1000 Clues You Play Civilization V Too Much.

45. You complain about the roads shown in google maps not making any sense; how does a road go directly to the east? You'd have to go to the northeast and then to the southeast! Surely the makers of google maps know little about hexagons!
You refuse to walk on sidewalks and tile floors that aren't hexagonal.
49. You wonder why a hunter days he's going to the woods a few miles away to hunt when he can simply shoot some animals with bows and arrows at the woods from the safery of the city.

50. You wonder why the US isn't building parts for a space race victory since they have the needed tech (or maybe they are in secret)

51. While playing Battlefield Bad Company 2 you scoff at there being infantry and modern armor in the same hex.
52. You start to enjoy Steam.
53. You tell your Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Wife/Husband that things aren't working out, and you need a break, just so you'll have more time alone to play Civ V.
54 You think tennis players require indirect fire to hit the ball over the net.

55 you yell at the runningback not to go up the middle because of ZoC.
56. your friend looks out of the window and says that it looks like it is going to rain, and you say: "I'll send out a scout, that the sun can come through" :crazyeye:
57: your city is running a budget deficit and you can't figure out how the roads and metro-rails don't disappear.
58. you see a finger of light through the clouds falling on the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney, and you wonder what unit is there awaiting orders.
13. Instead of civilizationing a new coke from the fridge, you simply civilization to civilization the condensed water on the side, so you don't civilization a second.
14. You civilization all your verbs with civilization
15. Instead of civilizationing up with your girlfriend, you civilization: "Your head would civilization good on the end of a pole"
16. You civilization a machine that civilizations time and space, so you can civilization ad infinitum
17. You civilization hexagons on the floor, and civilization to all your relatives, that they only civilization two movement points, while you civilization five.
18. You civilization your own Giant Death Robot, which civilizations to a civilisation d'état on your current government. Then you civilization for world domination, but RL Montezuma (yup, he's civilization) civilization a headache, so instead you'll just civilization to play CIV V, silently civilizationing...

Fixed that for you.
59. you were a gundam fan. you used to scream "I AM... GUNDAMMMMM!!!" but after playing civ v, you scream "I AM GIANT DEATH ROBOT!!!"

60.you never stack again in civs i to iv

61.when you go on a trip to singapore, venice or buenos aires, you persuade the mayor with some money or a few spearman to ally with you

62.you imagine that your nation is hauling spaceship parts to the capital when halfway some enemy tanks come and rip the parts apart.
63. you think cloudy days are fog of war

64. and because of #63, you dismiss the fog of war in other games as just :rolleyes: darkness :rolleyes:
Oh this will totally fail: everyone will keep getting the numbering wrong!

65. You imagine the interstates near your home are segmented in to equidistant hexes, so that cars can't use diagonal moves to beat you to your destination.
65. you urge the govt to stop building more roads or rails as they need upkeep

66. you want the UN to function as it is in civ v: civs and city states vote for their candidates

67. you feel happier after seeing mount fuji, old faithful or krakatoa
Oh this will totally fail: everyone will keep getting the numbering wrong!

nope, looks okay to me... 'sides this could go way beyond 1000, so what the fuss with numbering?
68. you start a thread titled-
"1000 clues you want to post 1000 clues thread too much"
69. You miss the psycho military advisor.:(
70. And the eccentric science advisor.:(:(
71. And the Russian spy foreign advisor.:(:(:(
72. And especially the Elvis impersonating happy advisor.::cry:
73. You keep expecting to move twice as fast on roads.
78. You seriously consider making a WWII scenario using a copy of the World in Flames map.
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