pre-TNESIII: The Once and Future Thread

Dualism is a bit cliche, and if Monotheism isn't winning out, I'd back Polytheism
I spent the evening working on improving my mapping skills with NK. And listening to Frozen, God help us.

Here's a preview of the new and improved borders. Elmings, Seon, Nuka, and Masada are on there. Now that I have the system down, mostly, drawing should be easier from here on out.

Tomorrow I'll make a final decision on religion, since anyone who hasn't voted is clearly too apathetic to care. Also, I'll post up the template for approved players to start detailing things, which will then be auto-magically transformed into the starting stats. Bombshoo, Golden, Amesjay, and any other interested parties still have plenty of time to submit an application.

Then I'll add holdings to the map after people make their templates, continue detailing NPC's and culture, and hopefully we'll be on track to launch in around 2 weeks.

Spoiler Border Draft :
I'm going to hold off on final religious determinations for a bit so I can talk to The Strategos, though I'm confirming that we will be going with a Polytheistic Mystery Religion. One or two more tweaks to the template and then people can begin filling it out over the weekend.

I have added a new trait, (-2) Wroth.

Here's a description of a remnant Fennacht clan that will be in the central mountains. This is their legend; you can decide for yourself how much of it is true. And yes, the normal point rules do not apply to this gentleman.

Clan U Seor

The Cairyn River was once a place of still, ancient woods, where the high kings wrought their great magics before eyes of the god and the spirits.

But that came to an end with Athsar. The two hundred foot trees were burned, and the people, when they marched forth with eyes of fire, fell on the endless spears of the iron men. They cut down the trees, and they chained the men of Fen and Glaer, and slew the ysberyd who had been sent by God to protect the world. Dragons, they called the murdered guardians, and made of their bones a trophy. Later, a new people came, different from the Athsarach, more human. They too had tribes, and for a time, the grey men and the red men worked together to cast out the Athsarach.

All of the land within twenty leagues of the sea was to belong to the grey men for what they had done. It was considered a fitting payment, and the people were foolish enough to think that their allies would be content. But Athsar had been content to chain, and to rule. The grey men were worse. Far worse. They wanted to plant. They crept in, and in, and in, and a thousand little wars were fought as their lords claimed the land with stone and pretended it was theirs.

Finally, the people of Fen and Glaer rose. They were not foolish as they had been before. They forged arms, and forged armies. Four high kings bathed in the blood of a virgin sacrifice, and swore to drive the grey men and their gods back into the sea. And they failed. Where the red men had passion, the grey men had patience. They let the rage wash against their castle walls. Athsarach snakes too served them. The war was lost. The groves and grottos were burned or profaned, and the people were driven in in every which direction.

Many of the men of Fen and Glaer swore to the U Gallac, who sought to build himself a hall of stone and live like a grey man. Most of the other clans, though they resented him, emulated him, and foolish clans that still cling to the western moors do so only because they are grey in all but their eyes, even as they squabble amongst each other.

Those who were left fled into the deep mountains. The whispers of the ysberyd guided them, showed them caves full of bright glowing mushrooms and echoing chambers of whistling rock. Most of the people died. But those that survived were hardened like an ash spear left in the flame.

The Old Seor leads them, the one who has not forgotten the old ways. A dozen knights have marched into the mountains to try and claim his head, and never returned. It is a little thing to suffer their raids; what else do the grey men build their castles for? Their great lords are not foolish to lose a thousand trying to claim his poor land and worthless hide. If they did, they would simply give him what he wants, a roaring death and a bloody sacrifice.

The Old Seor (M, ?)

(+3) Master [Hammerer]
(+2) Hardy
(+1) Skilled [Swordsman]
(+1) Skilled [Wrestler]
(+0) Pious
(-2) Wroth
(-3) Crazed
The Clan Dugallach

Blood and Cunning

I am Daidh Dugallach, the third Ymherador in the service of the Greyling king. My grandfather, the Lord Clansman Cormac Dugallach II served the Ymherador Taegarch of Achdirmac in the days of old. My grandfather was a wise man, unlike the king he served, and when Achdirmac and the other kingdoms of the Red Men rose to fight off the Grey Men and all their sacrilege, my grandfather counseled peace. Foolishly, the Ymherador Taegarch ignored him, and began a futile and bloody war which led only to ignominy and defeat for our proud people. My grandfather was a loyal servant to the Ymherador and fought in his hopeless, terrible war, losing so many of his faithful kinsmen and three of his own sons in that bloodbath. When the Grey Men slew the Ymherador Taegarch, my grandfather gathered the lord clansmen in one of our land's many sacred places and convinced them to speak peace to the Grey Men. This is the story of how my grandfather, Cormac Dugallach II, came to be the Grey Man's Ymherador.

There are those who still say that my grandfather delivered our people up like sheep to the slaughter, into the hands of a hateful and tyrannical foreigner, and was rewarded by the Grey Men for his cowardice and duplicity. Men that say such things are foolhardy and hot-headed, like so many enemies of our ancient and noble clan. My grandfather, unlike my father after him, was cunning like the fox upon our banners and knew the meaning of leadership. So many of our kinfolk dead, our armies scattered like leaves, he sought to preserve our homes and our ways in the face of the terrible adversity and the Grey Man's terrible vengeance. In doing so, he spared our people a thousand torments. Great men are seldom admired in their time, and so my grandfather had many enemies, and built himself a great fortress in the style of the Grey Men to withstand the sieges of his enemy's armies, and to guard against the daggers of their assassins. This was the Red Keep, ever since the epicenter of our great clan's power and authority. Sadly, not long after his Red Keep was finished, my grandfather died of age and the wounds sustained in the Ymherador Taergach's foolish war. Our cunningmen gave him a proper funeral in the old way, burning his corpse in the great hills and depositing the ashes in the ancient and hallowed burial cairns of our ancestors. His mausoleum, like so many holy places in our land, I visit often as is my duty and privilege.

