Language translations for leader sayings

Also; Igor, Slvynn and anyone else who has any experience with Hebrew can you try and help me with the missing parts?

Once the sentences are on the front page, where I can easily view them, I'll try and see what I can figure out.
Perhaps sukritact is right, and the civ community could probably do a better job with the translations than that studio that Firaxis used... But then again, maybe not that many people care about, for instance, what that "Mexican chic" Isabella I of Castile actually says...

@Morningcalm Sorry that I'm nagging, but can you please update Darius' and Dido's lines on the first page?
My updated posts are here, and here:
Can you possibly do the transcriptions in Phoenician alphabet? Maybe only one part, for example the intro.
Сonsidering that Phoenicians actually invented the alphabet and many modern alphabets (Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, Latin, Cyrillic) are it's descendants it would be really interesting.
Where do you get this information :D

Oh, and last I heard we do know who voiced Kamehameha, I am pretty certain in fact that someone from CFC (MorningCalm?) contacted him directly. The actor was someone working at the University of Hawai.

That's right! I emailed him and he was very willing to provide translations. I was so surprised when he told me he was the one who had done the lines!

Front page updated per your suggestions guys. Let me know if anything is missing. The parent post is getting huge, so the "mystery" leaders (Askia, Hiawatha, Montezuma) may eventually need to be put in the 3rd post perhaps.
Can you possibly do the transcriptions in Phoenician alphabet? Maybe only one part, for example the intro.
Сonsidering that Phoenicians actually invented the alphabet and many modern alphabets (Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, Latin, Cyrillic) are it's descendants it would be really interesting.

Errr... I can read and write in Phoenician alphabet, but there is no easy way to input that into a computer I'm afraid... (write it down and then scan it?)

I'll also try looking if there maybe is a font for Hebrew that uses the original Canaanite letters instead of Aramaic ones (but even then the best I could do is to paste images here)
I found something already, here's Dido's intro:

What do you think?

The whole process is rather cumbersome though, so I'll try to do the rest later...
@Morningcalm I think you took the old version of my post, since I have updated it with Armuti's (aka reflejo2) new findings (attacked, defeated and intro lines).
May I also suggest inserting this paragraph into the first post:
The reason for choosing Chuvash is that according to some scholars Hunnic language belonged to the Oghur branch of Turkic languages, although it is not a commonly accepted theory. Most probably the scholar whom Firaxis contacted was a supporter of this theory and recommended Chuvash, as it is the only surviving memeber of Oghur branch.

@jinzou I think that using Wikipedia's image letters will be easier. Something like this:

One line will be OK in my opinion, but we should ask Morningcalm, maybe it even won't fit there.
Just a suggestion - maybe one of Darius's lines can be done the same way in Aramaic alphabet.

Phoenician alphabet is supported by Unicode, but you also must have a font that supports it installed on your OS. I doubt that a lot of people will do it to just have a look. Here is more info on Wiki.
@jinzou I think that using Wikipedia's image letters will be easier. Something like this:

One line will be OK in my opinion, but we should ask Morningcalm, maybe it even won't fit there.
Just a suggestion - maybe one of Darius's lines can be done the same way in Aramaic alphabet.

Phoenician alphabet is supported by Unicode, but you also must have a font that supports it installed on your OS. I doubt that a lot of people will do it to just have a look. Here is more info on Wiki.

Yes, I already installed Phoenician input on my PC (this is how I made the inscription above). But as I said, there is no easy way to post it here in a way that everyone will be able to see it without installing additional fonts, languages and programs.
Using Wikipedia's images is also cumbersome (dragging them one by one), but if people are interested I can try doing that.
Modern Hebrew also uses the Aramaic alphabet, and as such, the modern Hebrew alphabet can be used to represent Aramaic faithfully. The differences between wikipedia's Aramaic and Hebrew are stylistic only, and both are versions that were popular in the Achaemenid era.
BTW, Aramaic and Canaanite languages are written right-to-left (I noticed you posted the letters in a left-to-right order)
Morningcalm, I have a suggestion about the first post. You can copy Gods and Kings translations to the fourth post, the DLC translations to the third post and copy half of the first post to the second post. This will allow you to list the sources and to add the lines of Washington and Elizabeth. So you'll have 9 civs in the 1st post, 9 civs in the 2nd post, 7 civs in the 3rd post and 9 civs in the 4th post.
That's right! I emailed him and he was very willing to provide translations. I was so surprised when he told me he was the one who had done the lines!

