C2C - Transhuman Era

I am not sure which topic this should go under. But i guess this seems appropriate since it involves trans-human techs. Specifically Aquaculture, Vertical Farming, Ecology, Cloning and Artificial Evolution. These techs are where the crops, animal farms, animal traps, fishing and hunting stuff go obsolete. So much so it makes them very abrupt. I am wondering if some should either never go obsolete, be replaced by another building or go obsolete at another tech. For instance crops could be enhanced by vertical farming (and other techs). What do you guys think?

Note the only reason they went obsolete is because Afforess said that they should when making the Domesticated Animal mod and Farming mod. This is not RoM/AND anymore and thus we can change it to fit C2C.
Conclusion at bottom

Aquaculture..____Cultivation, ex Salmon Cultivation,

Ecology= Organic______,(plants)...Pastured_____(animals) example Organic Apples, Pastured Pigs [a better word ca be used..Uncaged..Free Roaming..]

They should be replaced by new "buidings", which are upgraded to new forms.

Cloning..they should be replaced by Clone Factories..aka Pig clone Factory, Fish Clone Factory..

Ecological Engineering (plants)..genetically engineered ex. Gtech Apples

Vertical Farming,animal farms, fishing and hunting should be replaced by Deliplants, and Animals should be grouped..aka Bovine Deliplant, fish Deliplant, Bird Deliplant. Animal Farms = Manufacturer . Traps = ___Distributor.

Technology > Application > Agriculture
Science > Biology > Botany
Culture and Society > Daily Life > Food
Deliplants are splice or neogen plants. The originals were designed to provide equivalents to the animal products once consumed by human baselines on Old Earth: not only the muscle or fatty tissue and various edible organs of various animal species, but also other products such as eggs, milk, blood or cheese. The name was intended to suggest the Late Information Age English words "delicatessen" and "delicious."

Ill add a new Tech betweeen Vertical Farming and Artificial Evolution for crops called Aeroponics. Along with Accelerated Germination the crops can be called Xtech _____. ex.. Xtech Apples. [X=Extreme Genetic Enginnering]

A low mass method of growing plants.

Aeroponics, like hydroponics, is a technique for growing plants without the use of soil. It has long been known that plants absorb nutrients as simple ions in water and that soil only acts as a reservoir for the nutrients and water. If the nutrient levels of a plant's water supply is artificially maintained and the water directly applied to its root system, soil is no longer required for the plant to thrive. In the aeroponic method, water is applied as a mist to the root system of the plant.

Artificial Evolotion..replaced by Baccas...aka Bovine Bacca, Fish Bacca, Bird Bacca
animal traps = Bacca Incubator animal farms Bacca Laboratory
Technology > Technology Type or Material > Organic/Biotech
Family of crops derived from the tobacco plant through gengineering during the interplanetary era and later. Designed for use in space hydroponics, different strains produce livestock feed, vegetables, drugs and decorative flowers. Especially common is Qianxuesen, a bacca vegetable eaten by terragen bionts boiled or mashed.

crops replaced by Nanoseeds, ex..Apple Nanoseed

Nanotech "seed", a self-contained and sealed capsule containing assemblers and replicators either pre-programmed with templates or instructed from an external source. The seed is "planted" on a substrate, and activated with energy or a nutrient spray. It then grows into the desired product, using locally acquired resources and ambient energy (e.g. sunlight) or - in the case of some large nanoseeds, a small amat battery.

And later..Meatshrooms...ex. Bovine Meatshroom, Fish Meatshroom..Animal Traps= _______Spore Animal Farms = Tissue Bank

he taste, texture, and nutritional qualities of animal flesh if they are cooked, or in some cases even if they are still raw. They are of ancient derivation; meatshrooms first became widespread during the Interplanetary Age, and have formed a part of the diet of many a human, as well as of many other omnivorous or carnivorous biont Terragen clades, ever since.

