DominatrNES III: Order out of Chaos

" And as such all men came to existence. From the sinful origins of As - Mog, may he rot in the deserts like the coward he is, to the blessed cosmos of As - Tarks, may he always bless as. For it was As - Tarks' willingness to save the humans that allowed to be saved. Would it have not been for the first blessed Mahlim , Rhask Mogd, who asked for the forgiveness of his kin, we would have all been denied salvation. It is now upon you, Wrub Rhask, heir of the eight Mahlim, Teonas Rhask, to continue the oath your family gave to the Great River."
" To save mankiind from it's sinful nature", replied the 10 year old Wrub to the elder priest.
" Very good" answered the priest. " Let this child be the hopes of the Phrophet's descedants and of his people" addresed the priest to the crowd. " Step forth into the waters of Tarks, and be cleansed" said the old man.

After Wrub stepped forth into the river and the priest deemed that he was cleansed, he said unto him the following blessing:
" May your blood always flow like the waters of the Tarks river"
"Thank you elder" replied the frightened child.

The priest turned unto the crowd, and after chanting a prayer together, he blessed all who had come to witness the coming of age of their future leader:
" Blessed are those who have been cleansed."
The crowd repeated the very same words for three times in a nonchalant, almost unified voice.

After the ritual .which was attended by all Ghaskians, was completed, the populace together with the clergy and the royal family attended a glorious feast. There, they sacrificed lambs and oxen to their River God by killing them, removing their internal organs and burning their skin in great bonfires.
I'll be interested in joining whenever more of the map is visible.
"Please be careful in the desert, father," said the young boy to his father, who was helping his fellow merchants make final checks on the caravan cart before setting off to trade with the Butaliaites to the east.
"I will be, son, I will be," replied the father, just before he boarded the cart. "Though the desert is hot and dry," he continued, "the Butaliaites are good trading partners who supply us with wheat and other goods in exchange for zesty spices made from the leaves of the lasingwa, as well as dried aras meat, which are both species endemic to the area surrounding the river's mouth. One day, perhaps you will follow in my footsteps and also be a trader, traveling the same routes I am about to, or perhaps even to the north to trade with the Golbans, or perhaps even the Ghaskans to the west."
"Yes, I am sure of it," replied the boy, as his father's fellow merchant motioned that it was time to leave.
"I will return soon, my son!" said the father as he kissed his son's forehead. With that, the caravan headed off with the child looking on, already said that his father had left. However, he still had his mother, who he knew was probably tending her garden at this very moment.

(the fireni send caravans to the east, west and north to trade with the nearby settlements, hoping to bring more wealth to their people)
TO Kvt'smprvli
FROM Lapaz

We share the great River Mehur as our center, however the lowlands have much more food to offer than the metal rich lowlands. Is it, perhaps, possible that our two people could set up a system of trade? Food for metal?

We eagerly await your response.

OOC: Sorry for the lack of RP, I'm out of state right now and am limited to mobile most of the time. Don't have time for good RP, and likely won't before the deadline.
Nation’s name: Ndriakoro (Ndria's People)
Capital City: Ndriakoro Pe (City of the Ndrians)
Leader: Malame Ndria (King Ndria)
City List: Nuzo, Serunda, Amoukoro, Nezere, Kogom, Eaga, Zosso, Tikala, Kidozu, Nasama
Person names: Sauni, Yele, Mka, Ukaza, Okoza, Awa, Kubu, Umba, Moesi, Tutaz
Societal Structure: The Ndriakoro are primarly maize, wheat, and millet farmers but also herd animals like sheep and goats. The Ndriakoro Government is lead by a single monarch who rules with complete authority.
Religious Beliefs: The Ndriakoro believe in Ozekame. The Ozekame spirits which control various elements of nature and heavily involves ansestoral worship.
Customs: Storytelling is a key aspect of the Ndriakoro Culture. It's the means in which past knowledge is transmitted to the next generation. The royalty have their bodies mummified and are placed inside a burial mound. Most people after they die are thrown into the Se and/or Unu Rivers.
Values: Religion, Tradition, Innovation
Economy: The Ndriakoro are mainly farmers but they also gain some of their income from pottery, fishing, trading, and herding.
Brief History: Malame Ndria founded the city of Ndriakoro Pe along the Se and Unu Rivers. Being along these two rivers allowed Ndriakoro Pe to grow rapidly. Many neighboring villages decided to join the Ndriakoro to gain protection from bandits, gain economic power, and to end the constant warfare that had been occurring between the villages previously.
Area on Map