Front page updated per your suggestions guys. Let me know if anything is missing. The parent post is getting huge, so the "mystery" leaders (Askia, Hiawatha, Montezuma) may eventually need to be put in the 3rd post perhaps.
See, I told you people I have been lurking for ages :p

On-topic, please patch-up Maria Theresa :)
Yes, I already installed Phoenician input on my PC (this is how I made the inscription above). But as I said, there is no easy way to post it here in a way that everyone will be able to see it without installing additional fonts, languages and programs.
Using Wikipedia's images is also cumbersome (dragging them one by one), but if people are interested I can try doing that.
Modern Hebrew also uses the Aramaic alphabet, and as such, the modern Hebrew alphabet can be used to represent Aramaic faithfully. The differences between wikipedia's Aramaic and Hebrew are stylistic only, and both are versions that were popular in the Achaemenid era.
BTW, Aramaic and Canaanite languages are written right-to-left (I noticed you posted the letters in a left-to-right order)

Why not write out the line using the Phoenician font and then take a screenshot of the final result? It will probably be easier than a cut and paste job.
Some comments about Oda's Japanese.

The voice actor is a native who speaks mostly informal Japanese in the "standard" (Tokyo eastern) dialect, in spite of the fact that the historical person lived in western Japan. Most of his short utterances are in the informal form (or "register"), and the longer ones are in a formal polite form.

Some of his lines have verb endings that are no longer used in modern Japanese. I suggest the description of his language be changed from "modern Japanese" to "mostly modern Japanese."

Here are the sentences using antiquated forms which show he is not always speaking modern Japanese:

DeclareWar: I hereby inform you of our intention to wipe out your civilization from this world. 貴殿の偉大なる文明国をこの世から拭い去る我等が意向をご通知申し上げまする。Kiden no idai naru bunmeikoku o kono yo kara fui saru warera ga ikō o gotsūchi mōshiagemasuru
Antiquated Formal Japanese: "mōshiagemasuru"
Modern Formal Japanese: "mōshiagemasu" -masuru is no longer used

Defeated: You were much wiser than I* thought. (余が認めた以上に遙かに賢明でござった) *I should be replaced by a word used by the nobility to address themselves. Yo ga mitometa ijō ni haruka ni kenmei de gozatta
Antiquated Informal Japanese: "de gozatta"
Modern Formal Japanese: "de gozaimahorsehockya"/"dehorsehockya" Informal: "datta"

Intro: We hope for a fair and just relationship with you, who are renowned for military bravery. 武勇の誉れ高き貴殿にご挨拶を申し上げたく、さらに公正かつ公平なる連携を心よりお願い申し上 げまする。Buyū no homare takaki kiden ni goaisatsu o mōshiagetaku, sarani kōsei katsu kōhei naru renkei o kokoro yori onegai mōshiagemasuru
Antiquated Formal Japanese: "mōshiagemasuru"
Modern Formal Japanese: "mōshiagemasu" -masuru is no longer used

Peaceful: It was an honor to fight you. 戦えもうして光栄でござった。Tatakaemōhorsehockye kōei de gozatta
Antiquated Informal Japanese: "de gozatta"
Modern Formal Japanese: "de gozaimahorsehockya"/"dehorsehockya" Informal: "datta"

Request: I would be grateful if you agreed on the following proposal. 以下の件についてご賛同頂ければ、誠にありがたく存じ上げまする。Ika no ken ni tsuite go sandō itadakereba, makoto ni arigataku zonjiagemasuru
Antiquated Formal Japanese: "zonjiagemasuru"
Modern Formal Japanese: "zonjiagemasu" -masuru is no longer used

Here are some corrections to what you have posted on page 1:

HateHello: Oh, it's you [low-status]... ああ、そちか・・・Aa, sochi ka
Minor Transliteration Error: "そちか sochi ka" should be "そっちか sotchi ka"

HateNo02: Excuse me, but (I) beg your pardon? (More literally, "Excuse me, but can I ask you to tell me again?") 失礼だか、もう一度聞かせねがえるか?horsehockysurei da ga, mō ichido kikasenegaeru ka?
Minor Transliteration Errors:
1. "失礼だか horsehockysurei da ka" should be "失礼だが horsehockysurei da ga"
2. "聞かせねがいのか" should be "聞かせねがえるが" "kikasenegaeru ka?"