Meatshrooms were part of the second wave of gengineered innovations from baseline fungal stocks, following on some more moderately gengineered varieties that had been slight adaptations of baseline species. Meatshrooms were intended to provide a replacement or alternative for animal foods. This proved easier to accomplish in fungi than in plants, since many fungal fruiting bodies already had some meat-like traits. For instance, the "ox tongue" mushroom in its baseline form tastes remarkably like liver when cooked and Asian cuisine had a long tradition of producing meat-like dishes from various other fungi. The gengineers hoped to meet culinary demand for meat products without the high costs and ethical and legal issues of intensive meat production from entire animals or the costs of support structures for tissue cultures. They also intended that the fungi be integral to waste management systems in the increasingly crowded cities of Earth and the tightly cycled artificial ecosystems of the new orbital habs and other extraterrestrial colonies.

for crops..Endurasoy
Interplanetary age gengineered edible grain. A genetic blend of baseline soy and Cis-Lunar neogen plants, endurasoy is high in protein, fiber, and vitamins, and resistant to almost all known diseases and pests. Although its robustness makes it indispensable as a high yield plant, it can disrupt ecosystems on low and medium tech biospheres if not kept in check.

In conclusion..
[by the way no new terrain resources are needed per say]
Aqualculture =cultivation

Ecology=Organic (plants) ex. Organic Apples
???? = Pastured (animals) ex. Pastured Pigs [we can think of a better word..uncaged?]

Cloning = Clone Factory (animals) ex. Cloned Bovine Factory [animals are grouped]
Ecological Engineering (plants) ex. Gtech Apples

marine Architecture = Farms ex. Salmon Farm

Accelerated Germination/Aeroponics = Xtech (plants) Xtech Apples
Vertical Farming = Deliplant (animals) Bovine Deliplant

Artificial Evolution= Bacca (animals) Bovine Bacca
???? = Nanoseed (plants) Apple Nanoseed

Marine Colonization = biosphere.. salmon biosphere
??? = Meatshroom (animals) Bovineshroom
??? = Endurasoy (plants) Apple Endurasoy
That sounds much better - I tend to stay away from antimatter 'tronics'. I mean sure it's possible, but the pure amount of energy needed for such a thing would be so incredibly high and unstable that realistically it would be condemned and abandoned before it made alpha stages of a prototype.

And about the Computronium Design - I say perfect. In fact, you can probably have Optronics require CD so you can create the Comp crystals to serve as photon-based transistors/resistors.

I have been a big fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender and now the Legend of Korra. While this is a fantasy setting I was thinking it might be interesting to have a "Nanobender Dojo" in the future where people could use a brain-machine interface to control nano swarms like they do with the elements in the cartoon.

This would be a technological way to do "elemental bending". I could see them not only used for a cloud like swarm but they could be used with say electricity to send a "shock swarm" or other such applications.

Note that the density of the nano swarm could make it appear like other elements such as the famous "gray goo" could appear like moving water (or at least liquid) and an earth-like form could literally shape the terrain to however you wanted.

I found some bugs ...

1. Exotic Architecture has a random + sign in its text.

2. These techs are missing their strategy text.
- Automated Urbanization
- Transonic Traffic
- Intelligent Pavement (a misspelling)
- Graphene

3. These techs are missing their quote text.
- Intelligent Pavement
- Artisan Firefighter

4. Shouldn't it be "Artisan Firefighting" not "Artisan Firefighter".

5. Shouldn't it be "Genomic Encyclopedia" not "Genome Encyclopedia".

6. Can you take a look at the Online Tech Tree and let me know if any of the techs under the line can be deleted because they were put in under another name or you are not going to use them.


I have been a big fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender and now the Legend of Korra. While this is a fantasy setting I was thinking it might be interesting to have a "Nanobender Dojo" in the future where people could use a brain-machine interface to control nano swarms like they do with the elements in the cartoon.

This would be a technological way to do "elemental bending". I could see them not only used for a cloud like swarm but they could be used with say electricity to send a "shock swarm" or other such applications.

