AI in MoM...

I just remember another odd thing I noticed in the same game: when I finished researching some tech (not sure which anymore) I got Ind and Exp trait for the emergent trait. At least in other modmods it is not possible to get both imo.

In MoM there are a couple of "free" traits available for an Emergent leader. Therefore you would end up with two for one. I don't recall the free traits, atm.
you can either get magic resistance building alter level 2 or getting golden age and getting one that lower upgrade costs.
AI is really good. The only thing that bothers me is that it collects its stacks that should defeat my stack right next to it. This way my well promoted units can easily kill a unit per turn...
And I won my Doviello game at turn 169 by razing 6 civs without them being able to do anything. The tech tree seems to be bigger than before --> Bronze Working and Archery is later. That means Doviello have a much longer time window for an unstoppable conquest. The only units that I saw were hunters and warriors.
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