
Orders are in progress. :cringe:
The deadline is right now, but late orders will be accepted for the time being - I may or may not formulate some kind of tardiness punishment.
@ Unicuron: Welcome to NESing, Venezuela is now yours to command, and though the order deadline has passed, if you can send me a Private Message today describing what you'd like your country to do for this year, I can try include that in the update. Feel free to ask any questions regarding NESing or this NES privately or in-thread, I'll be happy to help :)
The following players failed to send orders, and if none are received before I complete the update, will be dropped from their countries:

Gem Hound, thomas.berubeg, ChineseWarlord, Lord of Elves, <nuke>, Azale, pole475, Bair_the_Normal, SouthernKing

It's a sizeable number of people, so I thought it worth issuing a post about it to hopefully attract a couple more ordersets. Expect an update within 7 to 10 days.
I'm sorry about that, have to drop this.

The History of Sweden

The details surrounding the end of democracy in Sweden following the global crash are murky; our academics lament this discontinuity in knowledge. However, it is clear that by the year 2072, the government had ceased to have any effective power, having withdrawn to urban centres years before. While these last vestiges of federal democracy waned, with governance largely returned to the municipal level, a remarkable phenomenon began to occur in the few remaining government data centres. These included centres of climate study, a few laboratories, and other research centres in which the scientists were unwilling to leave their work. They held out hope that once civilization returned, future societies would desire not only the retention of all scientific knowledge through this crisis, in addition to a record of the society that followed the crash.

The academic communities therefore, independently, banded together to ensure their survival and the survival of their knowledge. They rigorously ensured the maintenance of this knowledge through generations, growing and expanding, and incorporating non-academics into their society as equal, but non-governing parties. Eventually, all of the separate communities of academics organized themselves into a Unified Technocracy, based on the principles of critical thinking, essential to science, and meritocracy. Formed under the techno-political philosophy of Chancellor Dorian (the first chancellor) they formed an Oligarchy of Ministers, lead by a Chancellor whose sole duty is the preservation of the meritocracy. The Chancellor is the only elected position, and is elected by the academia.

An interesting factor in the culture of Sweden, retained from the original intent of technocratic society, is the stressing of the value of science and innovation over the value of political positions. The Technocracy has thrived, rapidly expanding beyond the original borders of Sweden, with many of the Baltic States being eager to join in the dual promises of meritocracy and innovation. Currently lead by Chancellor Lothbrok, Sweden has evolved into a state prepared to adapt to the challenges of the future.
Russia announces, in her holy wisdom, the decision to guarantee the independence of the Lower Danube and Kiev from hostile foreign powers. That is all.
His Majesty, King Stephen I of Canada, Lord Protector of the British Isles, and all the Lords of Parliament hereby decry the unlawful annexation of the Caribbean islands by the Rogue State of Venezuela, and implore the government of said nation to release those islands as free states.
The Californian Repuclic agrees with his Majesty's opinion. Such expansionist policies are a direct threat to stability and Democracy on the American continent and the Republic hereby condemns this act and demands the withdraw of Venezualian troops in the Caribbean . If this is done, the Republic will take no further action against Venezuela.

To Canada
The Republic of California desires to encourage closer relations between out two democratic nations.
Ashley Shepard, Governor of the Californian Republic
Update 0 – 2200

The Daily Standard​


Abruptly ending the ceasefire with Venezuela, the entire UC fleet, accompanied by several Mexican destroyers, moved to convoy troops onto Venezuelan Cuba. Simultaneously, the large armies of Mexico and Brazil moved into Venezuelan Central America, and Venezuelan Guyana respectively, placing Venezuela under the strain of a three front war with their neighbours. See the Daily Standard’s detailed coverage of the conflict below.
(Venezuela: -Stability)

As war with Venezuela seemed inevitable, the western clads of the UC being outnumbered on the board, the bitter backroom debate on whether to invade Venezuela turned for the worst. The western clads, most prominently the agribusiness and farmer conglomerates, finally refused to contribute any weapons, soldiers or money to the conflict; the vote came in favour of war, and as the east coast clads began military preparations, the west prepared for secession. Within the first month of the offensive in the Caribbean, as UC ships and squadrons engaged Venezuela’s armed forces, the Western Union issued a declaration of independence, and began its own limited military campaign to secure a defensive perimeter from Chicago to the fork of the Mississippi. Fighting with east coast reserves was limited but deadly throughout the remainder of the year, as Western Union jets and gunships have remained primarily on patrol of their own claimed airspace, and ground divisions have focused on clearing up strategic positions along the river and in Chicago. It was in that city, Chicago, where the most lethal fighting took place, as many eastern clads own assets of importance there. As of the end of the year, it is unclear whether the remaining clads of the UC haven’t responded in force due to their war with Venezuela, or if they’ve resigned to the Western Union’s independence.
(Western Union: +Existence)
(United Commons of America: -1 Infantry Division, +Stability)