Note that the density of the nano swarm could make it appear like other elements such as the famous "gray goo" could appear like moving water (or at least liquid) and an earth-like form could literally shape the terrain to however you wanted.

Okay so its called Energybending. You want it to be artificially created. This is me trying really hard to make it as plausible as possible.

Energybending] is the ability to bend life energy. It predates the four main bending arts, as well as the arrival of the Avatar and the formation of the four nations.[1]
Before the arrival of the Avatar into the world and the separation of the four elements, people bent the energy within themselves. At some point, they discovered the other four bending arts, and, over time, the knowledge to perform energybending was almost completely lost. The last known keeper of the art was the ancient lion turtle, who later passed it down to Avatar Aang, who used the ability to remove Fire Lord Ozai's firebending forever.
The capabilities of energybending are not well understood; what is known is that bending a person's life energy can impart them with knowledge instantly or remove one's bending completely. This bending art is dissimilar to the others because it is so perilous to the user,[ which is why so few have ever used it.

There is Binary Psychokinesis
(You can move real matter by controlling shochwaves in special gloves linked to your brain).

There is Animamaterials
(metal alloys that have artificial life if melted in an artificial nucleosythesis reactor while galvanized with the building blocks of life.)

There is Weather Control
(if you can control the Weather..can the same technology be made into a portable "generator"?)

There there is ?????

In Escape Pod 303 Leech Run by Scott W. Baker, we were presented with an idea of how humanity might further control energy: Leeching it directly into our own bodies. Obviously this is a fantastical idea. Or is it? A research paper at the University of Massachusetts Medical School released back in June talks about a protein found in human eye, that when implanted into fruit flies, allows them to sense the magnetic fields, similar to migrating birds. Humans produce these proteins, suggesting that, as a race, we may already have or will develop some sort of conscious magnetic sense. From there is it only a few genetic steps (admittedly long ones) to allowing us to directly control, or leech, energy from the environment around us. This could lead to problems.

All Combined can create EnergyBending.



You can say only women can master EnergyBending because they are the ones that carry the gift of life.../or have way more life energy than men.or just use the animations.


I found some bugs ...


Thanks! Ill take care of this tonight! =)
Have you seen all of Mr Hawkins Theories of how they were created, ie: life/the universe etc, on TV, i just watched almost all of them, boy for a guy that cant move, his mind his very fascinating and beyond anything a regular person can think of.
Have you seen all of Mr Hawkins Theories of how they were created, ie: life/the universe etc, on TV, i just watched almost all of them, boy for a guy that cant move, his mind his very fascinating and beyond anything a regular person can think of.

Haven't gotten to the hawkins stuff. Just watched taped episodes of the prophets of science fiction. Great stuff for laying out what was a major breakthrough and what will likely be developed soon.
Have you seen all of Mr Hawkins Theories of how they were created, ie: life/the universe etc, on TV, i just watched almost all of them, boy for a guy that cant move, his mind his very fascinating and beyond anything a regular person can think of.

Yes, I know all of Mr. Hawkings Theories, (his book Universe in a Nutshell was profound when I read it in middle school), but at this moment I am really interested in Professor Brain Greene and his superstring theory. I love documentaries, I love to learn.

Another guy to look out for is Dr.Michio Kaku.

Link to video.
Shouldn't energy bending be more of a galactic technology? Psionics, fire starting ,telekinesis.
One of my favorite sci-fi book series, the Pliocene series by Julian May does amazing things with augmented and natural Psionics. set in a galactic empire with humans newly on the stage, mankind discovers time travel where they go back 6 million years and encounter aliens, the tanu who use technology called torcs to enhance psi powers, all sorts of well done technical stuff, and plausible explanation, including major event where the Mediterranean basin floods for the first time. actually the series is quite excellent. Metaconcerts unite groups of different psis to accomplish major things. Latent psionic abilities are activated. Lots of interesting bioscience. I'll post a link Here tomorrow.
I've read several of Michio kaku's books. His tv series about Sci-fi science is interesting but mostly aimed at kids or those less familiar with Sci-fi. He is a good futurist scientist.
Shouldn't energy bending be more of a galactic technology? Psionics, fire starting ,telekinesis.
One of my favorite sci-fi book series, the Pliocene series by Julian May does amazing things with augmented and natural Psionics. set in a galactic empire with humans newly on the stage, mankind discovers time travel where they go back 6 million years and encounter aliens, the tanu who use technology called torcs to enhance psi powers, all sorts of well done technical stuff, and plausible explanation, including major event where the Mediterranean basin floods for the first time. actually the series is quite excellent. Metaconcerts unite groups of different psis to accomplish major things. Latent psionic abilities are activated. Lots of interesting bioscience. I'll post a link Here tomorrow.

