Crime & Punishment

I wonder if when designer babies (~ A.D 2030-2040) become a reality, will their be genetic piracy. Instead of stealing .mp3s like in our era, genomes of successful people will be pirated in the black market like bootleg DVDs. Instead of pirating Microsoft Office, a genetic sequence for High IQ to give your designer baby an advantage will be pirated instead of buying a license to use it.

A "licence key made of DNA nuclotides A,T,C,G" encoded in the genome and some sort of DNA test can be used to proove a designer baby's genome was pirated. Enforcement will occur because the rich who can afford designer babies will not want extra competition for their children in the workplace from the unmodified poor who cheated. Their could be a Genome Enforcement Commission that prevents this.

How about a new crime at Gene modification?
Crime: Genome Piracy

Anti-Crime Building: Genome Piracy Commission
Sorry, my idea was less about techs, but more about civics:
Bank Robbery and all money related crimes don´t make much sense if you run Barter ( for that matter: same goes for the Bank building), or maybe post scarcity. Or paradise in welfare.

I sometimes loose the overwiew about the sheer mass of techs and crimes. But is there one representing self cleaning surfaces? If so it could obolete grafitti.
some possible Crimes that were in my mind

Crime: Money Laundring
Exists Above 300
Requires Corporations

Crime: False Accusations
Exists Above 25
Requires Oratory

Street Protest
Exists Above 60
Requires Paved Roads

Crime: Tresspassing
Exists Above 75
Requires The Wheel

Crime: Runaways
Exists Above 200
Requires Boat Building

Crime: Insoburdination
Exists Above 450
Requires Military Traditon

Crime: Littering
Exists Above 20
Requires Construction

Crime ; Disorderly conduct
Exista Above 120
Requires Cooperation

Crime: Prostitution
Exists Above 300
Requires Battlefield Medicine

Crime: Hate Crime
Exists Above 250
Requires Radio

Crime: Gene Forgery
Exists Above 450
Requires Genetics

Crime: Asimov Tampering
Exists above 510
Requires Personal Robots
Spoiler :
The Three Laws of Robotics (often shortened to The Three Laws or Three Laws) are a set of rules devised by the science fiction author Isaac Asimov and later added to. The rules were introduced in his 1942 short story "Runaround", although they had been foreshadowed in a few earlier stories. The Three Laws are:

A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

Crime: Unathorized Cybernetics
Exists Above 620
Requires Cybernetics

Crime: Asteroid To Earth Terrorism
Exists Above 600
Requires Asteroid Extraction

Crime: Natural Birth
Exits Above 50
Requires Artificial Life

Crime: Illegal Brainwashing
Exits Above 540
Requires Mind Uploading

Crime: Planetary Bombardment
Exits Above 900
Requires Interstellar trade

Crime: Timeline Tampering
Exits Above 950
Requires Time Travel
Some questions and comments ...

1. Why is Runaways linked to Boat Building tech?

2. Trespassing should probably have a different tech than The Wheel. Something to do with owning land.

3. Littering seems more fit for Public Sanitation.

4. Prostitution, hmm. That is as old as time. However when it becomes illegal is the question.

5. Hate Crime I think would be perfect for the Minority Rights tech I want to introduce.

6. Asimov Tampering, nice. :thumbsup::borg:

7. Timeline Tampering, HA! :spear:
1. Why is Runaways linked to Boat Building tech?
Well i didnt know where to put it. Im thinking of Deserters, when people leave the city because they are mad and when soldiers leave the battlefield in protest.

2. Trespassing should probably have a different tech than The Wheel. Something to do with owning land.
I really dont know where Trespassing can fit, maybe Tribaldom?

3. Littering seems more fit for Public Sanitation.
Why didnt i think of that before lol

B]4. Prostitution, hmm. That is as old as time. However when it becomes illegal is the question.
Im thinking sometime in the modern era around the 1970s..maybe mass media
5. Hate Crime I think would be perfect for the Minority Rights tech I want to introduce.
Yes it would be better under Minority Rights!

6. Asimov Tampering, nice. :thumbsup::borg:
Yeah, future people illegally modified the behavior of their personal robots and its illegal because it can be very dangerous. Or illegal upload new software without permission.