DeclareWar: I hereby inform you of our intention to wipe out your civilization from this world. 貴殿の偉大なる文明国をこの世から拭い去る我等が意向をご通知申し上げまする。Kiden no idai naru bunmeikoku o kono yo kara fui saru warera ga ikō o gotsūchi mōshiagemasuru
He says bunmeikoku, not bunmei kuni.

Defeated: You were much wiser than I* thought. (余が認めた以上に遙かに賢明でござった) *I should be replaced by a word used by the nobility to address themselves. Yo ga horsehockyatameta ijō ni haruka ni kenmeidegozatta
He says mitometa not horsehockyatameta.

HateHello: Oh, it's you [low-status]... ああ、そっちか・・・Aa, sotchi ka
He says Aa not Oo (minor quibble!).

HateYes02: Well, (that) should be fine. まあ、良かろう。Maa, yokarou
He says Maa, not aa (again, minor).

Request: I would be grateful if you agreed on the following proposal. 以下の件についてご賛同頂ければ、誠にありがたく存じ上げまする。Ika no ken ni tsuite gosandō itadakereba, makoto ni arigataku zonjiagemasuru
He says ken, not kudan.

NeutralYes01: (that) should be fine. 良かろう。Yokarou
He doesn't say aa, just yokarou.
Since there are many complaints about certain leaders using the wrong language, does the lip syncing in the game adjust itself automatically to the sound file? If so, and if we could get voice actors, those who wish to correct the leaders' languages could do so easily.
I realize this could also be seen as a mod request, and therefore off-topic, but it does refer to many people's comments here that Atilla, Ramses or whoever is using the wrong language.
Since there are many complaints about certain leaders using the wrong language, does the lip syncing in the game adjust itself automatically to the sound file? If so, and if we could get voice actors, those who wish to correct the leaders' languages could do so easily.
I realize this could also be seen as a mod request, and therefore off-topic, but it does refer to many people's comments here that Atilla, Ramses or whoever is using the wrong language.

I can tell you that it does not. I tried recording myself to replace Ramkhamhaeng's dialogue (Other than the intro, everything is correct grammatically, it's just that some of it is not what someone would say in that situation, his Neutral No 02 for example would probably be interpreted as "uncertain" if you didn't have the context)

I gave up later because getting the length and timing right was ridiculously tedious.

I see the Dutch lines have already been translated. I've made some adjustments though, and I feel these translations are a bit more accurate.

1. WilliamOfOrangeAttacked
"Gij noemt uzelf een verheven vorst, maar ik zie niet anders dan een fijn uitgedoste... b-barbaar!"

"Thou callest thyself an exalted monarch, yet I see no more than a dolled-up... b-barbarian!"

2. WilliamOfOrangeDeclareWar
"Hoezeer ik oorlog ook verafschuw, i-ik acht het een, hahaha, een dienstbetoon aan de gemene zaak om uw bestaan... uit te wissen."

"Much as I loathe war, I-I consider it a, hahaha, a support to the public cause, to erase thou existence."

3. WilliamOfOrangeDefeated
"Mijn God, wees mijn ziel genadig. Mijn God, heb mededogen met dit... mijn arme volk.

"My God, be merciful to my soul. My God, feel pity for this... my poor people.

4. WilliamOfOrangeHateHello
"Wat begeert gij?"

"What wantest thou?"

5. WilliamOfOrangeHateLetsHearIt01
"Wat nu?"

"Now what?"

6. WilliamOfOrangeHateLetsHearIt02


7. WilliamOfOrangeHateLetsHearIt03
"Spreek op."

"Speak up."

8. WilliamOfOrangeHateNo01
"Dat is onacceptabel."

"That is unacceptable."

9. WilliamOfOrangeHateNo02
"Dat kunt ge niet in ernst menen."

"Thou cannot meanst that in seriouness."

10. WilliamOfOrangeHateNo03
"Verschoon mij?"

"Excuse me?"

11. WilliamOfOrangeHateYes01
"Hmpf, heel goed."

"Phu, very well."