My father, Eanraigh, ruled bloodily and with an eye to impress. Shamed by my grandfather's surrender to the Greylings, he sought to reassert the power and majesty of his crown, and consulted often with strange and cruel-minded cunningmen who advised him poorly and endangered our leadership in the eyes of the Grey Men. Always fearful of reprisals and uprisings, he earned himself the moniker of the Mad Fox. The only good thing to be said for the man is that he built many fortresses and strongholds both large and small throughout the land to cow his bannermen into submission, and compel the fear and respect of the smallfolk. In his old age my father's already loose grasp on sanity began to slip further, and the realm grew restless. My father was a pious man, well versed in the Faith and our God of Fire, Wood and Stone. He called for his cunningmen, and they attended him constantly. I knew that the leader of these cunningman, the one who called the spirits to attendance in the Mask of Fire, was wresting the leadership of the realm from my father in his dotage.

So, I killed him. And then I put my dear father out of his misery, and blamed both these foul deeds on our clan's enemies. This is how I, the Young Fox, rose to the throne of the Ymherador of the Red Men of the Fennglaerd. I called a moot of my clansmen thereafter and censured the names of my father's murderers, and under my rule, we cast them out from their halls and placed their heads on the block of our executioners. In their killings there was the Red Man's justice, dispensed by the Red Man's Ymherador, and no Greyling was ever asked for permission. My younger brother grew suspicious in these early years, and so I made him my chief adviser, and bought his loyalty with titles, honors and land. They call him the Gold Fox now, for the jewelry he wears in sick and miserly imitation of the Athsarach merchants the Grey Men hold in servitude in the east. I have my own cunningmen now, as loyal as they are skilled in calling the aid of the Red God. It has been ten years, and I have ruled well.

I am Daidh Dugallach, Ymherador of the Red Men, the Lord Clansman of Dugallach, Lord of the Red Keep, Servitor of Fire, Wood and Stone, the Young Fox. You may kneel.

Daidh Dugallach (41) - The Young Fox, Daidh succeeded his much disliked and distrusted father as Ymherador of the Red Men under dubious circumstances. He was quick to identify his father's killers as the Clan Dugallach's disloyal bannermen. He had these clansmen publicly executed and seized their land and their halls, doling them out as favors to political allies and buying the loyalty of his younger brother, the so-called Gold Fox. Daidh has quickly earned a reputation of pragmatism and measured leadership, marked both for his generosity and magnanimity as well as his incredible cruelty to his enemies. A politically advantageous marriage produced several children, to whom Daidh is a dubious father, preferring to delegate to his wife and court servants. The exception to this rule is his eldest son, Murchadh, whose upbringing has been almost entirely a product of Daidh's plans for his succession. Whether this has made him his father's loyalest servant or greatest detractor varies with the weather. Pious in similarity to his father, Daidh is in good standing with the advocates of the Red Faith, the Fennacht religion of the God of Fire, Wood and Stone. Feared among his enemies, respected among his clansmen, the Young Fox is the most capable Ymherador since his grandfather.

+8, -4 = 4
(+4) Heroic - Cut a very dashing figure in armor and with red, fox-covered banners when he cut down his father's supposed killers and scattered their armies
(+2) Smart - Very intelligent in terms of book-learning
(+2) Clever - A good reader of people and a natural strategist
(+0) Cynic - Not very optimistic about the world or its inhabitants
(+0) Amoral - Perhaps his moral compass is just a tiny bit skewed
(+0) Pious - Has a very... interesting relationship with his court cunningmen and the Red Faith in general
(-1) Temperamental - Has been known to have fits of anger
(-1) Dishonest - He might have lied, just once or twice
(-2) Cruel - Perhaps the punishments he has visited on those who have displeased him have been rather extreme. Also overly-fond of using cunningmen as glorified hangmen and torturers

Raghnaid Dugallach (38) - Sometimes called the Broodmatron, opinion among the clansmen is divided as to whether Raghnaid is as dangerous as her husband. The daughter of one of Daidh's father's more doubtful supporters, Raghnaid was married to Daidh when she was 17 and produced three children for her husband in quick succession. Influential in the management of the realm, Raghnaid is seen with her husband as often as the Gold Fox, and is a fixture in the Red Keep's throne room. Though she takes a more active role in raising the children than Daidh, she still delegates a great deal to handmaidens and the like. Sometimes the respect that is paid to her by her husband borders on the equal treatment of a professional relationship, and those enemies of the Ymherador who remain brazen and hale (few as they are) sometimes suggest their marriage is wholly without intimacy.

+5, -1 = 4
(+2) Clever - Just as apt at reading people as her husband. Perhaps moreso
(+2) Attractive - Still pretty young, still really pretty. There is a definite coldness and edge to her beauty, however
(+1) Handy - Good with a needle and thread, as befits a Red Woman, though she's rarely seen doing any kind of domestic work
(+0) Patient - More even-handed and capable of biding her time than her husband
(+0) Cynic - Very hard-minded about the world, probably because her father wasn't the most consistent man
(-1) Distant - It is sometimes very obvious that she is not genuine with people other than her husband, but she can fake it to some degree

Amlaigh Dugallach (39) - The Gold Fox, Amlaigh was always the more dutiful and loyal son, even if Daidh was marked for greatness. His title is not a prideful or even laughing matter with Amlaigh, who has begun to resent the treatment his brother lavished on him upon becoming Ymherador as having been design to patronize, blind and embarrass him. His fondness for the fashion of Greyling lords and uselessness at court has not ingratiated him to his brother's bannermen, and even if he thought of himself as his brother's closest adviser, he is beginning to wonder if his brother listens to him at all. Conspicuously, still unmarried.

+8, -2 = 6
(+2) Attractive - Very good-looking for an unmarried man
(+2) Kind - Generous and magnanimous, and without an edge
(+1) Skilled - Good horseman. Again, for an unmarried man
(+1) Friendly - Easy to get along with
(+0) Moral - An upstanding guy in most respects
(-1) Vain - Very, probably too, aware of how good-looking he is
(-1) Homosexual - He gay

Murchadh Dugallach (18) - The eldest son, Murchadh has grown into adulthood an attractive, capable, angry young man. In many ways, he is his father's son, and values the old man's advice highly. In other ways, however, he is desperate to step out of his dad's shadow and assert himself as an independent person.

