LINESII- Into the Darkness- Part III


Jun 7, 2005
Spoiler The Story so Far :
On one small arm of a spiral galaxy, in the solar system of a middling-sized sun, there is something unique.


Countless millennia ago they first appeared, roaming around the world. In a few rare locations, they settled.

Nations arose. Khemri, Lords of the Setting Sun, Veritas, Children of the One, and many more.

For centuries, the nations of this 'Cradle of Civilization' grew and prospered. Conflicts broke out. The weak were assimilated by the strong. From the northwest, the isolated Eldranians contacted the rest of the world. Refusing to accept that there was other human life, they struck into the cradle. Many nations and countless people fell before them, but they could not support their war forever. The great nation of Veritas brought together a coalition, and destroyed the Eldranian threat forever.

Following the fall of Eldrania, the world fell under two spheres of influence. Khemri and its Crystalist allies in the west, Veritas and its Oneist Supporters in the east.

Tensions hit their breaking point when Khemri invaded the sovereign nation of Nurmafer. Veritas took advantage and attacked Khemri's cities while its armies were away.

A war broke out, a war that is known to this day as the Great War.

Tides of battle ebbed and flowed, but over time, the economically stronger Crystal Ridge alliance of Gorin, Shalamari and Khemri proved to be too much. Veritas was defeated, split into minor successor states. Some Veritasians left their old home, to found new nations in distant lands.

Very briefly, the CRA reigned unchallenged. But an enemy that was to prove more than a match for them appeared in the north.

The Lengels, mighty nomadic cavalry warriors, poured into the northern cradle in incredible numbers. Weaker nations were quickly conquered and assimilated.

The Lengels seemed unstoppable. The hooves of their steeds trod all over the northern reaches of the cradle. Some nations were conquered, and many of the nations not directly affected by the Lengels found themselves fighting amongst each other.

Signing peace with Gorin and Khemri, the Lengels made their last great offensive, into the Jungles of Cultesia. It brought the Bladeists to their knees, but were halted by disease.

Then, the Lengels began to fracture. The northerners, disgusted by the alien culture impurifying their nation, declared their independence. Khemri and Gorin didn’t waste a second in acting. Both attacked the Lengels, rapidly pushing back the Lengel borders. Eventually, the Lengelzai’s forces were defeated, and for a time, peace would reign in Northern Terrania.

Meanwhile, in the south the growing Republic of New Veritas fought against the growing power of Guangfei, and the Bladeists. A growing tide of pan-Valin sentiment swept through the Exarchates throughout this time of warfare, leading up to their reunification.

The Valin Republics of Veritas set out in an ambitious campaign to retake their homeland, beginning the War of the White Rose. Veritas and Ardan, on the Oneist side, made large early gains but could not hold up the war effort. While Veritas tenaciously held on to its homeland, it lost the southern Republics one by one to the Bladeists, and Ardan lost Davar.

However, the aggression of the strongest Bladeist nation, the Swade Ascendancy, would be its downfall. It set out on a fanatic program to exterminate all Oneists, including those under the protection of its allies. All of the nations still involved in the war fought against the extremist Swades, resulting in their destruction.

Just a few centuries after the fall of the First Lengel Horde, Tellus is both very changed and very similar. Gorin and Khemri remain the strongest nations, though the younger nations of the south are rapidly catching them. The power of the Oneists is broken, and they are on the verge of turning on each other. Trinlinism and Bladeism are on the rise. Guangfei is as powerful as ever, but its neighbours are growing stronger as well. All the while, the nations of Azulia are all waxing in power, some already rivaling Old World nations in strength.

The balance of power is greatly shifted, and the future of this world is more difficult to predict than ever.

Welcome to...

LINESII- Into the Darkness- Part III

I'd like to say that everyone is welcome to join this NES at any time, there's no player limit. NES newbies, you may join, the other NESers and I will show you the ropes. My only request is that you don't just pop in for one turn and wreak havoc by taking over a powerful NPC and wiping out a bunch of neighbours or something like that.

So without further ado, the rules!


Economy comes from 2 places. Cities, and land, represented by Rural and Urban Economy. 1 Rural Economy point for each region a nation owns. Each special city (I'm using the 3 City system developed by Thlayli, Israelite9191 and Toteone/Camille/Totamille/JessicaKathrinn) will provide one economy point.

Example: You have 1 regional economy point to spend at the beginning of the game. You found your first cities and your nation begins to grow. Rural economy increases as you grow larger, Urban as you get more special cities.

Economy will be shown like this: Total economy- Rural economy/City economy


3 stats. Army, Navy, and UU. As ages advance and more powerful units emerge, units become more powerful. I will use a numerical system. Example: Warrior has (1) power, Spearman has (1.5), Swordsman has (3)... And if you write stories about your units' terrific strength, they may get a little power bonus. 1 economy point will train 1000 soldiers or 10 ships.

With UUs, simply describe them to me and I'll put them into your stats.

Ages and Unit Power

Stone Age
The dawn of civilization. Many armies are mere rabbles of warriors, but the spear is rising as a powerful weapon. Also, hunting bows are beginning to be used for military purposes.
Warrior (1), Spearman (1.5), Archer (1.5)

Copper Age
Spearmen dominate the battlefields of the world, but the war-axe is beginning to erode to spear's might. The strengthening bow, as well, is becoming a stronger and stronger counter to the more lightly-armoured axemen. In some regions, cavalry makes its first appearance.
Archer (1.5), Spearman (2), Axeman (2.5)

Bronze Age
All weapons are gaining in strength, but the golden age of the spear is waning. Axes remain very powerful, but they themselves are under threat from the first swords. Early siege weapons are developing.
Archer (2), Spearman (2.5), Axeman (3), Swordsman (3), Horse Archer (4.5)

Iron Age
The sword is the new supreme weapon on the battlefield. The spear and arrow remain as they always have been, but the axe is gradually disappearing. For the first time, melee cavalry is developed.
Archer (2), Spearman (3), Axeman (3.5), Swordsman (4), Horse Archer (4.5), Cavalry (5)

Imperial Age
New technologies both domestic and military define this age. Great works of architecture are completed, as are designs of new military weapons. Siege weapons are growing ever stronger. This age will likely define the path of military technological development in the future.
Archer (3), Spearman (4), Axeman (4.5), Swordsmen (5), Horse Archer (5), Cavalry (6)

Note: Several units are more expensive: Bajo-Oni (10/Eco Point), Bigun (5/Eco Point), Pentareme (5/Eco Point), Titan (5/Eco Point)


Is now a word-based stat. Here are the levels.

Tiny - <50 000
Small- 50 000-250 000
Medium- 250 000-1 500 000
Large- 1 500 000-10 000 000
Huge- 10 000 000-100 000 000
Massive- 100 000 000-1 500 000 000
Colossal- >1 500 000 000


You can enlist a portion of your population to fight for you. You can ask for a certain number, and I will determine how many heed your call. You can also draft, but this is less popular.

Generally, if these forces are successful, there is no confidence damage, but if they fail, you suffer both economic damage (from less workers) and a loss of confidence in your rule.

You can request a conscription in your orders and give a request of how many you soldiers you want to raise. I will determine how many come to fight for you.


Having an intelligent population can give you many advantages. Education levels 1-3 cost you 1 economy point per turn. Education levels 4-6 cost you 2 economy points per turn. Education levels 7-9 cost 3 economy points per turn. Education level 10 costs 4 economy points per turn. It costs 1 EP to raise education 1 level, plus maintenance.


This stat is a sentence description of your nation's ethnic and religious composition.

3 City System

Building a city costs 1 economic point.

Economic centers- Cities surrounded by red, these provide you with one economy point per turn.

Cultural centers- Cities surrounded by blue, these provide you with one economy point per turn and random culture and education levels. These cities are quite bad to lose.

Religious centers- Cities surrounded by green, these cities provide you with one economic point per turn and are the beating hearts of your religions. They provide great bonuses to culture, confidence, and the spread of your religion, but are devastating to lose.


At great expenditure, you may create mighty monuments to you and your nations power. You must pay economy points to build them, and they can't be rushed.They have great cultural and confidence bonuses, but won't produce troops and give you spending points for no reason. Wonders often create specialty cities.


Your government.


You start off with a default primitive animism, belief in spirits of nature and things like that. You can create a more advanced religion through a story and the construction of temples. Religions are every bit as powerful here as they are in our world. They give your leader credibility, mold alliances, and break empires.

At this point, there are already several strong, established religions, but religion is an oft-changing thing. New sects can arise, and some faiths fade away.


I don't give direct bonuses, like +10 galleys, but stories will have positive effects on your nation during the update, maybe giving you a new economic center, better battle results, and the like.


1 PM Limit. This will make my updating easier, and allow you to get the update and stats faster. We both win! You can do just fine without delving into detail. Kal'Thzar has sent 1 PM orders every turn of the game and look at Khemri. Is it suffering from neglect? No! I don't punish people for being vague in their orders, in fact, I like it. If you just say 'attack the nation to my west', I'll make a logical attack judging from the situation. I won't be a jerk and randomly throw them at the enemy like an uncoordinated mob.

In your orders, I want these things:
-Your nation's name should be the first word in your order's title.
-Your stats should be in your orders, in case I delete the stats somehow.

If you wish to start a new nation, fill out the template below please. Keep in mind that most totally new cultures will be very weak, as most of the good spots for civilization have already been taken.