Normally it would be, but in the Transhuman Era its artificial
psionics. Binary Pyschokenesis = telekenisis assisted by machine. The energybending is controlled by swarms of nanobots..
@Hydro: I think that the energybending thing, while I understand the science behind it, seems too farfetched and 'fantasyesque' for my tastes. Let's hold off of that one for the time being.
Yes, I know all of Mr. Hawkings Theories, (his book Universe in a Nutshell was profound when I read it in middle school), but at this moment I am really interested in Professor Brain Greene and his superstring theory. I love documentaries, I love to learn.

Another guy to look out for is Dr.Michio Kaku.

I agree with him on alot of his theories also, i watch him with the UFO series that i watch on the History Channel.
@ rightfuture

On behalf of StrategyOnly, You are now part of Transhuman Era Techs Team!

rightfuture said:
I am so very well read on trans-humanism, science fiction, and the future ( I keep up with blogs, news, have read over 200 books on the future {read over 700 science fiction novels}, and love everything about the future) that I want to take a unofficial role, doing something I care about deeply.

I would like to help organize the Transhuman Thread. Ultimately I would like take my lead and work with Hydromancerx and MrAzure, as they wished to moderate and list ideas discussed in the first few posts of the the thread, since I was given the go ahead to start the thread. It would be nice to contribute by helping them have an centralized and organized list of ideas, tech-tree, pics, etc. at the beginning of the Transhuman Era.

I would love to volunteer to enter technologies changes for Hydro and MrAzure. I would love to research and build technologies, especially in the future.

saving this for later
rightfuture said:
Ideas for buildings, units, etc:

-You really should look at this for a possible reworking of civ mathematics and trends planned out into the future.

To briefly link to a few. I would be glad to break down the ideas within, but I think it is worth your time to explore these 7, at least, and discover the ideas you prefer for yourself..

My first personal building would be Spaceport USA
using this picture for the graphic.
available at commercial spaceflight
(if it's not already in there or in plans)
@Hydro: I think that the energybending thing, while I understand the science behind it, seems too farfetched and 'fantasyesque' for my tastes. Let's hold off of that one for the time being.

I did not want it to go that far as MrAzure proposed. I jsut wanted people to have the ability to control the nano swarms. Note nano swarms are already in the game.

I also dislike the units graphics that were proposed. I would want the units to look high tech.

Here are some old concepts I drew back when using "gray goo' techs ...

- Blade Matrix
- Rope Matrix

Also there were concepts of "Gray Goo" exosuits, shooting or slinging gob of it and of course having nano swarm clouds.

EDIT: Here is a Gargoyle style gray goo exo-suit. This I admit is more fantasy.
I am going to take a day or two or three to check this list RightFuture provided before i add any new Transhuman Era Techs.

Spoiler :
rightfuture said:
Here is a small list of good sources as promised, I would be honored if you helped me mine the ideas for C2C. I have thousands of saved links to pull from. Please take a minute and let me know what you think of every item as potential sources.