+4, -4 = 0
(+2) Attractive - A fetching youth
(+2) Clever - As intuitively smart as his parents
(+0) Cynic - Just as cold-minded as his parents, too
(-1) Temperamental - Not good at managing his anger
(-1) Arrogant - Well aware he is the son of the Ymherador
(-2) Rebellious - It's getting to be kind of an issue now that he's older, he has a disturbing tendency to disobey orders

Asgall Dugallach (16) - Middle child, quiet and intellectual in comparison to his brother and parents, so extremely smart and extremely quiet. In childhood he acquired a limp. Not at all debilitating, but not great for his self-esteem by any means, and not great at stepping out of the shadow of his favored-for-succession older brother. Enjoys a close relationship with his younger sister.

+5, -2 = 3
(+5) Brilliant - Very, very smart
(+0) Patient - Good at waiting and biding his time
(-1) Distant - Has a hard time forging close bonds with people
(-1) Shy - Has a hard time even talking to people, really

Floraidh Dugalach (12) - The youngest child, an increasingly curious and assertive girl. Gets along well with her older brother, Asgall, though this isn't to say her relationship with the eldest Murchadh is awful or anything.

(+2) Attractive - Growing up into a decent-looking Red maiden
(-1) Dishonest - Catching the family lying disease at a young age

Map comes later. I'm just so glad I managed to poo this out. God of Fire, Stone and Wood, Grey Men out of our hood! sweg2k14
Here's the template!

House Name [Player]
Sigil / Words: [Your house’s symbol, colors if it has any, and motto if it has any.]
Lord: [Your lord's name, gender, and age.]
Heir: [Your heir's name, gender, and age. Assume Agnatic-Cognatic succession where possible, though exceptions are tolerated.]
Family: [In a spoiler, include your character descriptions and traits using the character creation system.]
Retainers: [A brief listing of the smaller houses that owe you fealty. Feel free to include their character descriptions and traits in a spoiler.]
Allies/Rivals: [Are any of your neighbors (or even retainers) particularly friendly or unfriendly? Have you clashed with any of the great houses in the past, or do you have marriage ties?]
Sources of Income: [A brief description of your economic activities. Are you particularly rich or poor?]
Holdings: [Briefly describe the towns, castles, and other important lands under your domain. Include an attached map in a spoiler.]
History: [In a spoiler, describe your noble or ignoble ancestors and their accomplishments.]

Much of this can be populated with the information you've already provided.

I was filling out a blank template for House Elming to give you an idea of what's required, but it turns out I left my computer charger at school like a dumb idiot, so I don't have time to finish it before my computer dies. Hopefully I'll have it back tomorrow. But by all means, begin filling out your templates, and don't rush to complete them.
House Raskakalle [Masada]
Sigil / Words: Raven on black / All in service to honor
Lord: Lord Ulrics "Father-Hammer" Raskakelle, male, 32
Heir: Lord Elrus Raskakelle II, male, 9
Spoiler :
Lord Ulrics Raskakelle "The Father Hammer" 32 (M)
Lord Raskakelle is the picture of an aristocrat. He is handsome, elegant, refined and dresses well. He sits a horse well, he is deft with a pig lance, he loves his birds and his dogs. He also happens to hate life. Most put this down to the killing of his father at age 13, an event bought on by his father having murdered his beloved mother in a fit of rage not a moment earlier. But others put it down to still other darker events. In any case, during one of his long benders, he married the beautiful cousin of the current Lord Aurené. This event, it is said, he still regrets to this day and cannot for the life of him reconcile it with the stories of how his glorious ancestors slew rather a great many of the Athsarin in the long ago. Lord Raskakelle's mother was sister to the former Lord Siegaesc.
Dignified (+3)
Smart (+2)
Beloved (+4)
Arrogant (-1)
Distant (-1)
Obsessive (-2)
Moral (0)
Cynical (0)

Lady Ahdina Raskakelle "the Gentle", 30 (F).

Lady Raskakelle, she prefers Lady Ahdina, married Lord Raskakelle when she was 14 and her bore her first child at the same age. Since then she has had a further three children ending with the youngest Sissy whose birth taxed her. Lady Ahdina is famed for her good looks, her witty turn of phrase, skill with music and poetry and for her kindness and social graces. It is often remarked, with considerable wonder, that she is the perfect opposite of her husband. Lady Raskakelle is the cousin on her mothers side of the current head of House Aurené.

Kind (+2)
Attractive (+2)
Clever (+2)
Skill (Music/Poetry) (+1)
Obsessive (-2)
Moral (0)
Pious (0)

Lady Jevielle Raskakelle "the Bold, 16 (F).

Lady Jevielle, is the eldest of the Raskakelle children and named for Courdre g’Aurené's mother who is the maternal aunt of the current Lady Raskakelle. She's trouble, with a capital Æ. Born beautiful and in full knowledge of it, she has already broken hearts, broken furniture and just generally run riot with her father's blessing because if there's one thing that Lord Raskakelle loves more than his hounds and birds, it's his eldest daughter. Her mother is far less forgiving and has locked her up in the highest tower twice. Her mother just hopes to keep her away from her prospective suitors long enough for one of the stupid bastards to marry her.

Attractive (+2)
Beloved (+4)
Temperamental (-1)
Obsessive (-2)
Vain (-1)
Cruel (-2)
Rebellious (-2)
Amoral - (0)

Lady Modrya Raskakelle "The Devout", 12.

Modrya is perhaps the most staid of her family. She wants to be a priestess of Yrea much to the annoyance of her family who want her to marry.

Attractive (+2)
Clever (+2)
Skilled (Music) (+1)
Moral (+0)
Pious (+0)

Lord Elrus Raskakelle "The Young Lord", 9 (M).

Surrounded by women, it is small wonder that he's a wee bit on the weak side? I mean he even fights like a pansy even if he's really really good.