Nation Template
Nation Name
Cities: Capital, if any yet. Major cities will also be listed here.
Leader: Your Nation's Leader/Your Name
Culture: A sentence or two describing your nation's ethnic and religious makeup.
Government: Your government
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: To be determined by me
Army: To be determined by me
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Bronze Age
Description: Please describe your people's appearance and any interesting things about them.
Player Controlled Nations

Cities: Ashryndar, Orum, Ardan, Boro, Dava
Leader: Vegai/~Darkening~
Culture: Davian, with Small Lengel Minority in Davar and Large Orumo Majority in Orum. Majority Pirian, with Medium Tengri Minority in Davar, Large Gooranist Majority in Orum and a growing New Eldist minority throughout the nation. Khemri and Valin influences.
Government: Despotism
Economy: 3- 2/1
Population: Small
Army: 3500 Knights of the Sapphiric Order, 1000 Swordsmen
Navy: 4 Sloops, 10 Tiranes, 40 Jyuphia (Galleys)
Education: None
Technology: Imperial Age
Wonders: Marble Tomb- +1 Culture, +1 Confidence, Reborn Glory- + Cities of Dava and Boro, + Dava and Boro eco centers
Description: A brother race to the extinct Eldranians and defeated Veritasians, Davar was the last of the three to fall. Part was occupied, part fled over the Exodian Ocean. A long and tumultuous befell the nation as it passed through a variety of incarnations. Currently it is the nation of Achostai, centered around the city of Ashryndar in Southern Orum. How long this nation will last remains to be seen.

Cities: Karholm
Leader: High Priest Ptmed/LightFang
Culture: Svitzer Swade with Large Myocacan Minority, and a small Valin Minority. Bladeist majority, though Valins practice Oneism freely.
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 3- 2/1
Population: Tiny
Army: 4500 Swordsmen, 1000 Imperial Guards, 500 Archers
Navy: 30 Galleys
Education: 4 (1 Upkeep)
Technology: Imperial Age
Wonders: Hall of Tolerance- Establishes Neutral Meeting point for Diplomacy, +1 Culture, Monuments of Karholm, +2 Culture, +1 Confidence; Statue of Peace- Strengthens Culture, Myocacan Rapprochement- Wins over the Myocacan Population Peacefully, Improving Infastructure and Education in the Region (2/3)
Description: Led by Priest Azlan out of the horrible conditions in Svitzerland, the South Svitzers established a new nation to the south in the mold of Tristaria and named it Aryie. A land of freedoms, personal and religious. On the basis of this idea, the nation has risen to a level of some prominence- then smashed it all by killing off much of its Oneist population and attacking Myocaca, launching it into a turbulent time of vassalage and warfare. At the end of the latest Valin/Bladeist war (this time featuring guest stars from Guangfei) Aryie has found itself dramatically expanded, neutral, and as a buffer state between Myocaca and Guangfei.

Cities: Croyodon City, Nord, Grarth/Graticon, Manocon, Calvaron
Leader: Atonical the Elect/The Farow
Culture: Croyodonian with a Huge Gorinese minority. Nordrassan, with Huge Masra and Small Crystalist minorities.
Government: Oligarchic Republic with Theocratic Elements
Economy: 7- 4/3 (-1 Due to Raid against Nord)
Population: Medium
Army: 1000 Spearmen, 2000 Archers, 1500 Swordsmen, 1000 Axemen, 2000 Guards of the Council, 3000 Mounted Crusaders, 2000 Mounted Archers, 20 Catapults, 40 000 Militia
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Imperial Age
Wonders: Temple of Nord- +Calvaron Religious Center; Western Trade- +Calavaron Economic Center, Road built from Manocon to Nord, +1 Region; Admiral Aticon&#8217;s Expedition, +40 Galleys, +EC (1/4)
Description: Croyodon has spent all of its history in the shadow of Gorin. But after centuries of this, it has grown to a point where it can challenge its southern neighbor. And a combination of circumstances ensured that a challenge for dominance was exactly what would happen. A militaristic, religious Croyodon is on the march&#8230;
Spoiler :

Cities: Avien, Regueil
Leader: King Jayon II/a_propagandist
Culture: Destrian, with large Mag and Trinlinese minorities. Trinlinist Religion, with a Tiny Tinuraji Minority.
Government: Despotism
Economy: 4- 3/1
Population: Small
Army: 3000 Spearmen, 3500 Swordsmen
Navy: 10 Galleys
Education: Iron Age
Wonders: Imperial University- Trains the Great Minds of Tomorrow, +1 Free Education Level (3/5)
Description: During the fall of Trinlin, Warlord Maral made his bid for dominance. He defeated other western barbarian leaders and took a small slice of Trinlin for himself. The nation grew rapidly after the fall, and profited greatly from the collapse of Magland. It is now the strongest of the Trinlinist states, though this region has hardly shown itself to be an area amenable to lasting empires.

Cities: Ectobar
Leader: King Osin/Ninja Dude
Culture: Ect Trinlinists, with a tiny Tinuraji Minority.
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Tiny
Army: 2000 Spearmen
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Bronze Age
Description: A new nation formed due to increase in agriculture and influences from northern nations. Ecturin people are fiercely loyal to those that they serve, sometimes if a promise is broken, one will inflict punishments upon their self. It is law to swear an oath to the king once you&#8217;re 10 years old to show your loyalty to him and Ecturin itself.

Priory of Envia
Cities: Envia Abbey, Ferak
Leader: Abbot Revan I/human-slaughter
Culture: Envian Monotheist.
Government: Theocracy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Tiny
Army: 2000 Swordsmen, 2000 Archers
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Bronze Age
Description: The Priory of Envia is a Religious and warlike group. They have long settled in the mountain chain south of Guarela where they have been protected by the outside world. They focus mainly on their Religion, farming, and the creation of a military. They have recently expanded their reach west to the river and plan to continue to gain living space for their ever growing nation.
Spoiler :

Cities: Ariz
Leader: King Falhir
Culture: Fairhelt, with Large Merhai Minority. Animist, with large Lengri Minority.
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Small
Army: 500 Swordsmen, 2500 Spearmen, 1500 Axemen, 25 Wooly Ramids
Navy: 20 Galleys
Education: 1 (1 Upkeep)
Technology: Iron Age
Description: One of the two branches of the Merhai race, the Fairhelt consolidated their control around their ancient bay, and banished those who resist their rule. In their recent wars, they have now even conquered the banished, conquering Merhai and establishing themselves as the true Lords of the North. However, their fortunes then turned, and attacks from Gamorrea and the Iron Faces left them in control of only their homelands. Once again on the rebound, the successful reign of King Stakir &#8216;The Wolf&#8217;, has re-established Fairhelt as a force to be reckoned with in the far north.

Cities: Guanzhong, Chanjiang, Hangshei, Shangei, Jianking, Hon Chei
Leader: Emperor Diankang/alex994
Culture: Guangfei, with large Ethnic Shangei Population and Small Alatian and Ozkiri Minorities. Alatia has Tiny Valin Influences. Majority Ancestor Worship, with Large Tinuraji, Large Cult of Tzu, Small Oneist, and tiny Animist Minorities.
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 12- 6/6
Population: Large
Army: 4000 Pikemen, 5500 Swordsmen, 700 Imperial Guardsmen (7), 3000 Crossbowmen (3), 5000 Ma Gun (4), 2000 Ma Bing (4.5), 30 000 Recruits, 20 Ballistae
Navy: 25 River Boats, 40 War Galleys (Western), 30 War Galleys (Eastern)
Education: 5 (2 Upkeep)
Technology: Imperial Age
Wonders: Temple of Heaven- +3 Culture, Spreads Guangfei ways, Statues of the Ancestors- +2 Confidence, +1 Culture; Flight of the Tiger- +1000 Elite Imperial Guardsmen, no more can be trained without another wonder, Mystery Project, Spreads Cult of Tzu; Guoqiang, Yi Shi- Helps the formation of a Developed, Specialist Economy, +2 rural economy, +2 eco cities (2/6)
Description: The Guangfei rise to power has been slow, but seemingly unstoppable. Rebellions from Shangei, war from New Veritas, and invasions from Trinlin have all ended in Guangfei victory. Today, Guangfei is a very powerful and populous nation, exerting a great deal of influence in southern Terrania.

Cities: Rifaroc, Saeport
Leader: Baron Odrin
Culture: Ethnic Davian, with strong Gamorrean, Lengel, Khemri and Valin influences. Pirian Oneist, with Small Lengri and New Eldist Minorities.
Government: Barony
Economy: 2- 1/1
Population: Tiny
Army: 2000 Militia, 1500 Archers
Navy: 10 Caravels
Education: 2 (1 Upkeep)
Technology: Iron Age
Description: After Khemri/Kalmar and the Union of Ardan split Davar between themselves, a large number of Davians found themselves on the wrong side of the line. Refusing to give up their homes, the group named themselves the &#8216;Hugions&#8217; (after Hugi, a rebellious cultural hero from several generations prior) and continued to rebel against Khemri&#8217;s puppet of Kalmar. They suffered greatly in the rebellion, but their will was strengthened. However, they couldn&#8217;t hold out forever, so Baron Faldin finally led his people from their conquered homes into the empty lands once owned by the Citadel, to start anew.

Iron Face Republic
Cities: None
Leader: The Khagan
Culture: Lengel with Small Merhai Minority, all Lengri.
Government: Tribal Republic
Economy: 1- 1/0 (+1 Bonus)
Population: Small
Army: 4000 Horse Archers, 1000 Spearmen
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Description: The indominitable Lengels, having lost their homelands, spent several years in Gamorrea before attacking the nation of Fairhelt. Liberating the Merhai, they now live alongside their old allies, slowly merging into a single nation.