English attempts to crack down on separatist activity by Dixie exiles have gone public, with members of the local government, many violently pro-Dixie, leaking the plans. Two informational campaigns were launched to try and persuade Dixies residing in the islands to avoid participating in revolutionary activity in the UC. Though the true effectiveness of the campaigns cannot be accurately determined, most expect a bitter Dixie response, because their primary reason for joining the English Trade Federation was to protect them and their activism against the United Commons. The situation worsened when the clads of the Western Union seceded, after which the Dixies protested English rule. Since then the situation has quieted, though only the Dixie separatists know why.

The Republic of Cascadia has begun drilling for oil in their Alaskan territories, where they are determined to build highly modernized drilling stations. Drilling has yet to begin yet, with a few major stations under construction, but the government anticipates the project will be done within two to three years, and the country can begin enjoy an energy surplus. Dissident Alaskans, still unhappy about their annexation by Cascadia decades ago, have seen this is flat out robbery of their natural resources, which they cynically expect to go to Vancouver and Seattle to fuel southern industry. The dissidence has been unorganized so far, but any rise in unemployment in the region could be bad news in more ways than one for the government.

California, Cascadia and the Mormon State have formalized their longstanding peace in a three-way non-aggression pact this year. The pact was heralded by business leaders, interested in natural resources and trade routes passing through the Rocky Mountains, though the terrain’s toughness already provided them much relief at the unlikeliness of conflict. With the opening of hostilities in the UC, this has been a highly valuable geopolitical victory for the Mormons, who have voiced diplomatic support for the Western Union secessionists.

California’s elected Governor, Ashley Shepard, has begun four major rehabilitation projects. Her government expects within three to four years she’ll be able to rehabilitate Hoover Dam, modernize the Port of Oakland, and expand jobs in mining and metal refining in Nevada – all while connecting up these projects with new rail lines. Her conservative opponents have claimed the projects are misdirected, as California already leads the continent in industrial output, and the Social Democratic Party’s base has been surprised by an aggressive labour response. Rail workers and construction unions have issued requests for higher pay and better government safety regulation, with dozens of workers already missing or dead after accidents in Nevada and Hoover Dam.

Canada has been struck by a wave of anti-French sentiment, as Anglo-Canadians in Ontario openly protested their government’s longstanding policies of multiculturalism and bilingualism. The protestors vented that English has never been effectively protected in Quebec, despite Ontario’s fair treatment of the French language, and due to this difference, the proportion of people in the country who are taught and speak French as a first language has substantially outpaced the growth in the number of people learning and speaking English as a first language. Protests were largely held in towns on the border with Quebec, where large minorities (and sometimes majorities) of Catholic French speaking Canadians have settled in the past couple decades. None of the protests became violent, though some politicians are picking up on the change of the winds, and are lobbying for better representation of English in Quebec.


Most of the Mexican navy, along with the entirety of the UC navy, under the cover of several UC jets, moved into Venezuelan waters and engaged their fleet and air force in the first month of the war. A newly rebuilt air base in Cuba was the launching ground for Venezuelan aircraft, which for at least a month kept the UC from effectively defending a convoy to the island. They did this at the expense of multiple destroyers, and outnumbered, Venezuelan strategy shifted to defence of their remaining navy, and strategic retreat from Cuba. The UC, midway through the year, was then easily able to convoy their own soldiers, bomb defensive positions on the island, and capture Cuba within a few weeks – though the island’s airbases had been deliberately trashed by the escaping Venezuelan army and air force to prevent easy rebasing of UC forces. Due to their own patrolling and interception, and the relocation of the Venezuelan navy to their shores in Haiti, they were able to prevent any further damages to their air force, and prevented rebasing until another UC squadron arrived from Central America and finally gave them and the Mexicans air superiority in the region. By this time minimally functional airbases were secured on Cuba, though the year was coming to a close. Notably, the UC was able to destroy a Venezuelan submarine using advanced sonar and magnetic buoys, though they were not as abundant as desired by UC planners. As of the new year, aircraft in Hispaniola are doing their best to intercept enemy jets attempting to defend another convoy, with Venezuelan ships hugging the shoreline for the benefit of turrets and other installations on the ground – the only way their navy has come close to strategic parity with the enemy on the Caribbean front.
(Venezuela: -1 Infantry Divisions, -1 Artillery Division, -2 Destroyers, -1 Submarine, -1 Fighter Squadron, +Air Force Grade)
(United Commons of America: -1 Infantry Division, -1 Destroyer, -1 Fighter Squadron, +Navy Grade)
(Mexico: -1 Destroyer)