Attractive (+2)
Skilled (rapier) (+1)
Vain (-1)
Arrogant (-1)

Lady Ahdina Raskakelle "Sissy", 6.
Kind (+2)

Spoiler :
House Aarrand
The first Lord Aarrand stood to the right of the first Lord Raskakelle in the shield wall and has remained loyal ever since. The current Lord Aarrand is the cousin of the current Lord Raskakelle, his mother being the sister of the Sixth Lord Raskakelle. Lord Aarrand is the favored hunting companion of the current Lord Raskakelle and acts as his right hand in matters of justice. House Aarrand dominate a lot of quite marginal land for all that though.

House Ushriel
House Ushriel is a new house, having been created by Lord Raskakelle in honor of his father-in-law the Moisha Ushriel at the occasion of his marriage. Lord Ushriel acts as the Master of the Largess and handles all matters pertaining to revenue and trade. Lord Raskakelle hates him, although the wily Lord Ushriel the quintessential Athsarin has managed to make himself indispensable. It is through his work that the Athsarin merchants have made Krage, the stronghold of the Raskakelle, a regular stop and it is his deft hands that have seen the Raskakelle become ever wealthier. House Ushriel owns some lands but Lord Ushriel is usually to be found in his chambers in the Krage or in Hahndel.

The Haugher of Hahndel
The Haugher is not a Lord but rather the elected Mayor of the city of Hahndel which sits under the shadow of Krage. In what is quite a strange arrangement, the city is allowed to govern itself in most matters. The arrangement is said to have started when a large number of freemen who had served under the First Lord Raskakelle of their own volition decided to settle his new lands. In recognition of their long service and their mutual regard, the First Lord Raskakelle decided that these honorable men of modest means could be allowed to govern themselves. Over time, this convention has remained in place sanctified by tradition. The current Lord Raskakelle still takes the traditional seat of his ancestors in the Kraal as a, more or less, equal with the other members during votes.

Spoiler :
To come

Sources of Income:
As one of the oldest houses in the land, the Raskakelle are large landowners, although much of it is suitable only for sheep and cows. The waters around Hahndel are also famous for their herring and cod. These provide some revenues. But a larger share comes from the handicraft industries that cluster in Hahndel that turn salt the fish, weave the wool and fashion the leather into fine saddles. As Hahndel has grown, Athsarin merchants have begun to stop over to purchase the finished goods. There also exists a number of smaller iron and lead mines in the more remote reaches but these are left alone for the most part.
Spoiler :
To come

Spoiler :
Elrus, the progenitor of the Raskakalle, was a great man trusted with guarding Elming's right in the shieldwall. With Elming's triumph, Ulk having done little, Elrus Bahksa was given a new name Raskakalle, a sword Hauskillar, a shield emblazoned with the Raven Sigil of his new House, the lands that the Raskakalle rule and an invocation to "do as thou wills". The Raskakalle are, in short, old, arrogant and tend to take to any attempt to interfere with their lands or persons rather seriously. The famous "War of the Fondling" is said to have come about when the second Lord Raskakalle took exception to his daughter being fondled by her suitor before the wedding. Lord Raskakalle challenged the man to a duel and beheaded him on the table, presenting the gift to his horrified daughter an act which he would repeat numerous times as he cut off the heads of all those who opposed him in his war against the man's kin. The equally famous "War of Elming" is said to have started when someone made an inopportune comment about Beloved Elming in front of the fourth Lord Raskakalle. The perpetrator was captured after a hard battle and had his tongue removed before being sent back with his equally tongueless men. The sixth Lord Raskakalle is said to have beheaded his own daughter when she tried to tell him he was being unreasonable. The current, seventh Lord Raskakalle killed his father, the sixth Lord Raskakalle, for being unreasonable to his beloved mother.
Here is the template for your overlords. Or at least, the nominal overlord for most of you. I'll label the holdings map later.

House Elming [NPC]
Sigil / Words: Three crossed swords on a grey field. "The sword not tempered."
Lord: King Rædrik III Elming "The Even" 85 (M)
Heir: [Disputed] Princess Cyneleth Æriksdar "The Red Lily" 27 (F) / Prince Cirwyn Deorsen "The Greyhound" (M, 57)
Spoiler :
King Rædrik III Elming "The Even" 85 (M)
By all accounts, Rædrik III, often called "The Even" for his calm temperament and willingness to negotiate peace between the many disputatious factions of his kingdom, has been a fine king. In fact, he has been a king for so long, slightly over fifty years, that there are very few left alive who can even remember a life before him. Though Rædrik was forced to slay his brother in a great rebellion a few years after he came to power, and later to quell a major northern invasion and a civil war, he has reigned uncontested for decades. In his later years he has grown increasingly pious and reclusive, and the royal revenues have increasingly been spent on enriching the temples to the gods, to the delight of the common people. In the last several years Rædrik has only occasionally held court and spends most of his time in the company of his granddaughter Cyneleth, who her rivals accuse of manipulating him into declaring her Queen with his death. For his part, the king has said nothing of the succession.

Dignified (+3)
Wise (+2)
Pious (+0)
Arrogant (-1)
Shy (-1)

Princess Cyneleth Æriksdar "The Red Lily" 27 (F)
Cyneleth is King Rædrik's only grandchild, the daughter of his second son Ærik, who was himself thrown from his horse on a golden grouse hunt three years prior. She is a remarkable figure who has enjoyed her grandfather's favor and resources for decades, and has profited from it, gaining the friendship of many high lords despite the liability of her gender. Her fiery and proud demeanor along with her striking red hair (traditionally associated with Fennacht blood and raising questions about her parentage) have made her a polarizing figure, winning as many friends for her lack of fear as foes for her lack of deportment. Notably, she wears her father's Diadem normally reserved for the crown prince.

Her husband is largely seen as a foil for her ambitions, and the prospect of a weak King upon Rædrik's death has opportunistically caused many of the high lords to support her party, informally known as "Reds" or "Lilies," even if they do not care for Cyneleth personally. She hates her uncle, Prince Cirwyn with a passion for trying to kill her grandfather in battle decades ago. Their rivalry now consumes the courtly politics of the kingdom.

