Ideas on How to add Religion to Civ 3

Is there anyways for civs to upgrade shamans to Christian priests, or priests to Bishops, while still only letting priests only be spawned in churches?
I don't want civs to be able to just make priests, because then there might be too many
Is there anyways for civs to upgrade shamans to Christian priests, or priests to Bishops, while still only letting priests only be spawned in churches?
I don't want civs to be able to just make priests, because then there might be too many
Yes there is, I will let civinator explain because he uses the method in CCM.
Yes its possible.

Make the Church spawn "religion students" which are virtually useless, and not buidable by anone.

Then make it upgrade to a chain of Shaman, Priests, Bishops, etc. but make these units kings, and civ specific. It won't be possible to build them directly as they are king units, but you can upgrade the "students" to them, and each civ can only upgrade it to the religious units it is allowed to have.

And this way, with only one building, you have as many civ specific religious units as you want, spawned by building
My original sentence meant "the religious student spawn by the Church building are virtually useless", and wasn't meant as a general statement about religious student.

However, the remark from Plotinus who knows the issue from the inside could lead me to revise this position.
Ogedei, that's funny because I actually made my Kannushi's attack more like a Onmyouji.

Well, no promiseses. But if the Shaman looks interesting enough, I might make it. Do you have a picture?

Right now I am planning on making a,
Jewish Rabi
Islamic Imam
Shinto Kannushi

Zen Monk
Buddhist Monk
Hindu Sadhu

Zoroastrian Athornan
North American Shaman
Meso American Shaman
African Shaman


Other than that I don't know
I could use a bunch of those. :)
I've finished most of them, with one prayer attack and one orb attack.
I'm taking a little break right now though.

Well done! Your getting them done very fast. You certainly deserve a break.


Me too - I was hoping to see the pagan priest.

Oh that is sad. The religious unit previews you showed before were fantastic. I was hoping they were not on the comp that died.

Oh well these are nice previews too!


BTW, Shiro did you try using a program to recover the files from the old HDD?
I don't remember how, but I think I accidentally reformated it by mistake somehow.
I'm not really sure, I bought another hard drive since then. I will check to see.
Well, all the work of my religious units are gone, But here are some new ones. Khmetic priest and Zoroastrian priest.

Sorry but I'm :crazyeye: - are these images of lost units, or are they new (and if so the d/l ... ?)


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