Capitalism revealed


Jun 20, 2006
1 AU from a star called the Sun
Its political parody!
The Theory Of Capitalism

The goal of a Capitalism form of society seeks to eliminate waste, corruption, and maximize performance of the workforce, landscape, and limited resources available. For a Capitalist society to thrive, all must accept the system, and perform to full capacity towards the goal of profit. At the same time, a Capitalist society thrives when it is providing for necessities of its denizens.

Philosophy and Doctrine

Often, Capitalism is conceived as a cruel mother who hurls its undesirables into the void and pampers its desirables. This is only partly true. Though Capitalism tries to control human capabilities to its ultimate efficiency, some things need to be overlooked. As long as the denizen is operating at an efficient level and withdrawing fewer resources than is required to run it, it is seen as a desirable. This is an important factor considering the initial wave of Capitalism, since there are several. Every "Wave" or generation of Capitalist civilization, becomes more and more efficient, thus it cannot be expected that this system of government be 100% efficient within the first generation. There are steps to be taken to ensure that this economic system succeeds, though 100% efficiency is encouraged and expected, in reality anywhere from 98-100% is the reality, at least after several generations.
Capitalism consists of a mathematical formula, simply put, what is taken from everyone, and what is contributed to everyone. As long as you are inputting more into society rather than receiving from society, you are clear to remain in the Capitalist society. The economy provides everything for you, to include food, housing, clothing, entertainment, etc. It all comes from the masses. Your job, as far as Capitalism is concerned, is determined after a series of general schooling and testing. Everyone from birth, except those with genetic effect (who must rely on non-Capitalist structures), are given roughly 1.5 decades of schooling, and .5 decades of training into a specific job in which you are tested and geared towards. The job into which you are assigned is tailored firstly to your specific strengths, and secondly to your specific tastes. Not everyone will love their position in a Capitalist society. This is countered by the fact that you can apply for a different position, though testing and training costs are factored into the equation of you switching positions. Once you are locked into a position into society, it is very hard to leave. You perform that duty for as long as capable by the biology of your genetics and then rely on generosity or other non-Capitalist structures once your output exceeds your input, or you are outranked by a desirable that performs the job better and with less resources. This is performed with the act of "Punishment", or simply put; you are starved, forced from shelter, deprived of other necessities, and in general harmed, to make way for a more efficient desirable. Don't forget that this also includes machinery and artificial intelligence, though this will be attempted to be increased in efficiency as well, seeing as how any machine, once perfected, can perform the job of a human at a faster and better quality rate, at least a thousand times over. If it were an Optimized society, Optimized humans have priority over AI and optimized machinery, though in limited respects depending on what the job is and what resources are required to run or obtain the desired result of the position. Capitalism on the other hand, doesn’t have a clear plan for that

Punishment and Continued Capitalism

This is where Capitalism, in most cases, gets the boot. Due to the punishment required for a Capitalized society, people forego the benefits of society as a whole and embrace what is known to them. When Capitalism is a fully fledged system, children will be taught that unicorns will fall from the sky and everyone will be a happy part of one of the million cartoons, that this is a part of life, and then slowing given more and more work until they spend their average day doing mainly unwanted work, in other words manipulated into their position (it is important to note that children often wish to become something and this something is never “human”). Forced labor, though sad and the basis of grief (and the consumption heavy narcotics, alcohol, etc.) in a Capitalist society, is a requirement for continued Utopia. Factors leading to the punishment of an individual are as follows:
- Refusal to accept the Capitalist society
- Breaking one of several covenants based on the rules of Capitalist society- Letting your purchasing exceed your paycheck.
- Being of lesser genetic (or physical, mental, etc.) value, simply put, having some sort of defect in which your position in a Capitalist society is severely compromised.

Capitalism still seeks to be as profitable as possible and as such mass unemployment due to advanced machinery and robotics will be a great event to behold.

Beginning Capitalism, and Future Capitalism

In the beginning Capitalism pretty much had a place for all humans willing to accept the system (apparently, although they didn't really have a choice seeing as their former societies’ non-representational government dissolved its non-Capitalist economy). Today Millions, even billions perhaps, could refuse to accept the system, and thus be punished appropriately for violation of law 1 of termination, thus eliminating the threat of resistance to Capitalism. Anything that threatens the Capitalist form of society must be eliminated. Anyone refusing to accept the system is a potential threat to the utopian form of society, and must be eliminated to ensure survival. Throughout, theories of corruption and personal gain still exist so punishment is high (at least for those who have no position of power). This is accepted as inevitable. After several generations and punishment of undesirables, along with punishment of violators of the rules of punishment, Capitalism still has corruption and many miserable people
This is where the future of Capitalism leads us. Everyone has a place in a society that perpetuates itself (in other words they get to work their entire productive life), the only time punishment is utilized is for punishment violators, and people who through their efforts to continue Capitalism have obsolete themselves, though every effort has been made to continue to find a place for these obsolete. Eventually a massive percentage has been replaced by machinery and artificial intelligence, at least for the repetitious tasks, and thus only Capitalist citizens of a higher caliber exist to maintain said intelligence and machinery. At this point human expansion should have reached other planets, thus exploiting potential landscape and resources in order to maintain the growth of the human race. This allows for a much higher expansion of population numbers and therefore, inserting a newer variable into the equation that allows us to expand even further. Eventually Capitalism grows into an exponentially expanding form of society. Or its disregard for the environment will royally screw it over.