12. WilliamOfOrangeHateYes02
"... dunkt, ik kan niet anders!"

"... think, I have no other choice!"

13. WilliamOfOrangeHateYes03


14. WilliamOfOrangeIntro
"Ik... ben Willem van Oranje, stadhouder over de Nederlanden. Behoeft gij iets? M-mij staat nog veel te doen."

"I... am William of Orange, viceroy of the Netherlands. Is there anything thou needest? T-there's still a lot for me to do."

15. WilliamOfOrangeNeutralHello
"Wederom, gegroet."

"Once again, greetings."

16. WilliamOfOrangeNeutralLetsHearIt01
"Gaat uw gang."

"Go ahead."

17. WilliamOfOrangeNeutralLetsHearIt02
"Ik hoor."

"I hear."

18. WilliamOfOrangeNeutralLetsHearIt03


19. WilliamOfOrangeNeutralNo01
"Ik moet... weigeren."

"I must... refuse."

20. WilliamOfOrangeNeutralNo02
"Zeker niet!"

"Certainly not!"

21. WilliamOfOrangeNeutralNo03


22. WilliamOfOrangeNeutralYes01
"Heel goed."

"Very well."

23. WilliamOfOrangeNeutralYes02


24. WilliamOfOrangeNeutralYes03
"Aldus overeengekomen."

"Thus it is agreed."

25. WilliamOfOrangePeaceful
"Moge dit een les voor u geweest zijn. Hopelijk... zult gij die blijven gedenken."

"May this have been a lesson for you. Hopefully... thou shalt remember it.

26. WilliamOfOrangeRequest
"Ik geloof dat ik iets heb wat u enig belang zal inboezemen."

"I believe I have something that may be of some importance to thee."


William of Orange is also know as William the Silent, which is probably why his lines are delivered a little bit... hestitantly. I'm not entirely sure of my use of words like "thou" and such, since English isn't my mother tongue, but I hope the general idea is clear: some of the words used here are hardly used anymore.

Something to note: the phrase he says when he is defeated are supposedly his final words(though he said them in French), after falling to the bullet of an assassin. It is now believed though that William died immediately after getting shot, thus making it impossible to say any final words.
Some comments about Oda's Japanese.

The voice actor is a native who speaks mostly informal Japanese in the "standard" (Tokyo eastern) dialect, in spite of the fact that the historical person lived in western Japan. Most of his short utterances are in the informal form (or "register"), and the longer ones are in a formal polite form.

Some of his lines have verb endings that are no longer used in modern Japanese. I suggest the description of his language be changed from "modern Japanese" to "mostly modern Japanese."

Here are the sentences using antiquated forms which show he is not always speaking modern Japanese:

DeclareWar: I hereby inform you of our intention to wipe out your civilization from this world. 貴殿の偉大なる文明国をこの世から拭い去る我等が意向をご通知申し上げまする。Kiden no idai naru bunmeikoku o kono yo kara fui saru warera ga ikō o gotsūchi mōshiagemasuru
Antiquated Formal Japanese: "mōshiagemasuru"
Modern Formal Japanese: "mōshiagemasu" -masuru is no longer used

Defeated: You were much wiser than I* thought. (余が認めた以上に遙かに賢明でござった) *I should be replaced by a word used by the nobility to address themselves. Yo ga mitometa ijō ni haruka ni kenmei de gozatta
Antiquated Informal Japanese: "de gozatta"
Modern Formal Japanese: "de gozaimahorsehockya"/"dehorsehockya" Informal: "datta"

Intro: We hope for a fair and just relationship with you, who are renowned for military bravery. 武勇の誉れ高き貴殿にご挨拶を申し上げたく、さらに公正かつ公平なる連携を心よりお願い申し上 げまする。Buyū no homare takaki kiden ni goaisatsu o mōshiagetaku, sarani kōsei katsu kōhei naru renkei o kokoro yori onegai mōshiagemasuru
Antiquated Formal Japanese: "mōshiagemasuru"
Modern Formal Japanese: "mōshiagemasu" -masuru is no longer used

Peaceful: It was an honor to fight you. 戦えもうして光栄でござった。Tatakaemōhorsehockye kōei de gozatta
Antiquated Informal Japanese: "de gozatta"
Modern Formal Japanese: "de gozaimahorsehockya"/"dehorsehockya" Informal: "datta"