Clever (+2)
Lucky (+1)
Skilled (+1) [Diplomat]
Attractive (+2)
Proactive (+0)
Rebellious (-2)
Arrogant (-1)

Lord Ermyn Belwerd M (32) [m. Cyneleth]
Ermyn is a pleasant individual with no discernible advantages beyond his pedigree, which goes all the way back to the Saga of the Shipkings. A scion of a seriously impoverished house, he lacks intelligence or leadership ability, and his only talent is in sycophancy. That Princess Cyneleth chose him to be her husband is reflective of her desire to be the only power in her marriage. For their part, it has proven to be an extremely successful marriage; Ermyn does whatever his wife tells him to, and she keeps him in the style to which he has become accustomed.

Friendly (+1)
Amoral (+0)
Vain (-1)
Cowardly (-2)
Incompetent (-3)

Ærik (M, 9)
The great grandson of the king is a little boy who enjoys running around, wrestling and riding ponies. His mother has impressed upon him how important being fair is, for the better, but also how important he is, for the worse.

Hardy (+2)
Just (+1)
Arrogant (-1)
Temperamental (-1)

Enna (F, 5)
Enna is an adorable little towheaded child who likes playing games with her imaginary friends. She rapidly flees in the presence of anyone she doesn't know.

Kind (+2)
Shy (-1)​

Prince Cirwyn Deorsen "The Greyhound" (M, 57)
Cirwyn has spent most of his recent life in self-imposed exile in the wars abroad, and returned about five years ago, bearing a supposed string of glorious triumphs behind him. As a young man, the Prince fought in his father Deor's party as he tried to overthrow his older brother, the current king, early in his reign. Following his failure and his father's death, the king had his face branded with a traitor's mark. Cirwyn defied the king, cauterizing his own flesh to burn it off, leaving his face terribly disfigured. He then left with a small company of adventurers to win his fortune in the world abroad. He returned, five years ago, and reconciled with the king after a tense confrontation. Following the death of his cousin (and Cyneleth's father) Ærik, the Crown Prince, three years ago, Cirwyn has managed to gain control of most of the ancestral Elming lands.

Cirwyn has the support of most of the Athsarin mercantile class due to his ties abroad, but many of the high lords hate and fear him, both for his battle prowess and the black legend that has grown up around his name. He negotiated the improvement of the kingdom's debt situation by pushing the king to ennoble several creditors, notably Courdre g’Aurené. This has raised the resentment of Cirwyn among the high nobility to a fever pitch. Many lesser nobles and merchants support him, however. His supporters are known as "Greys" or "Hounds," depending on who you ask.

(+2) Trained (Lancer)
(+2) Hardy
(+0) Amoral
(-2) Ugly [Scarred]
(-2) Cruel
(-1) Arrogant
Retainers: The whole of the southern kingdom.
Allies/Rivals: The House of Elming has repeatedly intermarried with House Ulk, the royal house of the north; depending on the generation this can make them friends or enemies. Houses Hartwell, Daufing, Siegaesc, and Raskakalle are considered to be the most loyal of the bannermen. House Aurené is a polarizing new high house that many at court see as a mistake. The intentions of Clan Dugallach are not trusted.
Sources of Income: By ancient custom, the king levies a tax on salt from the lesser lords, and a more recent reform has added a special surtax on imports from foreign lands. But even without these payments, the king is one of the wealthier landholders of the realm. The royal lands of House Elming consist of the rich, fertile lands of the lower Tammer, and the rockier highland coast to the east. Grain and fish are the primary exports, as well as manufactured crafts from Yyredin. Timber and stone are the main imports.
Spoiler :

Castles [West to East]

Redbreak Fast is the chief fortress of the western Elming lands, a large dual-walled castle. Originally constructed early in the kingdom's history to deter Fennacht raids, it has channels to divert fresh water into its cisterns.

Calrill is a small hilltop holdfast given to watch over the surrounding villages. It keeps a watchful eye on the movements of the ever-ambitious House Arlindr to the south.

Sarth stands a few leagues northeast of the royal city. It is a great watchtower erected on the chalk bluffs, with views of both the northern and western seas. It is designed to give warning to the capital in the case of a hostile approaching fleet.

Elivere is the greatest castle of the coastlands, and it guards the eastern road to the royal city. It is famed both for the height of its towers and its beauty, and is home to a booming castle town that sells produce from the nearby lake, including freshwater pearls.

Greyfoam is both a castle and a lighthouse. It sits atop a sheer rock face with tunnels down to the bay below, where several ships of the king's fleet are usually at rest. It is meant to be a base to attack any foe who comes by sea; Greyfoam and Sarth were built together after the first war with the northern kingdom.

Cities and Towns [West to East]

Essic is a small market town on the shore of the river. It is not very notable, except that the north road passes through it.

Ispen is on poor land, but it exists because of a nearby highly lucrative copper pit mine, which is largely staffed with local serf labor from a bastard Fennacht/Grayling mixed population.

Rosford is a large and rapidly growing town. An great, ancient Athsarin bridge spans the river here, where the west road leaves the southern bank for the northern. Walls surround the bridge itself, and many of the oldest houses are built on the bridge for protection, but the town has outgrown the bridge dwellings.

Gredhevern is battered by the northern ocean, but remains a pleasant enough fishing village.

The great and ancient royal city of Yyredin stands where the river meets the sea. Dating back to the Athsarin era, it is home to temples of all the gods and is a thriving port for trade with Sidell and the far south. It retains a thriving Athsarin quarter where much commerce transpires, and a ghetto for the poor (mostly Fennacht) outside the walls. Many nobles from across the realm maintain houses here, and there is an embassy from the southern Peregrin warlords on the continent.

Silhevern supplies crops for the sea-castle of Greyfoam on its island just across the salt spray, and largely minds its own business.