Stretched between three separate fronts, very few soldiers were available to stop the Mexican onslaught through Central America – and though their fighters slowed the advance, the enemy took the skies midway through the year, destroying most of the Venezuelan’s air force in the area. On the ground, cavalry were highly successful at pushing past the poorly manned Venezuelan front, and flanking them to devastating effect. The tactic became substantially more difficult however as the Mexican army approached the narrow Panamanian isthmus, where strategic artillery placement entirely stopped the advance. Their sites were spotted, and the Mexican air force pressured the Venezuelans to retreat even further, nearly taking the large Mexican forces to the Panama Canal by the end of the year.
(Venezuela: -2 Infantry Divisions, -1 Artillery Division, -1 Fighter Squadron)
(Mexico: -2 Infantry Divisions, -1 Cavalry Division, -1 Fighter Squadron, +Army Grade)

On the Amazonian front, overwhelming enemy numbers were the theme again, as Venezuela was pushed out of coastal Guyana entirely. Being very undermanned Venezuela put all of its focus on at least mitigating the blitz through Guyana, though Brazilian movement through the jungle was rather slow. The Venezuelan air force performed admirably under the pressure of an enemy force three times its size, but they could only prevent distant attacks on themselves. The Brazilian advance halted at the end of the year on the Orinoco, beyond which the Venezuelan army had spent the year setting up strong emplacements and defences to compensate for their lack of soldiers.
(Venezuela: -1 Infantry Division)
(Brazil: -2 Infantry Divisions)


The president of the United States of South America, whose attempts to restructure Peru after his personal conception of the United Commons of America have been underway since his rule began, received minor injuries during a brief gun battle in his presidential palace. Disaffected soldiers, opposed to the corporate direction of the leadership, attempted to capture the president and take over the country, and though the perpetrators of the initial assault on the palace were killed in combat, the government has declared it will hunt down and bring to justice any others who were party to the plot. The near-death experience may make the hermit-dictator even more paranoid as he forwards his dream for the country.

Brutal fighting within the jungles, countryside and city outskirts of Brasilia have continued as the civil war in southern Brazil intensifies. Though sluggish during the earlier part of the year, during which time the Workers’ Federation was largely patrolling their existing military stations – successfully hunting down Monarchist cavalry – casualties soared during a sudden attack on Brasilia, in which Monarchist artillery and tens of thousands of communist troops were lost on each side respectively. The reds turned the tables after this white defeat, and pushed on their holdings closer to the coastal cities, costing both sides’ further casualties as the year of fighting closed. It also seems that both sides, due to the urgency of war, have quelled dissent among their respective leaderships, increasing their war support and stability.
(Workers’ Federation of Sao Paulo: - 4 Infantry Divisions, - 1 Cavalry Division, - 1 Artillery Division, +Stability)
(Kingdom of Sao Paulo: -1 Infantry Division, -1 Cavalry Division, - 2 Artillery Divisions, +Stability)


Near rebellion sprung up this year, as the number of protests increased sharply in France. Several protests resulted in armed standoffs, some of which turned violent – though the French military triumphed in hunting down would-be rebels during spring and summer. Throughout the panic and unrest, however, a well-planned kidnapping took place in Paris, the credit for which was quickly taken by the Underground. News of the rebel organization’s success saw another wave of protests and riots erupt, as rebels and rioters attempted to barricade streets in several French cities – though by the end of the year their holdouts were cleared by the military. The country has become even more unstable, and the lost generals have left a vacuum of military experience in the conventional forces.
(-Stability, -Army Grade)

The English Trade Federation and Celtic Union sign a limited defensive pact, both publicly promising to defend the Anglo-Celtic Archipelago in the event of a foreign attack. Certain specifics about the treaty appear to be determined by the mutual agreement of the two governments – as, for example, whether or not violation of airspace counts as an attack on the isles is not explicitly considered. As an act of good will, the English government has also been spotted by foreign merchants as protecting Celtic traders in oceanic areas beyond the Celtic navy’s reach, and this action, as well as the defensive treaty, has boosted confidence in the publics of both countries for long-term peace.

