This guy's dad has 13,031 HOURS played, that equals 12.38 hours PER DAY since release

Is that even possible? I wish I could play 12 hours a day without
1. Getting shouted at by other people in my house
2. Having to work
3. Having to get educated
4. Having to be social

Well, I guess there are many options. He could just let the game run while he's at work. Or he could play from 8 a.m. (After dinner) to the next morning. There are some people that don't require sleep, so he might be one of them.
Somewhere in the post I think it gets covered his dad is in his 50's and like retired, so he doesn't have anything else to do. :lol::lol:
I think that guy just leaves it on all day not actually playing. Still pretty nuts. I have seen someone with similar skyrim played, like 10 hours a day since release.
I doubt he's also married.

Edit: my question was ninjaed.
I think that guy just leaves it on all day not actually playing. Still pretty nuts. I have seen someone with similar skyrim played, like 10 hours a day since release.


I do this with a lot of games as well. I'll go out and take the dogs for a walk and I'll come back in and a game like Farcry ends up getting 100 hours of gameplay as opposed to the 12 I actually played.

But realistically he's not been very productive in his time. Consider that he has unlocked about 120 achievements. I only have 300 hours of gameplay and I've unlocked roughly the same number.
I'm thinking left Civ V left running on his machine while doing something else.

There was a point (before G&K came out) in which starting the game could take so long (the steam check) that it wasn't worth shutting down if you thought you might play again that day.
Who's that?

Maddjinn Christ is Sid Meier's son, and our lord and Savior. You must accept him in your heart and you will be saved and go to Civ heaven.
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