The Grey One - AC

Name: Zeru Fitzpèire
Age: 24
Appearance: A Mediterranean dwarf with brown hair. Facial hair consists of a pencil-thin, needle-sharp foot-long goatee, & a Pancho Villa moustache that droops down to his knees. He proudly wears a mullet beneath a Basque Beret that changes color daily. His brown eyes are completely covered by a pair of shining Kamina glasses & he normally smokes a massive cigar.
Gender: Male

Level: 1
HP: 45
AC: 15

  • STR: 2
  • PER: 6
  • END: 4
  • CHAR: 4
  • INT: 4
  • AGI: 5
  • LUC: 6

  • One-Hander
  • Sharpshooter
  • N/A

Weapon: (Not sure how many we can have)
  • Atl-atl w/ Spears (Of each metal)
  • Iron Tomahawk
Clothing: Typical clothing consists of a Chesterfield coat & trousers that match the color of his beret. He normally also carries twin pistols, but for reasons too complex to explain at this moment he currently carries a tomahawk & an atl-atl.
  • Spare Berets
  • Spare Kamina Glasses
  • Cigars
  • Compass
  • Looking Glass
  • Rope
  • Mountain Climbing Equipment
  • Beef Jerky
Biography: Later
Name: Hugh Crumpet
Gender: Male
Age: 26

Level: 1
AC: 15
HP: 50

STR: 5
PER: 3
END: 5
INT: 4
AGI: 5
LUC: 4

Trait: One Hander
Perks: ---
Weapons: Rapier (Steel), Ornate Dagger (Silver)

Obviously still a work in progress.

Reserving as well.
First, LORD CRUMP!!! :D

Second, here's my character.

Name: Sszath-Thoss
Age: 27
Appearance: Sorta like this.
Gender: Male

Level: 1
HP: 65 (25 base + 10 level + 30 END)
AC: 15 (10 base + 5 AGI)

STR: 8
PER: 3
END: 6
CHM: 2
INT: 2
AGI: 5
LUC: 5

Traits: ---
Perks: ---

Weapon: Steel trident, silver dagger, steel throwing knives
Clothing: [Char] wears a light hooded cloak, a leather tunic, and a pair of rough and torn pants wherever he goes.
Equipment/other: A random scroll with an important-looking seal on it, gold coins, a leather satchel, a day's worth of rations, 10m coil of rope (used as a belt)

Biography: Coming soon to a thread near you!
I believe that everything is ready, and if anyone has no objection, we can begin this friday?
Reserving. This looks pretty fun!

Just an FYI, I might not make many missions that are after 9PM EST (I work 3rd shift retail).
I'm sorry to say this but I'll put this on hiatus for now. I'll travel to visit my family and don't know if I'll have internet connection there. Anyway, I'll be working on the AC to improve the system while offline (I'm now without a computer). I'll keep updates.
I eagerly await them. :D
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