7. Timeline Tampering, HA! :spear:
Well if people are really pissed of they can attempt to go back in time to change history. this should be the ultimate crime..i was thinking Crime 900+ but it can be made higher..maybe 2000, if your civilization has Time travel this will probably happen if they are seriously pissed of.

oh, and for Asteroid to Earth Terrorism is when rebels fling asteroids to targeted cities on Earth to protest that government.
why should Prostitution be a crime ? many European countries allow it. if its illegal or not should be limited by your civic. intolerant should make it a crime.
Some questions and comments ...

1. Why is Runaways linked to Boat Building tech?

2. Trespassing should probably have a different tech than The Wheel. Something to do with owning land.

3. Littering seems more fit for Public Sanitation.

4. Prostitution, hmm. That is as old as time. However when it becomes illegal is the question.

5. Hate Crime I think would be perfect for the Minority Rights tech I want to introduce.

6. Asimov Tampering, nice. :thumbsup::borg:

7. Timeline Tampering, HA! :spear:

5. Should also require some civics, as some societies sanction and even endorse hate crimes against minorities. (ex. gays being buried alive by the Taliban, women being abused in Iran, etc.)

6 and 7. Good ideas for future crimes.:scan:
what about social cervice biuldings should reduce crime too. i thing of buildings that support poor people to live a life without becomming a criminal. something like foundation, public school, social service , ore social justice organisation, we have all this biuldings, it would make sense to use them like this. a hungry person who havent money to bye food is going to steal something before he is starving when he dont get any help
I really dont know where Trespassing can fit, maybe Tribaldom?

Trespassing isn't a crime until the notion of land ownership - to use an example in England (which is where I live), it was the Enclosures Act in the 18thC that really solidified the notion that all land is owned, and made trespass a crime - so it was much later than you suppose.

Prior to that there were areas of woodland etc. where nobles/royalty had sole rights to hunt, but breaching that law was poaching, not trespass, and you were only foul of the law if you killed and removed game. Trespassing as a crime did not exist (at least not here) until a few hundred years ago, and land ownership is not an ancient notion. If trespassing is to be included as a crime, it should be no earlier than late renaissance/early industrial.


I also COMPLETELY agree with Kreatur's post. Capital punishment and gaols are not the only ways to tackle crime, I would like to see some social policy prevention type stuff (and no I don't mean Big Brother surveillance type stuff, but social stuff to make sure that people don't need to resort to crime so there is support for the bottom layer of society, and also education to make sure that people don't get to that point), there are plenty of ways crime can be prevented, at the moment the focus seems to be more on the punishment aspect which leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I think education buildings such as schools should reduce crime by a small amount, perhaps also leisure facilities (public amenities such as swimming pools, recreation centres, sports facilities), also some of the education civics (compulsory education etc.) should have a small -crime bonus in each city to represent a larger proportion of the population getting a better education and better prospects in life as a result. Other buildings that could reduce crime could be things like soup kitchens, drug rehab centres, job retraining centres. Even in ancient times, Rome gave corn to the poor.

Edit: Of course all these measures cost money - but it should a choice between being a punishment hardliner, or taking more liberal prevention measures, rather than being pushed towards building gallows.
I really hope that some of the crime prevention of the capital punishment is moved to other buildings. Crimes that can result in capital punishment are an extremely small part of overall crime, studies show it is no more effective as a deterrent than life in prison and it is extremely expensive in the US so should probably get -gold with some civics. In general it is the probability of getting caught that deters crime, not the harshness of the punishment.
I really hope that some of the crime prevention of the capital punishment is moved to other buildings. Crimes that can result in capital punishment are an extremely small part of overall crime, studies show it is no more effective as a deterrent than life in prison and it is extremely expensive in the US so should probably get -gold with some civics. In general it is the probability of getting caught that deters crime, not the harshness of the punishment.

Well its not until more recent history have such techniques even been considered. Most punishments in history were brutal and barbaric.
Well its not until more recent history have such techniques even been considered. Most punishments in history were brutal and barbaric.

Yeah, but that doesn't mean that it was effective in preventing crime back then. I'm not sure but I don't think that the death penalty has ever been all that common form of punishment. Currently only about 0.15% of the US prison population is on death row.

More modern civics such as liberal and later techs could add unhappiness to the capital punishment buildings to model the drop of support that has happened in most of the western world.
True, the death penalty has not been the most used. imprisonment and, stockades, public whippings, mainming .. the list is long and sometimes pretty creative ( especially when it comes to torture for "confessions")
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