Info Addict

Would it be possible to put the difference from the last turn after the value of the subject turn in the tooltip? And maybe green for up, red for down? I'm guessing it would, but If so, would you be willing to implement it, given that you could just compare the line height of the turn you wanted to the previous turn? It should probably be an option, though, as I'de imagine it would cramp up the tooltip a bit.

Whoops, I thought I responded to this but I guess I didn't. Doesn't sound too bad - I'll add it to the wishlist.
Hi. I installed this mod and the "Info Addict" option is there, but it does not do anything when I click on it?
Nice mod. :)

I'm French and I translate your mod in French, I edit the file "InfoAddict (v 10).modinfo" to allow multi-languages support (choose English or French automatically and others languages can be added).
Maybe you can add this few modification into official release, to allow some people to have InfoAddict in your language.

screencaps french version

InfoAddict V10 Multi-languages (En-Fr) :
[U]Files Changed[/U]
InfoAddict (v 10).modinfo
InfoAddictText_EN.xml (original file, just rename)
InfoAddictText_FR.xml (french tranlation)

PS: Sorry my english must be bad.:blush:
Would it be possible to add a table where you can see the diplomatic modifiers between two AI civs, like in cIV?

At first, I thought to myself "the game already does that" but then I realized you want to see all the relationships between any two civs. Is that right?

I'm French and I translate your mod in French, I edit the file "InfoAddict (v 10).modinfo" to allow multi-languages support (choose English or French automatically and others languages can be added).
Maybe you can add this few modification into official release, to allow some people to have InfoAddict in your language.

PS: Sorry my english must be bad.:blush:

Awesome! I'll definitely include that in the next version.
It is you who should receive all the praise. This tool is superb at what it does and has helped me greatly, especially when you get a Civ popping up to ask for a particular relationship etc and you can get further information on the possible implications of that by then clicking in the right hand corner to bring up your mod before deciding to agree or not.
At first, I thought to myself "the game already does that" but then I realized you want to see all the relationships between any two civs. Is that right?

Yeah. So I want to see what my friend, Russia, thinks of Persia, who I am about to DoW on, but I don't want it to deter the friendship.
Hi Rob,

how would I go about adding a beakers per turn, culture per turn and accumulated beakers and culture display to the graphs? It would be useful for mod testing to have these available in addition to the gold and production displays.
Hi Rob,

how would I go about adding a beakers per turn, culture per turn and accumulated beakers and culture display to the graphs? It would be useful for mod testing to have these available in addition to the gold and production displays.

It's a little involved but I'll outline it below. Honestly, I was a little short sighted when I first started info addict because I didn't realize this information had the potential to help out modders and people trying to figure out what the AI was doing. I started off by just putting in the same information that we found in the demographics with an eye toward game play and some notion of "not cluttering things up too much." I've noticed lately, however, that people are using this mod to figure out what the game is up to and, like you implied, using it more of a tool outside of just playing the game. I'm way more enthusiastic myself about adding a whole bunch info in because of this reason.

To be frank, I've been busy with other things lately (family visiting, work somewhat busy, wife bought me cataclysm for xmas :cool:, etc.) so I haven't had any time to devote to Info Addict. I have, however, been taking notes on stuff I want to do and paying attention to the few things that have been requested since the holidays. I'm getting that modding itch again so I'd be happy to add these in myself.

Just in case you want this stuff ASAP, here's a rough outline on how to add new data:

  • InfoAddcitLib.lua
    • Add new data type code to infoAddictDataTypes().
  • InfoAddictCollector.lua
    • Add collection code to SavePlayerDataTurnEnd().
  • InfoAddictHistoricalData.xml
    • Add a new button for the data type you want to graph to one of the existing pages. If you need to add a page .. well .. that's a bit more work. If you're just doing this for yourself, you probably just want to throw the text in manually but you'll see I'm using localized text keys that are coming from InfoAddictText.xml.
  • InfoAddictHistoricalData.lua
    • Add new type to HighlightSelected(). Must match type name, which is the table key, returned by infoAddictDataTypes().
    • Add a new OnType() function that references your new data type and tie it to the button that you added to the XML file.

That should be about it (but it's possible I forgot something). Keep in mind, though, that any data type codes you add in may conflict with any I add in the future, which would screw up any data you have for saved games.
I can wait, really. It's not a very high priority for me, just something I thought would be useful to add some time.

I started a new single player game (not over the mod menu), but the Info Addict Mod was already installed and active. Now I tried to load that mod and the single player save game, but there is no Info Addict. Can't the mod displayed on "not-mod-started" single player games?


I started a new single player game (not over the mod menu), but the Info Addict Mod was already installed and active. Now I tried to load that mod and the single player save game, but there is no Info Addict. Can't the mod displayed on "not-mod-started" single player games?


That sounds a little odd. As far as I know, you have to be in the mod section of the game menu to make sure mods are active. I have had some weird instances where I start a game (mainly for testing) with info addict working and then, when I got back the first time after saving and reloading, it won't load the mod. I just figured that was because I am constantly updating and deleting the mod, moving files in and out, etc. Whenever I play a game without making changes to the mod files, it seems to work just fine. However, that's different from the problem that it appears you are having.

The only way I could see a mod being loaded without going through the mod screen would be putting the modded files directly into the main install area of the game. But, even then, because of the way the contexts are loaded, I doubt that would work.
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