Spoiler :
House Elming is by far the most prestigious house on the Isles, with two shining Diadems and the royal title of the South to its name. Elming Shipking led his people out of the Horror, defeated the Athsarin legions and carved out an independent kingdom with naught but grit and heroism. His son, Rædrik I, decisively expelled the Republic from the Isles for good, mostly through a policy of local alliances and tolerance for Fennacht and Athsarin commonfolk. Despite disputes with the high lords and the northern kings, civil wars, ineffectual rulers and a series of Fennacht rebellions that had to be put down with extreme prejudice, House Elming has weathered the storm of time. But now, a new crisis brews. There is no direct male heir to the throne for the first time in three centuries. A low-level alignment behind the king's nephew and granddaughter has begun, representing vaguely the parties of the new nobility and the great ancient lords, though no strict battle lines have, as of yet, been formed.
I'm going to give you guys 10 days to complete all of your template information. It shouldn't take you that long! So, please have your templates done no later than 9 July.

Of course, I'm still hoping that bombshoo, Golden, and some other possible interested parties like Strat or Crezth will make a new submission as well, in which case they'll definitely be accommodated. Otherwise, I'll make a few large NPC houses that people can jump in and claim as they like.

Over the next week or so I will be:

  • Figuring out religion and doing a major writeup on it
  • Dumping a lot more cultural and bestiary information
  • Putting together a final history of the Isles
  • Adding NPC's where necessary and doing their stats
  • Transforming finished player *templates* into final *stats* with spending and troop/levy information

Here's a cool thing! Though this is what the holding maps will look like, for your large keeps, I will allow you to design unique castle icons for your castles if you wish. Please keep your unique castle icons to 9x15 in black pixels (where possible). Post a super zoomed-in version when you detail your holdings and I'll copy it into the map.

If you are unsure of how many holdings you should have, please ask. Most of you should have 1-2 large keeps, 2-4 small keeps, 2-5 small towns, and 0-1 large towns or cities. If you are a smaller or poorer house, take the low end of the range. If you are a larger or richer house, take the high end.
Also, on the off chance that you're too lazy to do your own little castle, you can select from one of these three fresh-baked, lovingly hand-crafted castles. Please note having three towers does not make your castle triply effective.

Options 1, 2, and 3.

Spoiler :
I found a mistake, I did the calculation for seven people and only distributes to 5, but is fixed now.

This is my first NES, please, correct me if I have done something wrong. I also don't know if I can, but my wife is from "other House" and I quoted it, is there any problem in having done that?

English is not my main language and if you see any mistakes, I will be more than happy to know and fix.

I need to draw a map?

by Tomasz Jedruszek. © Fantasy Flight Games (With some changes)

House Violla
The tides bow in our favor.

House Violla is an old noble house, dating back to the Age of Dragons, when
Ahiqerib Violla sailed to the Isles founding the first dynasty of his name. In
the old books of the family, is written that Ahiqerib once saw a kraken,
bigger than any mountain he had ever set eyes upon. We don't
know if is true or not, but he took that as pride and as symbol of his House.
Their sigil is a kraken on a green and gray background, and their
words are "The tides bow in our favor." Members of the family tend to have
auburn hair and bright blue eyes.​

HENRY VIOLLA (32), patriarch,
  • His wife, LADY GAËLLE (28), of House Monly,
  • their children:
  • LIVIA (12), the eldest daugther
  • MICHELLE (6), a twin to Aenys,
  • AENYS (6), a twin to Michelle, heirby law
  • his siblings:
  • LOTHAIR (28), his elder brother,
  • {JORY}, his younger brother, died stillborn,
  • GAIA (19), his younger sister, unmarried,

Character Traits
Spoiler :
23 positive and 11 negative

Henry Violla
Master in Combat (+3)
Heroic (+4)
Lucky (+1)
Wroth (-2)
Idealist (+0)​

Gaëlle Violla
Attractive (+2)
Vain (-1)
Depraved (-1)
Amoral (+0)​

Livia Violla
Smart (+2)
Attractive (+2)
Kind (+2)
Shy (-1)​

Michele Violla
Attractive (+2)
Homosexual (-1)
Lazy (-2)​

Aenys Violla
Friendly (+1)
Attractive (+2)
Moral (+0)
Distant (-1)​

Lothair Violla
Diligent (+1)
Arrogant (-1)​

Gaia Violla
Artistic (+1)
Obsessive (-2)​

Spoiler :
House Violla [Defacto]
Sigil / Words: A Kraken on a green and grey field. "The tides bow in our favor."
Lord: Lord Henry Violla 32 (M)
Heir: Aenys Violla 6 (M)
Spoiler :
Henry Violla 32 (M)
Master in Combat (+3)
Heroic (+4)
Lucky (+1)
Wroth (-2)
Idealist (+0)​

Gaëlle Violla 28 (F)
Attractive (+2)
Vain (-1)
Depraved (-1)
Amoral (+0)​

Livia Violla 12 (F)
Smart (+2)
Attractive (+2)
Kind (+2)
Shy (-1)​

Michele Violla 6 (F)
Attractive (+2)
Homosexual (-1)
Lazy (-2)​

Aenys Violla 6 (M)
Friendly (+1)
Attractive (+2)
Moral (+0)
Distant (-1)​

Lothair Violla 28 (M)
Diligent (+1)
Arrogant (-1)

Gaia Violla 19 (F)
Artistic (+1)
Obsessive (-2)​
Allies/Rivals: Sworn into service to House g'Aurené and allied with the House Monly.
Sources of Income: The biggest source of trade comes from fishing, maritime trade and pearls.
Spoiler :


Castle Caladan is the region's largest castle. Built by Ahiqerib himself the castle is located on the edge of a mountain and part of it points to the sea. After reforms, the Castle gained what is your current design, a sets of towers: Tower of Rock, Deep Water and High Tower. the throne of this castle is made with pieces of the ship of Ahiqerib.

Sunset's Keep it's a small watchtower on top of a hill. Got its name by the beautiful view of the sunset who blesses the keep every afternoon.

Cities and Towns

Bay of Lorthos it's the only city in the region and is a large part of their income is fishing for salmon and other fish. Many boats come and go, taking and bringing goods. And known for its pearls.
Spoiler :
Founded when Ahiqerib arrived in what is now the Bay of Lorthos. The House Violla is one of the smallest houses, but one of the oldest. Its motto represents the love for the sea and so the House was founded, with the fishing and maritime trade.
That's good work, Defacto. Your English *is* somewhat weak, but you're making efforts to improve on it and working with me in #nes, so I'm willing to let you play a minor house, probably one of cicero's vassals since your house has a very southern name. This will give you the opportunity to get your feet wet playing a game where a lot of complex English is used. As I said on #nes, please don't be offended if I frequently correct your spelling and grammar.