Germany and England, to the surprise of few, have renewed their military commitment to one another, which bore fruit during the Anglo-French War decades ago. The alliance remains strongly supported by the publics of both democratic nations, as their leaders hope it never requires implementation.

Though limited private drilling is ongoing, the Scottish provincial government has both bought the rights to offshore oil territories from its domestic claimants and begun investing in modern drilling stations off its coasts. The new project is expected to be completed within the next three years with the notable financial help of the South German Confederation. The technocratic government there has been promised the right to first refusal of Scottish oil, which has mildly contributed to their energy needs, though returns are expected to increase dramatically after the completion of the modern government-owned stations.

A new shipyard, the showcase for adolescent students in Stockholm, has begun construction, along with a small fleet of cargo ships to add to the Swedish merchant navy. The shipyard was long overdue, and once completed, will facilitate development along Sweden’s coast and rivers, where products will more easily be brought from the industrial centre of Stockholm.

Both Norway and White Russia have signed their own bilateral military treaties with the technocratic state of Sweden this year. White Russia, the recipient of military advice and aid in past decades, was more than happy to declare an offensive and defensive alliance with Sweden to protect them from their obvious political rival, the orthodox giant of Russia. Analysts speculate that Norway’s motivations are similarly minded, as they hold numerous islands at close proximity to Russia, and have no territorial disputes with Sweden. The Norwegians signed a defensive treaty, but refrained from including offensive coordination as well.


Egyptian, Algerian, Burkinabe and Nigerian settlers have moved into the last unorganized territory of Africa. While Egyptians and Burkinabes made small inroads, strengthening their border positions, Algeria and Nigeria made the largest headway – each incorporating ethnic groups already under their mantel. Tuaregs in Chad were brought into the growing tribal confederation within Algeria, while the Nigerian military brought in more Hausa settlements into their northern territories, which have actually helped decrease Arewa militancy against the theocratic government. Ethiopia’s borders, filled with refugees or ethnic outsiders, have not changed, as the military in that state, possibly to prevent more bloodshed and instability in its Sudanese holdings.

Three parties contended this year for control of the national legislature and executive, the social liberals, the business party, and the conservatives. The Liberal Party, whose roots trace back to the black socialists of decades past, unsurprisingly polled fairly high throughout the campaign under their college professor candidate, Bongani Nel. The liberals found little trouble in defeating both the Capitalist Party, led by the former iron factory tycoon Melisizwe Reddy, and the Conservative Party, led by a wartime veteran, Obi Roux. Bongani will now begin his five year term, as set out by his predecessor in the constitution, with a large base of popular support in South Africa proper – though he may have trouble in the more peripheral regions of the country, such as Namibia and Angola, as well as with the white minority in the south.


The situation in the Turkish Balkans has worsened this year, as a cartel war over the significant corridor for illicit goods has erupted between various ethnic criminal organizations. Bulgarian and Greek gangsters have participated in a slew of drive-by shootings, stabbings and other violence, as two major gangs of both respective ethnicities battle for turf and safe corridors of illicit trade in the Balkans. This has been largely to blame for the increase in homicides in Turkey overall, though the lack of effective police control over separatists and other subversive elements has still meant many unaccounted deaths.

Students in major southern Iranian cities have held peaceful protests this year; their cries for reform have focused on the creation of a constitution and an elected assembly to represent the people of Iran. The ruling shah has usually let the protests last a day, before sending police in to clear the campuses for nighttime. The general populace has yet to participate in these protests, and some have criticized the shah for being too lenient – he has many supporters which claim absolutist leadership has led Iran to regional power and united the nation. The student movement died down as winter approached, and the debate about constitutionalism may very well end with that for now.