Cities: Kelios, Aldis, Mard (temporary capital)
Leader: Revered Sabin/North King
Cultural: Loyal Keliosi Majority, tiny Tsayan Minority, with Valin influences. Majority Alse, with Large Atheist, Medium Banist, Small Divotheist, Oneist and New Eldist Minorities.
Government: Republic
Economy: 3- 2/1
Population: Small
Army: 500 Spearmen, 1500 Archers, 1000 Swordsmen, 500 Cavalry
Navy: 20 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Wonders: The Guidehouse- +1 Culture, Spreads Alse, The Cenotaph -Aldis Rebuilt, Restored Aldisir Cultural Center
Description: Keliosian civilization first grew out of the two rich, sheltered cities of Kelios and Aldis, propogating the pseudo-religious philosophy of Alse into surrounding areas. A war with Tsaya has made Kelios the most powerful nation in Azulia, a title which it enjoyed for a short golden age. Then, the Divotheists attacked. A brutal war was fought, only to be ended by the most devastating plague in the history of the world. With Tsayan barbarians now pouring into the country from the north, Kelios appears to be on its last legs.
Spoiler :

Anabetan Kingdom of Khemri (Defunct)
Spoiler :
Cities: Khi, Alexandria, Khadon, Said, Bathar, Hasko, Swadri, Swex, Alaxau, Kaos, Delhi, Andama, New Turfar, Arnlar, Antiuch, Ardan
Leader: Lord Anabet/Kal&#8217;Thzar
Culture: Khemran, with Medium Kehex Minority, Small Valin Minority, Small Swade Minority, and Medium Assimilated Nurmaferi Minority. Majority Aegyptian, with Large Orthodox Oneist Minority and Medium Otornosiast, Crystalist, Masra, and New Eldist Minorities.
Government: Despotism
Economy: 12- 3/9 (-4 Points due to War)
Population: Medium
Army: Chaotic
Navy: 10 Galleys, 0 Tridents, 45 Caravels (Kaosian Ocean)
Education: None
Technology: Imperial Age
Wonders: The Island Pinnacles- +3 Culture, +Alaxau Religious center; Silk Route- Creates three coastal Eco. Centers, The Gods- Spreads Aegypt, Improves Assimilation of Minorities (3/6)
Description: Following the Strangling Death, Khemri was compartmentalized by a powerful nobility and on the verge of collapse. However, Lord Anabet of Khi would not have it. Launching a brutal civil war, he has reunited the divided Kingdom, casting out the old dynasty, with the loss of several peripheral territories. Now, the new Anabetan Kingdom is faced with many choices. Will the new Lord of Khemri content himself with the lands under his rule at the moment, or will he seek to recreate and supercede the UKKK&#8217;s great conquests in the past?

Cities: Seden, Magon
Leader: The Council of Five/tuxedohamm
Culture: Mag, with Medium Trinlinese Minority. Magar Trinlinists, with Large Orthodox Trinlinist Minority.
Government: Oligarchy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Small
Army: 2000 Militia, 1000 Swordsmen
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Wonders: Might of Loran- Statue of Loran, Located in Seden, Surrounded by the Five Gods (2/3)
Description: Following its catastrophic defeat, Magland was reformed by its defeaters, and its population relocated to the wild northern frontier. Here, the Council of Five was formed and Magarism spread, leading Magland to reconquer its homeland, and sign peace with longtime rivals and enemies, Trinlin.

Cultesian Bladeist Empire of Greater Myocaca
Cities: Sanctus Tutela, Helmthorn, Diliculo, Venustas, Ansamsana, Sunescia, Krenel, Jarade, Swade
Leader: King Excellion/Wubba360
Culture: Myocacan with Huge Swade and Small Emoran Minorities. Majority Bladeist, with Tiny Oneist Minority.
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 12- 4/8
Population: Medium
Army: 2000 Swordsmen, 2500 Bigjaur Riders (4), 500 Cavalry, 2000 Yu-Yan Archers (5), 2500 Longbowmen, 2500 Knights of Divine Enlightenment (6), 8 Ramids, 5 Ballistae, 30 000 Militia
Navy: 55 Bladeremes, 15 Ramise, 50 War Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Imperial Age
Wonders: Grand Gates of Blade- Two rebuilt Massive Statues of Myocacan Kings Feanor and Fasra; Light of Blade- Ruins Massive Religiously Important Lighthouse, +Helmthorn Religous Center, Spreads Bladism, +Culture
Description: Emerging from war with their Swade Bretheren, Myocaca is now the dominant force in Cultesia, and the superpower of the Bladeist world. However, the Oneists still continue their internecine wars with the Bladeist faith, so Myocaca has not yet had the chance to prosper in peace.

Cities: Afettoh, Falas
Leader: Evrekan Slovene/Abaddon
Culture: Swade Bladeist.
Government: Svet (Nobility Elect a Leader)
Economy: 3- 1/2
Population: Small
Army: 2000 Bigjaur Riders, 4000 Swordsmen of Divine Enlightenment
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Wonders: Swade Industriousness- +1 Rural Economy
Description: After slaying Evern IV Wilipi, the White Rider led his followers to the islands of Exilsium, renamed it to 'Otaria', then began to build his nation from the ground upwards, on the ruins and empty cities of the destroyed Valins.

Rajkutran Empire
Cities: Pattanagara
Leader: Jaidev Dynasty/Chandrasekhar
Culture: Ethnic Andhari Tinurajis, with Valin and Guangfei influences.
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 3- 2/1
Population: Small
Army: 3000 Spearmen, 1000 Swordsmen, 1000 Archers
Navy: 10 River Boats
Education: 1 (1 Upkeep)
Technology: Imperial Age
Wonders: Temple of Pattanagara- Spreads Tinuraj, +Pattanagara Religious Center
Description: A curious nation in that it seems to be a triple point of culture: trace amounts of Guangfei and Valin ideas appear in their thinking, but also a completely different strain of thought that springs from Rajkutra alone. The kingdom itself is a rapidly expanding city-state which is poised on the brink of empire status; it seeks to become the only nation of its own culture (Andhari), the great, unified beacon for its people. Open to new methods and means of industry and art, they are nonetheless deeply steeped in their own traditions: limiting violence, spiritual completeness, mediating disputes, respecting animal life and sticking mostly to vegetarianism, and so on. Their distinctive view of time and faith gives rise to their belief in reincarnation, and the fleetingness of each incarnation gives them their determination to accomplish something with life, to experience each moment.

Republic of Neaveritas
Cities: Redemption, Saenium
Leader: Tactikrator Solios/Thlayli
Culture: Valin with Large Sintonian Swade Minority, Majority Oneist with Large Tinuraji and Small Bladeist minorities. Slight Guangfei Influence amongst the Intelligentsia.
Government: Authoritarian Democratic Republic
Economy: 4- 2/2
Population: Medium
Army: 2000 Autorian Knights, 1000 Crossbowmen, 1500 Regian Guards (7), 500 Phoenix Archers (4.5), 1000 Scimitari, 4000 Urban Militia, 1000 Cavalry Militia, 10 Tormentae
Navy: 40 Septaremes, 35 Seleni, 10 Pentaremes, 30 River Boats
Education: 1 (0 Upkeep)
Technology: Imperial Age
Wonders: New Dawn- +1 Free Education level
Description: Veritas- Tragic heroes or violent, theocratic villains? Centuries of war have worn down the Republics. Old Veritas is wartorn, Exilsium is destroyed, and New Veritas has only recently been liberated from the Bladeists. Only Norvalin remains free of the miseries of war. However, under a new, more popular form of government, Valin hopes are rising once again.

Cities: Adar, Valdir, Cuastia
Leader: Justiciar Council/emu
Culture: Malkavian and Zemoran, with numerous minor minority groups. Majority Banist, with Large Ezamri Minority and Tiny New Eldist and Crystalist Minorities.
Government: Oligarchy
Economy: 6- 3/3
Population: Medium
Army: 2500 Justiciar Spears, 1500 Archers, 2500 Justiciars (4.5), 5500 Cavalry
Navy: 20 Galleys
Education: 1 (0 Upkeep)
Technology: Iron Age
Wonders: Halls of Memoria- +1 Free Education Level, +Valdir Culture Center; Chancosanx Reconstruction- Statue of a Justiciar, Farmer and Artisan in a Plaza in Sobol, Economic Repair of Chancosanx (1/3)
Description: A small group of Malkavians fled to the Citadel before their country's conquest by the Gamorreans. The Citadelers brought them across the sea and helped them found the city of Adar, a new hope for the Malkavian people. Then they turned on the Citadelers, becoming an aggressively isolationist nation. However, since the conquest of Zemora, the nation has been liberalizing and thriving. A war with Arcadia seems to have secured Zemora&#8217;s dominance in Azulia- however, since the first arrival of the Terranians, this continent&#8217;s superpowers have hardly been stable.
Spoiler :
Spoiler Last turn's PC Stats :
Cities: Ashryndar, Orum, Ardan
Leader: Vahalan/~Darkening~
Culture: Davian, with Small Lengel Minority in Davar and Large Orumo Majority in Orum. Majority Pirian, with Medium Tengri Minority in Davar, Large Gooranist Majority in Orum and a growing New Eldist minority throughout the nation. Khemri and Valin influences.
Government: Despotism
Economy: 3- 2/1
Population: Small
Army: 2000 Knights of the Sapphiric Order, 1000 Swordsmen
Navy: 4 Sloops, 10 Tiranes, 50 Jyuphia (Galleys)
Education: None
Technology: Imperial Age
Wonders: Marble Tomb- +1 Culture, +1 Confidence, Reborn Glory- + Cities of Dava and Boro, + Dava and Boro Eco Centers (6/7)
Description: A brother race to the extinct Eldranians and defeated Veritasians, Davar was the last of the three to fall. Part was occupied, part fled over the Exodian Ocean. A long and tumultuous befell the nation as it passed through a variety of incarnations. Currently it is the nation of Achostai, centered around the city of Ashryndar in Southern Orum. How long this nation will last remains to be seen.

Cities: Karholm
Leader: High Priest Faulk/LightFang
Culture: Svitzer Swade with Large Myocacan Minority, and a small Valin Minority. Bladeist majority, though Valins practice Oneism freely.
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 3- 2/1
Population: Tiny
Army: 4500 Swordsmen, 1000 Imperial Guards, 500 Archers
Navy: 30 Galleys
Education: 3 (1 Upkeep)
Technology: Imperial Age
Wonders: Hall of Tolerance- Establishes Neutral Meeting point for Diplomacy, +1 Culture, Monuments of Karholm, +2 Culture, +1 Confidence; Statue of Peace- Strengthens Culture, Myocacan Rapprochement- Wins over the Myocacan Population Peacefully, Improving Infastructure and Education in the Region (1/3)
Description: Led by Priest Azlan out of the horrible conditions in Svitzerland, the South Svitzers established a new nation to the south in the mold of Tristaria and named it Aryie. A land of freedoms, personal and religious. On the basis of this idea, the nation has risen to a level of some prominence- then smashed it all by killing off much of its Oneist population and attacking Myocaca, launching it into a turbulent time of vassalage and warfare. At the end of the latest Valin/Bladeist war (this time featuring guest stars from Guangfei) Aryie has found itself dramatically expanded, neutral, and as a buffer state between Myocaca and Guangfei.

