Script that grants effect of UA when adopting a Policy?


Aug 19, 2012
I know that Machiavelli has made a mod that allows a building to be given when a Social Policy is adopted. What I need is - I think - not too different from that, so I would like to know if anybody knows if the following has been done and/or is doable:

Is it possible to make a script, that grants you (part of) the effect of a Unique Ability when you adopt a policy?
The script of Machiavellis mod that I mentioned above (it's called Policies grant Buildings) is very userfriendly because it associates the buildings and policies through XML tables, thus making it easy to add new entries, but I don't know whether that would be possible to do in this case.

Examples of where this could be relevant:
  • Theodoras bonus belief being granted instead of current Religious Tolerance effect
  • Attillas doublespeed city razing being part of Autocracy tree
  • Pocatellos free land when founded cities being part of Exploration tree
Unfortunately due to the structure of traits and policies it is not really possible to do Policies-grant-Traits the same way it is possible to do Policies-grant-buildings (barring DLL modding). However, the faster razing and free land effects you list can be implemented (or at least mimicked) with lua (but not the extra belief).
Shute, the extra belief was sort of top priority, but I guess someone would have done it already was it that easy. Well, thanx for the answer!
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