End of Empires - N3S III

Sorry, I'm probably going to take a break as far as story-writing is concerned until after the update. :p I don't recall ever writing so much for a NES in what is technically one turn; it was fun, but very much time-consuming.
Well, it began in oral form (or, rather, there were simply various stories passed along about the rebellion and its leaders and main enemies, and about the Chief-of-Chiefs and his various followers, and then ofcourse about the heroes of the war, which regardless of its outcome was/is going to be a big deal as far as culture is concerned), but eventually the assorted elements were grouped together and the resulting story was written down: when was this first done exactly is uncertain, some say the end of the reign of Second-Gaci, which is not impossible but still somewhat unlikely. In any case, there existed many different versions and editions, this one just survived better than the most.

I'd say that the unified epic as seen here was mostly passed on in written form, after it had actually been written, though the quite different rhymed version(s) (which I am not going to write :p ) was ofcourse meant to be sung rather than anything else, and it was probably the more popular version for much of the premodern times, having gained popularity among the mostly illiterate population of the more backwards campsites; and the different anecdotes spread in both written and oral form and could be found in different other sources (it's a bit like the assorted anecdotes in the various Greek histories, especially those that had to do with Persia and the East in general; you could say Kirost got something of a Cyropedia treatment, though it's not quite as visible in this version, and, ofcourse, Moti writing about Moti will likely not get as many things wrong as Greeks writing about Persians - bias is another thing entirely, the epic being clearly biased in favour of the Elephant Family and the Chief-of-Chiefs, and against the godlikes).
I would personally prefer the top of the page. And das, I really have had no time to take a look through the stories yet, but will reply as soon as I've read them.
A historians notes, on the pronunciation of those of Seshweay and the Union of Aya'se.

Aya'se [Ancestor], Ay-sii
Pa [Ancestor], Pa
Matah [not a Seshweay word, rendered as it would have been said] Ma-tah
Se’ta’ai [A key instrument with only a limited number of keys, which hit a layered bronze board very rarely played expect in the largest traditionalist orchestras, beloved for its dissonance. ], See-ta-ei
Ti’fi’sa [Simple 3 stringed violin like instrument, beloved for its complex sound], Ti-fee-sii
Arkage [not a Seshweay word, rendered as it would have been said], Ak-rage
Satarai [ditto], Se-tar-ei, note a similarity to the word horse
Sesh [city], Se-she
Sies [city & name], Se-es
Seshweay [nation], Se-she-wai
Ta’Pa [Military Rank], Te-paa
Va’Se [Unit Type], Wa-see
Ta’Pa’Se [Military Rank], Te-paa-wai
Aya [name], Aya
Ti-Sesh [city & name], Te-sa
Onesh [city], O-nes
Paasa [city & name], Pae-see
Mahid [city], Ma-sei
Bi’Set [name], Bi'lel
At’Ta’Ma [name], At-tee-mae
Eis’Ie [name], Esi-low
Ma’Sh [name], Ma-she
Ke’ma [name], Kes-ma
Janians [nation & place], Jana

This does not hold for anyone outside of classical speaking, Siesites and Exiled States speakers, the Ti-Sesh dialect had changed to much, and it was a widely known joke that "nobody understands the Arkage".
"It's all Sesh to me"?
Merry Christmas! Very nice update. Now if only Fulton could do the same...:( No mention of me but that's all right. I will pretend I helped in the Hu'ut War.
Damn you ****ing mongorians always knocking down my shi**y wall.
Will read the main part of the update later on, but it looks great, and while I did sort of expect a little more in the terms of write-up space dedicated to the war, I understand that it did not fit into the main narrative too well. Also, this was the outcome I was least prepared for. :p But I guess I'll come up with something. I suppose that I get a lot of creative license as to how the war went, or at least how it was remembered afterwards.

Don't worry about the bonuses, I didn't originally plan on writing more than five stories anyway. :p Besides, I already agreed with the new limit.
Great update. Good to see Moti and Krato are headin' north!

What happened to my city that was to be constructed north on the Yensai?

I can't wait for stats. I'm sure I got all of my military killed with my terrible attempt to take some land over the Kotthorns.
So...who did I just peeve off with my little military escapade? :p

Excellent update.
Great update. Good to see Moti and Krato are headin' north!

Yeah, about that: I'd really rather you didn't and instead turned to the south or the south-east. That tentacle on my western border is very suspicious. :p
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