Hoping to capitalize and invest in the less developed farmlands of the Far Eastern Republic, the government there announced it would begin investing in high-yield farms in the countryside. The lands owned by white Russian-speakers have been optimized for nearly a century, and the funds have been going towards rural Manchus, Koreans and Chinese farmers brought into FER jurisdiction in the last war with the northern Chinese kingdom. These effective handouts on a large-scale to Manchu, Chinese and Korean farmers have upset the wealthier Russian classes, and begun a cultural debate among politicians and scholars. While originally Russians ran the government, the country slowly grew to include vastly more populated regions in Korea and northern China. The majority of the country’s armed forces, bureaucracy and much of the daily business transactions of the country are handled by these Asian peoples, while the government has been run by ethnically white Russians. The new project has infuriated more conservative members of society, who would rather let Manchuria and Korea become independent than freely give out Russian funds to them – while moderates and conservatives less bothered by the ethnic backgrounds of the recipients of this project’s funding have complained on economic grounds that there are more important things to spend government money on. The cultural policy of the government has yet to be declared, but whatever it is will have significant consequences for the republic.

The government of Australia, to the surprise of few, has found considerable reserves of coal, bauxite and iron as well as sizeable amounts of zinc and precious metals to be either unmined or mined inefficiently. Though the survey did not find any new or yet unused sites of natural gas or oil, they did have plenty of spare funds to conduct an investigation of the effectiveness of existing drilling operations. The publicly published report advised the government to increase its spending in mineral and natural gas extraction for higher efficiency, as both were found to be in lack of expertise and modern equipment or infrastructure. Fiscally conservative government executives however have advised that at present, natural resource extraction is occurring at a reasonable pace, and over-extracting may deplete resources unnecessarily soon.

The Tribune​


The People’s Republic of China has begun a large new energy project, expected to electrify and energize proletarian households across the nation. The country has sorely needed economic rejuvenation since the last war which ended the northern reactionary regime, however this new Five Year Plan is particularly ambitious due to both the sheer number of rural workers without electricity, and the vast expanses which new power lines and electric grids will now have to cover. The government projects that 80% of its population will have consistent and cheap energy for basic needs by the end of the project, while all urban and industrial areas will be fully electrified for optimal production.

Modernist Monthly


Presently there exist numerous regimes, whether state, provincial or local, as well as an army of intellectuals that ally themselves to the term counter-modernism – a term which implies a rejection of modernity, in favour of some kind of return to pre-modernity. This is not at all their interest, and misnomers are the least of the problems facing the counter-modernist today. To be short and blunt: counter-modernism is a reformatted ideology of conservatism. It is not an ideology of reaction however, but one of recreation. Their theory states that modernity brings with it innumerable pleasures, whether recreational technologies, time-saving devices, or higher levels of artistic and intellectual achievement – but it equally brings with it a destructive pattern of geographical and economic displacement, which creates the temporary backdrop of revolutionary change – empowering demagogues to persuade a sufficiently large enough minority of militants within any society to take over that society’s means of propaganda, and eventually instruments of power. These leaders then build up a false progression of society, whether fascism, communism, etc. According to counter-modernists, the best progression is that of stable, sustained and socially conscious development, which is allegedly mutually exclusive with projects of modernity. This bears a striking resemblance to the conservative and vulgar nationalist narratives of past centuries, however instead of wishing for a return to some fictional pre-modern nirvana, counter-modernists wish to repurpose the fruits of modernity, without participating in the partisan ideological struggle. Though some occasional confused leftists has tried to reconcile this and a twenty-third century green movement, only “right” counter-modernism has taken hold of governments, often monarchies, where a reassuringly traditional conception of society is proposed, but with the amenities of those ideological states around them. This is fundamentally a conservative movement, and it shouldn’t be long before the winds of democratic and social change are begin quarrelling with these new ideological demagogues.

The Financier


Despite almost universal lack of government support for international financiers, regional markets for loans between nationals of different states have begun being implemented on a small scale in peaceful areas of the globe. At present the sums are negligible compared to what states could be exchanging between richer and poorer countries, and many financial services firms have been advocating for government help in sending loans to other countries for long-term investment. It seems in any case that wealthier members of society will be testing out the system before governments begin helping investment abroad.

The Russian diet has passed a bill and appointed funds to provide low-interest loans for the purchase of farmlands and farm equipment among its farming classes. Though farmlands have been fairly mechanized for a while in Russia, the bill has helped redistribute wealth and brought more confidence in the Orthodox leadership that is can guarantee loans within its markets – helping decrease national interest rates on international borrowing.
(Russia: -1% from Credit Rating)


Spoiler :
United Commons of America: +1 IP per turn
Venezuela: -1 EP per turn

Story Bonuses

Cascadia, where the police can only do so much against the will of the people. (+10 IP banked)

The South German Confederation is the home of the technocrat, a subversive political animal. (+1 EP banked)

California can thank Akira Everard for the democracy they cherish today. (+10 IP banked)

Sweden is ready to face the challenges before it. (+1 Infantry Division)


From the Western Union
To the United Commons of America

We wish to part ways and are prepared to defend our legitimate interests outside our current military control. It is up to you if we fight or negotiate.


