When to Capture City States?

1) When they are not mercantile, cultural or militaristic CS friends with you

2) When they are at war with you
I will take a CS when I need a reliable beachhead to invade another continent. Then I pick an ally to my target that gives me solid positioning. This scenario is very rare though because there is almost always better options, like buying open borders from a neighbor.
Its never a good idea to Dow the CS itself and capture it when you have met other people. But you can still Dow the city states' ally and capture the CSes that way. I think you get less warmonger penalty that way.
ONLY AFTER you have exterminated ALL the other CIV's (And won the game); and 1 or more CS's had pissed you off, then, MAYBE, IF STILL in Imperial Rage mode, go ahead, try it; effects may not carry over into following games ... or you could need a new name ...
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