Request: I would be grateful if you agreed on the following proposal. 以下の件についてご賛同頂ければ、誠にありがたく存じ上げまする。Ika no ken ni tsuite go sandō itadakereba, makoto ni arigataku zonjiagemasuru
Antiquated Formal Japanese: "zonjiagemasuru"
Modern Formal Japanese: "zonjiagemasu" -masuru is no longer used

Here are some corrections to what you have posted on page 1:

HateHello: Oh, it's you [low-status]... ああ、そちか・・・Aa, sochi ka
Minor Transliteration Error: "そちか sochi ka" should be "そっちか sotchi ka"

HateNo02: Excuse me, but (I) beg your pardon? (More literally, "Excuse me, but can I ask you to tell me again?") 失礼だか、もう一度聞かせねがえるか?horsehockysurei da ga, mō ichido kikasenegaeru ka?
Minor Transliteration Errors:
1. "失礼だか horsehockysurei da ka" should be "失礼だが horsehockysurei da ga"
2. "聞かせねがいのか" should be "聞かせねがえるが" "kikasenegaeru ka?"

DeclareWar: I hereby inform you of our intention to wipe out your civilization from this world. 貴殿の偉大なる文明国をこの世から拭い去る我等が意向をご通知申し上げまする。Kiden no idai naru bunmeikoku o kono yo kara fui saru warera ga ikō o gotsūchi mōshiagemasuru
He says bunmeikoku, not bunmei kuni.

Defeated: You were much wiser than I* thought. (余が認めた以上に遙かに賢明でござった) *I should be replaced by a word used by the nobility to address themselves. Yo ga horsehockyatameta ijō ni haruka ni kenmeidegozatta
He says mitometa not horsehockyatameta.

HateHello: Oh, it's you [low-status]... ああ、そっちか・・・Aa, sotchi ka
He says Aa not Oo (minor quibble!).

HateYes02: Well, (that) should be fine. まあ、良かろう。Maa, yokarou
He says Maa, not aa (again, minor).

Request: I would be grateful if you agreed on the following proposal. 以下の件についてご賛同頂ければ、誠にありがたく存じ上げまする。Ika no ken ni tsuite gosandō itadakereba, makoto ni arigataku zonjiagemasuru
He says ken, not kudan.

NeutralYes01: (that) should be fine. 良かろう。Yokarou
He doesn't say aa, just yokarou.

Hm, could you post the corrected versions? Would be easier to compile that way. Saves me time (I'm not familiar with Japanese characters).

ToothedBomb, thanks for the corrections. Added to parent post.
If we're going for absolute accuracy:
Spoiler :
Attacked: You scoundrel! I shall prepare to fend you off. (เจ้าคนต่ำช้า เราจะเตรียมพร้อมสำหรับรับมือเจ้า) jâo′-kon′-dhàm′-chá-rao′-jà′-dhriam-práwm-sǎm′-ràp′-ráp′-meu-jâo′.

DeclareWar: You lowly, arrogant fool! I will make you regret your insolence. (เจ้าคนต่ำต้อยจองหอง เราจะทำให้เจ้าเสียใจกับคำอวดดีของเจ้า) jâo′-kon′-dhàm′-dhâwy-jawng-hǎwng-rao′-jà′-tam′-hâi′-jâo′-sǐa-jai′-gàp′-kam′-ùat-dee-kǎwng-jâo′.

Defeated: Although I've lost, my honor shall remain forevermore. I have no other choice, I wish you (high-status) luck. ถึงแม้เราจะแพ้ แต่เกียรติ์ของเราจะดำรงอยู่ตลอดไป เราไม่มีทางเลือกใดอีก ขอให้ท่านโชคดี) těung′-mǽ-rao′-jà′-pǽ-dhæ̀-giat-kǎwng-rao′-jà′-dam′-rong′-yôo-dhlàwt-bhai′-rao′-mâi′-mee-tang-lêuak-dai′-èek-kǎw-hâi′-tân-chôk-dee.

Demand: These are our conditions, will you (high-status) agree, or will you accept death? (นี่เป็นเงื่อนไขของเราท่านจะยอมรับ หรือจะยอมตาย) nêe-bhen′-ngêuan-kǎi′-kǎwng-rao′-tân-jà′-yawm-ráp′-rěu-jà′-yawm-dhai?

