End of Empires - N3S III

I really don't think that's a good idea. A few more hours is fine (i.e. just get them in tonight), if that helps.
Lets just get on with it please!? :pray:
*sigh* To the grindstone...

The Fourth Holy Redeemer Macrinus, in assembly with the great Princes of the Satar, declares that a new princedom shall be created, to replace the Star Tribe that was lost. Macrinus, linked with the Satar by ties of blood and marriage, declares himself to be Prince of the Sun. The Princes of the Satar give their consent for a new union of Satar and Acca to be born.

The noble land and province of Bahra shall be renamed Satara. The Land of Satara shall extend down the Sesh river up to the delta of Seis. The capital of this Censoriate shall be at the Sapphire City of Magha. It shall be the holy land of the Satar for all time.

Furthermore, we declare that the Accan Exatai is no more. In its place, we declare the Ardavai (OOC: In Satar, Ardenon in Old Accan) Exatai. All who follow the worship of Taleldil shall be recognized as equals, be they Satar or Acca. A new capital shall be built to accomodate the bureaucracy of this new land. Furthermore, we shall encourage the succession and adoption of Satar heirs to Accan Censorattas, and the adoption of Accan heirs to Satar Princes, to form from two peoples, one mighty race. For we are all Redeemed through battle in the name of Taleldil. We shall conquer the earth and glory in the heavens.

The lands of the Exatai, and the lands known to the Exatai.

Sensora defines a Censoriate, the geographic administrative area governed by a Censoratta, (or Sensorai in the Satar language,) the personally appointed representative of the Redeemer.

Ligna is an Accan word to describe a land or a nation. Telanon is the Accan word to describe the great waters.

Alright, so I'm currently making a N3S story archive for NK to repost on the front page. If anyone wants to help me out by linking all of their own stories with titles attached, that would be awesome. The only criteria are, it has to be >2 paragraphs, and be generally legible. If there are stories you specifically don't want included, that's fine too.

Thanks in advance.
Kea is lost.

That single thought kept assaulting Jerol, it's brutal finality more terrifying than the hordes of glittering fighters that swarmed in through the breached wall.

He fought to block the thought, to push it from his mind. Now was not the time to lament. He had work to do. Men to kill.

His broadsword held high, he charged through the seething ranks of the enemy. They were everywhere, their curved blades, axes and spears ripping and tearing flesh left and right, their warrior howls piercing the deep, rhythmic beat of the drummers outside the crumbling city walls.

With all of his strength, he brought down his sword, splitting one man's skull clear to the eyes, his blade springing free as he lunged for his next opponent. A withering glance to his left, he spotted Census driving his blade into the chest of a rather large Kratoan and then quickly swinging it violently in a circle, cutting another's throat wide, before advancing swiftly upon his next group of victims.

These men were hardly trained at all, Jerol thought, his body killing left and right, blocking or parrying hits on autopilot. It would be quick work, were it not for their terrifying numbers. This, he was sure, would be the fall of Kea. Already the Second Wall was breached, only days into the siege. Where had this ferocity come from? Were these men merely insane? NO. Such thoughts must be dismissed, ignored. Pushed from one's mind. Numbers. Numbers made a siege. Everyone knew that.

Dazed by the screams of pain and rage around him, and in a waking dream of refuge, Jerol failed to see a Kratoan archer take aim, only 80 feet in front of him, and fire. It was a clear shot. Any untrained archer could make it. The arrow hit him with a dizzying Thud and pain shot through him like a hot knife through so much butter.

His left shoulder, thankfully his shield arm, felt as though it were on fire. Such is life, as a soldier, Jerol thought bitterly. He grabbed the arrow, and, closing his eyes tight, ripped it violently out with a horrible scream. He knew he wouldn't survive the day, so why bother with the niceties.

Jerol felt another biting pain on his left arm and quickly and brutally smashed the flat os his sword into the offender's skull, knocking him unconcious. A quick jab to the belly and he was left for dead. Jerol immediately sensed something menacingly close by on his right, and instinctively sung his sword that way. The satisfying feeling of his blade cutting muscle and bone. And again. And again.


The Kratoan onslaught had been expected after the fall of Piatrata, in the north. The walls of Kea, which had all but crumbled from a century of disuse, had been hastily rebuilt to their former glory in the week or so between the two sieges. The first assault on Kea was four days earlier, but the Kratoan War Chiefs, in their haste, had not scouted ahead properly. They were caught by surprise when the walls loomed large on the horizon, and were caught in a series of clever ambushes at key chokepoints in the regions surrounding the city by Kean militias.

Portions of Jipha's professional army arrived at the city that night, and smashed the Kratoans from behind as they exchanged hails of flaming death with the city. This was a miscalculation on the Jiphan's behalf; the assaulting force was four times bigger than reported. The army withdrew but battered it's way to the east gate, the Kratoan's weak front, the next night.


A clarion trumpet sounded, signalling to the army that the civilians had been evacuated to the Inner Keep. Their job of holding the Kratoans was over. Now it was time to fall back to more defensible positions. It had been hours since he or his brothers had known any respite from the violence.

Gargling shrieks of agony receded into the confused uproar as Jerol yanked his sword back and looked around desperately for any sign of hope, but there was no doubt in his mind. Kea was indeed lost, and with mounting dread the realization hit him again: They were all going to be dead by nightfall. They were facing the largest army ever seen, numbering almost 17,000 in all, and despite the fury coursing through their veins, he was certain his and his brothers' efforts were doomed to failure.

