there are probably many adjustments to come. Concepts like that one do have a place in further refinement of the system for sure. I can see some buildings giving automatic promos to reflect some of these kinds of effects.

With the current state of the SVN and there still being one or more Save Game Breaking SVN Updates possible it is Very Important that you Clear your Cache after getting a CTD from a New SVN version.

Here is the Path for cache location for win 10 OS users"
C:\Users\"username here"\AppData\Local\My Games\Beyond the Sword\cache

Delete every file in that cache.

Once you have done that, restart your game that CTD or Start a New Game.

In Both Cases, you will need to reset All your BUG Options once your previous save game or New game loads. Then once you have the Options In ALL Tabs in the BUG screen set save your game immediately. Then save it again (yes it will ask if it's OK to Overwrite, click the OK). This now locks in all your reset Options.

On a New Game delete the contents of your User Settings Folder in the Main directory of Caveman2Cosmos. You will need to repopulate your User Setting Folder to the most current Usable settings. We have had Main C2C Set UP Option changes. These must be accounted for and this is how to do it.

These steps will stop many CTD from occuring with the newest SVN updates And Especially if, in the SVN thread, it is Noted that a SVN Update is Save Game Breaking.

Save your self and the Mod Team some headaches by doing these steps.

Thank you
JosEPh :)
ATTENTION ALL PLAYERS: When you update you copy of C2C to any Newer version it is Imperative that you clear the cache folder Before you start a new game.

The cache folder holds stored data from the last version you played And Will cause conflicts and oddities if not cleared out (Delete it's contents). Must be done before you start an New Game. It may also be necessary If you are trying to contimue an Older save game from a previous version as well.

Path to the cache folder for win 10 users is: C:\Users\"username"\AppData\Local\My Games\Beyond the Sword\cache .

By doing this you will reduce perceived "bugs" and will get better game play for your New games.

Thank you for playing Caveman2Cosmos. :)
Invisibility types are now expressed in text displays with their icon rather than their name. While this has dramatically helped in streamlining the display texts so they can be more easily absorbed and be less likely to overwhelm the help hovers, this can currently make things a little confusing for players who no longer have names to link these icons to. So, here's their icons with a brief description. Some of these descriptions include an assumption that Hide and Seek is in use so may make statements that would not apply in games that do not.

  • Submarine: Submarine invisibility represents a unit that exists just beneath the surface of the water but is fully capable of engagement at the surface level. Of course, subs have this, but so do many water animals. They can be seen from the surface when very close by the majority of ships unless they have improved their ability to USE this just sub-surface cruising stealth, in which case, it takes ships that have also improved their visibility of this type to see them at all. Generally speaking, ships with a crew that includes experts in the crow's nest (a promotionline) can get better and longer range visibility on this invisibility type.

  • Naval Stealth: A later game ultra-modern development. Such ships are designed to throw off all sensors that would normally give alert of approaching nearby ships. They quietly skirt across the surface of the water and refrain or completely eliminate the use of water disturbing propulsion methods. While they would certainly be visible to the eye (though are usually remotely camouflaged for ocean conditions) the game assumes that once we reach this late in the game, visibility is based more on long range sensors - to do this the implication of the distance of a tile when it comes to the strategic layer of the game adjusts as techs advance. Perhaps at some point, some further visibility rules will adapt further to better model technological visibilities and invisibilities such that this sort of invisibility purely avoids extremely long range sensor capacities rather than creating a conflict in rationale where visibility to the eye is concerned. But for now, the irrationality exists so as to give these modern stealth technologies an effect in the game and are explainable only in terms of the combat map sharing at times a true distance concept in parallel to a strategic distance concept.

  • Camouflage: The ability to hide in one's surroundings. The term is a little misleading in some ways in that sometimes it is not camouflage exactly that creates this effect for the unit but instead misdirection skills and a keen awareness of the lines of sight of others that may be looking to spot the unit and an ability to stay where those lines of sight do not exist. This type of invisibility encompasses both. If the term 'Stealth' was not used already for Naval Stealth, it might have been a better moniker for this invisibility type. Strike Teams and Felines are the masters of this sort of invisibility. Early criminals aren't slouches at all either. Terrains and Features often play a role in granting units there some invisibility of this type due to the concealment they offer. Canine units are by far the best at spotting Camouflage units and can develop their abilities here to an unparalleled degree. Strike Teams and Criminals can be quite good at seeing this type of invisibility as well, primarily due to the same skillset that allows them to make full use of it themselves. Ruffians, on Hide and Seek only, tend to have a lesser ability to hide and detect this form of invisibility as well.

  • Invisible: This somewhat redundantly named invisibility type represents the material sourced invisibility that we're currently developing in the real world. There are nano-cloth materials we're working on that defract the light through the fibers so that they show what is behind you when you are covered by these materials. There are panel displays on the sides of larger vehicles that use cameras on the opposite sides to transfer the image of the view of the other side of the object to the panel facing you so as to make the vehicle blend into the background perfectly. As the transhuman era advances, this will become a more common visual form of invisibility (more development work is needed to flesh this out further.)

