Fairy Tale Lore

I think that should be enough ;)
Nice and good writing! Thanks for this. I'll have it added to the Civilopedia by the next update.

My favourite is of course Mr Sage, with the short but effective first name Le! Reminds me of something... :lol:
Might make him a third leader...
I'll have a written pedia and personality for him by next weekend
Le of the Sage clan
Le of the Sage clan, more commonly known as Le Sage the Trickster, were one of the most sucsessfull monarchs in Dwarven history. Starting in a period of Civil War, he had a long way to go to unite the power of the dwarven clans to once again become the great power it was.[PARAGRAPH:1]Starting out as nothing more than the Sage clans leaders nephew, there was almost no chance that he would get elected the new leader of the clan when the old leader died. And he was not either, as goes with a heriditary title, and so the leaders son Skrroepling were elected the new leader. Skrroepling however, were weak, and through trickeries and bribes he were elected the new leader's main advisor, and soon Skrroepling were a much appriciated leader who expanded the territory of his realm by quite large anounts. He did however do one big mistake, he took all the honour of the achievements himself, while in real, he had only listened and done exactly what Le Sage had said to him. Unhappy with this, Le went even further into trickeries to get his revenge. He assisinated the leader through the use of a posion and turned all the evidence towards his only son. Suddenly the realm was without any heriditary leadear, and through bribes and more trickery, Le Sage had soon achieved the throne for himself with all possible rivals dead or exciled for various deeds they have not done.[PARAGRAPH:1]When he first had come this far, why stop? Through trickery and whatever political weapon avaible, he turned clan leaders against each other and made them all fight in great battles who almost chrushed them. While some of the other clan leaders thanks to this rapidly expanded their borders to soon become much bigger than the one of Le Sage, they had almost lost control of their kingdoms and much of their armies lay dead. In the end, only one of these leaders stood the test. Grundir of the Karler clan crowned himself king over the Dwarven lands in Thorshammir in 2312, with Le Sage as his vassal. Commonly known as the One year king, he's reign were a troubled one full of rebellions and other problems, most of them stirred up by Le Sage's great intelligence agency, the SKS (Sekretiv Kriegs Spinarrshe; Secret War Espionage). In 2313, Le Sage went to war against Grundir, and within five months he had annexed all the former territories of the Thors Dynasty, from which he claimed to be a descendant.[PARAGRAPH:1]While he had a great intelligence agaency to control his population, his early reign were not compleately free of trouble. His first years of reign were commonly spent on putting down rebbelions through the asassiantion of their leaders and some randomly selected members and a huge propaganda project promoting Loyality to the descendant of Thors, somthing he were not, and the new Project to expand the military. Soon he had a strick control on his population, and the people wer happy, as he created a period of high stability in a previous savaged reagion.[PARAGRAPH:1]This were not his only achievemnts though. He waged numerous wars with different peoples and even defeated the Vestallians on some occasions, pushing them backwards from their borders and enabling him to establish a colony named Dvergrvangr on the site of an earlier Vestallian town, forcing the previous inhabits out and moving dwarves in instead. While this were no major Vestallian town, it was the source that sparkled many conflicts to come between the two empires, and the Dwarves managed to hold unto the city all to the Great War.[PARAGRAPH:1]While maybe most known for his warfare, Le Sage also commited a lot of other projects to increase the wealth of his realm. By 2378, he had rebuilt the old Capital of Thorshammir and moved his seat of government there. He also commited a large amount of defensive works around his empire, building forts and castles and huge walls to protect his realm and use his massive espionage to find out exactly how the different nations built their greatest walls and castels, and this were portrayed in his most massive building work, the Thorshammir rebuild, who turned the city into one massive giant fortress too be looked upon in ave.[PARAGRAPH:1]Through massive military propagranda, an aggressive style of ruling and a network of trickery and espionage, Le Sage did what most could not think of as possible. Another thing he is quite famous for that have nothing to do with his style of rulung were his old age. When his son died in 2567 he were at an amazing age of 256 years, and he then decided to abdicate, granting the throne to his grandson, who ruled the empire well for many years, though working a bit more upon establishing peace with other antions than his granddad, who died 68 years later, at a shocking age of 324. He then had turned a company of fragile small clans into a world superpower who no one really felt they could trust.
No, not yet!
I will have to upload personality!

Edit: here it is
Here it is, and you will have to copy once more, as you saw a work in progess. I though of him more as a Tokugawa style leader.
Very well. Thanks. It's going in the next update! I'll get to doing a good portrait of him now too!

Good job.
The Crystallin Matriarchy

The Matriarchy began as a common kingdom in the world and occupied the northeastern parts of the Peninsula. The rigorous Matriarchy where only women are considered free, began during the days of Queen Arminia Zenobia who defeated the treason of General Breder and swore to never trust a man again after his rebellion. After that, warrior women started coming to the Crystallin lands from all over the world and today, the Crystallin fill their ranks, not only with women born within their borders, but indeed from all over the world. This makes the Crystallin army deadly dangerous, since its ranks are often filled with criminals and such elements, as no questions are asked when you join the Crystallin ranks, and all women are welcome, and a grudge against the rest of the Patriarch World is considered an asset.

Men are considered unfree and are treated like slaves. These conditions have been considered barbaric by the rest of the free world, and delayed the Crystallin inclusion into the Empire and severed relations to other kingdoms. The Crystallin nation is led by a Matriarch with a court of intellectuals advising her, and the individual provinces have their governors, but the Empire is really only held together by the army and the steady addition of new warrior ladies from all over the world. The Matriarch lives totally secluded from the world with her hundreds of female servants. No men are ever allowed to approach her at her "Secret Palace" and all foreign diplomats wishing to speak to her or her government have to be female. She is guarded by the Elite Matriarch's Guard who wear the traditional black armour which made the Crystallin Matriarchy famous in the old wars.

The state philosophy which is overall accepted is that which Arminia Zenobia wrote down in her "The Nature of the Matriarchy". The Crystallin consider themselves the only defenders of Women's Rights in a Patriarch World and this higher ideal gives the state and army its meaning and fundamental way of thinking. It has also led to really rigorous laws in the relations between men and women within society. Men are held as slaves and romantic relationships are - while not forbidden in law - indeed forbidden by social, unwritten rules. The higher ranking officers, noblewomen and royals often keep large harems of men, meaning that the annual slave market in Djenina is well-visited by these nobles who wish to get themselves new additions of fine male specimens to their harems; the annual Djenina Market has become the joke of the world. Principality drill sergeants threaten their recruits with "Do your best or I'll send you to the frontline at the Djenina Market!"

Due to its small aristocracy, clear rules and social systems and common enemy in males everywhere, the Crystallin state functions best in war. That is why the Crystallin leadership is known to always be on the lookout for new wars and conflicts to take part in and they indiscriminately go to regular wars against their neighbours. Their politics are known to be some of the most aggressive in the world as they seek to "Liberate Women Everywhere". They are also known to form and uphold really true and loyal alliances when threatened by a greater evil, like during the days of the Great Wars when they allied with the rest of the Eastern Nations to defeat the Demon King.

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