Cities: ZhuJing
Leader: Chin'cuk Lo/Charles Li
Culture: Animist Chincuk, with Large Native Minority.
Government: Egalitarian Tribalism
Economy: 1- 1/0
Population: Tiny
Army: 3000 Spearmen
Navy: 30 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Bronze Age
Wonders: None
Description: Chincuk is a very young nation, with what some have described as an excessively vibrant mythology. They have prospered, and built up a small coastal nation, but further growth will require great changes. Their fair and representative tribal government is already very inefficient, and any further expansion of it will make the system unworkable.

Cities: Croyodon City, Nord, Grarth/Graticon, Manocon, Calvaron, Dathan, Gorin
Leader: Itornicus the Elect/The Farow
Culture: Croyodonian with a Huge Gorinese minority. Nordrassan, with Huge Masra and Small Crystalist minorities.
Government: Oligarchic Republic with Theocratic Elements
Economy: 7- 4/3 (-1 Due to Raid against Nord)
Population: Medium
Army: 500 Spearmen, 2000 Archers, 1000 Swordsmen, 1000 Axemen, 2000 Guards of the Council, 2000 Mounted Crusaders, 2000 Mounted Archers, 20 Catapults, 40 000 Militia
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Imperial Age
Wonders: Temple of Nord- +Calvaron Religious Center; Western Trade- +Calavaron Economic Center, Road built from Manocon to Nord, +1 Region
Description: Croyodon has spent all of its history in the shadow of Gorin. But after centuries of this, it has grown to a point where it can challenge its southern neighbor. And a combination of circumstances ensured that a challenge for dominance was exactly what would happen. A militaristic, religious Croyodon is on the march&#8230;
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Cities: Avien, Regueil
Leader: King Jayon II/a_propagandist
Culture: Destrian, with large Mag and Trinlinese minorities. Trinlinist Religion.
Government: Despotism
Economy: 4- 3/1
Population: Small
Army: 3000 Spearmen, 3500 Swordsmen
Navy: 10 Galleys
Education: Iron Age
Wonders: Imperial University- Trains the Great Minds of Tomorrow, +1 Free Education Level (2/5)
Description: During the fall of Trinlin, Warlord Maral made his bid for dominance. He defeated other western barbarian leaders and took a small slice of Trinlin for himself. The nation grew rapidly after the fall, and profited greatly from the collapse of Magland. It is now the strongest of the Trinlinist states, though this region has hardly shown itself to be an area amenable to lasting empires.

Priory of Envia
Cities: Envia Abbey
Leader: Abbot Ferak VII/human-slaughter
Culture: Envian Monotheist.
Government: Theocracy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Tiny
Army: 3500 Swordsmen, 1000 Archers
Navy: 10 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Bronze Age
Description: The Priory of Envia is a Religious and warlike group. They have long settled in the mountain chain south of Guarela where they have been protected by the outside world. They focus mainly on their Religion, farming, and the creation of a military. They have recently expanded their reach west to the river and plan to continue to gain living space for their ever growing nation.
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Cities: Guanzhong, Chanjiang, Hangshei, Shangei, Jianking, Hon Chei
Leader: Emperor Diankang/alex994
Culture: Guangfei, with large Ethnic Shangei Population and Small Alatian and Ozkiri Minorities, all with Significant Valin Influences. Majority Ancestor Worship, with Large Tinuraji, Large Cult of Tzu, Small Oneist, and tiny Animist Minorities.
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 12- 6/6
Population: Large
Army: 4000 Spearmen, 5500 Swordsmen, 700 Imperial Guardsmen (7), 3000 Crossbowmen (3), 5000 Ma Gun (4), 2000 Ma Bing (4.5), 30 000 Recruits, 20 Ballistae
Navy: 25 River Boats, 40 War Galleys (Western), 30 War Galleys (Eastern)
Education: 2
Technology: Imperial Age
Wonders: Temple of Heaven- +3 Culture, Spreads Guangfei ways, Statues of the Ancestors- +2 Confidence, +1 Culture; Flight of the Tiger- +1000 Elite Imperial Guardsmen, no more can be trained without another wonder, Mystery Project, Spreads Cult of Tzu; Guoqiang, Yi Shi- Helps the formation of a Developed, Specialist Economy, +2 rural economy, +2 eco cities (1/6)
Description: The Guangfei rise to power has been slow, but seemingly unstoppable. Rebellions from Shangei, war from New Veritas, and invasions from Trinlin have all ended in Guangfei victory. Today, Guangfei is a very powerful and populous nation, exerting a great deal of influence in southern Terrania.

Cities: Ciuvo, Hevberg
Leader: Besbagle/lord_joakim
Culture: Hiutu with large Rozanian and Tribal Minorities. Plurality Tinuraji with Medium Trinlinist and Small Ancestor-Worshipping Minorities.
Government: Despotism
Economy: 1- 1/0
Population: Small
Army: 4000 Sgelme
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Description: The Hiutu were originally a small southern tribe on the edge of Trinlinist influence. However, under the leadership of Besbagle, they grew into a great horde and crashed into Rozan. With the help of several other disasters, the Hiutu broke Rozan and settled in its southwest. The Hiutu are quickly settling, and picking up large pieces of culture from the conquered population.
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Iron Face Republic
Cities: Khori
Leader: The Khagan
Culture: Merhai with dominant Lengel Minority, all Lengri.
Government: Tribal Republic
Economy: 1- 1/0 (+1 Bonus)
Population: Small
Army: 4000 Horse Archers, 1000 Spearmen
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Description: The indominitable Lengels, having lost their homelands, spent several years in Gamorrea before attacking the nation of Fairhelt. Liberating the Merhai, they now live alongside their old allies, slowly merging into a single nation.

Cities: Kelios, Aldis, Mard (temporary capital)
Leader: Revered Sabin/North King
Cultural: Loyal Keliosi Majority, tiny Tsayan Minority, with Small Divotheist and Valin influences. Majority Alse, with Medium Banist, Small Atheist, Oneist and New Eldist Minorities.
Government: Republic
Economy: 2- 1/1
Population: Small
Army: 1500 Archers, 1000 Swordsmen, 1000 Cavalry
Navy: 20 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Wonders: The Guidehouse- +1 Culture, Spreads Alse, The Cenotaph -Aldis Rebuilt, Restored Aldisir Cultural Center
Description: Keliosian civilization first grew out of the two rich, sheltered cities of Kelios and Aldis, propogating the pseudo-religious philosophy of Alse into surrounding areas. A war with Tsaya has made Kelios the most powerful nation in Azulia, a title which it enjoyed for a short golden age. Then, the Divotheists attacked. A brutal war was fought, only to be ended by the most devastating plague in the history of the world. With Tsayan barbarians now pouring into the country from the north, Kelios appears to be on its last legs.
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Anabetan Kingdom of Khemri
Cities: Khi, Alexandria, Khadon, Said, Bathar, Hasko, Swadri, Swex, Alaxau, Kaos, Delhi, Andama, New Turfar, Arnlar, Antiuch, Ardan
Leader: Lord Anabet/Kal&#8217;Thzar
Culture: Khemran, with Medium Kehex Minority, Small Valin Minority, Small Swade Minority, and Medium Assimilated Nurmaferi Minority. Majority Aegyptian, with Large Orthodox Oneist Minority and Medium Otornosiast, Crystalist, Masra, and New Eldist Minorities.
Government: Despotism
Economy: 12- 3/9 (-4 Points due to War)
Population: Medium
Army: 1000 Pikemen, 500 Archers, 1000 Royal Guards, 1000 Crystal Knights, 10 Armoured Ramids, 70 000 Militia
Navy: 20 River Boats, 60 Caravels (Kehexou Sea), 10 Galleys, 10 Tridents, 45 Caravels (Kaosian Ocean)
Education: None
Technology: Imperial Age
Wonders: The Island Pinnacles- +3 Culture, +Alaxau Religious center; Silk Route- Creates three coastal Eco. Centers, The Gods- Spreads Aegypt, Improves Assimilation of Minorities (3/6)
Description: Following the Strangling Death, Khemri was compartmentalized by a powerful nobility and on the verge of collapse. However, Lord Anabet of Khi would not have it. Launching a brutal civil war, he has reunited the divided Kingdom, casting out the old dynasty, with the loss of several peripheral territories. Now, the new Anabetan Kingdom is faced with many choices. Will the new Lord of Khemri content himself with the lands under his rule at the moment, or will he seek to recreate and supercede the UKKK&#8217;s great conquests in the past?

Cities: Seden, Magon
Leader: The Council of Five/tuxedohamm
Culture: Mag, with Medium Trinlinese Minority. Magar Trinlinists, with Large Orthodox Trinlinist Minority.
Government: Oligarchy
Economy: 1- 1/0
Population: Small
Army: 2000 Militia, 1000 Swordsmen
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Wonders: Might of Loran- Statue of Loran, Located in Seden, Surrounded by the Five Gods (1/3)
Description: Following its catastrophic defeat, Magland was reformed by its defeaters, and its population relocated to the wild northern frontier. Here, the Council of Five was formed and Magarism spread, leading Magland to reconquer its homeland, and sign peace with longtime rivals and enemies, Trinlin.

