The NESer Neptune's Pride Thread!

Start Replay.

[00:01]Voice 1: So that's the sample then?

[00:03]Voice 2: Amazing stuff. Some sort of bioengineered coating around the entirety of the hull. Seemed to be weathered away to almost nothing, but samples in the high energy chamber have shown that the material possesses some sort of regenerative property.

[00:15]Voice 1: Not to mention the metallic structure itself- its tensile strength and structure are *static*

[00:22]Voice 3: Have you received the removed sample *static* from the main lab chamber yet?

[00:31]Voice 1: *static* received *static* after its removal from the biolayer, yes. We've just begun intensive scanning of *static* preliminary signs show that the metal has been produced by some bizarre process in the biolayer, almost as if it's been grown like the calcium carbonate superstructure of a coral.

[00:50]Voice 2: Also *static* heavy modification at the hands of *static* when *static* hear something wrong with the *static* instrument display?

[01:00]Voice 1: Power supplies are fluctuating *static* could *static*

[01:07]At this point in the recording an alarm begins to be heard over the discussion.

[01:09]Voice 2: *static* shut it down! Oh *static* shut it down!

[01:20]Voice 3: Command module command *static* please come in, we are experiencing technical difficulties *static* main lab chamber alarm has gone off. Auxiliary-

[01:28]Voice 1: Under control *static* we've still got things completely under con- *static*

[01:36]Voice 4: Command Module here, provide a status report immediately.

[01:44]Voice 1: The situation is *static* power surges but we've *static* control now Command.

[01:48]Voice 2: *indistinct shouting*

[01:52]Voice 3: Hazard alarms have spread *static* through to modules three and five.

[01:58]Voice 2: *indistinct shouting*

[02:04]Voice 1: Power supply stabilizing, we're searching for-

[02:09]Around this point in the recording, the sound of screaming in the background becomes audible.

[02:14]Voice 2: *indistinct shouting*

[02:18]Voice 3: Hazard alarms are now going off in all sectors Command, please advise!

[02:24]Voice 1: The hazard alarms are a system error from the power surge, please hold for system reset.

[02:29]Voice 3: But-

[02:29]20 seconds of silence follow before a resumption of audio contact.

[02:50]Voice 1: Okay command things are still *screaming noise intensifies* Alright, alright things are not under control. Biohazards are off the- oh my god!

[02:55]Voice 3: Command, jettison- oh god! No! Agh! It's all o- *unintelligible screaming*

[02:59]Voice 4: Science Module, respond.

[03:05]Voice 1: *unintelligible screaming*

[03:16]Voice 4: This is the Command deck of The Pursuit. Fleet, you- no! Oh! Agh! *unintelligible screaming*

[03:22]End Replay.
Eugh it's just a mess. A mess. Everyone be kind to the newb here.
Stars aren't everything. Also remember that all of the adjacent stars are much farther apart for us people on the fringes of the galaxy compared to those jerks in the center. :p
I feel like I had a bit of a messy start as well, I delayed my economic boom by building too many ships then had a significant strategy shift just after my fleets had departed. Nonetheless, I'll be more than happy to coach people and help them out with figuring out how to play the game. :D
That'd be lovely. I'm sort of afraid I built too many ships, and have little economy. I make 130 dollars per day, right now
I have way too few ships. Though I do make more than thomas :p
The Eternal Eclipse: Prologue
(Next time I want to do this theme, this will the the name. Please ignore 'Dark Dude')

The star shone brightly upon the planet, but land is shaded and dull.

Every ounce of power is taken. Every source of power is found.

Mountains and tall forests dotted the world of Proxima Shadus Secundus, yet they are dull and lifeless.

Every ounce of power is taken. Every Source of Power is found.

Around the star of Acherner, not a speck of its brilliant light can be seen. Its planets long salvaged to build a shell around the star and to harvest every speck...

Every ounce of power is taken. Every source of power is found.

