Noob help with some mechanics


Jul 3, 2012
So I have couple of questions regarding some mod mechanics.

1. When I go into a town, on the right side, under properties I believe, there are these things like crime, air pollution, disease etc. From their description I gather they go up over time, but you can build things that bring them down. My question is, you want to keep them into negative correct? Also the () number represent how much they go up or down per turn correct, you want it zero or into negative as well?

2. I see some of the buildings have negative gold, that means they cost me gold correct? Like scout tower, or chief hut, etc. that' their maintenance?
1) a low number is good but it is about managing what you need to. It used to be that you did not have to worry much about crime until trade or currency because none of the higher malus buildings came into play then. This gave you a bit of a breather to get your nation going.

- the general tendency is towards zero so it will decrease if positive and increase if negative.

- the number in () is the total change last turn taking into effect new buildings in the plot/city, those units near the city/plot and any flow along routes and trade routes.

2. yes
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