You don't have to make a map, but it's recommended. You could describe where your holdings are and I can put them on the map, or crop a small section of map and mark it yourself.

Since you are likely to be a small house, count on having only one small keep and a town. Place yourself on the map near Cicero's lands, in purple.
Quick question about the map: are the lands marked as ours (say, everything inside the yellow border for the Daufings), all the lands which swear fealty to your House (so, including all your vassals) or are they all the lands that the Daufings personally control (so, all the other holds, keeps, etc. belong to Vassals and should be placed outside the yellow border?
I'm going to say a mixture of the two. It's assumed you have a bunch of weak houses with only one holding who control castles or villages in your name, and these are located within your territory.

However, if you want a more powerful vassal who is less dependent on you, you can give them their own color and land outside your territory. There's no strict rule on it.

So, I guess to clarify:

  • Minor retainers (inside your borders, control 1 holding, fairly loyal/dependent on you)
  • Major retainers (outside your borders, control >1 holding, possibly less loyal/more ambitious
As a general rule of thumb.
6 Family Members
4 Adults
2 Teenagers

= 22 Positive Points and 9 Negative Points

House Skelton

Lord Aethelhere (44, M)- In his youth, he was cheerful, vivacious. When he became a man, he fell in love with a woman from the local nobility, Anna, and for the happiness of both a marriage had been arranged between the two. But this happiness was short lived, as the young lady came to perish by a sudden illness. Aethelhere married again, but there was no love in this union. His happiness died with Anna. His new wife, Willa, won some affection from her husband with the birth of their children, which he undoubtedly loves, although unable to express it appropriately.

Dignified (+3)
Just (+1)
Patient (+0)
Distant (-1)

Lady Willa (37, F)- Since childhood, she always dreamed of marrying a gallant lord, and that they would both love each other passionately and have many children. It turns out that her dream was crushed when her father forced her to marry a recently widowed lord, whose cold heart would never accept to love her. When all seemed lost, the happiness came in the form of an adorable baby. Willa came to love young Leof unconditionally, her only joy in life. Even with the birth of other children, her love continued to be directed solely to her firstborn, his happiness becoming an obsession to her. This behavior proved to be harmful in the education of the lad, and worsened the relationship with her husband. Now, their marriage consists only of tolerance.

Clever (+2)
Amoral (+0)
Proactive (+0)
Dishonest (-1)
Obsessive (-2)

Leof (21, M)- Since childhood, he was always led to believe by his mother that his will was an order, and that there was no one like him. This arrogant behavior was always scolded by his father, and soon their relationship deteriorated. Regardless of his odious behavior, Leof was always envied by his brother and sisters, not only for being the heir, but also for his beauty, cleverness and unconditional love that he received from their mother. However, he secretly envied his brother Aart.

Clever (+2)
Attractive (+2)
Amoral (+0)
Arrogant (-1)
Temperamental (-1)

Aart (19, M)- Being the second child, fate played a trick on this kid. Had he born first, he would be the perfect heir. Too smart for his age, he received an outstanding education. While no one dares to comment, the fact is that the lack of love from his mother made ​​him a somewhat distant man, like his father. However, although a brilliant man, his apparent cowardice always worried his father. After all, he would not be such a perfect heir.

Brilliant (+5)
Literary (+1)
Idealist (+0)
Moral (+0)
Distant (-1)
Cowardly (-2)

Udela (15, F)- A lovely girl, and even lovelier when she plays her lyre. She is already becoming a woman, and will soon have to get married. While other girls anxious wait for this moment, Udela shivers when she thinks about it. Being shy, the idea of spending the rest of her life with a stranger do not please her.

Kind (+2)
Musical (+1)
Shy (-1)

Synne (12, F)- Known throughout the castle as a beautiful and lovely girl, she is the favorite of her father. Sociable, she made ​​friends with almost all the servants, especially with other children. She is as beautiful as her older brother.

Attractive (+2)
Friendly (+1)


The whole family has light brown hair and gray eyes. Tend to be thin, and have an average height. The family is descended from the Greylings, and its founder was a great general who excelled in the wars of conquest, and received a portion of land to govern.

I tried to avoid the cliché, but I'm not sure of my success.

As for the place, I would like of the eastern peninsula, in the great southern island. Any problems, just let me know that I will fix.
House Daufing
Sigil/Words: A red axe on a black field. "I take by my own hand."*
Lord: Wardhelm Arnulf Daufing (43, M)
Heir: Eadgar Daufing (14, M)
Spoiler :

Arnulf Daufing: (43, M) Patriarch of the House of Daufing, and Lord of the Daufenhold. Cunning and intelligent, he is however arrogant and vain, and mostly concerned with his own power. His greatest redeeming feature is his love for his eldest daughter, who he dotes upon and wishes to succeed him.

Bruenhilde Daufing - (39, F) Wife of Arnulf, married mostly because of the supposed fertility of her family (she is from a litter of 16). Intelligent and harsh in her own way, she does not take any hostility from anyone and is fiercely loyal to her family.

Arnora Daufing: (15, F) As different to her family as night is to day, Arnora is sweet, kind, and incredibly intelligent. She is doted upon by her father (despite his general ego and vanity otherwise), who seeks to have her succeed his title one day and attempts to protect her from the outside world. For her part, she is kind though shy, but she makes friends easily when she comes out of her shell.

Eadgar Daufing: (14, M) The archtypical dumb jock. Despite Eadgar's attractiveness, behind it he is vapid and vain. His physical prowess has made him an acclaimed wrestler, and the other young men of the castle have long learned to fear him coming, but his own lazyness has prevented him from coming to much.
+Skilled (Wrestling)

Hilde Daufing (9, F) Only nine, Hilde fancies herself more cunning, more clever, and more accomplished than the rest of the castle. Would that her abilities matched up with her expectations. Hilde fondness for dishonesty is matched only by her scheming, though she is a fairly competent liar and has the patience to see her badly thought out schemes through. Imagine a cut-price, nine-year-old Littlefinger, without any of the talent and only good luck to back her up.

