Platy World Builder

Version 4.07b

1) Fix the above for Religions and Corporations

2) Fix Minimap Territory Color Mismatch

3) Added links to Info Page from various pages

4) Info Screen:
Units => Unit Data Screen
Promotions => Promotion Screen
Buildings, Religions, Corporations => City Data I Screen
Others => Plot Data Screen

Not possible, implementDeal is not exposed to python

In case you are gonna update your ffh mod, there should be another update when I home to add projects and techs to the info screen too if anyone wanna trace which team is the one with tech x without going through tech screen team by team.
Version 4.07c

1) Added Civics, Projects, Techs and Specialists to Info Screen.
The first 3 obviously won't show on the map. Purpose is simply if you want to check just which idiot is the one with Manhattan Project, you no longer have to go to Project Screen and scroll through each team.

Links Added both ways for these 4 items to respective screens.

2) Fix bug when changing current team in Projects and Techs
Funny nobody caught this, which should be present for quite some versions.

3) Fix Promotion Widget Hover Text in Info Screen.

4) Fix various bugs due to bHideInactive False, allowing items with 0 quantity to show in Info Screen

Well, as expected. Info Screen is a pretty big new feature with many many codes.
I guess most of the bugs are caught by now.
Someone who is trying to build a scenario based on MNAI is complaining about the "Change All Plots" feature not working like it does without the modcomp.

It would make more sense if the "Change All Plots" button actually worked as advertized, instead of changing the Plot Type (Peak/Hill/Grassland/Ocean) of only those tiles covered by the 1x1, 3x3, 5x5, or 7x7 brush.

It would probably also be better to call the "Grassland" and "Ocean" Plot Types something like "Flat Land" and "Water", to prevent confusion with the Terrain Types.

If it is not too much trouble, I think it could prove quite useful to allow custom brush sizes, where you can select the x and y dimensions of the brush separately. Sometimes a scenario maker might want to use a brush size like 1x12, to quickly add a land-bridge or mountain range to divide areas of the map.

The "Change All Plots" option should basically just set the brush size to be as large as the entire map. We should be able to use it for Plot Type, Terrain Type, Feature Type, Improvement Type, and Route Type.

Edit: I just remembered that what he wanted can still be easily done through the Plot Data screen if you select "All Plots" instead of "Single Plot," but it may still be useful to make those suggested changes to main worldbuilder interface too.
Hmm, that would be something overlooked and easily fixed.

Splitting the brush size is also easy to code. Difficult part is to organise the layout since you need 2 dropdown menus instead, which is also used in reveal mode.

As for grass and ocean, now is 2.30am, so I can't be bothered to check, but I believe bts named it that way?
Version 4.08

1) Renamed "Change All Plots" to "Plot Type", misleading.

2) Fix Multiple Tile Mode not working in Erase Mode

3) Reveal Plot/Sub/Stealth changed from individual buttons to dropdown menu.
For mods with additional invisible types to add their own without the need to alter the layout.
It is still a pretty hard-coded code because there isn't a gc.getNumInvisibleInfos().

4) Split Multiple Tile Mode brush size into Width and Height.
This means that it is no longer a X by X area around your mouse, since it may not be square.
Limits for Width and Height up to 10 tiles, + Infinity.
For Infinite Width + 1 Height, literally, you get to alter 1 full row.
Naturally, Inf Width + Inf Height => Whole Map

5) Added a toggle for Multiple Tile Mode whether to check for prerequisites.
Example, whether it is possible to place Cows in a 10 x 10 area.
If off, hack care, cows everywhere.
If on, only on possible tiles.
Version 4.09

1) Turned off Movies during World Builder mode.
Unwanted side effects of triggering onBuildingBuilt and onProjectBuilt
Version 4.10

1) Fix a bug where promoted units can no longer see those promotions in promotion screen when Hide Inactive is on
Version 4.11

1) Added a Skip Command for individual/all units.
An alternative to kill endless looping units.
Skip All Units will basically end the turn.

2) Color coded units.
Green: Units which are waiting => The culprits
Red: Units which have finished all moves
White: Units which are sleeping/fortifying

File changes:
WBPlayerUnits: Massively
CvGameUtils: WB Version
I'd like the City Data, City Data II, and Buildings screens to work more like the Unit Data and Promotions screens, letting you see and select All/Owner/Team cities rather than only showing those belonging to the current player.

I'm sure it would be easy enough for me to just implement it that way by myself in my FfH2 MNAI version, but if you are still in the mood to rapidly respond to requests I might as well wait for you to handle it. It would make future merges simpler if I know we coded it the same way.

