Language translations for leader sayings

Born and bred swede. You got almost everything perfectly, the only things I felt needed corrections were the ones I bolded and left quoted (the "bjööö" got me laughing, to be honest :p Guess it's easier for me as a native to hear what he said there). All the rest of the english parts were perfect as they were, and I don't think it would be that necessary to fix the rare few grammar mistakes in the swedish parts.

The "Håå" isn't very modern, but since it's kindof like an angry "oh", I suppose there's no right or wrong spelling for it. An audible sigh, pretty much.

Thanks, Taaac! I kind of guessed "bjöö" wasn't correct but simply couldn't hear what really was said.
I also noticed another small mistake myself:
GustavusAdolphusDeclaresWar: The Hakkapeliittas will ride again and your men will fall just at the sight of my cavalry! [German] God with us! (Hakkapeliterna kommer rida igen och era män kommer att stupa vid bara åsynen av mitt kavalleri. Gott mit uns!)

Don't know where that inom came from, grammatically correct phrase here is pretty identical to English: at the sight of = vid åsynen av.
I have it on a semi-good authority that it's Yucatec indeed. My father is (was actually - you don't exactly get rich out of working in that field) a philologist, and while Central American languages aren't exactly his strong point, he sounded pretty certain that it's Yucatec. No idea what he's saying though. :) Pacal that is, I do understand my father.

Hello, I'm definitely new here, but I saw the translations list and noticed that Pacal was quite underdeveloped. I'm fairly positive the language he's speaking is in fact Yucatec, mostly because I understand certain parts of it without having searching for words online (for instance, one of his yes phrases is "Ma'alob Tun", which roughly means "fine, ok.") I am, by no means, an expert on Yucatec, but I think I can probably, with the help from anyone else with any knowledge of the language, figure out some of what he's saying.
I'm working on the defeat line right now and it's hard to find when one word ends and the other begins.
so far I have
Pacal neutral yes: Fine, Okay. (Ma'alob tun)
Pacal neutral no 2: no no, too much trouble. (ma' ma' ba'te'el - although the last word gives me trouble, it could also potentially be bek'ech, which would change the phrase to "no no, too slim/ too little" Pacal was hard to understand there.)
ok, I think I've figured out the defeated line:
Behla’e’ tal lelo’ Yah U laylie k’iinal. yetel tal A beh u ch’en.
directly translated it turns into:
Today come (that one/this) (pain/difficult) always hot. With you come path black Storm.
so, in english, what he's saying is:
Pacal Defeated: Today comes this pain always hot. With you comes the path to the black storm (Behla’e’ tal lelo’ Yah U laylie k’iinal. yetel tal A beh u ch’en.)

I'm assuming the black storm is related to the whole mayan apocalypse, as the glyph for ch'en appears in the haab' calender as the 9th month.