Here are some top futurist sites that I have discovered (I was surprised that you found a great source I missed).
great ideas and org based on the book>>>
---great book OTEC's alone should be a technology) see>>>>

a few blogs:

some videos:

and a few books
(my favorite book)

and a few of my sci-fi favorites - Trust me and I promise these are worth your time. They have loads of ideas and will blow your mind! and they are good explorations of the future like civ. I bet they would be more than useful in C2C.
excellent rewriting the future (like civ) and time travel. A society from the future travels back to alter the course of history through Christopher Columbus, and encounters an alternate future that did the same, not to mention the characters rewrite our history better than our real world, straight up to the future.
great idea for a technology and it's implications for the future. Lot's of great ideas in this one.
likewise implications of becoming the first immortal and exploring the future
exploring a moon in the solar system where a robotic mining ship evolved into a vast ecosystem over thousands of years.
and it's sequel
exploring the ecosystem leads to discovery of the possibility of human immortality - one of the ultimate transhumanist explorations yet few people know of it.
One man's journey through eons until the end of time in a attempt to save his wife. Written by a sci-fi legend.
Ok this one starts a little like a romance novel, but it travels like few books ever will. The premise is brilliant man who accelerates humanity by evolving an AI, and pitting it against evolving intelligent robots, to overcome a potential future robot apocalypse and accelerate humanity to the stars. Great new ideas here.
okay this is a fascinating extrapolation of possible technologies and rewriting the past, present, and future. the genetic transcription technology alone is worth putting into C2C
the fascinating technological journey of aliens evolving on a star, where humanity helps them form a society, save them, and in return they technologically progress past humanity and save them in return. Fascinating.
an hardware evolving AI, accidentally produces a fascinating bio-tech evolutionary ecosystem and it's consequences for the future. Very interesting.
this amazing short story, which inspired countless tv epsiodes from Star Trek to the New Outer Limits, has a scientist injecting nanites - living nanotechnology into his blood stream. His novel expands the story to the point that humanity is transcended.

In my opinion these books are perfect with blending with C2C. Please take the time to read their description and reviews on Amazon. They are chock full of great ideas.

If you think these are good, I probably have even better recommendations. I bet these will keep us busy for a while. :) Please let me know what you think of each of them.

p.s. as a last thought, check out my digg page @
I have dugg thousands of future ideas here, feel free to go through my history of diggs for what you agree with. A good start I hope - whew!


I have a Tech called Ecosystem Modeling, which should predict the climate past 2100.

Spoiler :
A comprehensive model would include all important interactions among variables at all scales. For the global ecosystem this includes not only the atmosphere, ocean currents and land masses (including their regional ecosystems: desert, forest, agricultural lands, and so forth) but also solar input, cosmic rays, seismic processes, and any other large system that impinges on the functioning of the general global ecosystem and the ever-changing and interactive adaptation of living ecosystems as well. One of the greatest challenges is modelling complex systems.
Complex systems are described by nonlinear relationships between their elements. This broadly speaking means that the system as a whole is more complicated than the mere sum of its basic constituent components. Through the nonlinear interactions new patterns emerge which have not been present in the set of the basic components. In this way a nonlinear system may evolve and show a nontrivial complex behaviour. Certain nonlinear dynamical systems (under certain conditions) exhibit the phenomenon known as chaos, most famously characterized by sensitivity to initial condition and non-periodic evolution in a bounded region of their phase space.

In general, the equations describing nonlinear systems cannot be solved analytically. As a result, they can often be studied only through numerical simulation. However, because of nonlinear systems’ sensitivity to initial conditions and their chaotic behaviour, available computing resources are often inadequate for their numerical computation. With advances in computational power, inexpensive memory, and refined mathematical algorithms, real ecosystem models will include these complex systems. The model will reflect interactions among and between all scales and rates of change, inertia, and timing.

Vacuum trains promise to speed between Europe and the US faster than a plane. But will they ever make it off the drawing board?

This is perfect for a tech after Supersonic Rails. Vaccum Trains are very interesting, top speed of 2,500 mph.

Hmmm..Supersonic Subways (at Supersonic Rails 560 mph)------->Vaccum Railine (at Hypersonic Traffic 2,500 mph). It will compete with 2nd Generation Skyroads (1200mph..1st is 600 mph)
Can Vaccum Trains go underwater? Could be the way to travel between marine colonies(at Marine Colonization) and the mainland.

okay..2,500 mph is too fast for city travel...200 mph for city...2,500 for continental and intercontinental. transport.