Cultesian Bladeist Empire of Greater Myocaca
Cities: Sanctus Tutela, Helmthorn, Diliculo, Venustas, Ansamsana, Sunescia, Krenel, Jarade, Swade
Leader: King Excellion/Wubba360
Culture: Myocacan with Huge Swade and Small Emoran Minorities. Majority Bladeist, with Tiny Oneist Minority.
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 12- 4/8
Population: Medium
Army: 5000 Swordsmen, 3000 Bigjaur Riders (4), 1000 Cavalry, 2000 Yu-Yan Archers (5), 4000 Longbowmen, 3500 Knights of Divine Enlightenment (6), 10 Ramids, 5 Ballistae, 30 000 Militia
Navy: 25 Bladeremes, 15 Ramise
Education: None
Technology: Imperial Age
Wonders: Grand Gates of Blade- Two rebuilt Massive Statues of Myocacan Kings Feanor and Fasra; Light of Blade- Massive Religiously Important Lighthouse, +Helmthorn Religous Center, Spreads Bladism, +Culture
Description: Emerging from war with their Swade Bretheren, Myocaca is now the dominant force in Cultesia, and the superpower of the Bladeist world. However, the Oneists still continue their internecine wars with the Bladeist faith, so Myocaca has not yet had the chance to prosper in peace.

Cities: Afettoh, Falas
Leader: Sorekan Slovene/Abaddon
Culture: Swade Bladeist.
Government: Svet (Nobility Elect a Leader)
Economy: 1- 1/0
Population: Small
Army: 2000 Bigjaur Riders, 1000 Swordsmen of Divine Enlightenment
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Wonders: Swade Industriousness- +1 Rural Economy
Description: After slaying Evern IV Wilipi, the White Rider led his followers to the islands of Exilsium, renamed it to 'Otaria', then began to build his nation from the ground upwards, on the ruins and empty cities of the destroyed Valins.

Rajkutran Empire
Cities: Pattanagara
Leader: Jaidev Dynasty/Chandrasekhar
Culture: Ethnic Andhari Tinurajis, with Valin and Guangfei influences.
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Small
Army: 3000 Spearmen, 1000 Swordsmen
Navy: 10 River Boats
Education: 1 (1 Upkeep)
Technology: Bronze Age
Wonders: Temple of Pattanagara- Spreads Tinuraj, +Pattanagara Religious Center
Description: A curious nation in that it seems to be a triple point of culture: trace amounts of Guangfei and Valin ideas appear in their thinking, but also a completely different strain of thought that springs from Rajkutra alone. The kingdom itself is a rapidly expanding city-state which is poised on the brink of empire status; it seeks to become the only nation of its own culture (Andhari), the great, unified beacon for its people. Open to new methods and means of industry and art, they are nonetheless deeply steeped in their own traditions: limiting violence, spiritual completeness, mediating disputes, respecting animal life and sticking mostly to vegetarianism, and so on. Their distinctive view of time and faith gives rise to their belief in reincarnation, and the fleetingness of each incarnation gives them their determination to accomplish something with life, to experience each moment.

Valin Republics of Veritas
Cities: Redemption, Saenium
Leader: Tactikrator Solios/Thlayli
Culture: Valin with Large Sintonian Swade Minority, Majority Oneist with Large Tinuraji and Small Bladeist minorities.
Government: Authoritarian Democratic Republic
Economy: 4- 2/2
Population: Medium
Army: 2000 Autorian Knights, 2000 Regian Guards (7), 1500 Phoenix Archers (4.5), 2500 Scimitari, 4000 Urban Militia, 1000 Cavalry Militia, 10 Tormentae
Navy: 40 Septaremes, 40 Seleni, 10 Pentaremes
Education: 1 (0 Upkeep)
Technology: Imperial Age
Wonders: New Dawn- +1 Free Education level
Description: Veritas- Tragic heroes or violent, theocratic villains? Centuries of war have worn down the Republics. Old Veritas is occupied, Exilsium is destroyed, and New Veritas has only recently been liberated from the Bladeists. Only Norvalin remains free of the miseries of war. However, under a new, more popular form of government, Valin hopes are rising once again.

Cities: Tegucigalpa
Leader: Cuauhtémoc/Slavic Sioux
Culture: Animist Xochicalcan.
Government: Federation
Economy: 1- 1/0
Population: Small
Army: 3000 Axemen
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Bronze Age
Wonders: None
Description: The Xochicalco are a very communal civilization. It stresses value of the group rather than of the individual, as well as being very militaristic in general.
A unique practice that these people will do is that when enemy solders and sometimes civilians are captured they will be forced into the military to fight as slave soldiers. The various groups of slave soldiers that are captured are divvied up and divided into various brigades. This is so that no one group will be able to communicate and plan a rebellion. However once fifteen years are over they have the choice of leaving and will be considered a citizen of Xochicalco.

Cities: Adar, Valdir, Cuastia
Leader: Justiciar Council/emu
Culture: Malkavian and Zemoran, with numerous minor minority groups. Majority Banist, with Large Ezamri Minority and Tiny New Eldist and Crystalist Minorities.
Government: Oligarchy
Economy: 6- 3/3
Population: Medium
Army: 1500 Justiciar Spears, 1500 Archers, 2500 Justiciars (4.5), 6000 Cavalry
Navy: None
Education: 1 (0 Upkeep)
Technology: Iron Age
Wonders: Halls of Memoria- +1 Free Education Level, +Valdir Culture Center
Description: A small group of Malkavians fled to the Citadel before their country's conquest by the Gamorreans. The Citadelers brought them across the sea and helped them found the city of Adar, a new hope for the Malkavian people. Then they turned on the Citadelers, becoming an aggressively isolationist nation. However, since the conquest of Zemora, the nation has been liberalizing and thriving. A war with Arcadia seems to have secured Zemora&#8217;s dominance in Azulia- however, since the first arrival of the Terranians, this continent&#8217;s superpowers have hardly been stable.
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NPC Nations

Cities: Sobol
Leader: Zamdar Military Officials
Culture: Chancotolese and Sanx are the two major ethnicities, of roughly-equal size. Divotheist, split between Chanc and Orthodox, with a large Banist minority and small Alse and Orthodox Oneist minorities.
Government: Temporary Occupation
Economy: 1- 1/0
Population: Small
Army: 2000 Spearmen
Navy: 40 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Description: Chancosanx was the union of the two nations of Chancotol and Sanx, as its name implies. It was the last great bastion of Divotheist power, containing within it both the commercial cunning of Chancotol and the zeal of Sanx. However, a long war with Kelios, a Valin invasion, then an utterly devastating plague reduced the nation to next to nothing. Now, as a member of the Azulian League, its fortunes see to be on the rise once again.

Cities: Chera, Keranopolis, Shard, Ruby
Leader: Grand Council of Chera
Culture: Lengel with Large Davian, Medium Keranian, Medium Gorinese and Small Emoran Minorities. Pirian Oneist with Medium Orthodox, Large Masra and Medium Assorted Oneist Minorities.
Government: Oligarchy
Economy: 2- 2/1
Population: Medium
Army: 1000 Cavalry, 1000 Swordsmen, 1000 Archers
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Wonders: None
Description: After gradually assimilating into Davian and Khemrian cultures, the Dengarian Lengels have reasserted their authority in Old Davar, with the help of Lord Anabet of Khi. Dengarai has quickly grown into a locally influential nation, and is likely to only keep on growing in the future.

Felaran Kingdom of Rozan
Cities: Rozan
Leader: King Felar IV
Culture: Fwiglan/Rozanian population with a Medium Hiutu Minority. Majority Trinlinist with Large Tinuraji and Tiny Ancestor-Worshipping Minorities.
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Small
Army: 3000 Iron Faerr, 1000 Swordsmen, 1000 Archers, 1000 Hiutu Sgelme
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Description: After a dispute with the Council, a young Fwiglan noble named Felar gathered his followers behind him and left the nation. He then participated in the destruction of Rozan, taking control over the north of the country. He declared himself King of Rozan, to gain support from the population, establishing his dynasty, which would eventually reunite the entire nation. Now, Felaran Rozan is a rising power in the south, with a great future ahead of it.
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Cities: Fantigo
Leader: The Council of Five
Culture: Loosely-united Fwiglan, Tinuraji with Medium Trinlinist and Bladeist Minorities.
Government: Oligarchy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Tiny
Army: 2000 Spearmen, 2500 Iron Faerr, 500 Axemen
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Description: Fwiglo is a small, backwards, uninfluential nation on the ragged edge of civilization. Throughout its history, it has been Bladiest, Trinlinist, and now Tinuraji as well. Fwiglo is typically peaceful, and life is slow and simple. The people like it that way, and things seem unlikely to change anytime soon.

Cities: Zam Gamorre, Thula Pax
Leader: None
Culture: Gamorrean, with a Small Orumo Minority. Gorrahnist, with Medium New Eldist Minority.
Government: None
Economy: 2- 1/1
Population: Medium
Army: 3000 Takil-Gorrahn, 1000 Horse Archers, 2000 Axemen, 1500 Spearmen
Navy: None
Education: 1 (1 Upkeep)
Technology: Imperial Age
Wonders: Goora's Children, Glory of Gorrah- Builds massive Basilica, +Religious Center
Description: The Gamorreans were once a loose confederation of tribes, and are now an efficient and pow2rful theocracy. They are masters of archery and horseback riding, a dangerous combination. Following the long and chaotic War of Treachery, Gamorrea emerged on top, controlling both North Gamorra and Malkavia. In the second Northwest War, it destroyed Ikki. However, its victory was a Zenith, followed by decay, religious strife, and now a rotten and corrupt society which seems to be on the verge of collapse.

