Polynesian Merchant of Venice?!? (Screenshot)

They probably got it from City-States. You can get Khans as well.
They finished the Patronage Tree. The finisher has City-States gifting Great People. Those Great People include Khans and MoV. This is not new.
can you actually use the MoV for picking up CS's?

yes I've seen it in my last two games. I was Portgual and I got a MoV which I used to convert Bueno Aires. In my last game England got a MoV but I don't think they used it to buy a city state.
The only way to explain that is that the polynesian player finished the city state social policy, patronage, which allows city state allies to gift great people at certain times. Some city states also gift UUs from other civs. Some city states specialize in gifting certain UUs.
I got one of them with Venice in the game. I was afraid to use it thinking i'd be buying a new city state for Venice (as it says on the description). Does it?
Completing the patronage SP tree definitely enables getting Great Merchants of Venice.

They work exactly like they would for Venice except that if you choose to buyout the CS, they go to your civ, not Venice. Also, unlike Venice, you can annex those CSs whenever you want to. So GMoV are actually more powerful in the hands of anyone that is not Venice, funny enough.
And just a thought -- since CSs have a high chance of a natural wonder near them, completing patronage as Spain can be an amazing way to control those natural wonders without declaring war on the CS.
I really think they should change this.

No way. Its really cool that you can get unique Great People and units.

A few games ago I was playing as Poland, and one of my CS allies gifted me a Khan. This helped tremendously, as I was at war with Babylon. India was between us both, and Babylon was being a terrific bully towards Gandhi, so I intervened before he was wiped out. The Khan really helped, because naturally babylon was ahead in tech and thus had military superiority for quite a while.
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