Capitalism is undeniably the perfect form of society, utilizing mathematical equations, common sense, and a uniformity of ideals and goals, it can only be concluded as the epitome of societies, and thus the only way for humanity to achieve what it should. Destroying weaknesses and enhancing perfection is by far, the human condition to be.

- Questions?
- Comments?
- Suggestions?
Yes, I have a comment! Capitalism, Communism, Optimization, Feudalism, Totalitarianism, Fascism and for the most part all major systems current and past are all the same thing to different degrees. They all have the common ingredient of trying to force people to work (and other things depending on the system, and in that regard modern American-style Capitalism is the better system). Whether it is immediate terminations or starvation on the cement pavement, whether people are made to pick cotton in the fields or work endlessly in a cubicle, the threat of death by starvation on one and one’s close companions as well as psychological manipulation is one of the greatest encroachments on freedom.
A society that abandons the heavy use of incentives that force people into giving up their life doing labor like a robot is a much freer society. If you read the thread “Question to Communists,” you may know that I support this form of society:
Society should be decentralized (to the point where a community is completely self-goverened). The decentralized government must be made of all people able to communicate in the community. These people make decisions by the democratic process in which the majorty agrees with the decision. The two types of decisions it is allowed to make will be:
1. Whether or not a person (in the community) intentionally has, or is, or eminently will be causing harm and what to do about it. Harm is defined as anything that inhibits a person’s ability to do something other than inhibit someone else’s ability to do something (the primary way is offering of incentives and other forms of authority). Also harming is inflicting unwanted damage on another. The established authority is the only entity that can legally offer incentives to counter harm. If there is a situation where it is literally impossible for one to not harm another, then the authority must attempt to reduce the harm as much as possible.
Also harm is taking away the produce of another person/groups production without their consent. Also harm is not allowing natural resources to be shared fairly (the authority decides fairness).
2. Whether to include a new member to a community or not.

edit: just to make it clear, I'm not one to hate Capitalists (or anyone really), just in case my avatar doesn't make that abudantly clear.
edit2: As an explanatory note, I'm simply suggesting that Capitalism and the other forms of society deprive people's rights and that there needs to be an alternative (which I proposed).

We all know you hate capitalism because of all the wonders it has done for the world.
If it wern't for the pictures, I'd not understand the OP.
Then, the purpose of this thread was, other than +1 Postcount...?

Because really, although Chazumi had some interesting ideas with his whole Optimization thing, capitalism...well, there are already tons of books written about it.
If it wern't for the pictures, I'd not understand the OP.
:lol:, that annoyed me when I read Optimization, but the equation was just terrible (it should be P<C than termination, where P is production value and C is consumption).

Then, the purpose of this thread was, other than +1 Postcount...?

Because really, although Chazumi had some interesting ideas with his whole Optimization thing, capitalism...well, there are already tons of books written about it.
To explain that Capitalism deprives the rights of people (and as an example compared it to a system that was generally accepted as depriving people's rights).

Moderator Action: Please debate the post, and not the person posting it.

& Greenpeace - its presented as a troll. Generate some objective discussion to prove that it isn't.
I'm just comparing two systems and suggesting an alternative, its not a troll unless you view one political system as inherently evil, which is not allowed by mod standards.
A completely decentralized government doesn't work.
This is why centralized governments were created.
A completely decentralized government doesn't work.
This is why centralized governments were created.
When leading a nation with set goals and the like it is indeed terrible. But when production levels and forcing massive efforts isn't really a daily neccesity, decentrlization isn't quite as difficult. That in addition to the various communities not at all being prohibited from free open exchange (making war a much, much smaller ability especially when coupled with any cultural pressure that is almost guarenteed by the system).
I'm just comparing two systems and suggesting an alternative, its not a troll unless you view one political system as inherently evil, which is not allowed by mod standards.

Moderator Action: You've basically take Chazumi's post, modified the first paragraph then done a search & replace.

You could have responded as part of his thread, drawing your view of the parallels to capitalism there; instead, you change it and post it as a different topic.

I'm not suggesting you're trolling capitalists. You are trolling Chazumi.

I'm giving you a chance to actually discuss your views objectively. If you want to discuss this with me more, then take it to PM.
:shake: at the opening post.

What do you mean?
"And at my right, Aging-Hippie-Liberal-Douche..."
- Southpark
That´s all I thought of when skimming the post.
Well just so you know, I'm not supporting Communism (if you read the end you can see what I mean). In fact, I could rewrite the entire thing and substitute Communism instead (its just that Communism doesn't affect my life, or the currently the lives of most people, so its less of a point, and more importantly its more obvious to most that it violates ones rights).
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