All AI Controlled TSL Map with All Civs


Jul 18, 2002
Illinois, USA
I would love to just watch a game like this. It would be a great way to see how all of the AIs are programmed and in their "best" locations.

Who do you think would win and why?

I think that domination is out of the question so any civ with a domination priority probably loses. They may get powerful, but wouldn't win by it. Space, culture or diplomatic definitely seem like the ways for the AI to win on such a map. Someone would win before time ever came up. A civ that has a lot of room to expand would probably become quite powerful. Civs I think that would do exceptionally well


What are your thoughts on how the game would proceed?

And any modders, if you know a way of making this happen, please share ;)
First, I agree that this would be very interesting to watch. Second, I agree on Russia, and to a lesser extent, Mongolia. I don't see anyone in the Americas winning.

As for additional picks, I think a Zulu empire that has defeated Songhai and Ethiopia would march straight through Egypt and prove a serious threat to Eurasia. Another couple with a chance: Greece and Persia, provided each of them swallow up their neighbors early. Dark horses? Korea and Sweden.

Alternately, it could be fun to think of who is the most doomed (or maybe "most doomed besides Polynesia"?). Overcrowded European civs come to mind immediately (Netherlands, Austria, Germany), as well as anyone with a strong neighbor (Byzantium/Ottomans, Venice, America). Still, they at least have a chance if they win their first major war; if a supercomputer ran this game thousands of times, I'd expect to see that Japan was the overall worst performer. The Celts come second, because Boudicca can't even win at losing.
Yes all civs and city states. The map would have to be larger...assume it can fit everyone. Europe would still be cramped. I doubt anyone in Europe would be too successful, they would likely war each other to death.
Assuming you'll be playing on the map of Gedemon:

The new peaceful attitude of civs would prevent total warfare on the European continent. But it would definitely be quite crowded and I don't see large expansion options for the Portuguese and Dutch; for the Dutch it is simply too crowded to perform well and Isabella and Maria do not seem to get along so well with each other. Germany might have some difficulty now it is surrounded by other civs - no more expansion to the east due to Poland.
Don't underestimate Venice's chances by the way: they're protected by the Alps in the North. The only successful way to exterminate them seems to be a combined naval and terrestrial assault. Except if the Romans are in of course, then Venice is most likely screwed.
With Greece to the west and the Ottomans to the east I do not see the Byzantines perform very well.
Morocco would have to look out for Carthage and Songhai but I think they'll manage to handle themselves. Assyria would create carnage in the Middle-East, especially against Babylon.
Persia would probably do very well, they only have to fear Assyria in the west and to a lesser extent the Huns. The passageway from the north is small so I don't expect the Huns to do well when attempting an invasion.
India's survival would depend on Persia's intentions, I've seen them being killed by them on multiple occasions.
Siam is nicely cornered in the bottom and the mountain ranges prevent a successful full-scale attack from China. But they most likely won't get along with Indonesia.
I see Indonesia doing really well because they are so remote from the rest of the world. They can extent all the way Down Under without any competition.
The far-east will be an interesting development; Mongolia seems to prefer to expand to the east, China is always in for warfare, Japan wants to keep expanding and Korea is caught in the middle of it.
Polynesia's game is lost before beginning, trying to create an empire from a couple of tiles that are miles apart doesn't help your development.
I really have no idea what to expect in N-A, I usually left that empty to promote colonization and preventing that the Iroquois would have conquered the continent before anyone would have been able to visit the New World. The Iroquois and America will probably fight each other over land while the Shoshone just sneak in and claim all available pieces.
Aztecs can expand to the north, but depends on how it'll go with the Shoshone. The Maya are between the Inca and the Aztec so they won't do too well.
With the Amazon between the Inca and Brazil I don't see them fighting a lot over land. Usually by the time I discover South America the east coast still isn't settled.
Ethiopia would probably do fine and the Zulu will most likely claim all of Southern and Central Africa. Being lonely down there they lack sufficient competition to restrain them.
Bakspatel, I think you've got it right mostly but I've got my own theories.

Carthage may be find itself hammered by Egypt and Morocco from east and west. Dido is a backstabber and quickly makes herself enemies. Regional powers might just grow sick of it. Rome may jump in from the north. Egypt would be content to stay small and build wonders, leaving room for Morocco to expand across the Sahara, becoming a regional power. Eventually, they'd bump into Songhai. The Zulu would have been busy swallowing up southern and central Africa. They'll probably devour Ethiopia and possibly tag team Songhai and/or Egypt with Morocco. I doubt that small civs like Ethiopia and Egypt would last long. Songhai isn't afraid to war though, so they may survive, leaving Morocco in the north, Songhai in the west and center and the Zulu in the south, east and central.

North America: I agree with you mostly, though I think Brazil may grow strong, free to move about and build wonders unopposed with the Inca across the Andes. The Aztecs may kill of the Maya while expanding north. The Shoshone would be expanding east, north and south eventually bumping heads with the Aztecs. From my experience, the Aztecs love to war while the Shoshone are more than willing to give up their money, cities and resources after losing a few units in a war. With America and the Iroquois warring and expanding south and west and north and west respectively, the Aztecs may be free to gobble up the Shoshone as well.

Middle East:
Right on with Babylon, Assyria and Persia. I think Arabia will end up surviving, stay a small timer. Assyria will ingest Babylon while Persia profits. Their next targets could include weak and isolated Arabia, small Egypt or Byzantium/the Ottomans (Depends on if the Turks start in modern day Ankara or don't make the game at all). Assyria would certainly become a regional military and technological power. However, a determined coalition effort lead by Persia, Egypt and/or Byzantium/the Turks might put them down, after they see Assyria gobble up Arabia and Babylon.

Mongolia will certainly fan out given all the free room, and war with any who oppose them. Korea will be squished by Chin and Japan, unless they spread out quickly to the north west. China will grow as well, perhaps killing off Korea but at the very least bumping heads with Mongolia, perhaps Siam and Japan later. Japan's isolation will prove a double edged swords, no room to expand but nice and safe. They'll have to conquer Korea to gain a foothold near the south or settle the Russian Far East. Either way, they won't get along with Korea. Indonesia's isolation and proximity to so many unoccupied islands will allow them to use their UA and grow nice and large, safely. India will also be able to grow unopposed more than likely, Persia being too preoccupied with wonders are trying to fend off Assyria. They and Siam may bump heads but I doubt they'll turn into lifelong enemies.

Good God, what a cluster truck. Russia and the Huns have the room but the Huns aren't about to allow a competitor to exist so closely to them. Then again, Poland would be a softer target. Sweden's friendliness and room will see them become a moderate regional power. If they're smart, they'll fill the vacuum left by destroyed Russian/Hunnic cities. The Celts would be wise to overrun the English before they both en up stuck together on an island surrounded by big boys and girls. Likewise, Spain and Portugal should be at each others' throats, fighting for control over Iberia. The winner will be able to expand overseas, along with the Celts and perhaps France. Denmark and the Netherlands will be easy pickings for France and Germany, Austria and Poland will bump heads, desperate for what little room there is and Rome will march on Venice. The Greeks will explode from the Balkans, ravaging Eastern Europe, with the Ottomans/Byzantium across the Aegean, trapped between the sea and Assyria. In the end, most of if not all of the European civs would be stay small or be conquered.

I foresee...
Major powers: the Zulu, Morocco, Assyria, Indonesia, Russia, Mongolia, the Aztecs, Brazil, China.
Regional powers: Sweden, Persia, India and the Iroquois.
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