Best Futuristic scenario


Dec 26, 2008
Hello gentleman, I'm new to the scenario realm because I usually enjoy playing custom standard games a lot. However, I've been intrigued by the idea of some futuristic scenarios that I've caught glimpses of and I wanted to know what is (or are) considered the most definitive scenario out there to play through the future- whether its a build your own civilization start or if its one that includes pre-made civs.

Anyways, I'm interested in hearing opinions, whether you guys recommend a scenario included with BTS or whether its a downloadable one.
Next War, if you like having tons of cities.

(I'm more of a 3-5 cities person)
I'd like to mention the Star Trek (which includes multiple scenarios) and Planetfall (after Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri) mods.;)
The basic game can't have a future scenario (World Builder created map) per se because it only has content up through the modern era.

Next War just adds a little to the end of the game and is implausible but pretty. Final Frontier and Star Trek are distant future, set in space with solar systems instead of cities. Planetfall is the story of a human colony on a distant star system.

If you want a mod mostly focused in the era of the future, on planet Earth, with lots of future content, I've made a BtS 3.17 mod that is focused on the future, though it includes Industrial and Modern eras that you can skip over with Custom and Advanced games and still have plenty of game left.

It's in the Creation and Customization/Mods forum, and is a pretty small download for a mod.
Thanks for the help, I may look into once I move into my new place. There seems to be so many interesting mods out there that its hard picking just one to actually d/l and play.
But the future part needed work on if I remember... (even though it is the best mod!)
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