Wulfric Daufing (3, M). Doesn't do much yet. Mostly just yells.

Spoiler :

House Uebern
The vassals of the Daufings. The Ueberns descend from Fyr Bort Uebern, one of the lieutenants of the Bloody Company who were granted land after the Fennacht Rebellion. The Ueberns have been staunch vassals of the Daufenhold for the last 100 years, and the current Fyr, Borgen, is no exception. The own the castle of Frostfang, which protects the southern borders of the Daufmark. Borgen Uebern and Arnulf are fast friends, and Borgen's son Beor is quite close with Arnora.

House Beorring
The Daufings' second most powerful vassals. Beorring are a much older family, being nobility in the current Daufmark since before the Fennacht Rebellion. They harbour some resentment against the Daufings, who became lords over the land in their place when the Elmings lost faith in the Beorrings to keep the peace. The Beorrings consider the Daufings upjumped mercenaries at best, which causes great friction between them and their feudal overlords and only their keeping within the Daufing's command prevents them from being deposed. The Beorrings hold the Beorkeep, which was once the central hold in the region but is now only the third strongest keep in the Daufmark. The current Halder is Halder Eadming Beorring.

House Herring
Another group of vassals to the Daufings. The Herrings are the hereditary mayors of the city of Riverbend, the Daufmark's major trade port. The Herrings were originally a family of extremely prominent mercheants, who were raised to Mayorhood after Arnaulf's father deposed the previous family for withholding taxes. The current Mayor is Imbern Herring.

House Fammering
House Fammering are weaker vassals to the Daufings. The Fammerings were granted their hold, the town of Felling and its surrounding fields, after the heroic actions of their ancestor during the Fennacht Rebellion. The current Halder is Fyr Folling Fammering.

House Lemmern
The weakest direct vassal of the Daufings, House Lemmern held the town of Lemmernburg since long before the Fennacht Rebellion. The Lemmern have shown great loyalty to the Daufings, and the current Halda, Gruenilla Lemmern, is a close friend of Bruenhilde and (by proxy) Wardhelm Arnulf.

Allies/Rivals: The House of Daufing are loyal vassals to the royal house of Elming. The Daufings lack close allies among the other Great Houses, which view them as upjumped sellswords at best. The Daufings are particularly hated by the Fennacht of the central mountains, who they drove out of the central regions 100 years ago to gain their land and since then have fought the raids and counter-raids of the U Seor.

Sources of Income: The majority of the Daufing's income comes from agriculture, the Daufmark being situated on some of the most fertile land in the Southern Kingdom. The regions around Lemmernburg and Felling are particularly fertile. Some wealth comes to the Daufmark from trade in Riverbend and from mining around the mountain borders, particularly the valuable iron mine near the Beorkeep.

Spoiler :

The Daufenhold: Central keep of the Daufings, built by Eisauf Daufing when he was granted the Daufmark.

Frostfang: A powerful castle, guards the south against the approaches of the U Seor.

The Beorkeep: A smaller castle that protects the Western plains of the Daufmark.

Riverbend: Main trading port of the Daufmark, serves as a point for where all the grain and minerals gathered in the Daufmark head downriver. Only large city in the region.

Felling: A mining town. Known for the iron mines in the region, nestled against the mountains in the far south.

Lemmern: A town in the west that serves the fertile agriculture in the region.

Spoiler :

The House of Daufing dates from roughly a hundred years ago, during the Fennacht Rebellion. The Fennacht rose up against the Graylings, in a last ditch effort to force them back to the coasts and reclaim their lands. One of the centers of the rebellion was the land now known as the Daufmark, then by the name of Searach which was under the feudal sovereignity of House Beorring. The Beorrings had become hated in Searach for their brutality towards the Fennacht - the last Beorring Mael, Maelrik Ulfil, was reputed to keep a dungeon where he tortured kidnapped Fennacht women and children. The revolt was brutal, and the Elmings were hard pressed to defeat it. In desparation, they began recruiting vast armies of sellswords, including the Bloody Company, led by Wulf Daufing.

The Bloody Company was true to its name, and drove a bloody swathe through Searach. The Fennacht were driven into the mountains (where they are now known as the U Seor), and in reward for his services Wulf was made Varrik of Searach (renamed the Daufmark) and given permission to build the Daufenhold. The Beorrings were forced to swear vassalage to Wulf and his kin. Wulf chose as his house words "I Take By My Own Hand" and as his sigil took a red axe (representing his own war-axe, Skrelling) on a black field.

Wulf's son Wulfric finished the construction of the Daufenhold and drove the U Seor further into the mountains. He left his son Burnulf a stable and prosperous fief. Burnulf was a poor Lord and warrior, and by his death 12 years later the Daufmark was in disarray, with the Beorrings threatening revolt, the U Seor pushing against the frontiers, and the mercheant aristocracy in Riverbend embezzling valuable tax money in increasing large numbers. It is largely believed that his son, Wulf II, may have had some hand in his death.

Wulf's first actions were to raise his levies (with the exception of the traitorous Beorrings) and march on Riverbend, demanding that the Mayor submit to Wulf and repay all back taxes owed. The Mayor refused, at which point Wulf stormed the city (which was largely defended by underpaid mercenaries, the Mayor's greed extending to his own sellswords) and put him to the sword, raising the Herrings to the Mayorship. Upon seeing this, the Beorrings submitted to Wulf's rule once again.

Wulf died 26 years later, leaving his son, Arnulf, to take the throne three years ago. Arnulf takes after his father in some ways, inheriting his low cunning and competence for leadership, but Arnulf lacks his military skills. His son, Eadgar, is perhaps more military minded, except that he is lazy, vain, and generally too dim to do much more than fight. Word in the castle is that Arnulf seeks for his daughter Arnora to succeed him, however, the laws of the land currently make this difficult, and not even Arnulf would stoop to killing his own sons.

*narrowly beat out "I axed you for land."
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