Cities: Kallipolis
Leader: Basileus Talmidos and Council of Archoi
Culture: Gerougian. Messianic Gnostic, with Large Tinuraji Minority.
Government: Autocratic Oligarchy
Economy: 2- 2/0 (2 Banked)
Population: Small
Army: 1000 Spearmen, 6000 Kyrioi (5)
Navy: 40 Galleys
Education: 2 (0 Upkeep)
Technology: Iron Age
Wonders: Eugenidean Academy- +2 upkeep free Education levels, +Kallipolis Cultural Center
Description: The Gerougioikoi, or Those that make Their Homes in the Lands of the Ancients (Gerougia means Land(s) of the Ancients) have, since the dawn of time, been an intensely varied and often paradoxical people. They are religious zealots and atheistic philosophers, cultural giants and military heroes, loving towards Life and respectful of Death, they have fought many wars amongst themselves while establishing a unique culture that unites all the various peoples. The brilliant Kallipoloi Strategos, Telamon of Ruthless Bronze, subdued all the warring cities and brought around a new era of unity. As trade begins to flourish, Telamon&#8217;s successor works on bringing about unity through the increasing belief that the State supercedes not only the individual, but the City as well. The Age of the Poleis (cities) is over. The Age of the Politeia (republic!) has begun.

Kingdom of Gorin
Cities: Gorin, Dathan
Leader: Kaiser Anthi Adakil
Culture: Gorinese, with Croyodonian Influences due to Vassalization. Masran, with Tiny Nordrassan Minority.
Government: Vassal Monarchy
Economy: 1- 1/0
Population: Small
Army: 1000 Spearmen, 2000 Mooseys
Navy: None
Education: None (0 Upkeep)
Technology: Imperial Age
Wonders: None
Description: Following the destruction of the Gorinese Empire, the de facto successor state, the Kingdom of Gorin, has been instated by Croyodon. Ruling only a handful of cities around the ancient heart of Gorin, the state is poor and deeply troubled. Cultural institutions such as the order of the Bajo-Oni and the ever-influential Masran theocracy, have been formally dismantled. Nonetheless, the title of Kaiser lives on, and the crossed axes of the flag still boldly fly.
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Gorin's Flag:

Cities: Galade
Leader: Melnuir Notnis
Culture: Moderate Swade Bladeist, with Heavy Gerougian Influences.
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 1- 1/0
Population: Small
Army: 2000 Swordsmen
Navy: 40 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Description: The Guarelans are a southern group of Bladeists, once thought to be one of the Swade spreadings forever lost at sea, now known to be running a minor island nation in the south Exodian Ocean.

Cities: Copenholm, Kallamas
Leader: King Vadon III
Culture: Kalmarian with large Valin Minority. Orthodox Oneist with Small Masra Minority and Tiny New Eldist Minority.
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 2- 1/1
Population: Small
Army: 1000 Spearmen, 2000 Archers, 2000 Axemen, 3000 Swordsmen
Navy: 30 Galleys, 20 Caravels
Education: None
Technology: Imperial Age
Description: Kalmar is the last remaining successor state of Old Veritas. It has, in the long years since the first fall of Veritas, redeveloped its own culture. It is unique among the Oneist powers due to the fact that it fights on the side of the UKKK.
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Cities: Soloxau, Takrau
Leader: King Radyas Keledex
Culture: Kehex with a Large Khemrian Minority. Aegyptian, though technically all heretics due to rebellion.
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 2- 1/1
Population: Small
Army: 500 Archers, 500 Pikemen
Navy: 10 Caravels, 5 Tridents
Education: None
Technology: Imperial Age
Description: As Khemri falls into a harsh civil war, Kehexou once again makes a grasp for independence.

Norvalin Republic of Veritas
Cities: Unias, Paridium
Leader: Tactikrator Vanadreus
Culture: Valin with Small Davian Minority. Orthodox Oneist, with a Small Pirian Minority.
Government: Authoritarian Democratic Republic
Economy: 3- 1/2
Population: Small
Army: 500 Autorian Knights, 1000 Regian Guards (7), 1000 Phoenix Archers (4.5), 1500 Scimitari
Navy: None
Education: 1 (0 Upkeep)
Technology: Imperial Age
Wonders: New Dawn- Makes Paridium an Eco. Center, +1 Free Education level
Description: Norvalin, a land of peace, solitude, and worship. So it has been for centuries, and so it hopes to remain, now that it has been once again released from New Veritas&#8217; direct rule.

Cities: Neturfar, Arnlar, Doguafar
Leader: Lord Anarion
Culture: Nurmaferi with a Medium Khemrian Minority. Otornosiast, with a Huge Aegyptian Minority.
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 3- 1/2
Population: Small
Army: 2000 Pikemen, 1000 Greatbowmen
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Imperial Age
Wonders: None
Description: Following a long period of Khemrian Occupation, a deal struck with the Anabetans led to Nurmafer&#8217;s independence, admittedly sped up by the Anabetan Empire&#8217;s demise. Now, it is striving to maintain its sweet freedom.

Imperial Republic of Paleaveritas
Cities: Lux, Salvation
Leader: Emperor Erias I
Culture: Khemran/Valin split. Majority Orthodox Oneist, with Large Aegyptian and Small New Eldist Minorities. Large amounts of Oneist/Aegyptian syncretism.
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 2- 1/1
Population: Medium
Army: 500 Pikemen, 500 Archers, 2000 Knights of the Republic (6), 5 Armoured Ramids, 15 000 Militia
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Imperial Age
Wonders: None
Description: Following the unlikely alliance of the Valin Stratikrator Majorian and Lord Enrae, Khemrian Loyalist Lord of Davar, coupled with the arrival of the exiled King Erias III of Khemri, the foundations of this nation were set in place. While it is buried in ethnic and religious issues, it is still standing, and with the war against Anabet won, peace and success may finally wait in store for the troubled lands of Paleaveritas.
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Flag of the Ptolemy Dynasty:

Cities: Jara, Iolar Geimhread, Tsarana
Leader: The Tricameron
Culture: Syracian, with Large Aithean Minority, Medium Tsayan Minority and Tiny Ida&#8217;an&#8217;i&#8217;i Minority. Majority Atheist, with medium Alse following and Divotheist remnants.
Government: Tripartite Monarchy
Economy: 3- 2/1
Population: Small
Army: 1000 Swordsmen, 1000 Archers, 1000 Spearmen, 2000 Arbaliers (crossbowmen), 2000 Sparakae (4.5), 1000 Cavalry, 30 Thresis Bows
Navy: 30 Galleys, 3 Separahs (Heavy Galleys)
Education: None
Technology: Imperial Age
Wonders: Scriptora Syracia- (3/6)
Description: After the destruction of Tsaya, the Syracians eliminated all of their competitors and took the eastern portion of the nation for themselves. A people who take pride in strength of arms and ingenuity, they have little patience for those who would limit themselves with devotion to silly superstitions.
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Tir Tairngire
Cities: Murias, Shae da Dale
Leader: Chief Chanlaech
Culture: Ethnic Tuatha, Divotheist and Pirian Oneist (roughly the same sized groups) with a Medium Banist Minority.
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: Small
Army: 1000 Spearmen, 3000 Swordsmen
Navy: 10 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Description: The Tuatha (which simply means "people" in their tongue) are a fierce warrior people. Tir Tairngire is one of the most notoriously unstable Azulian nations, due to both its mercenary habits and warlike leaders. Even today, this instability continues, with a religiously divided population and a frequently religious government.

Kingdom of Tishan
Cities: None
Leader: King Merekmayan I
Culture: Ethnic Gayari Tishanis, Tinuraji Religion with Medium Rajkutran and Small Guangfei Influences.
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 1- 1/0
Population: Tiny
Army: 2000 Spearmen
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Description: A curious nation in that it seems to be a triple point of culture: trace amounts of Guangfei and Valin ideas appear in their thinking, but also a completely different strain of thought that springs from Rajkutra alone. The kingdom itself is a rapidly expanding city-state which is poised on the brink of empire status; it seeks to become the only nation of its own culture (Andhari), the great, unified beacon for its people. Open to new methods and means of industry and art, they are nonetheless deeply steeped in their own traditions: limiting violence, spiritual completeness, mediating disputes, respecting animal life and sticking mostly to vegetarianism, and so on. Their distinctive view of time and faith gives rise to their belief in reincarnation, and the fleetingness of each incarnation gives them their determination to accomplish something with life, to experience each moment.

Cities: Trinlin
Leader: King Vendolin II
Culture: Trinlinese. Trinlinist, with a Small Tinuraji Minority.
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 2- 1/1
Population: Medium
Army: 3000 Spearmen, 2500 Swordsmen, 3000 Archers
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Wonders: None
Description: Freed at last from Mag occupation, Trinlin reappeared as only a shadow of its former self. Important lands were taken away from it, and ethnic troubles abounded. They were solved to some extent with the redrawing of borders and the destruction of Rozan, though the situation is still somewhat precarious.

Cities: Emerald
Leader: Kuri Vasa
Culture: Shalamari, with large Gorinese Minority. Crystalists, with a large Masran Minority.
Government: Monarchy
Economy: 1- 1/0
Population: Small
Army: 1000 Phalanx, 1000 Spearmen, 1000 Archers
Navy: None
Education: 1 (1 Upkeep)
Technology: Imperial Age
Wonders: None
Description: Gaining its independence during the fall of Gorin, the Crystalist enclave of Yashala maintains a tenuous existence around the south end of the Basu Mountains. Though it is small and weak for now, its intentions to acquire the old homelands in Shalamari are well-known.

Alse- A quasi-philosophical religion whose loosely-defined goal is to set the world on the 'Path' towards perfection. Originated in Kelios.

Ancestor Worship- The worshipping of One's Ancestors. Originated in Guangfei.

Animism- The belief in the holiness of nature, and the greater forces controlling it. A generic term for disorganized, spiritual faiths.

Neo-Animism- Animism, centered around humanity's struggle for enlightenment. Originated in Ikki, still practiced by some northern tribes.

Gooranism- Animism, rotating around the Supreme Goddess Goora. Originated in Northern Gamorrea.

Atheism- The belief in no gods. Originated in Tsaya.

Bladeism- Belief that blades are holy, and that the almighty Blademaster wields 6 blades, each exemplifying a facet of existence. Originated in the Swade Ascendancy

Church of the One- The first and most organized religion on Tellus, other than possibly Crystalism, the Church originated in Veritas, and is quite widespread. Believers follow the One, who is the only true deity, and created all that exists out of Chaos. Man was placed on a paradise by the One, but due to his sins, they were cast down into Tellus. The One and his Three Maxims (Light, Truth, and Order) are praised above all things.

