Late game war

Did you know about the trick where you can just right-click the tile you want a unit to ultimately end up at and they'll move toward there automatically without you having to order them every turn? (Sorry if that's a crappy description but I don't think it has any sort of title.) That helps out a bunch and it sounds like you might not be using it. If you've been methodically moving 20 embarked units one-by-one across huge oceans then I'm not surprised that turns take so long.

The problem with multi-turn unit pathing is two-fold:
  • If any other unit (whether your unit or an AI or CS unit) moves onto your selected destination tile at any time during your unit's journey, the path is broken and your unit needs to be given new instructions

  • That would be neither here nor there if there was a way to tell what your unit's prior destination was, or that a selected destination is also a destination for another one of your units, but there is not.
The problem with multi-turn unit pathing is two-fold:
  • If any other unit (whether your unit or an AI or CS unit) moves onto your selected destination tile at any time during your unit's journey, the path is broken and your unit needs to be given new instructions

  • That would be neither here nor there if there was a way to tell what your unit's prior destination was, or that a selected destination is also a destination for another one of your units, but there is not.

True, it's not a perfect feature by any means, but the issues you describe are why you don't bother with precision until the units are closer to their destination. If I have, say, fleet that needs to cross a 40-tile stretch of ocean, I'll just right-click any old random spot in the water to save time, and even if I end up having to re-click for a few units, it's still much faster than having to micromanage 20 units for 8-10 turns. That's ~200 orders you'll have to give out, while even a terribly unlucky go of multi-turn orders probably wouldn't require more than 50. The only time I'd advise against it is if you're already at war or if it's still early and there's a barb threat.
Yes I do the right click thing you're describing but, as Browd pointed out, it doesn't work very well and I end up having to give my units orders long before they reach their destination.

As for the intercontinental wars and navy... I haven't had a war with air units yet, I was talking about a game ending war with cannons and riflemen. I did have frigates and their bombardment of the city did help. I'm sure if I had a war in the information age air units would be helpful, maybe even necessary, and battleships would help a lot, but before then a navy is mostly useful for protecting sea trade routes, I find
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