The men of Draten are possibly the strongest warriors in the world. They train from a very young age and every one of them is strong and muscular, not only because of the harsh training they undergo, but also because of the terrain. This desert area makes men strong, for they struggle every day for survival and so they have learned to be happy with little wine and food. They can survive without food for days and they can walk huge distances much easier than other people. For they have learned to live under those conditions since birth. The desert is a hostile environment. You are either strong or you die. Weaklings do not survive in this terrain.
Been extremely busy the past few days preparing to tour colleges, orders will be in asap.
Chapter Two: Hardened Clay (Y280)

Twenty years since the Great Inception, the blessed lands had changed dramatically, but not in all regions. In Mehureeoh, specifically the lands along the banks of the Mehur, not much changed. The Mtskhat'ski people had sparse contact with anyone in the region, only rarely exchanging some goods with the Lapacites. The Lapacites themselves were a bit stagnant. Labohka had not grown the least bit- most Lapacites claimed that the lack of fortune on display came as a result of a lack of sacrifice and prayer, but the down period may have well happened because of a string of droughts struck the region year after year.

South of Lapaz, the Incabra quietly gained considerable power. Ingenious Incabran traders served as middlemen between the Ghaskans and the Lapacites, funneling wealth to their own vaults. This decreased profits for both Lapaz and Ghask. With the western traders making less profit, Ghask suffered a bit as well. Attempts to increase agricultural output and cultural development were futile as the focus was placed on discovering how some of their neighbors were able to make clay pots. Ghaskan traders were jealous of those from Firen, and rightfully so, for the pots of clay served as solid containers for transporting metals, spices and other goods that came in smaller pieces.

Firen fared better than the civilizations to their west. Thalas remained one of the most frequented trade junctions, with a growing population of Fireni traders constantly making trips in all directions. Aran Harndir was growing a prosperous civilization, and garnered respect from foreign leaders. Firen's neighbor, Butalia, who had lived in Firen's shadow for years, began to develop nicely as well. Immediately after the Fireni discovered good pottery techniques, Butaliaites were also making pots in a very similar way. Butaliaite traders even began to make the trek across the sands to Draten to make exchanges.

In this period, Draten began to come out of isolation. Drati troops were some of the most hardened battlers in the region and had only fought nomadic barbarian tribes in the desert until Emperor Ightam developed a plan to use the military to strike down a more sizable opponent: Maculal. After traveling several days in the desert, Drati fighters arrived at the Maculal capital of Rampe. The initial plan to split forces and use a flanking method was scrapped after one third of the force was ambushed at night by marauders from the unknown parts. Despite having a smaller army, the Drati were hungrier and fought with a fire in their eyes. Rampe was pillaged and burned to the ground, and most Maculal people fled south to Firen or north to Golba.

Traffic in Old Golba decreased significantly- traders from the northern branches of the river just didn't stop by as frequently. Golba progressed minimally, as they were tormented by their new neighbor, Skur, a tibe descendant of the Ishkant people. In just a few short years, Skur had managed to stop Ghaskan scouting expeditions coming through their area and also raid the closest Golban villages.

A similar brand of militarism was developing on the other branches of the Great Golbari River. Ishkant spent a lot of time and effort developing their military. A moderate increase in their population turned their laughable army into a frightening one. Ishi forces began to retaliate against passing nomadic raiders, freeing up land for farmers and merchants that wanted to move out of Skan, which was beginning to get a bit crowded. Goth Urlgan was a feared man, for nobody knew what was he was scheming for the near future.

Illdira developed in a different manner, focusing more on technology. Illdiran merchants discovered the same pottery techniques that the Fireni and Butaliaites knew, providing for a solid population boost. Illdira was more active in the trading scene, and began to rake in the profits that Golba did not. Some brave merchants even went along with scouts to the unknown lands to the east, only to find barren desert with no sign of civilization other than small camps of desert savages.

Vozle began to catch up to Mehureeoh in terms of activity, and at the center of the development was Sauromavia. Although Sauromavian traders had been slowly gaining control of the region's trade for several years, Yulaeotju Scytho craved a stronger influence. For that reason, a large Sauromavian trade post was set up along the coast right next to Herite, for direct access to markets in Heritite lands. Such an ambitious move may not have sat so well with another civilization, but luckily, the Heritite ruler, Yulatjou Asothu recognized that Sauromavia and Herite shared many cultural similarities and did not see the trading post as an attempt to take over Herite.

To the east, Ez Dera Than surpassed Mirysk in trade influence and military power. A small dispute arose when Mirysk traders set up an unauthorized trading center in Ez Dera Thani lands, and the traders were drowned in the river as a punishment. Tempted to retaliate, Larj Ricluf Clomskoart withheld his fury, for he knew that Ez Dera Than had a larger and more well-trained army than Mirysk.