Pirian Oneism- An orthodox version of Oneism, based around Hypandium scripts, which are believed to be the most true to the original texts of the Church of the One.

Way of the One- Guangfei's Oneist Church, which encourages freer thinking and separation from Veritasian religious imperialism.

Crystalism- Founded in Yath al'Shanaal of old, the heart of the religion lies in Wardash and the Stone Circles of Ruby. The Red Lady, mistress of death and love, is the matron deity, and rules over Netherworld - the realm of dead souls. The namesake of the religion is the frequent use of crystals in rituals to contact the Netherworld for wisdom, blessings and other things.

Masra- Gorinese form of Crystalism, worships Dula, the husband of the Red Lady. It has long since overtaken Orthodox Crystalism as the dominant form of the religion.

Mantea- Shu, Goddess of Day, The Good Mother, the Red Lady. Shi, Goddess of Night, The Temptress, the Blue Lady. Both are polar opposites, and both are worshipped equally in the faith of Mantea (Equilibrium in the Yathai tongue).

Divotheism- The name for the varied religions of native western Azulians which share one theme- the worship of the 'Sky Gods'.

Chanc- Chancotol Divotheism, which claims that the Gods want their children to use their gifts to spread wealth and prosperity through trade.

Ezamri- Zemoran Divotheism, which believes that the Gods want their children to use their gifts for the advancement of the human race.

Dualism- Malkavian beliefs featuring the two gods, Bane and Ignatia. Their differing interpretations among the Malkavian clans are what lead to much of its violent internal conflicts and political instability.

Banism- An evolution of Dualism, Banism states that this world is merely a test that Bane has created for us. Those who hold the ideals of Order, Peace and Justice in high regard and strive to remake the world in their own image shall find a place in Paradise. Peace will never be achieved while the people remain divided, only when the world is under one flag and one culture shall glorious peace reign eternal.

Eldism- A monotheistic religion at its core similar to Oneism, Eldism teaches that all gods are one, and that god is Eldos. He recognizes no race but the Eldranians. This religion has long been extinct, but its impact on the world may never die.

New Eldism- Radically different than its predecessor, New Eldism teaches of a different Eldos. He preaches knowledge and peace.

Gorrahnism-The Gorrahnist faith teaches of the supreme being, Gorrah, who is recognized as the same (but differently interpreted) God of the New Eldist faith, Eldos. His teachings speak of the pursuit of prosperity through stability, self-enrichment (somewhat like knowledge) and nationalism, and the supremacy of his followers over those of the other faiths. It is mostly a syncretic faith of New Eldism and Gooranism, and as such adopts principles of both (with a more northern twist). Originated in Southern Gamorrea.

Khemri Polytheism- Belief in the Khemri pantheon. The Holy codex documents the gods, the Book of the Dead teaches morals, and Mazdaism offers glimpses at the future of the Khmerian people, as well as being possibly the first step to monotheism.

Andues- Khemri polytheism, but there is only one god, Nikkal-Rae.

Aegypt- The hybrid of Andues and Oundainty, with one god from each faith. It was the dominant religion of the UKKK, but now that the Imperial Line is gone, the religion is on shaky ground.

Lengri- The religion of the Lengels, this faith is quite similar to Animism in most of its facets, but several discrepancies reveal deeply rooted differences in Lengel culture. For example, Lengri teaches that battle is the epitome of the human soul, revealing all of its weaknesses and virtues. A respect of a higher power is shown in Lengel worship of the Koke, the Eternal Blue Heaven. Lengri's support is primarily in the Lengel homelands. Outside, different religions and Tengri reign.

Messianic Gnosticism- A syncretic religion, Messianic Gnosticism, also known as Messianic Oneism, incorporates Bladeism, New Eldism, Oneism, Kyriotheism (itself a modified Oneist religion), and Gerougioikai and Guarelai philosophy. The religion grew from a general disillusionment from the Great Sins of the North. The skeptical southern peoples had always questioned and probed and refined their religion, existing in an atmosphere of constant dialogue, competition, and compromise. The One God of Oneism is split into multiple aspects, as in Bladeism. The aspects correspond to the religions: the kindly Autorex, the mighty Strategos, and the peace bringing Hierophant. Prince, Paladin, and Priest, the God of Messianic Gnosticism is also prophesied to come as a liberator of all men. The Great Prophets of Messianic Gnosticism are Eugenides, Phidias, and Alexandros.

Nordism- The belief in one god who is the supreme ruler of everything. The people are his servants in life and the afterlife. The supreme god is often seen as offering people paradise in the afterlife for life of servitude in life maintaining the world he created. People who are lazy or destructive are sent to a life of pain and misery in the core of the earth. They spend one life equal to their afterlife in this tomb of torture which they are reincarnated and given a second chance at making it to eternal paradise. The religion teaches that faith in the supreme god along with hard work, generosity, and just being a good person will lead to paradise.

Nordrassa- A syncretic mix of Nordism and Masra, originating in Croyodon.

Otornosiasm- Worship of the earth god, Otornos. He will aid his followers, and they will spread his word by holy book and holy sword. The holy book of Otornosiasm, or Yána, teaches the morals of religion and life.

Tinuraj- Belief in one God, Tinura, the creator, the destroyer, the teacher, and the judge of humanity. His symbol is the all-seeing eye. He may appear in different aspects of the divine being, for he has no true shape and no true gender, thus, his guises are as different as all the men of the world. He created the universe, and at the end of time, will destroy it as well; in the mean time, he guides the people of humanity on virtuous paths through their life (if they choose to listen). At their death, they appear before him, and he judges whether they are a fit to enter Perfection, or whether they must return to the cycle of life for another attempt. His divine will is not that there should be uniform happiness on the world, for if there is only happiness, then there would be no struggles, and if there were no struggles, none would learn enough to join Perfection. Thus, followers of Tinuraj attempt to find their true path in life by meditating on their qualities and gifts, and realizing in the end what their ultimate path in life must be. Tinuraji believe that all creatures in the world spring from the same source (Tinura himself), and thus that to kill another being is an act that must be done only in the utmost of need. Hence, they generally avoid war, and many do not kill or eat animals (though some, especially foreign converts, don't bother with this more difficult tenet; it's a tolerating religion), though they will naturally raise a hand to defend themselves.

Trinlinism- Trinlinism revolves around the belief in 5 gods. Zester is for the sky, Terrium is of the earth, Wiviter is the god of the water, Ouvunter is the god of the wind, and Cinnav is the god of the fire.

Ectlinism- Ect Trinlinism with animist leanings. It is more judgemental of the gods, viewing Terrium and Cinnav with adoration, while Zester and Wiviter are viewed neutrally, and Ouvunter is feared and hated.

Magarism- Magarism is a branch of Trinlinism, developed after the partitioning of Magland, and it reflects the stoic attitudes of the Mags who first developed it. The belief revolves around the appearance of the gods to a man/prophet named Loran and what they taught him. Teachings include never letting go of what one is given by the gods, accepting and making use of what the gods give you even when it is too much or too little.
Post Away!

I'm going to do some stat edits soon, but they won't affect your orders at all.

Orders due anytime on Friday.
yay! signing in, Myocaca is interested in purchasing land connecting her empire with the West Sea.
Rajkutran Empire
Cities: Pattanagara
Leader: Jaidev Dynasty / North King
Religion: Tinuraj
Government: Hereditary Monarchy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: To be determined by me
Army: To be determined by me
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Bronze Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: None
Description: A curious nation in that it seems to be a triple point of culture: trace amounts of Guangfei and Valin ideas appear in their thinking, but also a completely different strain of thought that springs from Rajkutra alone. The kingdom itself is a rapidly expanding city-state which is poised on the brink of empire status; it seeks to become the only nation of its own culture (Andhari), the great, unified beacon for its people. Open to new methods and means of industry and art, they are nonetheless deeply steeped in their own traditions: limiting violence, spiritual completeness, mediating disputes, respecting animal life and sticking mostly to vegetarianism, and so on. Their distinctive view of time and faith gives rise to their belief in reincarnation, and the fleetingness of each incarnation gives them their determination to accomplish something with life, to experience each moment.

I would prefer that nation color as well, or something approximating it. It’s an orange-yellow mix with the yellow dominant, slightly darker than MS paint yellow. It’s supposed to be a golden color, so anything like that is good with me.

The religion is a central aspect of the nation, and I'd like it if you could add it to the listings:

Rajkutrans follow Tinuraj, believing in one God, Tinura, the creator, the destroyer, the teacher, and the judge of humanity. His symbol is the all-seeing eye. He may appear in different aspects of the divine being, for he has no true shape and no true gender, thus, his guises are as different as all the men of the world. He created the universe, and at the end of time, will destroy it as well; in the mean time, he guides the people of humanity on virtuous paths through their life (if they choose to listen). At their death, they appear before him, and he judges whether they are a fit to enter Perfection, or whether they must return to the cycle of life for another attempt. His divine will is not that there should be uniform happiness on the world, for if there is only happiness, then there would be no struggles, and if there were no struggles, none would learn enough to join Perfection. Thus, followers of Tinuraj attempt to find their true path in life by meditating on their qualities and gifts, and realizing in the end what their ultimate path in life must be. Tinuraji believe that all creatures in the world spring from the same source (Tinura himself), and thus that to kill another being is an act that must be done only in the utmost of need. Hence, they generally avoid war, and many do not kill or eat animals (though some, especially foreign converts, don't bother with this more difficult tenet; it's a tolerating religion), though they will naturally raise a hand to defend themselves.

