How many civs/map type do you play?


Jun 15, 2012
1. So what type of map is your favorite (in general)
I lovveee world map, thoughts?

2. How many civs do you play against, and why?.

3. What game speed?

For me it's always epic speed, 22 civs, and world map. I just feel in enhances overal game play. I play on emperor.

Honestly guys I'm looking for advice on these settings and how it influences things. And why you play on those settings. Thank you for any advice
1. Earth, Archipelago, Continents
2. 22, always. The diplomacy is intricate and awesome in general.
3. Standard, always.
I dislike how long it takes to complete a game of Civilization V.

I prefer Pangaea, because it shortens the amount of turns (and time!) it takes to successfully complete a game. I don't want to have to research Astronomy (or whatever) to be able to cross the ocean to conquer my enemies.

I don't like to play with a lot of AI opponents, because it feels like they are all playing against me. Standard size (I think that's 7 opposing civs) is about the biggest I will typically play.

I once was a huge proponent of playing on Quick speed, until I realized how much more difficult a Quick game is compared to a Standard speed game.

I once played on Marathon speed, and nearly threw my laptop against the wall when I found out how many turns it would take for my capital to pump out a Worker...or to research Mining.

I prefer playing anywhere from Regent to Emperor, because the game is lenient enough for me to play suboptimally in different ways at these difficulties, without having complete pushover AIs.

So, in closing, Standard size, Standard speed, Pangaea, King-Emperor difficulty.
1) TSL Huge Earth Map
2) 22 Civs
3) Epic or Marathon speed
And yes, turn times get well up into the "several minute" mark towards the end of the game...
  1. Fractal, Pangaea+, or Continents+ in Standard or Small size.
  2. 8-12 civs and 16-24 CS, depending on the map size.
  3. Standard speed.
I usually play on a fractal script, but occasionally I will choose Pangaea or continents. I rarely ever play other map types unless I am compelled to for some reason. I am simply awful at any map that involves heavy naval play but I like having some aspect of it on the maps I get. I think these three script types offer the most suitable and reliable maps for my playing style.

I typically pick a random leader, with standard or small map size and standard speed. I also like to have 1.25-1.5x the usual amount of civs and CS for the map size. I don't always do this as it sometimes becomes too crowded for my tastes. If I do go with more, it's because I like being able to have more interaction between myself and the other players. If I don't, it's because I feel there is more competition with less of it in the way and that makes the game more tense.

Lately I've been moving up the difficulty chain after having several victories in Prince and a few on King, but I'm not quite ready to break into Emperor or Immortal. If the jump in difficulty from King to Emperor is as great as it was from Prince to King, it'll be a wallop for sure.

For advice, I'd say just play the way you like to, but also to try and experiment with other kinds of scripts and civs to get more out of the game. I'm a player that values variety, so I don't always like to play with the same settings for too long. I also allow policy and promotion saving in my games but leave most everything else untouched in the advanced options. Time Victory is usually checked off too, unless it is the only VC I allow. I like games where you can win by every victory but time, or where time VC is the only way to win. Just something I have a quirk with.
Firaxis dev once interviewed they balance everything on Standard map size with standard number of civs and CS's (which are 8 civs + 16 CS's; That's why it's called Standard - any extra civs added are really Custom games....not real game imho). Therefore, I play Standard game only.
In Civ IV, I used to play marathon turns and huge maps. I got a new computer so I could do the same on Civ V, but I find I actually now prefer standard size and standard turns. As for land, after watching Maddjinn's videos, he's made a believer out of me with regards to playing continents. It evens the playing field for naval civs.
I do try and mix it up a bit , I usually play a standard/standard game with a random map and a civ I fancy trying .
I like to try different ways of winning and different ways of getting there
Standard speed, standard size suit me well. The default continents map script produces great maps - in particular, I like the fact that it creates islands too - but I'm starting to get bored with them and want something new. I'll play my next game on an earth map, I guess.
If I play as England small continents, otherwise continents.
Standard time or occasionally quick.
Standard size on King, sometimes bigger on Prince (but never 22!)
I'll play on any map until I try it and find it I don't like it. Lately it's Mediterranean/large/marathon. I'm really enjoying the Med. Unfortunately, the only size the Med supports is large, so I'll have to switch it up to play a huge map, which is next on the list.
1. So what type of map is your favorite (in general)
I lovveee world map, thoughts?

2. How many civs do you play against, and why?.

3. What game speed?

For me it's always epic speed, 22 civs, and world map. I just feel in enhances overal game play. I play on emperor.

Honestly guys I'm looking for advice on these settings and how it influences things. And why you play on those settings. Thank you for any advice

1) I prefer continents or pangea depending on my mood.
2) Usually the standard amount of civ's the map defaults to.
3) Love Marathon speed,not sure why, always have. But I mix it up and play Standard speed once in a while.
I'll play on any map until I try it and find it I don't like it. Lately it's Mediterranean/large/marathon. I'm really enjoying the Med. Unfortunately, the only size the Med supports is large, so I'll have to switch it up to play a huge map, which is next on the list.

This should be an interesting setup, is it just basically that part of world only? Why only large map? I would assume its a good water map. Wonder if 22 civs would work.
Epic speed, large or huge, +2 additional civs beyond the standard for map size, +4 additional city states. Continents, abundant resources.
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