A much more complicated request is that I would really like to be able to move a city from one tile to another. I know you cannot move a city as easily as you could move a unit, but it should be possible to set up a command that creates a new city and copies all the attributes (buildings, religions, population, happiness, health, culture, etc) of the old city onto the new one before deleting the old.

A command to copy everything but the city name onto a new city on a new tile might also be useful.

I just now realized that there is not currently a way to delete a cit from the city screen itself, only from the main interface. That should probably change. You could handle all of these last three things through one Commands dropdown like you do for units.

(Such changes could make a nice birthday present. I turn 27 tomorrow.)
Version 4.12

1) Fix error in Units and Promotions page for sorting via All/Owner/Team

2) City Data I, II and Buildings
Able to see cities based on
A) All/Owner/Team
B) All/Area Plots
City Data II layout rearranged to make space.
Shifted Ownership in City Data I away as it is misleading if left there

3) City Data I Commands
A) Move City
B) Duplicate City
C) Move City + Units (Own only)
D) Duplicate City + Units (Own only)
E) Raze City

It is impossible to move/duplicate a city exactly so there will be minor changes such as:
1) changeBuildingHappiness and Health are problematic codes in BTS, so those won't copy over
2) City ID. It is a brand new city.
3) Buildings
Buildings built date. Wonders creation date will be wrong. Buildings which culture will double after 1000 years are also reset. Buildings which have python onBuildingBuilt effects will not trigger.

Duplicating City:
1) Palace will not be copied.
2) Holy City/Headquarter status will not be copied.
3) Does not bother to check building requisites, so you may end up with a lighthouse in non coastal city.
Is there a way to save the plot data changes to the world builder save? I'm creating a scenario and each time I open the map all plot data changes are gone. In solo games I could just enter the WB on the first turn and change everything but this wouldn't work in MP :(
Not something important, so didn't bother to code it in.
ah :/ the whole real use of it then becomes changing culture in my eyes when the other changes are lost :s whatever, thank you for quick answers.. would be quite nice to make certain areas in the game more desired without cramming them full with resources^^
It may not seem particularly important, but it would be quite useful to allow scenario makers to adjust the yields on plots (not only adding, but also subtracting). I think it would be a good idea to include it.

Given how cities can now be viewed like units on an owner/team/all basis, I think that they should also have their leader picture placed next to the name instead of only the civ flag icon. It can get confusing when there are multiple players of the same civ type in the game. (It can be more confusing in FfH2 mods when the city owner has the Tolerant trait, which causes the city civ type to stay like that of the original owner and be displayed as such regardless of the current owner's civ type.)

The new ability to end the turns of all a player's units is quite useful for ending "Waiting for other Civ issues," but it would be even more useful if we did not have to figure out which player is causing the problem but could also opt to end the moves for all units in the game with one click.

(I actually went ahead and copied the skip all and kill all commands for units and buildings, making a new version placed just above it which ran for all players. I'm not positive that this is the best way to handle it though, largely because I'm not sure how to word it so as to make the difference clear to users without making the labels too verbose to look good.)

It would probably be better if you would change the mouseovers of the skip and kill commands to say "kill" and "skip" rather than + and -.

Just as a matter of aesthetics, I think it would look better if the kill and skip all commands were located on the same side of the table as the kill and skip commands for the individual units/cities, just above them. I'm not sure if it would be better to move the all commands to the left or the individual unit/cities commands to the right side of the tables.

The color coding looks nice, but I wonder if it might be better to add a new column including the waiting/fortified/finished moves info, so that it would be possible to sort the table based on that status. When you have far more units than can fit on the screen at one time, it is easy to overlook one green one while scrolling than it would be if you could adjust the table to put all the waiting units on top.

I'm sure I could handle these changes easily enough all by myself for the MNAI/MagisterModmod version (and probably will if you decline to use them) but for the sake the sake of making future merges easier I think I'll wait to see if you would again like to do the all work for me. :p

I decided to go ahead and make most of the changes myself.

Adding leader icons (and mouseovers for the player and leader type) to the city list table on the city Data I, II, &Buildings screens was quite easy.

On the Units + Cities screen I moved the "Skip Turn" and "Kill buttons to the left, because if moved to the right it would not align as well when the list is long enough to need a scroll bar. I shrunk the icons down to match those in the table, and placed "All" and "All Player" labels to the right of them in size 3b. I used iData1 == 1041 for Kill and iData1 == 1042 for Skip Turn mouseovers for all the icons. I couldn't seem to get the table to sort based on moved status, so I just stuck with your color scheme. (I still leave the selected unit in bold too, and have more links to the pages associated with the selected unit and city.)
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