Suomenkielinen Civilization V (Finnish language)

August 2013 version release notes and download

I have separated vanilla game, Gods & Kings and Brave New World in such a way that simply by not including expansion pack XML file in Text folder you can take that expansion pack's changes away. I'd prefer it to be easier (ie. automatic) but I haven't figured a way to do that. Changing existing strings in expansion packs is pure evil I tell you!

In other news I've reorganized my sites a few months ago so many of the old links may no longer work.
October 2013 release notes and download

Quite a minor update, but all the unit descriptions (as shown when choosing which unit to build) are now translated, including all the scenario units. Progress with buildings and some fixes here and there. Progress was slow as last month I had many long days at work and I caught a flu. Same minus flu expected this month.

And I still have far too many other projects that require my attention. Hopeless case, that I am.
December 2013 release notes and download

There was an update last month as well which fixed issues with the new ingame text that came in Civilization V updates during October.

I'm also looking for assistance especially during December and January. I'm having more time to spend for the project and I'd like to get as much done as possible. Read more if interested to help!
January 2014 feedback version release notes

Next weekend shall be the last major release in a very long time. I need to prioritise my time to other projects and for this reason I've spent an awful lot of energy to completing the translation. It is not there yet and I'd need another month or so of full uninterrupted attention to get things finished, however this version is very playable. I had to loosen my quality control to be able to get things done fast, but overall a lot of the text is very good.

This feedback version is out for now to have more eyes to let me know about issues before the big release next week. Also, I may do minor releases in case Firaxis releases new versions of the game that potentially break the translation.

First post of this thread also includes link to the feedback 2014-01 version.
February 2014 release notes and download

Now officially on vacation for a while. Will work with my other projects the remainder of this year and will look into continuing the translation again in next year.
Well, I'm a teacher and I want to deliver our cultural heritage. The lighthouse was in Faros and the Colossus in Rodos. ;) I think, by keeping the names in front, these little pieces of knowledge are more easily learnt.

Olen tässä asiassa opettajan puolella.

Esim. pyramids = Gizan pyramidit

Asioista pitää pystyä puhumaan niiden oikeilla nimillä jos sellaisia suomennoksia on olemassa. Näin vältetään mahdollisia väärinkäsityksiä. Olihan pyramideja rakennettu muuallekin maailmassa, mutta selkeästi pelissä viitataan Gizan pyramideihin, kun puhutaan "maailman ihmeestä".

Paikannimiä ja kaupunkeja sensijaan ei ole pakollista eikä edes suotavaa suomentaa ilmeisesti nykykäytännön mukaan. Kiinan kaupunki Peking, voidaan sanoa myös Beijing. Olen saanut sellaisen käsityksen että tässä tapauksessa on vain väännetty sana länsimaiseen kirjoitusasuun. Koska kuten tiedämme, on kiinassa käytössä kuvakirjoitus eikä länsimaiset aakkoset.

Minun mielestäni tällä modilla on hyvinkin tarvetta tulevaisuuden nuorisolle. Muistan omassa varhaisnuoruudessani kun pelasin Civ3 peliä ja play the world lisäosaa. Olin varmaan ala-asteella, joten englannin taidot eivät olleet harjaantuneet koska eihän sitä vielä opetettu noin nuorille. Minun ensimmäinen vieras kieli olikin ollut saksa, joten englannin kieltä ei ollut opetettu kovin paljon vielä minulle muistaakseni. Civ3 julkaistiin v.2001, mielestäni pelasin tuolloin jo civiä. Synnyin v.1990, ensimmäinen kieli - saksa, tuli kolmannella luokalla ala-asteella. Englanti tuli minun opintoihin vasta neljännellä tai viidennellä luokalla ala-asteella. Olin varmaankin 10 tai 11, kun edes Englannin opetus oli edes alkanut ensimmäisen kerran.

Koska ei pelin englannista paljoakaan ymmärtänyt, niin pelasin peliä lähinnä oppimalla käytännön kautta sekä visuaalisesti. Piti ymmärtää mitä kaikki nämä "ukkelit" tekivät ja mitkä olivat hyviä ukkeleita. Pelasin kyllä enimmäkseen Roomalla ja Persialla. Myös ottomaanit olivat hyvä valinta. Usein pelasin erittäin aggressiivisesti sotien maailmansotia kokoajan. Kerran pelasin Japanilla ja puolustin omaa saartani todella urhoollisesti kaikkia hyökkääjiä vastaan. Kaikki viholliset torjuttiin ja ajettiin mereen - Japanin kunnia, maine ja turvallisuus olivat turvatut. Pelasin silloin ihan "noble" vaikeustasolla, perusvaikeustaso. :D

Same in English. I agree with the teacher regarding this matter. One should be able to talk about things with their proper names and translations, when such translations already exist. By doing this, misunderstandings can be avoided.

E.g. the pyramids = the pyramids of Giza

However when talking about place names and cities, it is not necessary to translate these into Finnish, nor is it strictly recommended in modern times. E.g. Peking = Beijing both should be fine I think. My understanding regarding Beijing example is that the word itself was simply put into "westernized form" instead of the typical Chinese pictogram alphabet.

In my early childhood I remember fondly my first games with civilization series, Civ3 and play the world expansion. I did not understand English at all, beyond few words, because I was too young for English classes to have started in school. I was only 10 or 11 years old, when they first even started to teach English to me at School! This was the time (2001) when I started playing Civ3 - without proper school education at the time, in the English language. My first foreign language choice at school, was German when I was 9 years old. The second language choice, English, only became available when I was 10 or 11 years old.

I had to learn the game, by simply memorizing and learning visually, which units were powerful for example. I often played Ottomans, Persia and Rome because of their powerful units. I was a true warmonger even at young age. My most memorable game was with Japan, where I was able to defend all my islands very nicely, and push the foreign invaders into the sea. Japanese honour, glory and security were guaranteed. Game difficulty was normal "noble" :D

I can only hope that this mod will provide good experience for young people, should they wish to play this game, before they are taught proper English at school. We cannot demand too much of the youngest generation after all. If they are too young gamers to have English lessons at school, it would perhaps be nice if a translated version existed, so that the new generation can enjoy Civ5, better than I was able to enjoy Civ3 - in my own childhood.:king:
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