@ Amesjay, Arrow Gamer:
Please include your stats at the top of any orderset for my easy reference.

@ Arrow Gamer:
If you’d like to setup a ministry for ongoing research, that’s fine, but an explicit research project is only available if I provide you it, or after requesting such a project, I affirm it is okay to try. The EP was banked.

@ Cadellon:
When writing orders, please just copy and paste your country’s stats from the front page to the top, and then list expenditures separately. I like the unchanged stats there for easy reference. Also, if you wish to modify your orders, simply resend the entire orderset with the new title “StockNES – California – [date] – REVISED”. It makes it clear what you are and are not ordering on a given turn. Finally, irrigation is general, you can invest as much as you like and it won’t be listed as a distinct project, while the other four are all separate and distinguishable. I’ve separated them and distributed EP between them.

@ Grandkhan:
Your overseas funds were banked due to the target country being way too far away for that kind of transfer.

@ Immaculate:
Sorry for not noticing your question on the front page until I began updating, but the answer is basically yes; I can’t think of a situation where, all else being equal, the more sophisticated military branch doesn’t win.

@ Everblack:
Correct, your country uses above-average quality wind power, and possesses a considerable fleet of turbines spread across your south eastern coastline.

@ mrrrandomplayer:
I require a little more detail on what you intend to do with your viable solar power and your social policies, all EP spent on those were banked; do you want solar power complexes, or factories that make solar power parts? Do you want to invest in pensions, unemployment subsidies, cultural exchanges, what kind of welfare were you thinking of?

@ Everyone:
Several of you felt it necessary to order your soldiers to patrol or defend the border – unless you are preparing a mass mobilization or something truly out of the ordinary, you can assume basic national defence is ongoing.

World Map:
Spoiler :

This is my first update with all of the background mechanics in full operation - so it's entirely possible I've made a few stats errors. I appreciate corrections.

We'll make the next deadline a little less than week from now, so Tuesday morning, 11 AM, July 1st.
Spoiler The Technocratic Ecumene, 2200 CE :

From the South German Federation
To the Celtic Union, Norway, Canada, Czechia, North Germany, Catalonia, Turkey, Egypt, Spain, Algeria

The Bavarian Model, over the past century, has demonstrated substantial improvements in the quality of life of its adopters. The Technocratic Ecumene is one of the most stable and productive regions of the world. We've identified your nations as stable, relatively prosperous, and possessing sufficient political freedom to allow free expression of scientific ideas.

Like any successful system, we seek to expand. Establishing ties with educational institutions in your nations would work to our benefit, as the network effects from a larger research base and collaboration with your nations' greatest minds will make our own labors more fruitful, while the technical advances and knowledge in the Ecumene become available to you.

If you desire the limitless potential of the technocratic ideal, we'd like to open negotiations on adopting our model of university into your political and economic system, bringing you into the technocratic ecumene.
Very nice update. Glad to see this up and running.
Spoiler The Technocratic Ecumene, 2200 CE :

From the South German Federation
To the Celtic Union, Norway, Canada, Czechia, North Germany, Catalonia, Turkey, Egypt, Spain, Algeria

The Bavarian Model, over the past century, has demonstrated substantial improvements in the quality of life of its adopters. The Technocratic Ecumene is one of the most stable and productive regions of the world. We've identified your nations as stable, relatively prosperous, and possessing sufficient political freedom to allow free expression of scientific ideas.

Like any successful system, we seek to expand. Establishing ties with educational institutions in your nations would work to our benefit, as the network effects from a larger research base and collaboration with your nations' greatest minds will make our own labors more fruitful, while the technical advances and knowledge in the Ecumene become available to you.

If you desire the limitless potential of the technocratic ideal, we'd like to open negotiations on adopting our model of university into your political and economic system, bringing you into the technocratic ecumene.

Canada will allow infividual universities to make a decision on a case by case basis.
Excellent update! :)

Which colour is the communist Sao Paolo? I thought the Communists already held the coast?
I will PM you later with the details of my orders.
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