I also did a neutral let's hear it, but I'm not sure about it's validity, considering it means the opposite of what it should, but I'll mention it anyway
Pacal Neutral Let's hear It: not necessary (ma' k'abeet)
Wu Zetian
Attacked: Fool! I will disembowel you all! (蠢貨!我要把你們開膛破肚!) Chǔnhuò! Wǒ yào bǎ nǐmen kāitángpòdù!
DeclareWar: You won't ever be able to bother me again. Go meet Yan (King of Hell, known as "Yama" in Sanskrit). (你們再也不能冒犯我了。 見閻王去吧。) Nǐmen zài yě bùnéng màofàn wǒ le. Jiàn yánwáng qù ba
Defeated: You have proven to be a cunning and competent opponent. I congratulate you on your victory. (你已經證明了你是一個狡猾、稱職的對手。我為你的勝利祝賀。) Nǐ yǐjīng zhèngmíng le nǐ shì yīgè jiǎohuá、chènzhí de duìshǒu. Wǒ wèi nǐ de shènglì zhùhè
HateHearIt01: Anything else?(還有呢?) Hái yǒu ne?
HateHearIt02: Keep talking. (繼續說。) Jìxù shuō
HateHello: Oh? It’s you! (哦。是你呀?) Ó. Shì nǐ ya?
HateNo01: Unacceptable. (不能接受。) Bùnéng jiēshòu
HateNo02: Sorry. Say that again? (對不起, 你再說一遍。) Duìbùqǐ, nǐ zàishuō yībiàn.
HateNo03: Get out! (走開!) Zǒukāi!
HateYes01: I suppose I must accept. (我想我必須同意。) Wǒ xiǎng wǒ bìxū tóngyì
HateYes02: Ah. Very good. (啊, 非常好。) A, fēicháng hǎo
HateYes03: Ah. Very good. (啊, 非常好。) A, fēicháng hǎo
Intro: Greetings, I am Empress Wu Zetian. China desires peace and independent development. You leave us alone, we'll leave you alone. (你好,我是女皇帝武則天。中國追求和平以謀求自身發展。人不犯我,我不犯人。) Nǐhǎo, wǒ shì nǚhuángdì wǔzétiān. Zhōngguó zhuīqiú hépíng yǐ móuqiú zìshēnfāzhǎn. Rén bù fàn wǒ , Wǒ bù fàn rén
NeutralHearIt01: Continue. (繼續。) Jìxù.
NeutralHearIt02: What? (什麼?) Shénme?
NeutralHearIt03: Keep talking. (往下說。) Wǎngxià shuō
NeutralHello: What is it (you want) today? (今天怎麼樣?) Jīntiān zěnmeyàng?
NeutralNo01: Not possible. (不行。) Bùxíng.
NeutralNo02: Of course not. (當然不行。) Dāngrán bùxíng.
NeutralNo03: Definitely not. (肯定不行。) Kěndìng bùxíng.
NeutralYes01: Of course. (當然。) Dāngrán
NeutralYes02: I agree. (我同意。) Wǒ tóngyì.
NeutralYes03: Excellent! (好極了!) Hǎo jíle!
Request: My friend, do you think this request is acceptable? (我的朋友, 你認為這個要求能接受嗎?) Wǒ de péngyǒu, nǐ rènwéi zhège yāoqiú néng jiēshòu ma?
This is in the form of Traditional Chinese, which is not commonly used.

Here is the translation of Simplified Chinese.

Wu Zetian
Attacked: Fool! I will disembowel you all! (蠢货!我要把你们开膛破肚!) Chǔnhuò! Wǒ yào bǎ nǐmen kāitángpòdù!
DeclareWar: You won't ever be able to bother me again. Go meet Yan (King of Hell, known as "Yama" in Sanskrit). (你们再也不能冒犯我了。 见阎王去吧。) Nǐmen zài yě bùnéng màofàn wǒ le. Jiàn yánwáng qù ba
Defeated: You have proven to be a cunning and competent opponent. I congratulate you on your victory. (你已经证明了你是一个狡猾、称职的对手。我为你的胜利祝贺。) Nǐ yǐjīng zhèngmíng le nǐ shì yīgè jiǎohuá、chèngzhí de duìshǒu. Wǒ wèi nǐ de shènglì zhùhè
HateHearIt01: Anything else?(还有呢?) Hái yǒu ne?
HateHearIt02: Keep talking. (继续说。) Jìxù shuō
HateHello: Oh? It’s you! (哦。是你呀?) Ó. Shì nǐ ya?
HateNo01: Unacceptable. (不能接受。) Bùnéng jiēshòu
HateNo02: Sorry. Say that again? (对不起, 再说一遍?) Duìbùqǐ, nǐ zàishuō yībiàn.
HateNo03: Get out! (走开!) Zǒukāi!
HateYes01: I suppose I must accept. (我想我必须同意。) Wǒ xiǎng wǒ bìxū tóngyì
HateYes02: Ah. Very good. (啊, 非常好。) A, fēicháng hǎo
HateYes03: Ah. Very good. (啊, 非常好。) A, fēicháng hǎo
Intro: Greetings, I am Empress Wu Zetian. China desires peace and independent development. You leave us alone, we'll leave you alone. (你好,我是女皇帝武则天。中国追求和平以谋求自身发展。人不犯我,我不犯人。) Nǐhǎo, wǒ shì nǚhuángdì wǔzétiān. Zhōngguó zhuīqiú hépíng yǐ móuqiú zìshēnfāzhǎn. Rén bú fàn wǒ , Wǒ bú fàn rén
NeutralHearIt01: Continue. (继续。) Jìxù.
NeutralHearIt02: What? (什么?) Shénme?
NeutralHearIt03: Keep talking. (往下说。) Wǎngxià shuō
NeutralHello: What is it (you want) today? (今天怎么样?) Jīntiān zěnmeyàng?
NeutralNo01: Not possible. (不行。) Bùxíng.
NeutralNo02: Of course not. (当然不行。) Dāngrán bùxíng.
NeutralNo03: Definitely not. (肯定不行。) Kěndìng bùxíng.
NeutralYes01: Of course. (当然。) Dāngrán
NeutralYes02: I agree. (我同意。) Wǒ tóngyì.
NeutralYes03: Excellent! (好极了!) Hǎo jíle!
Request: My friend, do you think this request is acceptable? (我的朋友, 你认为这个要求能接受嗎?) Wǒ de péngyǒu, nǐ rènwéi zhège yāoqiú néng jiēshòu ma?
ok, I think I've figured out the defeated line:
Behla’e’ tal lelo’ Yah U laylie k’iinal. yetel tal A beh u ch’en.
directly translated it turns into:
Today come (that one/this) (pain/difficult) always hot. With you come path black Storm.
so, in english, what he's saying is:
Pacal Defeated: Today comes this pain always hot. With you comes the path to the black storm (Behla’e’ tal lelo’ Yah U laylie k’iinal. yetel tal A beh u ch’en.)

