Why are the Inca so Powerful?

Game1: Random civ, huge, all random, CLL (cult link loc): Korea with: 5 Americans, Baby, Engl, Franc,
Span, Viki, Dut, Jap, Russ, Indians, Port.

Game2: Random civs (not reselected), huge, all random, CLL: Persia with: 5 americans, Roman, Korean, Mongol, Eng, Egyp, Carth, Otto, Byzan, Jap.

Game3: Random civs (not reselected), Large, all random, CLL: Japan with: Carth, Germ, Iroq, egyp, Zulu, Korean, frens, aust, chine, baby, Indian.

Game4: Random civs (not reselected), Large, all random, CLL : France with: 5 Americans Celt, Chin, Baby, Vik, Egyp, Engl

Game5: Random civs (not reselected), Standard, all random, CLL : Greece with: 5 americans, Austr, Korea.

Game6: Random civs (not reselected), Standard, all random, No CLL this time: Japan with: America, roma, Hitt, Vik, Byz, Eng, Germ.

Score: 4 out of 5 that all 5 american civs are included when CLL is selected.
@Timerover and CelticEmpire:
I apologise for any offence caused by my suggesting bias on the part of American players specifically -- as opposed to Civ3 players in general.

No offense taken:)! I do always play my first game on each version of Civilization (I've played all but II) as the Americans.

One last question: Does anyone know if this (bug) applies to Vanilla/PtW as well?

It's been a few years but I don't think it does. I do remember that the Romans would appear very often, even on the smallest map sizes.
Score: 4 out of 6 that all 5 american civs are included.

You mean "4 out of 5", not? Because in game 6 you didn't have CLL, so that wouldn't count for testing the bug. Rather for testing that without that setting we do get a more balanced distribution.

Very interesting is game 3: even though it has CLL activated, it has only one American civ (Iroquois). I think that shows that the bug does not mean it's kind of "hard-coded", but rather that it's a "probability of 99%" or something. (Perhaps a wrong scale when using the value from the RNG?)
Very interesting is game 3: even though it has CLL activated, it has only one American civ (Iroquois). I think that shows that the bug does not mean it's kind of "hard-coded", but rather that it's a "probability of 99%" or something. (Perhaps a wrong scale when using the value from the RNG?)
Not sure we can take this as 100% reliable anyway, because Theov's Games3+5 contain 'Aust(rians?)', showing that he's modded the base-game -- I can't be sure which Civ he threw out in order to include them, but it must have been either Sumer or Arabia, since neither of those appear in any of the lists (both are Mid-East, so he has 10 Euro-civs and 6 Mid-East Civs, instead of 9 and 7).

Also, 4/6 of those games are on Large/Huge maps; but at this World-size, since there will be that many more spawn-points, any non-random bias towards the culturally-linked Americans will be much less apparent (which, incidentally, is why Bamspeedy says he decided to play only Large+ maps, in that thread I linked in my previous post). Theov's CLL results can be summarised as follows:

Game|Size|Home Civ|||All Civs||
|||Americans|European|Asian|Mid-East|Ancient Med
Game1|Huge|Korea|5/5|7/10| 3/5 |1/6|–
Game2|Huge|Persia|5/5|1/10|3/5| 2/6 |4/5
Game3|Large|Japan|1/5|3/10| 4/5 |2/6|2/5
Game4|Large|France|5/5| 4/10 |1/5|1/6|1/5
Game5|Standard|Greece|5/5|1/10|1/5|–| 1/5

...showing that yes, the Americans show up in all 5 games -- but in 4 of those (all on Large+ maps), 4-5 culture-groups appear anyway, so it doesn't really prove anything one way or the other.

I think I might try this exercise myself when I get home, using Standard 70% worlds, 5 of each type. I might even test it in Vanilla as well, using Small 70% worlds (because there are fewer American Civs, so cultural-imperialism would be less apparent on a Standard size map). After I've generated the 4000 BC file, I'll just retire, so that I can see the replay-map... (I'll have to delete all those 'losses' from my HoF afterwards, but such is life... ;) )
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Oops yeah, i forgot i added the austrians for the sumerians and moved the spanish to the mediterranean to compensate.

A little more unmodded testing ;)

Game1: Russians with: Mongol Arab Netherlands
Game2: Arab with: Amer Azt Greek

Game3: Japan with 5 americans
Game4: Russia with Inca, Maya, Egypt, China, Aztec.

Game5: Netherlands with: 5 americans 2 unknown
Game6: India, Aztec, Portugal, Rome, Iroq, Zulu, Byz
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