how does culture work?


Jun 10, 2009
Markham, Ontario
Gold I understand. Have N gold - get a bonus. But I don't understand culture.

Currently, I'm playing on King as the Greeks. If I press R2 (PS3) I see my status as n/m Science (for tech being researched), n/m Gold (to next bonus), and n/m Culture - each with the number of Science, Gold & Culture per turn. The wierd thing is the "m" value for culture changes from turn to turn. Is it dependent on population?

Also, the Greeks get "more great people" from Medieval onwards - what does this mean? It seems like every time I fill the culture bar I get a great person. Is this different for other Civs? (I've played a half dozen games so far, but I haven't really paid attention to the mechanics of culture.)

Oh, and finally - is there any benefit to being civilized, sophisticated etc?
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