I'm assuming the black storm is related to the whole mayan apocalypse, as the glyph for ch'en appears in the haab' calender as the 9th month.

I also did a neutral let's hear it, but I'm not sure about it's validity, considering it means the opposite of what it should, but I'll mention it anyway
Pacal Neutral Let's hear It: not necessary (ma' k'abeet)

Thank you a ton! Quite interesting. Might I ask if you studied Yucatec at a university, have family who speak it, or such?
Interesting stuff. I wonder why some Leader`s get way more sayings than others? Some i`ve never seen a Leader say.

I wish they would triple leader speeches right from the start. I still feel they`re too little to do them justice.
Thank you a ton! Quite interesting. Might I ask if you studied Yucatec at a university, have family who speak it, or such?

Unfortunately, neither of those things currently apply to me (although, I've recently applied to a university that has an awesome Maya archaeology emphasis and that would be awesome to get into.) I am just a fan of the Maya and the Yucatec language. I got most of what I know from personal independent study. I certainly intend to learn this kind of stuff at a university but I haven't had the opportunity yet.
Okay, it's at this point where my limited knowledge is starting to leave gaps, I'll still share what I found however and hope someone else can fill in the holes/correct my mistakes:
Pacal Hate No: you joke <?????> (baaxal t'aan<?????>) (I can't tell what the last words he says are or even if t'aan is supposed to be part of that word.)
Pacal Intro: Heavy price <???????> Ahau Pacal (Tohol aal <?????> Ahau(?) Pacal) (Ahau was the Maya Sun god, he shares the same royal title of "K'inich" as Pacal, but I'm not sure of his significance otherwise. Also aal also means foot or toe, but something tells me it's not that.)
Pikachao, you can check the game files for English lines, some of them are more or less direct translations (or most probably vice versa) of the native language line. At least this was the case for Attila.
The lines are located in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization v\assets\DLC\Expansion\Gameplay\XML\Text\en_US\Lea derDialog
Pikachao, you can check the game files for English lines, some of them are more or less direct translations (or most probably vice versa) of the native language line. At least this was the case for Attila.
The lines are located in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization v\assets\DLC\Expansion\Gameplay\XML\Text\en_US\Lea derDialog

well, I looked through the XML and I don't think it's actually the same as the original yucatec. A lot of the XML stuff is too long compared to what Pacal's actually saying. (I think the guys writing in the XML were a little too focused on making it all about the mayan calender apocalypse thing than actually making it accurate to what he's saying.)

speaking of coding n stuff. Is there any way to play the leader's sound clips without playing the game? That'd save me a lot of time, what with not having to hope Pacal says what I want him to.
Fantastic, this is super helpful
Pacal Neutral Hello: Fine Day, it helps you. (Maalob k'iin, anat ti tech) (ti is a third person singular pronoun, "it" is pretty much the closest i can get)
Pacal Neutral Let's Hear it 1: If you must show me (Ete) (Literally: If must show)
Pacal Neutral Yes 3: Fine (Maalob)
Pacal Hate Hello: You. (Tech)
Pacal Hate Yes 1: Oh...fine, okay (oh...Maalob tun)
Thanks! Updated Nebuchadnezzar and Pacal. If there's anything missing, let me know. Still looking for Amharic, Aramaic, and Iroquois translations, among others.