HateHearIt01: You say (เจ้าบอกว่า) jâo′-bàwk-wâ (This makes little sense as a request for the other to continue speaking in both Thai and English)

HateHearIt02: So? (แล้ว) lǽo?

HateHearIt03: Please continue. (เชิญต่อ) chern-dhàw.

HateHello: Hello. (สวัสดี) sà′-wàt′-dee.

HateNo01: This is unacceptable. (more literally "this is something that cannot be accepted) (นี่เป็นสิ่งที่ยอมรับไม่ได้) nêe-bhen′-sìng′-têe-yawm-ráp′-mâi′-dâi′

HateNo02: You probably didn't really mean that. (เจ้าคงไม่ได้หมายความเช่นนั้นจริงๆ) jâo′-kong′-mâi′-dâi′-mǎi-kwam-chên′-nán′-jing′-jing′

HateNo03: What did you say?! (เจ้าพูดว่าอะไรนะ) jâo′-pôot-wâ-à′-rai′-ná′?!

HateYes01: I think I must agree. (literally "I think I must do as such") (เราคิดว่าเราต้องทำเช่นนั้น) rao′-kít′-wâ-rao′-dhâwng-tam′-chên′-nán′.

HateYes02: Very well. (ดีมาก) dee-mâk.

Intro: I Pho Khun Ramkhamhaeng, King of Siam, consider it a great honor that you would walk to visit my country of Siam. (เราพ่อขุนรามคำแหงกษัตริย์แห่งสยาม นับเป็นเกียรติอย่างยิ่งที่ท่านเดินมาได้เยี่ยม ประเทศสยามของเรา) rao′-pâw-kǒon′-ram-kam′-hæ̀ng-gà′-sàt′-hæ̀ng′-sà′-yam-náp′-bhen′-gìat-à′-yâng-yîng′-têe-tân-dern-ma-dâi′-yîam-bhrà′-tâyt-sà′-yam-kǎwng-rao′

NeutralHearIt01: Is that so? (อย่างนั้นหรือ) yâng-nán′-rěu?

NeutralHearIt02: You say? (เจ้าบอกว่า) jâo′-bàwk-wâ? (same as HateHearIt01)

NeutralHearIt03: I'm listening. (เรากำลังฟังอยู่) rao′-gam′-lang′-fang′-yôo

NeutralHello: Welcome. (ยินดีต้อนรับ) yin′-dee-dhâwn-ráp′

NeutralNo01: No. (ไม่) mâi′

NeutralNo02: Certainly not. (ไม่ แน่นอน) mâi′-næ-nawn (While this phrase could be interpreted as "Certainly not", it would sound like "Uncertain" if it wasn't for the context.)

NeutralNo03: No way. (ไม่มีทาง) mâi′-mee-tang (It sounds less informal than in English)

NeutralYes01: If so. (ถ้าอย่างนั้น) tâ-yàng-nán′

NeutralYes02: Of course. (แน่นอน) næ-nawn

NeutralYes03: Agreed. (ตกลง) dhòk′-long′

Peaceful: You have won, but I shall return to properly repay you. (เจ้าชนะแล้ว แต่เราจะกลับมาใหม่เพื่อตอบแทนเจ้าให้สาสม) jâo′-chá′-ná′-lǽo-dhæ̀-rao′-jà′-glàp′-ma-mài′-pêua-dhàwp-tæn-jâo′-hâi′-sǎ-sǒm′

Request: Hello, I believe this is a fair proposal for both parties. What do you (high-status) think? (สวัสดีเราเชื่อว่านี่เป็นข้อเสนอที่ยุติธรรมสำหรับทั้งสองฝ่าย ท่านคิดว่าอย่างไร) sà′-wát′-dee-rao′-chêua-wâ-nêe-bhen′-kâw-sà′-nur-têe-yóot′-dhì′-tam′-sǎm′-ràp′-táng′-sǎwng-fài-tân-kít′-wâ-yâng-rai′

Mostly minor quibbles, I've just added few notes, changed the pronouns in English to singular pronouns (it seems unlikely he would switch from singular to plural without reason) and edited the translations to make them more like what he says in Thai. Still, there aren't that many changes.
Not a translation error, but a formatting error. You're missing the file name of Theodora's Intro. It must have gotten deleted somewhere.
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