Why doesn't tech era limit work for this?

The Chicken Man

Apr 12, 2015
Hi everyone, I downloaded this mod this weekend and have been having a awesome time playing it until suddenly it let me advance to the Classical era, though I had edited it to limit the game to the Ancient era, with the usual edits,

Rise of Mankind\Assets\Python, GameUtils.py, iMaxEra = 0
Rise of Mankind\Assets\XML, PythonCallbackDefines.xml, and then USE_CANNOT_RESEARCH_CALLBACK set to 1

I don't understand why it's not working, I have no idea? I'm new at CIV 4, but I read on these very forums how to do this a few weeks ago and it worked like a charm with every mod I've used and vanilla BTS, this is this first time it's never worked.

I have the latest version of A New Dawn, which installed the mod to my documents. I've never loaded a mod from my documents before, always program files, could that be an issue? IDK, any ideas?

I can't really look right now, but a lot of python callbacks were removed or otherwise disabled. Python callbacks of any kind were a major source of lag/slowdown in turn times, and were all disabled in RAND years ago.
Hi, thanks for the reply. I guess that makes sense then, it was driving me a little batty trying to figure out why the game wouldn't recognise my edits, I even reinstalled the whole game to a "Games" folder on the c drive instead of program files thinking it might be an administrator issue (had problems with mods not loading due to that in the past)

So I edited the techinfos.xml so that techs that advance to the next era have an absurd icost. That will do, but I do worry about the AI with those edits; with the tech limit mod for instance when there's nothing left to research the AI drops their science slider to 0 like I do and everything's balanced, but with the icost edit I guess they will stick with 100% research? I guess that will be unbalanced as I'll stick my science slider down to 0 and reap just culture and money but they won't?
Why don't you out comment the techs you don't want using these:

That's how it works:
In the above example Weaving, Hunting, Storytelling, Stone tools and Pottery is enabled, while Fishing, Agriculture and Ritualism is disabled.

Everything behind <!-- is "invisible" for the game, just don't forget to close it with --> so you don't need to edit every tech individually, you can out comment large groups.
You don't even need to comment out the techs, making the iCost variable '-1' makes it unresearchable.
If you comment off the techs like that, wouldn't units or buildings with reference to those techs cause an xml error...
Yeap! You are right in that.
So you have to comment out a bunch of units and buildings too.
I think it's still a quicker solution than Afforess', though that is safer and better for sure.
Best way is to create it as a modular mod which contains files with only the needed changes. That way you don't have to edit the originals, and can disable it when needed.

        ....more techs....
Sindy is right and it's a piece of cake with the launcher :)
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