Number of Civs vs City-States balance


Jun 30, 2009
On my 4th BNW game now and I'm experimenting with have an equal number of Civs and CS. I play on small maps so instead of 6/12 I'm going to try 8/8 and see how that works out. Maybe it's because I am still used to Civ4 but I found the number of CS to be overwhelming in the first few CiV games I've played. Just wondering if anyone else tweaks the balance or leaves it on default?
I'm finding (just like Vanilla and G&K) that the default ratio of 2:1 is rather high. (I wanted to re-test this in BNW) In my next game, I'll knock it back to 1:1 like normal.
1:1 works well for me, gives civs room to expand as opposed to having to conquer city states frequently.
The default seems fine to me, it never seems like anyone is too crunched for space with the default settings.
I feel I need to add actually a few civs (and take a few city states off the map) as AI play better tall, having more tall civs leads to a more competitive game
I usually do standard but 8 civs with 10 city states. I also found that the default 16 is pretty overwhelming.
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