OOC: This story is obviously very old. I forgot to post it, lul. Also, more a verbose dose of violence. Not so much a story. Forgive me.

Shall I assume it is far too late to send orders? <3 you, NK. Does that change anything? <3 you.
Look around you, write the words you see backwards, then change them a bit more.
Is this nes dead?
King of the North, I offer you this mighty tribute...

The Sesh and its' environs, circa 200 RM, near the end of the reign of Fourth Redeemer Macrinus.

Thank Iggy for spending 3 hours teaching me how to use GIMP.

Some facts:

Yashidim was sacked by the armies of Moti under Fourth-Gaci. The fortifications were rebuilt after the war. It is a major center of trade, with caravans from downriver Seis and as far as the Maninist lands coming from the east, and Uggor traders from Moti and Krato coming from the south. There is a small but growing presence of Dulama, mostly in the form of diplomats and traders. It is historically the domain of the Princes of the Arrow.

Several villages in the south are still ruined, thanks to the past wars and sporadic Moti raids.

Magha, the Sapphire City, is the largest city in the Sesh, slightly more populated than Seis. Originally founded by the Bahran kings, it was vastly expanded by Atraxes as the main project of his thirty-year reign. The fortress complex, new outer walls, and arena were all built at this time. At least 100,000 individuals live within its' walls, perhaps more. The domed monument of Matraxas (Place of the Silver One) was once built as a palace by Second Redeemer Atraxes, but has since been converted into a temple for the High Oracle of Ardavan.

There are no bridges linking the city with the river banks across the cliffs, so one is forced to enter through the landward side. Another notable feature of the city is technically located below it, the cliffside monasteries of the Ardavani monks.

Nikros was also sacked during the last war and was rebuilt at the Redeemer's expense. It is historically the domain of the Princes of the Sword. There is also a major religious presence. The Censorattas of the Exatai maintain their main upriver bureaucratic presence here, feeling less than welcome in Magha which is the personal domain of the High Oracle in the absence of the Redeemer. The population is almost exclusively Satar.

Tisatar is historically the domain of the Princes of the Shield. It is a major center of farming and ships food downriver to Seis and Kargan, and upriver to Magha. The population is fairly evenly split between Satar and Sehorsehockyes.

Arkantis is located in the same general region as the ancient ruined city of Arkage, which declined some time after the Satar conquest. It is historically the domain of the Princes of the Spear. There is a small but growing presence of Accans, but the population is mostly Satar and Sehorsehockye.

Seis is the second largest city of the Exatai at present. At its' height, it might have held 200,000 in the city and environs, but that number is now closer to 100,000. Old Seis was located on the northern half of the island, which is now mostly pastureland, to take advantage of a superior docking site for seagoing ships with deep keels. Now Seis is more directly tied into the upriver economy, so the new city occupies the southern half of the delta island.

After the great rebellion under Aitah was quelled by Macrinus, he deliberately destroyed the walls of Seis and Pa, to ensure that the overwhelmingly Sehorsehockye cities could never be held against any of his descendants were another rebellion to occur. Seis is a major manufacturing center, exporting finished goods to countless regions. It is the personal domain of the Princes of the Sun, the Accan descendants of Macrinus. Nine out of every ten subjects are Sehorsehockye, but significant populations of Satar and Accans intermingle in the palace district.

Open worship of ancestors, Aya'se, or Aitah is banned throughout the Exatai, but the ban is strictly enforced in Seis, and the Censoratta police violations.

Pa is a smaller city across the river from Seis. It is traditionally the domain of the Princes of the Wheel, and has a mostly Sehorsehockye population.

Jania is a mostly Sehorsehockye city north of Seis. Since the relocation of Seis it has gained some importance as a shipping center. It has been exceptionally loyal to the Redeemer, opening its gates to Macrinus rather than being besieged. It has been rewarded with a certain level of autonomy.

Gyza is a caravan city. It remains mostly ruined after being sacked by Macrinus during the last war, but is still inhabited thanks to its strategic location, on the intersection of the trade route from Bisria and Hu'ut, and the roads to Seis and Kargan.

Banh is a small garrison city nestled in the Parda Hills, guarding the northward route to Kargan. It was only lightly damaged in the last war and is currently involved in a minor revival of the local mining industry.

Kargan is tied with Acca as the third largest city in the Exatai, with almost 100,000 souls. It is a major trading and fishing center. Its fortifications have never successfully been stormed by a besieger, though it capitulated to Macrinus after nearing starvation. It has been claimed by the Princes of the Scroll, who have built a major temple to Ardavan in an attempt to evangelize the heterogeneous population. Satar, Opulensi, Triluin, Sehorsehockyes, Accans, Sirans, Gallatenes, and countless other ethnicities are represented here.
Oh so Thlayli can post in this but totally abandon his NES WITHOUT A WORD. Atleast I have the courtesy to do that.
Oh so Thlayli can post in this but totally abandon his NES WITHOUT A WORD. Atleast I have the courtesy to do that.

My hard drive crashed and was wiped and I went to another continent. Currently reassessing the project. I'm glad you all liked the map, it would be nice if other players stepped up and worked on their own regions.

These maps can be added content for the wiki, too.
My hard drive crashed and was wiped and I went to another continent. Currently reassessing the project. I'm glad you all liked the map, it would be nice if other players stepped up and worked on their own regions.

I considered it but given the lack of you online, I was hesitant to go forward with a project that had a significant chance of not being able to start. (This was after my previous procrastinations + lack of confidence). Still....
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