This is the story of the rise of demons. Some say that they were the result of biological experimentation, others point out to sophisticated nanite machines as their source. Some even simply call them demons that were born from the darkness between the stars, and sought to end the light of the stars forever. But there is one thing that is known about these 'Space Turtles'. Every ounce of power is taken. Every source of power is found. They are lead by the enigmatic Dark Dude, the most visible... yet invisible of all the shadows of the Eternal Eclipse...

Prideful Shadows: Day 3

The ship is darkness. Darkness seemed to flow from its weapons, cling upon the ship as it jumped onto the worlds of the Star Zubel-el-Akribi. The Admiral of Pride, he was called, lounged within an impenetrable... dark light? Veil? Shell? Or is that his true form? Deep within the warfleet of Prideful Shadows, the darkness lingered around the figure.

The Slave swallowed hard. The scout fleet Umbra of Umbrage had easily taken over his home of Cursa Prime, yet its 'mere' captain laughed at his amazement... at least he hoped the vibration of darkness was laughter. "For the darkest mind on this miserably bright planet, you are very bright indeed." chortled the comparably visible Captain, "Slave, you will serve and be endarkned."

Now he watched, standing still as per his training, for what felt like weeks. His stomach began to cave in, and his eyes are dry. The... thing seemed to be cloaked within the shell of darkness. Whether it eats or not he doesn't know, but the large walls that filled the other three quarters of the room seemed to be a screen of some sort, for every once in a while, they seemed to flicker between various shades of darkness.

Finally, it seemed to notice him. It stood up, revealing that its dark shell was only but the rear of the creature. Its front was veiled as well, but he hoped he revealed what was a mouth and a pair of eyes. "Admiral of Pride, I am you humble servant."

It spoke... it didn't really have a voice, but somehow he can understand the Admiral "I have no need for a pitiful thing like you, go study the strategy charts and show me your darkest ideas. Maybe you can be salvaged." Then, the shadows grew darker again as the shell covered its front. The slave shuttered and started backing away.

"One last thing" came the voice... thought? "There is a veil in your room. Wear it, Curslav." Shuddering, the slave, now named Curslav, bowed and left.

The Admiral hummed, then said to himself... if it was a he, that is... "I need some shades... he is much too bright... much too bright... I must bring out his inner darkness... ease his pain... of being so bright..."
Well, my general rule is to build exclusively economy for the first 2-3 days, before beginning industrial production. Early tech trading removes the need for additional science investment, allowing for more combined industrial/economic advancement.

Additionally, if you find yourself in dense space, build extra fleets from the start to increase your expansion rate- in the long term, your economy will be much better off, the $25, $50 or $75 you spend on fleets will repay itself with the half-dozen additional systems you acquire, which will enable more efficient economic development down the line. The only weakness here is the time period at which you are at a temporary disadvantage, but that is a brief window of opportunity that most players cannot react against quickly enough in order to capitalize.

Also, nice story Terrance! :D
YELLOW everywhere.
Neptune's Pride Battle Calculator!

Eternal Eclipse: Day 4
The Eternal Eclipse has spread to its natural boundaries. On all directions lay walls posed either by stout garrisons, or by simple agreements on holo-paper. However, His Darkest Dude has a plan to crack open the shell, literally and figuratively, and spread among those who are not wise enough to placate his hunger. For Power. Every ounce of power is taken. Every Source of Power is Found. Then, he found a wrench in his plan. It was rather big...

Prideful Shadows
Curslav watched the battle from his Strategic Holoscreen, specifically brightened for him to study. He itched his veil... he thinks he may never get used to such a dismal garment. He then watched as the fleet begun to deploy for the assault on Muphrid-Decimadsextet, the 26th planet. Curslav was reminded of the earlier assault on Altair less than half-day’s jump away. (While jumping, the great Hyperjumps make it seem like mere hours between systems, but outside time always insisted that each relativistic day was actually a year. He wrote up a note for himself “2 Hours a Month, Relativistically”)

As the warships detached from the supercarrier, great Battleships held close to the hulking mass of the carrier itself, using the carrier’s massive generators to charge their own weapons. They would be the first to fire and the last to be destroyed in any battle. Infront floated a screen of Cruisers, and flocks of destroyers and frigates. Tiny miniscule wings of Personal Warships, known as fighters and bombers elsewhere, would carry out precision attacks where larger ships use brute force.