If I were empress of the Universe I would insist on every individual having a unique ID permanently attached - a barcode if you will; an implanted chip to provide an easy, fast inexpensive way to identify individuals.

Okay so Anonymity will be almost impossible and having such a unique barcode would have many advantages. In war soldiers could easily differentiate legitimate targets in a population from non combatants. Can this be a building "Birth Barcodes" under Gene Enhancement? Should I create a TECH called Designer Children and lump it with that? What other buildings can Designer Children have?

http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20120416-how-buildings-could-come-to-life?selectorSection=sectionThe buildings in our cities could quite literally come alive in the decades ahead. Spencer Kelly looks at the people merging biology with traditional architecture to develop buildings that moderate tem

We have Tech Organic Cities..this is Organic Cities. But can unique buildings be added to that Tech?
Also Asphalt road----> Intelligent Pavement ----->Digital membrane-----> Cellulose Pavement???

Researchers are close to developing a system that allows electric cars to recharge while they are moving… via a recharging road.

New Tech or a building i ponder?

Listen up, kids: any problem you'll ever have, ranging all from being fat to (now) being lazy, can be effortlessly be solved by taking drugs. Don't want to exercise? Just inject yourself with some of this new hormone, and you'll be on your way to the gym before you can say "recombinant human erythropoietin!"
will add as buiding at biofeedback design
You know how water is blue, right? The reason water is blue is because it absorbs the red part of the solar spectrum. This, unfortunately, is a big chunk of the energy that solar cells like to suck down, which is why we don't have solar powered submarines, but the Naval Research Lab has designed a new type of cell that does work under da sea.
Solar Panels-------------???-----------Artificial Photosynthesis

Solar Panels could be allowed on the ocean..(pain solar panel resource blusish)...called Marine solar panels and unlocked at Marine Architecture.

here's a new milk jug on the scene and it's not like anything you've seen before. In fact it's part appliance. This jug holds up to a quart of milk and, thanks to sensors located in its base, can tell you whether your milk is on its way to going sour and if you need more. The jug's base then sends you a text to keep you in the loop.

Interesting! A building perhaps.33% chance.

I have been a big fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender and now the Legend of Korra. While this is a fantasy setting I was thinking it might be interesting to have a "Nanobender Dojo" in the future where people could use a brain-machine interface to control nano swarms like they do with the elements in the cartoon.

This would be a technological way to do "elemental bending". I could see them not only used for a cloud like swarm but they could be used with say electricity to send a "shock swarm" or other such applications.

Note that the density of the nano swarm could make it appear like other elements such as the famous "gray goo" could appear like moving water (or at least liquid) and an earth-like form could literally shape the terrain to however you wanted.

Funny you should bring that up... In the game story I've been making for a while now, the main enemy race of the first game (chronologically) has a technology where there are microscopic chips in the tip of each finger and a ring in the palm that can use electromagnetic and weak gravitational forces to manipulate matter. The chips in the hand are linked directly to the nervous system of that hand so all the user has to do is think of a fireball in his hand and the chips create a contained ball of plasma ready to be used. Same thing can be done for any element and actually double as a security measure for locked door scanners, etc.
How strange, the post I made about futuretimeline.net took 2 days to appear in the forum on the previous page as post #176. Did anyone see it?
Funny you should bring that up... In the game story I've been making for a while now, the main enemy race of the first game (chronologically) has a technology where there are microscopic chips in the tip of each finger and a ring in the palm that can use electromagnetic and weak gravitational forces to manipulate matter. The chips in the hand are linked directly to the nervous system of that hand so all the user has to do is think of a fireball in his hand and the chips create a contained ball of plasma ready to be used. Same thing can be done for any element and actually double as a security measure for locked door scanners, etc.

Wow is that actually possible:eek:
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