For Hiawatha, the voice actor is Kanentokon Hemlock, a resident of Quebec who teaches at Kahnawake Survival School, a general education school for those on the Mohawk registry. Mr. Hemlock has some sort of website here: Not contacted him yet, as I'm tired of asking around various academic sources for translations (NONE of them replied, not even the institute that did the AC 3 language/culture work on the Iroquois). His email is available at his faculty bio page from the school: Would anyone like to try reaching him? I suspect he'll be more amenable than the various institutes on the Mohawk tongue.
If there's anything missing, let me know.

Montezuma I
Intro: I am Moctezuma, emperor of the Aztecs... (Nicuani Moctezuma, Imperator de los Aztecas,...) [It should have been: "Nicuani Motecuhzoma, Uey Tlatoani (of the) Mexica...." in Nahuatl derivations with less Spanish] possible ending with who dares to enter my august presence or what manner of creature are you. Less likely is "What do I see before me? Another beating heart for my sacrificial fire"
Neutral Hear it 01: Go ahead.
Neutral Hear it 02: Proceed.
Neutral Hear it 03: I'm listening.
Neutral hello: Welcome, friend.
Hate Hello: What do you want?
Hate Hear it 03: Go on.
Hate Yes 01: Oh, very well.
Hate Yes 02: I suppose I must.
Hate Yes 03: Excellent.

Intro: Greetings, Stranger. I am Hiawatha, speaker for the Iroquois. We seek peace with all but we do not shrink from war.
Neutral Hello: Good day.
Neutral Hear it 01: Yes?
Neutral Hear it 02: I'm listening.
Neutral Yes 01: Very well.
Neutral Yes 02: Alright.
Neutral No 01: No.
Neutral No 02: Certainly not.
Hate Hear it 01: Speak.
Hate Hear it 02: I'm listening, (better slow tone, same as NeutralHearIt02)
Hate Hear it 03: Oh, it's you. (actually the greeting when he is angry)
Hate Yes 01: Very well (better pissed tone, same as NeutralYes01).
Hate Yes 02: I suppose I must.
Hate No 01: You cannot be serious!
Hate No 02: That's unacceptable.
Request: Does this trade work for you, my friend?
Updated. I do wish they had more information in those translations....I suspect that someone uploaded reasonable guesswork rather than actual translations.
On Darius' line:

DariusHateYes2: Agreed (lit. it has become agreeable) &#1492;&#1513;&#1514;&#1493;&#1493;&#1488; hishtawe

I think that literally, it's "it has become equal" or "it has become equivalent," since it's also a word in Hebrew, and it means just what I've said. Then again, Aramaic is still somewhat different, so I'm not sure.
I`m surprised that there is so much conjecture on the translations on this for so many pages.

Can`t the Devs who got the dialects for the Leaders in the first place simply post up a full script of all the words and languages used? Why do they allow such long, maybe inaccurate, speculation?

Surely they will know exactly what`s said, word for word.
Fantastic, this is super helpful
Pacal Neutral Hello: Fine Day, it helps you. (Maalob k'iin, anat ti tech) (ti is a third person singular pronoun, "it" is pretty much the closest i can get)
Pacal Neutral Let's Hear it 1: If you must show me (Ete) (Literally: If must show)
Pacal Neutral Yes 3: Fine (Maalob)
Pacal Hate Hello: You. (Tech)
Pacal Hate Yes 1: Oh...fine, okay (oh...Maalob tun)

I met Pacal for the first time in my recent game. His somewhat intermittent voice really sounds odd. And it's really cool that you know Mayan language so well. About how many people in the world know Mayan language?
Lord there are a lot of different Mayan languages. Yucatec, what Pacal speaks here, is the most spoken... but that doesn't really mean that much (like 2 million speakers out of 6 million speakers today).

Pacal speak's Yucatec in this game - but Yucatec is quite different from many different Maya languages today. I had my grandfather who speaks Kaqchikel and understands to a degree Quiché [2 Different Maya languages] see if he could understand Pacal and he couldn't. The Maya language has been split easily into 30+ different variants/languages some that are dying out and some that survive today. The Maya were incredibly diverse even before the Spaniards and odds are a lot of these languages have existed for a while and probably broke off from a southern/northern language.
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