He felt the room dim, and turned around to see the all-encompassing darkness of the Admiral of Pride himself. Curslav squinted to make sure-he learned to distern the designs on their great Shells- and confirmed it. “Great Admiral, your humble slave is darkened by your prescense.” He said, and bowed.

The Admiral simply sighed, and pointed to the Holoscreen. “What do you feel about the battle?” he asked.

“Sir, with the same skills as the battle for Altair, we would prevail after regrouping and counter attacking. They might breakthrough our screen but our firepower will decimate their lines. Total, if costly, victory.”

The admiral seemed to smile, “Truth, truth, curslav. But you missed one thing.” It floated towards his holoscreen and pointed behind the star, brilliant compared to the dull screen. “Look there.”

Curslav feared for himself… he made a mistake! He looked and didn’t see anything… but a speck of brightness behind the star. “Sir?” he began to ask, then gasped… for he understood what he saw as he zoomed in.

He saw another warfleet, an Starwhomping fleet of Scron, incoming at position to flank their formation. “We are lost.” He whispered.

“There is an emergency pod.” Spoke the admiral. He looked at Curslav and seemed to smile. “There is hope for you yet.”

Curslav’s mind went blank, then overloaded, “Me? But sir, you are the first and only Admiral of the Eternal Eclipse; You must survive!”

He shook his head, “I am much to big and old to fit, many of my younger associates can escape this doom. In addition, you are more important to the Eclipse than I am.” He looked at the bridge again, and paused. When he began speaking his words seemed halting yet proud, “And any true Admiral will go down with his ship.”

“You must leave now, Curslav. Head for Altair where the Commodore of the Army will hold you. Go, and don’t look back.” He gave Curslav a great shove, and disappeared from the room. Curslav quickly packed his few belongings and entered the small pod, fired by one of the Carrier’s Relativistic Cannons, with some other beings, bright compared to the foreboding Admiral. There was even another being under a veil, not enmenating his own darkness like the others. However, silence was the only conversation as the cannon powered up.

As the escape pod accelerated to relativistic speeds, he remembered what the admiral said. “You are more important… than I am”. He wondered what the admiral meant.

Proxima Prime
The report came in ten minutes ago, only for the ear-holes of the Darkest Dude, when a terrible cry rumbled the compound. They all wondered what happened.

The Darkest Dude stormed into his meditation chamber, holding nothing but a Death Certificate from the Admiral of Pride.
I must say Thomas, NedimNapoleon and I are the only people with aesthetically pleasing empires.
Emperor Chelido Raku Vegelteris III was not a happy Kaus Median. Things were disturbed on Izar that were far beyond the understanding of his own species, and now... they were spreading with enormous speed. The initial infected fleet had been destroyed by unknown aliens, but it had spread. The entire colony at Izar had been wiped out, and he had believed that such a loss would be the end of the threat. Oh, had it been that simple.

No. Instead, the deadly, subversive threat had split up the fleet, jumping out to all nearby systems. Some garrisons had fought off the threat, others had disappeared... and some had been... taken.

The cover-up was doing nothing to help the reality of the situation. The Emperor of the Commonwealth of Kaus Media was still struggling to come to grips with the fact that, in the absence of any sort of major resistance, the threat would be upon his very homeworld within a matter of days.

Also, the alien battlefleet ‘Thor’ was inbound towards the outskirts of Kaus Median core space, apparently to hunt the same ‘demons’ that Chelido stood against. It was a pity that the garrison that they were going to annihilate had not even encountered the Izari Organism at this point.

It was sunset over the palace district of the Commonwealth’s homeworld. The Emperor prayed that this state did not hold true for the entirety of his state. There was far too much to be lost.
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