New World Wonder candidate: Temple of the Night Sun -new discovery! article included

There are a lot of beautiful Maya pyramids constantly being discovered. Some more/less heralded than others. And throughout Mesoamerica there are many beautiful structures/etc. that spread more.

Whenever I am with my family in Guatemala I love to joke around every other hill is a pyramid covered with moss... and odds are I am probably right.

There are so many - not to say this isn't cool. But we will continue to find more discoveries even more amazing. La Dhanta would be an interesting addition in my mind as well (The largest pyramid in the world. Even bigger volume wise than the Pyramids at Giza).
Before I die I am definitely going to vacation there and explore them myself. They are just so incredible!
Though it's hard to make out from the article, it seems to be a fairly small temple. I don't think it really qualifies for a world wonder in that sense. Though it is ofcourse pretty epic.

But it's no pyramid, stonehenge or eifel tower. More like a temple UB in game terms.
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