  • Cloaked: A field generated invisibility that captures and redirects each individual ray of light around the object it cloaks. This is a much more 'pure' form of invisibility than the Invisible type. At its lowest levels it may make a cloaked being look a bit like the Predator from the movies and comics. At it's highest level, no visual cues remain in the slightest. The field should be able to be expanded, as it is electromagnetic, to encompass others within the globe of the effect. Sight becomes useless to detecting this type but good strong ears should be capable of detecting the presence and not long after its development, sensors are also developed that can pinpoint the location of the field itself and heat sensors can defy the effect since they aren't looking at light. This also is a work in progress for further development for mid-transhuman and beyond.

  • Void: Eventually this will be further incorporated into the game for late eras as well. A Void cloaked unit lets light pass through it directly. It is inert to many aspects of physics so is not detectable by heat sensors or sound. But it IS kinetically physical so more advanced sensors eventually figure out how to detect such units.

  • Nano: In the latest eras of transhuman to early galactic, nanotech and AI have developed to the point where many AI entities are intellectually made up of many microscopic ones. They can 'scatter' themselves to an impressive distance while maintaining interconnective cohesion as a a being. They will be able to do this then pull themselves together where they suddenly wish to 'manifest' and can often do this to make their presence extremely difficult to detect. It is not until massively complex atomic level monitors are developed that can pick out the signatures of atoms acting in such long distance communication with one another that such hidden beings can be detected. This is also a future work in progress.

  • Phased: Phasing is the ability to modulate the frequency of an object, being or person such that they can 'fade away' from this frequency of physical reality. A 'phased out' being can move through solid objects and light passes through them. They make no sound as they do not disturb the air itself. It makes them pretty much incapable of doing any direct harm to others in this state. Much like 'ghosts' they can hardly interact when 'phased out'. But they can quickly adjust their 'state' and manifest to attack at a moment's notice, sometimes manifesting only their arms and weapons if advanced enough. Detecting this requires even greater technology still that can probe all layers of the frequency spectrums. They might be difficult to harm while phased out unless the attacker can also phase and match his vibration to that of his target. Again, more development needs to take place to get these effects fully in play.

  • Immaterial: Such a hidden being has no physical form whatsoever. It has perception of the area it is in but it does not have anything but a faint signature of its existence. It may physically exist in another place perhaps. And for some it may allow them to manifest anywhere at any time. Many immaterial beings also have the capacity to observe anywhere at any time. They exist on the underside of reality where mathematically all is inverted. This is the most powerful form of invisibility and like many other invisibility types will be inherent with other effects. The very last technologies on the tech tree would access this. And it's still got a lot of work to be done to be implemented into the game officially.

  • Disguised: Criminals always have SOME disguise ability. It includes the capacity to make one's self LOOK like a different person or many different people. But more importantly perhaps, is the meaning it carries that implies the unit has great skill at blending in and acting like a trustworthy member of the community, even though they are likely anything but! Law Enforcement units have and can further develop the abilities to disseminate these criminal skills to properly identify those that are 'up to no good'. But very few other ways can counter and detect this type of invisibility.

  • Political: During the late Industrial to Modern Eras, this form of invisibility is a new emerging strategy for Criminals. They obtain Political invisibility by bribing government officials at both local and national levels, sometimes paying off the law itself such that their criminal actions are ignored or overlooked. For the idealistic Law Enforcement officer, this is an extremely frustrating type of invisibility where they may know full well that a criminal is exactly what an individual is but they also know that they cannot just do something about it, even though they may have proof of crimes committed. Criminal upgrades during this time continue to grow their abilities in this type of invisibility while the Law does all it can to keep up. As computers start coming into effect, the corruption of the enforcement bodies is curtailed and this method of 'hiding' becomes less effective.

  • Submerged: Soon the game will enable units to exist on differing depth layers in water tiles. This deep diving obviously would make a unit completely invisible to sight but would also reduce the range at which advanced sensor systems would detect them as well. Each level of Submerged invisibility would represent another layer of depth. This is a work in progress.

  • Size: When you're looking for hostiles, a single individual, and/or smaller entities making up the unit, may be easily able to escape notice, even if not trying. Size invisibility accommodates this effect, but only on Size Matters. Higher Quality units are more alert and taking notice of smaller details thus Quality is the counter for Size Invisibility stemming from smaller group volume and entity size units. Some promotions can enhance both Invisibility and Visibility of this type of invisibility.

  • Naval Disguise: A ship or small fleet is in the distance but it looks like a simple merchant or exploring vessel, perhaps a patrol fleet of your own nation's navy. Nothing to be worried about... until it draws near and unfurls a pirate flag! Naval Disguise allows pirates to pretend to be innocent ships. Keen eyed Crow's Nest crewman are taught to look for more subtle signs that the crew of such ships may be less than innocent and can often give improved forewarning.
I know this is old post.
I think you need to change to imgur, as photobucket disallows hotlinking stuff.
It is like this for half of year:
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You can use this forum to upload pictures, too. Just upload it as a file and you can link to it in a post. However you have limited disc space for uploads on your forum account so it's best to upload pictures in low filesize formats like .jpg instead of .bmp
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