From the Grand, With Love


Mar 11, 2008
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Since the beginning of time, the Arabians have wandered the continent in search of a suitable place to settle. Elok, the prime god of ancient Arabia (hereby referred to as Airab) pointed out the location of his desire. He directed the Airabians to settle on top of Mt. Greenwood, where his chosen one would rule with authority.

:) My first post and hopefully the start of a great series. From time to time I'll start a poll of 3 options that you, the people, want to happen. Until then, its off to the first 20 turns!

As the sun rises on 2800 B.C. The Airabians have expanded near Lake Orthowood, they have also adopted the principles of Islam (religion is set to choose on tech). Contact with 2 other nations have been made though Elok has given no further direction on how to deal with these foreigners. Elok looks upon his land and smiles, Airab is molding into a nation.

1660 B.C.

The Airabians have kicked into gear, adding workers to the economy and begun signing open border agreements with other leaders. Through the council of Elok, a great wonder was constructed, they call it "Stonehenge". The Airabians have mastered the stars and have marked their place on this earth.

In other news, the Grand River has been fully navigated, it seems the source of life near Mecca drains into a drastically larger river, shore can not even be seen from our side, some scholars are claiming that this is another form of water, unknown from our water. Clearing of forest lands have begun in order to make room for the growing lands. Elok smiles upon the beautiful city of Mecca.
Elok wandered through Mecca looking for the one in his dream. He went to every family of every house of every district, the boy was no where to be found. With remorse Elok gave up, embarrassing for a god. From on top of Greenwood he shouted to the city, "Is there none of you here fit to rule the throne of Mecca?". Elok was frustrated. He traveled the road to nearby Damascus to ponder his problem. While sitting near Lake Damascus the solution came to him. He rushed back to Mecca to find his ruler.....
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