Ishalin, another delta power like Sauromavia, grew in power since the last chapter. Ishalin turned out to be the only civilization in the region that knew of pottery, and the newer cultures of the region like Kerchan or Veshelard had a deep respect for Ishalic craftsmen. Also, Ishalic scouts were sent to the north and east and discovered their neighbors: Veshelard, a culture similar to Ishalin that arrived shortly after the Ishalic state rose, and Ndriakoro, a newly forged state along the K'lish river, just north of Veshelard.

"Hardened Clay" represents more than just the pots and vessels made by advanced tribes such as Butalia and Firen. "Hardened Clay" represents the fresh civilizations, which not long ago were soft like clay fresh from the ground. Now, the civilzations were hardening; locking into place and anchoring themselves along the rivers and coasts of the Blessed Lands. One must keep in mind, however, that a brittle clay pot is easy to shatter.

Spoiler :
Great update! I loved the use and interpretation of "hardened clay" as well. :)

Mrot, a young teenager at the time of the event, was working on the fields with his 3 brothers when the unexpected happened. He was attacked by his brothers, and was left in the fields by his brothers, hoping they would claim a better share of their father's treasures. However, little did they know that their brother had not died. Just as if by miracle, he was saved despite his cripling wounds.

Although he knew, he claimed that he didn't know who the assailants were and that he had a vision of the River God. He was driven before the priest, because it was the belief of the common folk that the vision was a false hallucination from the Sun God, the enemy of the Ghask people. In the vision, As - Tarks told Mrot that he had brought him before him to warn him that a great battle was taking place in the heavens and that it would have major consequences on his people, including floods, droughts and raids by the followers of his enemy, the Sun God. He advised him that the people of the river Tarks should learn the art of pottery and start storing their products and other metals in order to prepare for the upcoming events.

To the suprise of the common folk, the priest actually declared the vision legitimate, and send a messenger to the Prophet, who resided in his luxurious palace in Latim. There, the case was reviewed and the priest with Mrot and a dozen of servants behind them were brought unto him. After hearing advice from members in his court that he trusted and considering his options, he decided to do what the vision of As - Tarks advised Mrot to do. And so it began.
Children of the Black-Sun

Shadows often roam the streets of Hadun. Breaking the waves of the crowds of peasants and merchants, large processions march through the city. Climbing their way to an Altar on a rise overlooking the K'lish, these shrouded figures are seen making the journey daily. Underneath the dark layers are fifty children devoting their lives to the shadows. The children are volunteered by their families when they are just three years old to be given to the Black-Sun. It is considered a high honor to have a child in the cult, even earning the parents a one time seat in the Ish's feasts. When a child is first inducted into the cult, they will have a black circle with a halo around it and a line intersecting it tattooed on their forehead.

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It's not the best picture, but I had some free time. The altar in picture sits upon a cliff overlooking the river delta. The banner on the right is the symbol of the Shadhist religion.

It is true that prosperity makes men feminine and hardship makes men strong. For how can any other soldiers compare to the soldiers of Draten? Hunting wild animals in the desert is one of the most popular habits of Draten men. The hunting of wild animals gives the Draten men the experience they need to be great warriors. The Draten men usually hunt for more than two weeks non stop, alone, with no help except for their weapons. They live off the land during their hunts, and this prepares them for their military campaigns, for the Draten armies live off the land and do not have supply lines.

In other news, His Imperial Majesty has been lately trusting high government offices to Eunuchs. Eunuchs are not something new to Draten society, but never had they managed to gain so much power before. The reason for their rise is that because they cannot father a child and so cannot establish a dynasty, they are not considered a threat to the crown. An Eunuch named Yerina has lately come to prominence, overshadowing other Eunuchs. He is in his early thirties and has been appointed Chancellor and Guardian of the Harem of the Emperor.

Yerina will lead in person the next Draten campaign to prove his military skills and humiliate all of his political opponents. While some Draten are a bit reluctant to accept an Eunuch as their Commander, they have absolute loyalty to the Emperor and they believe that Yerina will lead them to victory.