Yes, it's a little long, but it's all relevant. :p

Spoiler In mind-numbing detail :
[censored for spoilers to the first storyline]

The economy of the Rajkutrans is, unsurprisingly, quite agricultural. However, they have a thriving artisan community, with stone-carving, figurine making, jeweling, and other sorts of creation are practiced constantly. The tolerant air of the court allows a gathering of intellectuals and philosophers that rivals any other royal court, allowing creation of a more educated kind, as well. Trade is not quite so important, but goods of other lands are bought when they can be gotten, and they sell their own goods when they can. Mostly, though, the people continue as they have, taking joy in tilled earth and growing plants, keeping cows for their milk and hens for eggs, and only killing their animals in mercy. On the other hand, the taxes must be paid: the king’s men take one part of every five from each field. They repay the farmer with a token granting him his land in the name of the King, that keeps him from being taxed again, and in effect is a property deed.

Transporting goods and people around Rajkutra can be something of a pain; fortunately, the great river system running through the nation allows a plethora of river boats to carry things to and fro in the nation; water being quicker and more efficient than most land transport at this time. Of course, for overland, they have simple roads, occasionally overlain with paving stones, and oxen-drawn carts.

Their unusual perspectives on religion allow the Rajkutrans to examine their own position in life without any qualms at all. Usually they plan their own future through lengthy introspection, but find the time to enjoy each moment of life as well: each incarnation is short, they reason, so it is best to enjoy and fulfill it to the most that they can. As such, they have all sorts of developed and refined arts: their shrines and homes alike are filled with statues to god and his various divine aspects; their carpets are woven with brilliantly colored tapestries. Gardens, peaked arches, and quiet pools and streams dominate their architecture: the stereotypical Andhari home is one set back from the road considerably, with an arched doorway, a door of a heavy cloth, large windows to let in light, gently sloping roofs, and some form of water and gardens by it. Their cuisine is distinctive: rich in the spices of Guangfei, but with many flavors all their own; the foods vary wildly. The traditional dress is saris for women and robes for men, but shirts and trousers are making appearances from the north. Music is highly varied throughout, but typically utilizes the full range of singing, drums, horns, and plucked string instruments; melodies typically are thoroughly interwoven with the harmonies. The performing arts often involve dancing, along with hymn-like chants and their plays long, thoughtful monologues by the characters to the audience. Sports involve complete concentration and meditation, but there is no set example played through the nation. Martial arts are popular. Tombs are typically simple and modest, if used at all, for the material self is rather unimportant. In fact, many Andhari have themselves cremated instead of buried.

Education is simple in the Rajkutran Empire. While some people run schools to educate children in the basics of reading, writing, laws and history, in order to help them secure government or guild positions, most education is simply handled through apprenticeships to masters; if one is extremely rich, private tutors can be hired. At the same time, the open and tolerating environment allows the king to keep a court full of scholars and thinkers; perhaps one of the most philosophical royal courts in the world.

The Empire provides for keeping the cities mostly clean and secure. Sewage is usually handled through drainage systems in major cities; typically they end up dumping their waste into swamps, which, they reason, are perfectly suited for dealing with unclean things. Doctors learned in the arts of the greater world, yet steeped in the traditional medicines of their homeland are popular and well respected within their communities. Meanwhile, the cities often pay the jobless to sweep the streets clean of dust and garbage.

The Rajkutran military uses the tiger as its emblem, and in the words of Jaidev himself, “We should seek to emulate that most noble of lords: the tiger. Let us leap from the shadows, throw our prey crashing to the ground, kill him with swiftness, and stubbornly clutch him until he falls limp.” Thus, they prefer to use subtle maneuvering to draw the enemy into an unfavorable position, then crush them quickly, mopping up the remnants methodically so a defeated army is not able to return. The army uses a balance of infantry and cavalry: their cavalry are typically used to deliver the hammer blows, while infantry pin the enemy and wear him away. Bamboo or strong wooden bows are used, along with long and short spears and short stabbing swords. Highly organized and disciplined, the armies typically rely on a patient strategy to destroy enemy armies with a minimum of casualties to themselves. Their navy consists primarily of river boats.

OOC: Obviously there are Indian influences here, both overt and subtle, but it should not be taken as an Indian copy-paste nation; that would insult Rajkutra and India alike. In fact, much of the culture of Rajkutra is radically different from India’s on several points, and even some things which seem highly similar (the religion, for example) are actually quite different underneath.
Swade here

Reserving post for story for Otaria
*Note: This Story is for Grombar, who asked me very nicely to help set up a background story for his nation.


The Swade Ascendancy had been no paradise to live in. It had been tolerable, and you always knew, deep down, you were doing the will of the Blademaster, but life for a Peasant had no luxuries. 6 days of the week you worked in the plantations, hopeing to grow or harvest enough foodstuffs to meet your quota and feed your family. Or, at least thats how it used to be. Then the war broke out. The fields were tended by women and children and the few men left on the plantations, after conscription, were either old or had suffered some horrible wound in battle. For a while, men became tools of procreation. A man would be married to his wife, but occasionally the Aristocrat in control of the Plantation would force him to give his seed to other women, so the Aristocrat's "assets" might be fruitful and multiply.

Peasants were owned by their Lords or Ladies, or who ever decided to abuse them that day. Their life was only in their hands when they were in temple, worshiping the Blademaster. He was Good and Understanding and they knew at the end of their lives that he would accept them into Peresofo, the Bladeist Heaven. So their monotone lives trudged on and they died, and their children took their places.

But then, at the peak of Evern IV's insanity, everything changed. Soldiers from the Ascendant Master came down and told the Aristocrats they had to go fight the war. They then confiscated all the land. Swade Plantations had always been huge fiefs, but the government reorganized them into monsters, counties of peasents and fields. And the Peasants didn't gather the food for their family and lord anymore. Everything they gathered was given to the Military Man in charge. Then, supplies for the soldiers would be shipped out. Whatever was left was rationed among the peasant families.

Times grew harsh, famine spread. But that only made the Military more opressive, that only made Authority more oppressive. Whips and brands and example executions were employed to get the peasants working up to quota, even though families of 6 or 7 would sometimes have to split one apple as their only meal for the day. Life became an unbearable cycle of oppression. Authority had complete control of their communitys. Even temple was pervaded, which was the last straw for the ultra pious Peasants.

Word trickled down of the White Riders rebellion, and the impending implosion of the Ascendancy. The local militia flooded into the Peasant's worship time at the temple. They had intended only to insure the loyalty of these peasants. But they had instead sparked the fuse. Through their strenght of numbers, the Peasants overthrough their military overlords. They used their worship blades to cut down the poorly trained and green militia. They threw the Overlord from the Military out of the window and then whipped him with his whips and killed him with his sword.

Their little rebellion spread, onto 5 Plantations. Once the opressors were, gone, once the authority was vanquished, they set up their new soceity. They relied on town councils and it was a egalitarian soceity. A Community of communes. It was paradise to them. None starved and none oppressed. It was heaven, it was Peresofo.

So for the year it existed, their utopia became known as The Tellusian Peresofo. But then the Myocacan's marched in. They put and end to this sillyness about equality and freedom and peasants as rulers. They killed the Peasants heaven. Everyone must swear fealty to the Myocacan King, the vanquisher of even the Voice of the Blademaster himself. And so they did as they were told.

But this didn't continue for long. No, because that taste of equality was still in their mouths. They went to temple as usually, but after the ceremonies, they planned and plotted. When word came that any Swade who wished too could emigrate to Otaria, they saw their chance. All 15,000 Members of the former Utopia upped and left. This of course was not liked one bit by the Myocacans, but they couldn't stop them. They had their swords and they had the numbers. And even if the Myocacans managed to put them down, slaughtering 15K Swade would NOT be good for stability, now would it.

So the column marched on, until they reached the Myocacan capital. This grand port city was unlike any they had every seen. It was so wonderful and beautiful. It was awe inspireing. But they were on a mission. They sent their leaders to the port, where they found a Bladeist Emorian who had quite the buisness going in ferrying. His enterprise had built two private Biguns, along with 10 odd Galleys. They worked out a deal with him to transport their entire group with all his ships. He was quite surprised by such a request, but the leaders (falsely) insisted that they were summoned by the White Rider himself, and that the man would be rewarded with the looted riches of 1,000 Oneists Aristocrats. The greedy Emorian of course accepted. So they sailed for Otaria.

But that was not their actual destination. No. Once they were out in the middle of the ocean, a mutiny broke out. The crew was all incapacitated or killed, accept for those they needed to steer the ships. They were promised their lives and riches if they would bring these Peasants to their true destination. Azulia.

The journey to the New World was a long a perilious one. But no ships were lost. After many months of sailing, they set down upon a fertile land to the east. By this time the sailors had been one over by their tales of paradise and equality. The Peasants set down and were Peasants no more. They were settlers. With in the year they had settled down and created farms and raised livestock. They began domesticating some of the local beasts. They set up their government, so that communes had votes on local policy, and representatives from each family[1] were sent to meet in the capital during the winter months, when national descisions were made. They lived in happyness, and before long, they took their old moniker up. They were now living in The Tellusian Peresofo. These Peresofites prospered and laid the foundations for a great capital city, laid in the style of the great Myocacan capital. They named their capital Egal, from which our word Egalitarian comes from. This unique and pious Bladeist state was here to stay.

[1] family included cousins as well. Think of it more as mideveil Houses.

Tellusian Peresofo
Cities: Egal
Leader: The Family Council/Grombar
Religion: Bladeism
Government: Decentralized Egalitarian Democracy
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: To be determined by me
Army: To be determined by me
Navy: 10 Galleys, 2 Biguns
Education: None
Technology: Bronze Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: None
Description: See above;)

I will leave the exact location to Grombar and Iggy to figure out. Grombar, I hope this meets your expectations.
Woohoo first post in new thread!

BTW Iggs, gonna add my religion to the list there?

And will these lower quality updates increase their frequency to something like 2 a month? :p
I'm gonna shoot for weekly, but I'll take what I can get.

Swade here

Reserving post for story for Otaria
I was under the impression that the Swades were toast and you were Otaria.
Confirming Iron Face Remnants or rather, in later stories, the Iron Face Mercanary Army.
*mrrhahham* here. Thylayli still waiting for that PM.
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