Message failure


Jun 16, 2015
I bought the smac/smax package from GOG recently. I have noticed an odd thing. Every one in a while the popup window will open saying I have an important message from whoever. I hit OK, but the window closes and the same window reopens. There is only one choice, I think it's something like "Put them to my screen" or something like that. This goes 3 times, one after another and then stops. I never get a message from that faction leader. Anyone else see this? Not a big deal, but it acts as if I am ignoring that person. Thanks!
Yitzi asks for a gamesave so he can try to duplicate. I knew he would and should have said so yesterday.

I don't actually play much anymore, as I'm, ironically, too busy running a SMACX forum - so the next time you see it, please post a save of the end of the turn before it happened, and another made immediately after. It always happens for me at the beginning of turns, IIRC, and so I suspect it's another bug in beginning-of-the-turn processing.
OK Buster, I'll do that. It's not serious but it is irritating! LOL! Thanks!
I've experienced this problem for as long as I've played SMAX, with and without mods and patches.

I have provided a saved game. If you move the first unit available, a former, north towards a University base you will encounter 4 messages from Zakharov before he finally declares war.

I have never been at war with the University before, but we have been on bad terms for awhile. I recently reinstated the charter, after planet busting the Hive and obliterating some of the Cult's bases.

If you speak to Zakharov first, you can avoid the bug. If you move the former first towards him, you will experience the bug.

This is with Yitzi's latest mod running, but I know this problem occurs in regular games through all the patches.
Yitzi usually delivers if he's gonna pretty fast:
Yitzi said:
Well, I've investigated somewhat: It looks like it should always happen a limited number of times (11 at most, but probably less since some of those functions may be skipped over). To figure out more, I would need to examine, in depth, the AI diplomacy procedure...which, at 34 KB and change, is extremely large, and possibly the involved sub-procedure as well. So when I next take nominations, starting it could be nominated...but not doing the whole thing, it's just too big. (On the plus side, once I know enough to fix it, I'll probably have a very good sense of how to change AI diplomacy as well.)
Thanks for sharing that!

I've noticed another problem the other day:

You can move a unit from a sea base to a land tile without being Amphibious so long as there is a probe team in land tile you're moving into.

In this case, the Spartans, who have surrendered to me, had multiple probe teams in a land tile adjacent to a Sea Colony on the coast. I could move units into their tile on land but not any other tiles without being warned that I needed the units to be Amphibious.
Actually, you can move a non-amphibious unit from a sea base to a land tile whenever the land tile is occupied by any unit, not just a probe team.
I know this issue has been discussed before, but I can't recall whether it's generally regarded as a bug. Seems like a bug to me, though.
Been offline for a while working. I see Yitzi got the saved game he needed and has it under control, :goodjob: so I won't worry about this anymore. Thanks all!!!
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