Worldy Ones Eyes lay upon this clay vessel​

In a village off the far reach of Butalia society a young men name Jeome is practice the arts of pottery. Most of the neighbor youth ridicule him for practicing such skills and would smash up his pottery just for fun. Jeome was distraught over this but decide to go to sleep so to forget his woes of the lost of his masterpieces. According to local later that night Jeome had a dream of a large stone being the whisper to him to make a clay vessel with the face of Dager, Omaz, Urgae, and Patgo on it. So next morning Jeome begin work on the hollow clay vessel. After ten sunrises Jeome was done with the vessel but did not know what to do with it. One day the village elder of his village died. They people were going to burying him but didn’t have enough cloth to warp his whole body. The villagers came to Jeome asking to use his clay vessel for burying their dead elder. At first Jeome was reluctant to give it to them but then after some thinking he give in to the villagers plight. The elder burying ceremony was pack with most of the people in the village but also got the attention of a traveling merchant who was head for the capital. He saw the craftsmanship for this vessel and asked who was the one responsible for it. The villagers point Jeome as it creator so the merchant humble beg for Jeome to come with him to the capital of Butalia to show his craft. Jeome agreed to go feeling that his work was finally gaining praise from people of higher caste them him. Jeome continue make more of these vessel in the city capital and these clay vessels now called Ulesoe. They became very popluar among the many castes that even the Himatgar asked for one to be made with the finest of materials for when he leave this world. These clay vessel give the Uleses the title "Watchers of the dead".

I will complete this shortly... i promise, gimme some time.
Spoiler :

You have very pretty eyes, I ll keep them

As far as he could remember, these were probably the first words, Okhartd had ever heard. They were one of the many groups of nomads, that roamed the country sides, literally living off the land. Gathering herbs and berries. hunting the finest of venison was the way of the clan called Yir. The Yir on the way to old hunting grounds, to the west near the foothills of the Tewq hills were abruptly ambushed by another of the Ishi, the fearsome Gno, the clan of the warlord Sanri. Sanrihai was known as a cruel warlord that particularly hated taking slaves. He loved the skulls instead.

Okhartd was one of the first slave that Sanri took, to be raised as an assassin. Sanri's second in command was called Efys, his own wife. Efys, was the one that killed her mother, in the most gruesome ways that a person can kill one another, scalping her, before her cries hadn't even stopped. "You have pretty eyes, I ll take them." All the young girl asked was her child be left alone. The young one was raised by the warrior couple in the true ways of a warrior.

However, unknown to the foster parents, that brought up Okhartd, there remained that gruesome memory, dormant like an evil beast, waiting to pounce. "Blue eyed" Okhartd often questioned himself, why must he hate his foster parents, for they indeed brought him up, when his parents weren't around. And then the memories return . . . .

Life of the Gno was pretty much the same as with the Yir. Hunt, eat, sleep, eat. Along the years, his mother, Efys, had gone soft, often allowing several groups of Ishi to join the clan. Senir reasoned, but the age old problem with men not being able to beat women in an argument persisted. But, Senir absolutely hated the idea of settling down, tied to one place, for all eternity. Senir's own words were, "A warrior will rests when he is dead".

Thirteen summers hence as Okhartd had just began to sprout hairs on his face, the Gno had become quite a big nomad group. As the Gno waited in ambush, Senir whistled for Okhartd. My boy, its time to make a name for yourself. I have a small task of you, "protect your mother, as we go gather some more Snagas (slave in Ishi tongue).""But father ..." he was brushed aside.

"Come my boy, let see how good you are on carrying on our traditions" A chance that presented itself, as if dropped from the heavens. Okhartd met his father later, all bloodied, in the cabin of the local chieftain. Senir was late, his young kid already got to the target.

"Didn't I tell you .." Senir was about to go into one of his fits, if even some one disobeyed his command.
Efys supported her foster son "That is exactly what he was doing, I came here for a walk."

Ekhartd was officially considered one of the warriors of the Gno. The young kid was smiling from ear to ear as he was presented with the crown dagger, indicating his position was one of the warriors of the Gno, as whispers were doing the rounds of the blue eyed snaga making into the ranks of the Gno. Despite the smile, the kid was in torment, as the vile animal roared once again. It screamed for revenge....

Ekhartd decided it was time to end his suffering once and for all. It he was to ignore the fleeting memory of his real mother getting stabbed, by the vile woman that was now smiling at her, beaming.

Ekhartd screamed at the top for his voice, as loudly as he could, father, fight me. After a moment of brief silence, there were laughter, followed by cheers, some even egged Senir on. "So you have grown so big, that you want to challenge me son ?" Senir said with a smile. "Here," dropped one of his axes "I ll fight with only one of my axes. You are my colleague now, I must tell you the names of my axes. I call them Dyen and Qsig."
Ekhartd was strangely silent, as he announced, "As a member of the Gno, I hereby challenge you to a fight, for the leadership of the tribe" as he started to run towards the huge mountain of a man. The battle was over in a flash, as the young kid threw his dagger that the Senir dodged, instinctively, as Ekhartd picked up the axe on the ground and promptly stabbed Senir on the back.

As the gathered group of men were left stunned, Efys, too shocked to

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